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Changes to LoTW/eQSL download error files Preface Sometimes you find some "QSO not found" errors in LoTW or eQSL download. There are some reasons for that. QSO did not complete and you did not log that, but the opponent station thinks it is completed. People type in their old paper logs to computer and upload them to LoTW/eQSL. QSO is ok but it is somewhere in your earlier paper logs. QSO may be an SWL report waiting to confirm via eQSL To make handling of those qsos a bit easier format of error files is changed. - Added adif header to lotw/eqsl download error files. - Added adif record for every lotw/eqsl error 'not in log' qso record with lotw/eqsl sent+date and contest_id 'Qso_was_not_found_in_log!' - Renamed lotw/eqsl error files to ".adi". Changed error file format by adif standard - Fixed frmMain speed button 'select all records' to be 'select all records now in buffer (max 500)' that is actually true. This resolves issue #380 by easy way - help file fixes and additions Squashed commit of the following: commit efcd6114d249bab1181c0f89ac6759f08b4e9597 Author: OH1KH <oh1kh@sral.fi> Date: Wed Feb 16 10:06:17 2022 +0200 help file fixes and additions commit fcd9d9fe521006bcc20a267684a9f811364bacf0 Author: OH1KH <oh1kh@sral.fi> Date: Tue Feb 15 19:28:00 2022 +0200 Removed *.txt from adif import selection list. Renamed lotw/eqsl error files to .adi. Changed error file format by adif standard commit b81dcb04c49c20c26e14a13f891b40a253592114 Author: OH1KH <oh1kh@sral.fi> Date: Tue Feb 15 11:47:10 2022 +0200 Added adif header to loww/eqsl error files.Added adif record for every lotw/eqsl error 'not in log' record with lotw/eqsl sent+date and command 'not in log'. Fixed frmMain 'select all records' to be 'select all records now in buffer (max 500)' that is actually true. Added *.txt files to show in adif import file selector so that lotw/eqsl eroro files can be found for import
2022-02-16 08:25:25 +00:00
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<title>CQRLOG - LoTW/eQSL import errors</title></head>
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<font color="red">WARNING!</font></strong>
Backup your data often! BACKUP your log directory at the end of EVERY session!
All that you need to backup and store in a safe place is the log database directory
located in the ~/.config/cqrlog/database folder, or you can enable the autobackup function
in Preferences. This autobackup function creates an ADIF file with a backup of your log.
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<div style="text-align: left;"><strong>CQRLOG for LINUX by OK2CQR &amp; OK1RR</strong></div>
<p align="center"><img src="img/line.png"></p>
<H2>LoTW/eQSL import errors</H2>
Sometimes you find some "QSO not found" errors in LoTW or eQSL download. There are some reasons for that.<br>
<li>QSO did not complete and you did not log that, but the opponent station thinks it is completed.</li>
<li>You forgot to set remote on and logged qso only to your digital mode program. (You find qso from it's log)
Changes to LoTW/eQSL download error files Preface Sometimes you find some "QSO not found" errors in LoTW or eQSL download. There are some reasons for that. QSO did not complete and you did not log that, but the opponent station thinks it is completed. People type in their old paper logs to computer and upload them to LoTW/eQSL. QSO is ok but it is somewhere in your earlier paper logs. QSO may be an SWL report waiting to confirm via eQSL To make handling of those qsos a bit easier format of error files is changed. - Added adif header to lotw/eqsl download error files. - Added adif record for every lotw/eqsl error 'not in log' qso record with lotw/eqsl sent+date and contest_id 'Qso_was_not_found_in_log!' - Renamed lotw/eqsl error files to ".adi". Changed error file format by adif standard - Fixed frmMain speed button 'select all records' to be 'select all records now in buffer (max 500)' that is actually true. This resolves issue #380 by easy way - help file fixes and additions Squashed commit of the following: commit efcd6114d249bab1181c0f89ac6759f08b4e9597 Author: OH1KH <oh1kh@sral.fi> Date: Wed Feb 16 10:06:17 2022 +0200 help file fixes and additions commit fcd9d9fe521006bcc20a267684a9f811364bacf0 Author: OH1KH <oh1kh@sral.fi> Date: Tue Feb 15 19:28:00 2022 +0200 Removed *.txt from adif import selection list. Renamed lotw/eqsl error files to .adi. Changed error file format by adif standard commit b81dcb04c49c20c26e14a13f891b40a253592114 Author: OH1KH <oh1kh@sral.fi> Date: Tue Feb 15 11:47:10 2022 +0200 Added adif header to loww/eqsl error files.Added adif record for every lotw/eqsl error 'not in log' record with lotw/eqsl sent+date and command 'not in log'. Fixed frmMain 'select all records' to be 'select all records now in buffer (max 500)' that is actually true. Added *.txt files to show in adif import file selector so that lotw/eqsl eroro files can be found for import
2022-02-16 08:25:25 +00:00
<li>People type in their old paper logs to computer and upload them to LoTW/eQSL. QSO is ok but it is somewhere in your earlier paper logs.</li>
<li>QSO may be an SWL report waiting to confirm via eQSL</li>
Those same errors keep appearing every time when you download from LoTW/eQSL. If you confirm or archive qso in eQSL that does not help as downloading always gives all qsos from given start date.
<br>Only way to get rid of those errors is to add them into cqrlog. Cqrlog LoTW and eQSL error file names are now modified from ".txt" to ."adi" and file contents are suitable for adif import.
<p><H4>Operating with error files</H4>
If you just want to add all qsos that were not in your log you simply make <strong>QSO list/File/Import/ADIF</strong> using <strong>errors_LoTW.adi</strong> or <strong> errors_eQSL.adi</strong> file.
<br>All qsos are added to your log with following additions:
<li>LoTW qsl sent and LoTW qsl sent date is set to current date</li>
<li>eQSL qsl sent and eQSL qsl sent date is set to current date</li>
<ul><li>These prevent upload on next "Export only QSOs which has never been uploaded"</li></ul>
<li>Contest name is set to "Qso_was_not_found_in_log!" for all imported QSOs</li>
<ul><li>This allows quick find of all these kind of qsos using <strong>QSO list/Filter/Contest filter</strong></li></ul>
If you do not want to import all error qsos, or want to send a confirmation to eQSL for SWL report, or confirm old paper log qso via LoTW you can do it
quite easy by modifying the <strong>errors_LoTW.adi</strong> or <strong> errors_eQSL.adi</strong> file with plain text editor <strong>before you import it to cqrlog.</strong>.
</p><p><img src="img/qslimperr1.png"></p>
<p>Here is a sample eQSL error file opened with Leafpad editor (that shows line numbers at left side).
LoTW error file looks very similar, but has some text more for every qso record.
<br><br>When you edit file do not touch the header of the file. Lines from 1 to 8 where header ends with "EOH" (End Of Header).
<br>You can remove qso records that you do not want to import to your log by removing all record's lines. For example here remove the F-21716 qso means
to remove lines 10 - 23. Adif tag &lt;APP_CQRLOG_ERROR:XXX specifies error label data lenght but it is actually not used for anything.
<br>There are also other comments starting with &lt;APP_CQRLOG_NOTE that are just for information.
<br><br><b>NOTE:</b>RST sent/rcvd are swapped to be ready for import to your log. I.E. senders RST_sent is placed to (your) RST_rcvd already.
<br>(This concerns mainly eQSL as LoTW does not handle RSTs)
<br>You just have to fix your RST_sent to proper value, as well as remove "LoTW/eQSL uploaded" mark if you want to upload this "found qso" to LoTW/eQSL after import.
Changes to LoTW/eQSL download error files Preface Sometimes you find some "QSO not found" errors in LoTW or eQSL download. There are some reasons for that. QSO did not complete and you did not log that, but the opponent station thinks it is completed. People type in their old paper logs to computer and upload them to LoTW/eQSL. QSO is ok but it is somewhere in your earlier paper logs. QSO may be an SWL report waiting to confirm via eQSL To make handling of those qsos a bit easier format of error files is changed. - Added adif header to lotw/eqsl download error files. - Added adif record for every lotw/eqsl error 'not in log' qso record with lotw/eqsl sent+date and contest_id 'Qso_was_not_found_in_log!' - Renamed lotw/eqsl error files to ".adi". Changed error file format by adif standard - Fixed frmMain speed button 'select all records' to be 'select all records now in buffer (max 500)' that is actually true. This resolves issue #380 by easy way - help file fixes and additions Squashed commit of the following: commit efcd6114d249bab1181c0f89ac6759f08b4e9597 Author: OH1KH <oh1kh@sral.fi> Date: Wed Feb 16 10:06:17 2022 +0200 help file fixes and additions commit fcd9d9fe521006bcc20a267684a9f811364bacf0 Author: OH1KH <oh1kh@sral.fi> Date: Tue Feb 15 19:28:00 2022 +0200 Removed *.txt from adif import selection list. Renamed lotw/eqsl error files to .adi. Changed error file format by adif standard commit b81dcb04c49c20c26e14a13f891b40a253592114 Author: OH1KH <oh1kh@sral.fi> Date: Tue Feb 15 11:47:10 2022 +0200 Added adif header to loww/eqsl error files.Added adif record for every lotw/eqsl error 'not in log' record with lotw/eqsl sent+date and command 'not in log'. Fixed frmMain 'select all records' to be 'select all records now in buffer (max 500)' that is actually true. Added *.txt files to show in adif import file selector so that lotw/eqsl eroro files can be found for import
2022-02-16 08:25:25 +00:00
Fix for LoTW/eQSL download - Fixed serious bug in CommonImport. That caused a lot of "Qso not in log" errors with eQSL download with SSB qsos. Sorry for that bug, but I have mostly CW and digital qsos and finding out that exception took some time for me. By adif standard SSB has submodes USB and LSB. How ever cqrlog uses SBB as mode and in that case submode may not override mode as cqrlog needs it to be just "SSB" otherwise comparing downloaded qsos with log qsos fails. - Fixed same SSB bug in remote ADIF mode Same bug existed also in ADIF remote. In ADIF import from adif file this USB/LSB is also set, but cqrlog fixes this before writing qso to log database. This has been there "for ages" Then issue #492 affected only to ADIF remote and eQSL/LoTW download. - Modified eQSL download error file record content with SWLs This should make answering to SWL eQSL easier. They have interest in Ham radio. One day they might have Ham licence. Perhaps it is good for future of our hobby to give them some support. eQSL marks those SWL qsls with special tag. In case of tag "APP_EQSL_SWL" is found process changes error file: - CONTEST_ID tag is changed "SWL_not_found_in_log!" for easy finding those "qsos" with contest filter - RST tags are swapped. SWLs put their report to RST_SENT. We move it to RST_RCVD and set "SWL" to RST_SEND contents in our side. - SWL should report "qso with" in QSLMSG tag to have valid swl report We swap it to COMMENT tag (comment for qso) for easy checking. After these changes the error file imported to cqrlog makes SWL eQSL cards to be easier to find and answer. Of course they can be imported also to log defined specially for them. If SWL report is checked as valid just change eQSL_sent from preset "Y" to "N" with group edit to make answers to be ready for eQSL upload. - Tried to find random error that locks cqrlog when "QSO list/File/Search" (Ctrl+F) is used. No luck. But found out that error does not happen while in fSearch.pas. It happens after (found one time before entering search) and is related to dbGrid used to show QSOs in QSO list. Error point is "Bookmarklist.Find/dbGrids.pas", but what causes it? Sometimes all works without errors, sometimes error comes with every search. Cleaned fSearc.pas a little bit and also added it to project. It was not there and so not found with Lazarus/Project/Units list. - Fixed help files a bit. Squashed commit of the following: commit 440f7d64dc685086d65a78b34b9fd589cf7e2013 Author: OH1KH <oh1kh@sral.fi> Date: Sat Mar 5 13:10:18 2022 +0200 Search code cleanup commit 619d86eae14bb86d13cc7bb78f6aba0fb7a0a875 Author: OH1KH <oh1kh@sral.fi> Date: Sat Mar 5 13:05:59 2022 +0200 add fSearch.pas to project commit c5dc19d06d39c397732dda3d35175b5d0e9c33b5 Author: OH1KH <oh1kh@sral.fi> Date: Sat Mar 5 11:54:57 2022 +0200 - Fixed serious bug in CommonImport. By adif standard SSB has submodes USB and LSB. How ever cqrlog uses SBB as mode and so in that case submode may not override mode. Sorry for that bug, but I have mostly CW and digital qsos and finding out that exeption took some time. commit 39998e933722f000ccb5629e980d42f914c16bac Author: OH1KH <oh1kh@sral.fi> Date: Fri Mar 4 16:43:06 2022 +0200 Fixed eQSL download error file content This should make answering to SWL eQSL easier. They have interest in Ham radio. One day thay might have Ham licence. In case of tag "APP_EQSL_SWL" is found process changes error file: - CNÒNTEST_ID tag is changed "SWL_NOT FOUND IN LOG!" for easy finding with contest filter - RST tags are swapped. SWLs put their report to RST_SENT. We move it to RST_RCVD and out "SWL" to RST_SEND. - SWL should report "qso with" in QSLMSG tag to have valid swl report We swap it to COMMENT tag (comment for qso) for easy checking. After these changes the error file can support adif import to cqrlog better.
2022-03-07 11:38:14 +00:00
Cqrlog fixes error record if adif tag APP_EQSL_SWL is found.<br>
CONTEST_ID is changed to talk about "SWL" instead of "Qso". Then all imported SWL cards from this error file can be found fast by selecting Contest filter "SWL_was_not_found_in_log!"
<br>RST_SENT is swapped to RST_RCVD as SWLs do report how heard you in RST_SENT tag.
<br>RST_SENT is replaced as "SWL". This is your "report" for swl.
<br>SWLs should report who they heard you working with. They should use QSOMSG adif tag. This is swapped to tag COMMENT to show up in "Comment for qso" in cqrlog. Without this informaton you can concider that swl report is not valid.
<br><br>If you want to upload a confirmation for SWL after importing error file to cqrlog change "eQSL qsl sent" value with QSL list/File/Group edit from Y to N to cause upload to eQSL. This might be handy if you want to check several swl cards before uploading. Be careful not to touch "LoTW qsl sent" value as LoTW does not support SWLs.
<br><br>Same way, if you want to confirm an old paper log qso now added to cqrlog on next upload/"Export only QSOs which has never been uploaded"
just change the eQSL and/or LoTW qsl set from value Y to N</p>
Changes to LoTW/eQSL download error files Preface Sometimes you find some "QSO not found" errors in LoTW or eQSL download. There are some reasons for that. QSO did not complete and you did not log that, but the opponent station thinks it is completed. People type in their old paper logs to computer and upload them to LoTW/eQSL. QSO is ok but it is somewhere in your earlier paper logs. QSO may be an SWL report waiting to confirm via eQSL To make handling of those qsos a bit easier format of error files is changed. - Added adif header to lotw/eqsl download error files. - Added adif record for every lotw/eqsl error 'not in log' qso record with lotw/eqsl sent+date and contest_id 'Qso_was_not_found_in_log!' - Renamed lotw/eqsl error files to ".adi". Changed error file format by adif standard - Fixed frmMain speed button 'select all records' to be 'select all records now in buffer (max 500)' that is actually true. This resolves issue #380 by easy way - help file fixes and additions Squashed commit of the following: commit efcd6114d249bab1181c0f89ac6759f08b4e9597 Author: OH1KH <oh1kh@sral.fi> Date: Wed Feb 16 10:06:17 2022 +0200 help file fixes and additions commit fcd9d9fe521006bcc20a267684a9f811364bacf0 Author: OH1KH <oh1kh@sral.fi> Date: Tue Feb 15 19:28:00 2022 +0200 Removed *.txt from adif import selection list. Renamed lotw/eqsl error files to .adi. Changed error file format by adif standard commit b81dcb04c49c20c26e14a13f891b40a253592114 Author: OH1KH <oh1kh@sral.fi> Date: Tue Feb 15 11:47:10 2022 +0200 Added adif header to loww/eqsl error files.Added adif record for every lotw/eqsl error 'not in log' record with lotw/eqsl sent+date and command 'not in log'. Fixed frmMain 'select all records' to be 'select all records now in buffer (max 500)' that is actually true. Added *.txt files to show in adif import file selector so that lotw/eqsl eroro files can be found for import
2022-02-16 08:25:25 +00:00
<p>With these properties handling of "not found qsos" should become a little bit easier</p>
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