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2013-03-15 20:13:08 +00:00
# info
+ new feature
- bugfix
2014-02-04 05:52:25 +00:00
- TRX control stop working - fixed
+ after hitting ESC in any window opened from NewQSO, cursor will be returned to callsign edit field
+ frequency in New QSO and QSO list wondow is formated to 0.0000
+ added Help -> Keys and shortcut to menu in QSO window
- RBN integration into GrayLine showed CW speed instead of signal strench - fixed
- DXCC entity window didn't show when compiled in Debian Sid and Ubuntu 13.10 - fixed
- when CQRLOG was run for the first time, two mysqld proccesses opened the same database - fixed
- upload to ClubLog didn't work after enter QSO and delete - fixed (big thanks to Pawel, SQ5LTL)
- TRX control window's layout was broken with some font sizes - fixed
+ "When TRX control is not active, use frequency and mode from NewQSO window" option to Preferences->Band map added
+ CTRL+N hotkey to QSO list window added (do NOT send QSL)
- TRX control window was not sizeable - fixed
- when ESC was pressed twice in Remote mode, log crashed - fixed
- program crashed when freq was entered with comma as decimal separator - fixed
2014-01-24 20:28:23 +00:00
- broken grid square statistic fixed
2014-01-03 18:17:59 +00:00
+ online QSO upload to HamQTH, ClubLog and HRDLog added
+ improved QSL managers import, should be faster a bit
+ in Rotor Control 'Long Path' button added (Darek, SP2MKI)
+ COMMENT field is exported to eQSL server
+ Always overwrite info from previous QSO with callbook data option added
- LoTW QSL RCVD was not imported when ADIF didn't include LOTW_QSLRDATE value
- CONTESTIA mode was saved as CONSTESTI (increased max length of mode to 10 characters)
- ReverseBeacon support in gray line didn't work - fixed
- after click to OK button in Preferences, bandmap stopped deleting old spots - fixed
- bandmap was not updated when any spot was not added - fixed
- station was added to bandmap when offline mode was activated - fixed
- big square statistics didn't worked in newer versions of distributions - fixed
- QSO JT65* mode were not confirmed by eQSL - fixed
2013-11-10 17:17:54 +00:00
2013-10-20 15:23:43 +00:00
+ 630M band added
+ added OQRS (online QSL request system) to QSL sent menu
+ added "Always sort by QSO date" option to Search function
+ cursor is moved to last opened log in DB connection window
+ "Ask before creating a backup" option to "Auto backup" added
2013-11-10 17:17:54 +00:00
+ band map is much faster, a few optimalization added
- program freezed for a few miliseconds with every bandmap refresh - fixed
- "MySQL server has gone away" problem fixed
- mebership values collation were case sensistive - fixed
- ADIF import sometimes crashed with access vioalation, now will show what happened
2013-11-10 17:25:59 +00:00
- qrz search with right click on a call in the recent QSOs list didn't work
- band map font settings was not loaded when program started
+ your CQ received by RBN will be visible in gray line map
+ local mysqld is executed only when the log is stored to local machine
2013-08-13 09:35:37 +00:00
+ added JT9 to list of modes
2013-08-13 10:40:20 +00:00
+ added Power field to filter window
+ option to show distance in miles instead of km added
+ limit of max QSO on QSL label increased
+ added whole new bandmap with frequecy indicator
- double click on bandmap didn't work when the spot had split info - fixed
- propagation info in spot notes has correct format
- existing band map record was not updated from dx cluster
- program didn't accept ITU zones 78 and 90 - fixed
- program used QTH from previous QSO even is the station was /P - fixed
- app crashed after start on Ubuntu 13.10 - fixed
- nothing happened after double click on bandmap spot - fixed
2013-06-30 04:43:24 +00:00
+ Enter key in Filter window will activate the filter
+ blank locator field in Group edit clears locator field
- ADIF export didn't contain DXCC field with ADIF id of the country
- graline caused program crash after compile with recent FPC and Lazarus versions
- when the grid was in lowercase, the Big square statistic was broken
2013-06-30 04:43:24 +00:00
- bandmap didn't worked if the freq of QSO precision was to one Hz
- debug level settings didn't worked at all
# QSO will be confirmed when time difference between QSO and QSO from LoTW is not more than 10 minutes
+ if any error message about LoTW import appear, you can open it in external app directly from CQRLOG
2013-05-19 08:06:59 +00:00
+ LoTW upload url changed
- fixed "An invalid integer value" error during label export
- import of QSO with custom digi mode didn't worked if the list of modes didn't ended with comma (,) - fixed
- bandmap didn't worked if the freq of QSO precision was to ten Hz
- station with /AM and /MM caused error "You must enter correct WAZ zone!" - fixed
# removed mode from search criteria to confirm QSO via LoTW
# QSO will be confirmed when time difference between QSO and QSO from LoTW is not more than 1 hour
# default debug level is set 0, if you want to get more info what cqrlog does, run it with debug=1 or more
2013-03-24 17:33:37 +00:00
+ experimental Rotor support (Darek, SP2MKI)
+ added option to choose if you want to remove separator from remarks text (default YES)
+ if the station is working up/down it's showed in bandmap next to the callsign (Darek, SP2MKI)
+ DXCC statistic in New QSO window now shows all type of cmf - Q,L and E (Darek, SP2MKI)
2013-03-24 17:33:37 +00:00
+ experimental DVK support (Darek, SP2MKI)
2013-03-31 11:55:46 +00:00
+ rotor control support added (Darek, SP2MKI)
+ if the QSO list window was opened when closing the program, it's also restored after start
- Mark QSL sent after export didn't work properly - fixed (export for QSL label printing)
- ADIF import crashed when QTH profile didn't have all fields filled - fixed
2013-03-31 11:55:46 +00:00
- Tune function didn't work witch cwdaemon - fixed (Darek, SP2MKI)
- CW interface was re-inicialized even if no option in Preference were changed
- problem with wrong time in QSO from flidi - fixed
- QSO cfm via LoTW with JT65 wasn't recognized
2013-03-15 20:13:08 +00:00
- fixed problem with MASTER.SCP
+ added support for Super Check Partial
+ added Tune function (for WinKeyerUSB and cwdaemon), hotkey CTRL+T
+ added Repair table function to database connection window (Utils button)
+ improved export for QSL labels printing (labels are sorted by dxcc, you
can choose what fields will be be printed)
+ updated membership tables
- fiexd program crash when editing DX cluster info
- CW keys window doesn't show caption for F9 and F10 keys
- ADIF export ignored delimitter in TX_PWR (0.5 was exported as 05)
- CQRLOG killed rigctld even when autostart was disabled
- double click to spots listed with SH/DX didn't work
- QSO list window showed filter is enabled after reopen (filter was disabled)
- login to eQSL with password containing special character didn't work
- when QSO passed over the midnight, the qso was saved with wrong date
+ added CTRL+W hotkey to send spots to dxcluster
+ DX cluster shows also country name next to the spot (must be enabled in Prefereces)
+ international characters should work again
+ DX spots with freq eqauls to the start of the band (21.000, 14.000 etc., usually notes) are ignored
+ HamQTH added to dx clusters list
- fixed reading A-index (was 1 even when actually was 10)
- /MM, /AM and stations with unknown DXCC country didn't appear in bandmap
- database update hangs
- fixed xml request address of qrz.com
- DXCC CFM count function didn't uses eQSL cfm QSO
- fixed reading mode from FT-920 (returned MEMO as VFO)
- fixed bug in dxcluster caused program crash
- program didn't apply eQSL rcvd when the band was in lowercase
- fixed program crash when scrolling down in QSO list window
- Clear new QSO window after significant freq change option removed
+ brand new user friendly TRX control settings
+ user can change freq in drop down list in new qso window
+ clear RIT after saving QSO added
+ clear New QSO window after significant freq change option added
+ remove dupes from the log function added
+ native support of connection to MySQL server 5.5
+ sh/dx cluster command fill the bandmap
+ members database updated
+ country tables updated
- program hangs when LoTW password was wrong or server was down
- wrong freq caused program crash with unfriendly message
- dx cluster autologin didin't work when the prompt was "Please enter your call:"
- after save QSO got endtime and start date not end date
- 5MHz band is not visible even if is checked in Preferences -> Bands
- program crashed after editing QSO from QSO list window (edit, close window, hit enter) - fixed
- station with /P, /M, KH6/ etc. get his original QTH and grid from callbook - fixed
- Database update function fixed
+ keys in CW Fx window also send CW messages
- error after click to "Station list" button in WAS statistic - fixed
- wrong US state was marked like AL in WAS statistic - fixed
- fixed TRX control
- after change TRX name in Preference, the description in TRX window wasn't changed - fixed
- number of cfm DXCC in mode table was the same like in total DXCC cfm - fixed
- fixed problem with null comamnds in WKUSB communication
+ freq is displayed in 10Hz resolution instead of 100Hz
+ Country name field into QSO list added
+ added OR symbol into QSL_S combo box (Online Request)
+ OK, Cancel and other buttons in filter window moved to the right to
reduce window height
+ rig control rewrited to use rigctld
+ LoTW/eQSL users has the same background color also in bandmap
+ IOTA information inserted from HamQTH callbook
+ eQSL import error log is now stored into user's home directory
+ added CTRL+I hotkey for ADIF import function (in New QSO window)
+ you can set different background color for eQSL and LoTW users
- power wasn't imported from ADIF file - fixed
- QSLR field was sometimes empty even if QSO was confirmed - fixed
1.3.1 (2012-02-21)
- CQRLOG won't run on Ubuntu 12.04 - fixed
- previous qso for callsign with / didn't work when
"In previous QSO list show also QSO with call/p " option enabled - fixed
1.3.0 (2012-01-21)
+ full eQSL support added (filter, statistics, export, import ...)
+ DXCC, WAS, WAC, ITU, WAZ and IOTA statistic improved
+ export QSO to CSV file for SOTA website added
+ option to show previous QSO with station that was /p, /m etc added
+ program now takes UTC time from the computer time
+ added new column "qslr" into QSO list where you can see symbols for paper QSL
confirmed, LoTW and eQSL together
+ refresh button to propagation window added
+ files with LoTW and eQSL users list are part of DXCC tables
- export in SQL console crashed when the field was NULL - fixed
- qrz.com button fixed
- database update didn't affect QTH field - fixed
- height and width was saved also for dialog (non-sizeable)
windows - fixed
- xplanet config file was always overwriten - fixed
- GF in propagation windows was empty - fixed
- QSL manager search in QSO list window didn't work - fixed
- MM and AM station didn't get to bandmap - fixed
1.2.2 (2011-10-23)
+ FREQ field added to ADIF export for LoTW
+ ROS mode added
- new Ubuntu scrollbars disabled (a lot of problems solved)
- after chnge to another log, QTH profile remained the same - fixed
- QSO from ADIF with freq over 147MHz were refused - fixed
1.2.1 (2011-07-31)
+ HamQTH.com integration improved
- qrz.com XML search fixed
1.2.0 (2011-07-28)
+ HamQTH.com XML search added
- after View QSO New QSO window remained in readonly mode - fixed
- CTRL+F2 hotkey didn't work in New QSO window - fixed
- DELETE statement wasn't supported in SQL console - fixed
- in Remote mode when time pass the midnight hour date remain
the same - fixed
- program crashed after attempt to edit QSO when log was in
remote mode - fixed
- ADIF import crashed when QSO had wrong freq or band - fixed
- LoTW statistic always showed 0 confirmed countries - fixed
1.1.0 (2011-06-23)
* qrz.com XML search function added (Preferences -> Callbook)
* RST format is not changing when Automode is disabled
* big square statistic added
1.0.2 (2011-06-11)
* ADIF import fixed
1.0.1 (2011-06-10)
* backup into the same file option added
* ADIF export speed-up
* loading MySQL libraries on Debian unstable and Fedora 15 - fixed
1.0.0 (2011-06-07)
+ CQRLOG is now package ready (now deb packages for Ubuntu and Debian only)
+ native 32bit and 64bit versions
+ support multiple logs
+ membership (> 70 clubs, 5 of them can be processed simultaneously) is tracked
by membership number (if a club doesn't have numbers, callsign is used)
+ config file is stored directly to the main database. If a log is opened on
another computer, the settings will remain the same
+ other windows (Grayline, Detail info, DX cluster etc.) auto-opened only if they
were previously opened in running CQRLOG which was properly (regularly) closed
+ new faster ADIF import
+ CQRLOG can be used on local computer with MySQL embedded or on a MySQL server,
CQRLOG can be run on another (remote) machine
+ echo for telnet DX cluster added (the sent-out command is also displayed in DX
cluster window)
+ clear log function added (in database connection window all log data can be
erased but the log file is not deleted)
+ new About window added
+ changelog in html format added
+ membership databases updated
+ manual page added
1.0.0~rc2 (2011-05-31)
+ membership databases updated
+ manual page added
- problem with creating new logs - fixed
- export of LoTW dates fixed
- debian packaging problems - fixed
- ADIF export fixed
1.0.0~rc1 (2011-05-22)
+ new About window added
+ changelog in html format added
+ changelog is showing after the first start of new program version
+ membership databases update
+ load club window response improved
- rebuild membership statistic function didn't work when something were stored into award or name etc. fields - fixed
- adif import/export date format problems fixed
- after using clear database function save config didn't work - fixed
- zip code tracking for USA states fixed
1.0.0~beta2 (2011-05-15)
+ clear log function added (in database connection window you can delete all log data
but not delete the log itself)
+ echo for telnet dxcluster added (command you've send is also added do dxluster window)
- a few font issues fixed
- confirmed country on LoTW ignored paper confirmation - fixed
- access violation when user deteled cluster from the list - fixed
- error about wrong argument "2>" in LoTW sign function - fixed
- saving confinguration to database after clicking to OK in Preferences window - fixed
- access violation after clicking to Key macros button - fixed
- missing scrollbars in all TMemo - fixed
- before importing new qsl managers to database, old data were not deleted - fixed
- randomly program crashing (with dxcluster connected and long time program inactivity) - fixed
- "--skip-innodb" option from mysqld removed (on Mandriva mysqld didn't start)
1.0.0~beta1 (2011-04-17)
+ Close button to ADIF import window added
+ "Complete" will appear after ADIF import finish
- hamlib dependencies fixed
- after swith to another log TRX control in New QSO window stoped working - fixed
- Transaction already active error in Mark QSL function fixed
- after changing frequency in Preferences -> Bands program crashed - fixed
- import of QSLS_DATE and QSLR_DATE damaged values - fixed
- after select different DXCC entity for station program crashed - fixed
1.0.0~alpha2 (2011-03-27)
+ auto open recent opened log function added
+ ADIF import error log improved, now is saving to user's home directory
- a lot of bugs with ADIF import fixed (QSL dates, data length, extra spaces etc.)
- right click and columns moving in New QSO window didn't work - fixed
1.0.0~alpha1 (2011-03-20)
+ CQRLOG is ready to be packaged ( now have only deb packages for Ubuntu)
+ native 32bit and 64bit versions
+ support multiple logs
+ membership is tracking according to members numbers (if club doesnt have numbers, callsigns are used)
+ config file is stored directly to main database so if you open you log from another computer, the settings will be still the same
+ windows like Grayline, Detail info, DX cluster etc. are auto-opened only if they were opened when CQRLOG was closed
+ new faster ADIF import
+ CQRLOG can be used on local computer with MySQL embedded or use MySQL server running on other machine
+ and more things I forget :-)
0.9.6 (2010-11-13)
+ CONTESTIA mode added
- QRZ.COM search - fixed
0.9.5 (2010-09-11)
+ multiple callsign on LoTW account supported (download only)
- Close button in installer fixed
- copying lotw1.txt in installer fixed
- WAS statistics fixed
- distance and azimut now calculated after entering big locator
0.9.4 (2010-07-20)
+ statusbar in QSO window could be disabled (good for netbook users)
+ program restart after DXCC tables update no longer needed
+ QRZ.COM icon search added to the 'QSO list' window toolbar
+ QRZ.COM icon search added also to the 'New QSO' window to search working station
+ LoTW users visible while working a station (a dedicated icon)
+ window with CW keys added
+ color marked DX cluster spots of LoTW users
+ LoTW confirmed countries now visible also in DX cluster
- qrz.com search - fixed
- calls were imported in lower case as it was in ADIF file - fixed
- CQRLOG crashed while saving QTH longer than 60 characters
0.9.3 (2010-04-04)
+ bandmap entries have now more precise frequency (down to a single Hz) for easier return to own spots
+ possibility to use reverse sideband for CW (CWR) instead of CW
+ the grayline map now uses a transparent overlay for night area visualisation
- program crashes in Ubuntu 10.04 after openining Preferences window - fixed
- storing values to grid and county field from membership doesn't work - fixed
0.9.2 (2010-03-06)
+ ordering by WAZ and ITU added
+ database update now can grab names from previous QSOs
+ 'QSL send' marking option added
- align of TIME_OFF column fixed
- looking for callsign with flash produced HTML code - fixed
- group editing of own locator fixed
- QTH profiles window doesn't show any records - fixed
- importing QSLRDATE and QSLSDATE fixed
0.9.1 (2009-12-31)
- storing grid columns width and position - fixed
- propagation window shows wrong SSN number from NOAA - fixed
0.9.0 (2009-12-20)
+ program compiled in recent Lazarus version
+ propagation indices added
+ user definable digital modes added (in Preferences -> Modes tab)
+ program shows new QSOs confirmed by LoTW after import
+ SQL console added (with export to CSV and HMTL), now you can do with
QSOs whatever you want
+ callsign attachments - you can add almost everything corrensponding to the call
in log to a directory named by call and show it from logging program. You can
display any picture, text or even PDF file related to the callsign.
+ QSL attachments - an image of the QSL card can be added and displayed.
+ QSL sent and QSL received date added
+ 33CM band support added
- time checking function for ADIF tags <TIME_ON> <TIME_OFF> fixed
- loading StopBits and Databits parameters didn't work - fixed
0.8.5 (2009-10-06)
+ library libstdc++5 included into program installation
+ after saving QSO station appears in bandmap (it must be set in Preferences)
+ name is now capitalized also when you enter the 'Name' field
- option 'Refresh Data after Save QSO' didn't work - fixed
- if a non-default profile selected, after saving a QSO the profile turned to default - fixed
- access violation after clicking to 'New QSO' in QSO list window and pressing ESC - fixed
- autobackup didn't save last QSO - fixed
- if 'Show only QSO since XX' enabled, autobackup saved only these QSOs - fixed
0.8.4 (2009-09-04)
+ sorting by call,qsl_via,dxcc_ref and call,dxcc_ref added
+ yellow dot in graline window pointed to your QTH (according to your own locator)
+ new QSO window resizeable (good for Asus EE users)
+ problem caused by QRZ.COM randomly generated bogus strings fixed
+ a few speed improvements
- sometimes program freezed when closing bandmap - fixed
0.8.3 (2009-08-26)
+ when band map window is focused, bandmap is not automatically updated
- sometimes program hangs when closing - fixed
- without TRX program causes abnormally high CPU load - fixed
- for all QSO from fldigi program saves end time the same as start time - fixed
- two radio operating fixed
0.8.2 (2009-07-30)
+ MIX summary to DXCC statistic added
- program freezes when trying to chage preferences with radio off, fixed
- QSO from fldigi always gets freq from log, fixed
- the same station was more then once in bandmap, fixed
- auto add qsl managers, fixed
- qsl manager extraction from qrz.com info fixed
0.8.1 (2009-07-05)
- fixed program crashing after rebuild dxcc
- a lot of other minor bugs fixed
0.8.0 (2009-06-14)
+ program compiled in recent version of Lazarus
+ sunrise/sunset calculation added
+ continent field added
+ new qsl managers database support
+ WAC statistic added
+ WAS statistic added
+ summary to WAZ, ITU, WAC and WAS statistics added
+ WAZ, ITU, WAC and WAS statistics can be generated for specific mode and profiles
+ station list of confirmed contacts for WAZ, ITU, WAC and WAS added
+ communication with fldigi added (you can switch CQRLOG to remote mode and it will receive
and store qso from fldigi after saving)
+ if log enters to remote mode, it could run fldigi (it must be set in Preferences)
+ auto insert QSL manager from internal qsl managers database added
+ auto backup on program exit added
+ new splash screen
+ user defined default font color for xplanet spots added
+ details panel into QSO list window added (shows comment for QSO, award,
lotw_qslsdate and lotw_qsrdate fields)
+ much better qsl_via resolution for data from QRZ.COM
+ State and County field auto filled from QRZ.COM
+ a few QTH Profiles window improvements
+ switching between radios with CTRL+1 for radion one, CTRL+2 for radio two (in New QSO window)
- filter in bandmap according to dxcc country didn't work
- two radio operating fixed
0.7.0 (2009-03-09)
+ program using now Firebird 2.1.1
+ Preferences window improved
+ frequencies for button in TRX window can be user defined
+ sorting by DXCC country added
+ TRX control rewritten (libmy_hamlib.so no longer needed)
+ cwdaemon and WinKeyer support added
+ 5 and 220 MHz band support added
+ profile support improved (changing profile number, adif import fixed)
+ JT6M, JT65, JT65A, JT65B, JT65C, FSK441, WSPR modes added
+ sorting by dxcc+callsign added
+ a few ADIF import improvements
- qrz.com search fixed
- editing own locator with group edit changed QSO locator
0.6.0 (2008-12-15)
+ complete LoTW support added, changes in DXCC, WAZ, ITU, IOTA statistics possible
+ import QSOs from ADIF file downloaded from LoTW web site or automatic download from ARRL LoTW
+ ADIF export for QSO signing or automated export, signing and upload QSOs to LoTW web site
+ group editing added
+ you can mark more QSO with CTRL+Left mouse and delete/edit, mark QSL_S, QSL_R
+ spots from DX Cluster could have the same color in the band map
+ new icons
+ in New QSO window, you can see and view/edit latest QSOs
- after ADIF import in State field number appears
- after ADIF import RST received were also in RST sent
- MM stations didn't go to the band map
- after QTH profile change, own locator didn't change
0.5.1 (2008-09-11)
- adif import/export fixed
0.5.0 (2008-09-11)
+ ZIP code tracking added
+ export for label printing added
+ auto mark QSL as sent function added
+ state field to new QSO window added
- a few bugs fixed
0.4.0 (2008-06-21)
+ program compiled in recent Lazarus version
+ changed font settings
+ band map added
+ improved program operating
+ improved connection to telnet dxcluster
+ a lot of optimalization, program is faster (import, membesrhip, statistics)
+ xplanet support added
+ auto search in qrz.com added (default is disabled, you can enable it in Preferences->New QSO tab)
+ save/load filter settings added
+ improved html export
+ help is opening in web browser
+ 70MHz band added
+ you can add/modify general note for entire program
+ auto upgrade dxcc tables added
- two radio operating fixed
- in edit qso mode after callsign change, idcall were not changed
- exported adif files with enter character in note or profile were broken
- if my locator is not set in adif file, my own locator were not stored
0.3.0 (2008-04-27)
+ membership suport added
+ new installing script
+ cqrlog.sh is no longer needed. Just run binary file cqrlog
+ if trx is off, cqrlog also turn off radio suppport. You can get it back
by pressing TRX Control -> Refresh
+ grou by function in filter dialog added
+ filter also supports membership
+ time offset can set also for Grayline
+ if you want, dxcluster window can be opened after program run
- in edit qso mode, after callsign change current date were stored
- a few modifications to exported html files
0.2.1 (2008-01-25)
+ dxcc statistics per mode added
+ program works better without radio turned on
+ improved callsign resolution
+ faster QSL manager search (auto-create index for QSL.DBF added)
- export makes corrupt html files
- RU6C/TF was Russia not Iceland
(the same problem was with W1AA/KH5K etc.)
- incorrect WAZ, ITU import from Windows version of CQRLOG
- band settings changed (radiobuttons replaced by buttons)
0.2.0 (2007-12-02)
+ new "detail" window with WAZ, ITU, IOTA info
+ new WAZ and ITU statistics
+ export statistics to html file
+ if call field of new QSO is empty and ~ (tilde) is pressed, a spot
with data of last logged QSO is sent to the DX cluster
+ program shows greetings according to target point time
+ new IOTA statistics
+ export IOTA statistics into a text file
- when you minimalize QSO list window, it were lost
- after mark QSL send or QSL received and filter were
enabled, all QSOs are displayed
- 'clear' button in web cluster didn't work
0.1.1 (2007-10-26)
+ font settings
+ better callsign resolution e.g. OE1XA is Austria, Wien, Club Station
- title of exported html file was in Czech language
- after callbook search in QSO list window program hangs
- offline mode was active after repeated program close and run
- changing of own locator didn't work in edit mode
- ADIF import - QSOs on 12m band were ignored
- callbook search in new QSO window tried to track down whole
content of the callsign input box (e.g. KH6/OK2CQR instead of OK2CQR)
- power stored in ADIF file included "W", which does not meet
the ADIF specification.
0.1.0 (2007-09-29)
initial version