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2013-03-15 20:13:08 +00:00
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2016-04-18 16:52:11 +00:00
<title>CQRLOG - Preferences</title>
2013-03-15 20:13:08 +00:00
2016-04-18 16:52:11 +00:00
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="2" width="100%">
<td valign="top"><img src="img/exc.png"></td>
<td bgcolor=#ffffcc valign="top" align="justify"><strong>
<font color="red">WARNING!</font></strong>
Backup your data often! BACKUP your log directory at the end of EVERY session!
All that you need to backup and store in a safe place is the log database directory
located in the ~/.config/cqrlog/database folder, or you can enable the autobackup function
in Preferences. This autobackup function creates an ADIF file with a backup of your log.
2013-03-15 20:13:08 +00:00
<table style="text-align: left; width: 100%;" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
2016-04-18 16:52:11 +00:00
<td width="33%" align="left">&nbsp;&lt;<a href="index.html"> Prev</a></td>
<td width="33%" align="center">[<a href="index_right.html">Menu</a>]</td>
<td width="33%" align="right"><a href="h29.html">Next </a>&gt;</td>
2016-04-18 16:52:11 +00:00
2013-03-15 20:13:08 +00:00
2017-12-17 07:49:20 +00:00
<div style="text-align: left;"><strong>CQRLOG for LINUX by OK7AN &amp; OK1RR</strong></div>
2013-03-15 20:13:08 +00:00
<p align=center><img src=img/line.png></p>
2015-07-05 16:21:40 +00:00
<div align=justify>The first step you need is to set up your log preferences. From the
2016-04-18 16:52:11 +00:00
logging window, choose the 'File' menu item and 'Preferences' (or Ctrl-P).<br><br>
<img src=img/h2.png border=0>
A multitab window appears, allowing setup of the following parameters:<br>
<ul style="margin-left: 40px;">
<li><a href="h1.html#ah2">Program</a></li>
<li><a href="h1.html#ah3">Station</a></li>
<li><a href="h1.html#ah4">New QSO</a></li>
<li><a href="h1.html#ah5">Visible columns</a></li>
<li><a href="h1.html#ah6">Bands</a></li>
<li><a href="h1.html#ah7">TRX Control</a></li>
<li><a href="h1.html#ah8">Modes</a></li>
<li><a href="h1.html#ah9">QTH Profiles</a></li>
<li><a href="h1.html#ah10">Export</a></li>
<li><a href="h1.html#ah11">DX Cluster</a></li>
<li><a href="h1.html#ah12">Fonts</a></li>
<li><a href="h1.html#ah13">WAZ, ITU Zones</a></li>
<li><a href="h1.html#ah14">IOTA</a></li>
<li><a href="h1.html#ah15">Membership</a></li>
<li><a href="h1.html#bh1">Bandmap</a></li>
<li><a href="h1.html#bh2">xplanet support</a></li>
<li><a href="h1.html#bh3">Zip code tracking</a></li>
<li><a href="h1.html#bh4">LoTW support</a></li>
<li><a href="h1.html#ch1">CW interface</a></li>
<li><a href="h1.html#ch2">fldigi interface</a></li>
<li><a href="fldxml.html">fldigi XmlRpc remote</a></li>
<li><a href="h1.html#ch3">Exit & Auto backup</a></li>
2016-04-18 16:52:11 +00:00
<li><a href="h1.html#ch4">External viewers</a></li>
<li><a href="h1.html#ch5">Callbook support</a></li>
<li><a href="h1.html#ch6">RBN support</a></li>
<li><a href="h1.html#ch7">Online log upload support</a></li>
The first tab of the 'Preferences' dialog is labelled 'Program'. Here you can setup the
main program behaviour.<br><br>
<a name=ah2><h2><strong>Program</strong></h2></a>
<img src=img/h5.png border=0>
The <strong>Internet connection</strong> is important to those who are behind a proxy.
The data required does not need further explanation, hopefully. CQRLOG attempts to connect
if you try to connect to the DX Cluster (either via web or telnet) and/or if you hit F6
to access the HamQTH.com/QRZ.COM callbook data.
Other settings are:<br><br>
<strong>get UTC time from computer time</strong> - CQRLOG will read UTC from the system time.
If you uncheck the option, you can set the difference between UTC and your local time manually
both for sunrise/sunset and qso time.
<strong>Grayline offset</strong> - sometimes the gray line position is not accurate.
You can set your own correction.
<strong>Check for newer version of DXCC tables after program startup</strong></a> - if checked,
CQRLOG will check if any update of the country files is available. If a new version is found,
an update will be performed, however you are asked first if you want this update.<br><br>
<strong>Check for newer version of qsl managers database after program startup</strong> - if
checked, CQRLOG will check if any update of the QSL Managers database is available. If a new
version is found, an update will be performed, however you are asked first if you want
this update.<br><br>
<img src=img/h67.png border=0><br><br>
<strong>Show deleted countries in statistics</strong></a> - adds formerly valid countries
to statistics and overall DXCC counts.<br><br>
<strong>Show sunrise/sunset in UTC</strong> - if checked, sunrise and sunset times are shown
in UTC, otherwise in local time. Set up the proper time difference for both grayline
and sun rise/set.<br><br>
<strong>Show statistics in</strong> metres (m) or Megahertz (MHz). Selecting one of the radio
buttons affects the statistics appearing at the bottom of logging screen:<br><br>
<img src=img/h27.png border=0><br><br>
and also the headers of the main statistics (DXCC, WAZ and ITU).
<strong>Configuration storage settings</strong> - if you have one common database and several
computers with CQRLOG installed, you can choose which configuration items will be stored
only on the local computer and which will be stored in the database. Configuration stored
in the database will be common for all computers but local configuration will affect CQRLOG
on the local computer only. E.g. if you have two computers in hamshack, both are connected to
the common database. Now you can choose that TRX control, CW keying interface and position
of opened windows will be stored only to local computer.
You'll be able to have different TRX control configuration, windows postions, number of
opened windows etc. on each computer.
2013-03-15 20:13:08 +00:00
<p align=center><img src=img/line.png></p>
<a name=ah3><h2><strong>Station</strong></h2></a>
<img src=img/h6.png border=0><br><br>
<div align=justify>
2016-04-18 16:52:11 +00:00
Enter your call, name, QTH and QRA Locator here. Remember, that the entered call is also used
as the login for the DX Cluster and is displayed on all stats exported to html. The QRA locator
is of high importance because it determines your accurate position (ie. you don't need to enter
your exact coordinates). The QRA Locator is used in beam heading and distance computation as
well as the start point of the simplified path to the other station which appears on the
grayline map.
2013-03-15 20:13:08 +00:00
<p align=center><img src=img/line.png></p>
<a name=ah4><h2><strong>New QSO</strong></h2></a>
<img src=img/h7.png border=0><br><br>
<div align=justify>
2016-04-18 16:52:11 +00:00
Here are the default values for a new QSO. Remember, that if the radio interface control is
active, the default frequency does not appear on the logging screen. The preset RST values
will apppear in their corresponding boxes.
The <em>Change default values</em> button allows you to change the frequencies available in
the drop down menu in the NewQSO window. Very useful if you have favourite frequencies
and don't have the radio connected to the computer.<br>
The <em>'Use spacebar to move between fields'</em> is very interesting and probably the
most natural way but it works only if you are moving forwards. To move between fields,
there are two other generic possibilities (TAB key and up/down arrow keys) which
remain unaffected even if you check the spacebar option. The <em>'Refresh data after
save QSO'</em> affects the data displayed in the QSO List (Ctrl-O). If checked, each
QSO appears in this list immediately after logging, however the refresh procedure is
quite slow. To save time, keep this box unchecked. The <em>'Skip over mode and frequency
when radio is connected'</em> is very important if the radio control is active.
The <em>'Show detail window'</em> option enables an extra window to appear at program start.
The <em>'Enable auto search on HamQTH.com/QRZ.COM'</em> switches on the automated search
for HamQTH/QRZ callbook data for any worked station. This option does the same as F6 on the
logging screen, however it can be rather slow depending on the HamQTH.com/QRZ.COM server
availability. The <em>'Show recent QSO records for last ** days'</em> limits the QSO records
listed in the logging screen. Do not set the number of days too high, a high number can
cause program speed issues! The default value of 5 days is appropriate for most cases.
The <em>In previous QSO list show also QSO with call/p</em> etc. means you can see
previous QSO with a station even if he was active from another country with his
call/prefix. E.g. if you enter OK2CQR, you'll also see previous QSOs with him when he
was OM/OK2CQR, SP/OK2CQR etc.
2013-03-15 20:13:08 +00:00
<img src=img/h25.png border=0><br><br>
<div align=justify>
2016-04-18 16:52:11 +00:00
This window dispays details about new/confirmed zones, IOTA details etc.
2013-03-15 20:13:08 +00:00
<p align=center><img src=img/line.png></p>
<a name=ah5><h2><strong>Visible columns</strong></h2></a>
<img src=img/h8.png border=0><br><br>
<div align=justify>
2016-04-18 16:52:11 +00:00
Checked columns are visible in the previous QSO list appearing at the top of the
logging screen.
2013-03-15 20:13:08 +00:00
<p align=center><img src=img/line.png></p>
<a name=ah6><h2><strong>Bands</strong></h2></a>
<img src=img/h9.png border=0><br><br>
<div align=justify>
2016-04-18 16:52:11 +00:00
Checked bands are visible in both statistics appearing at the bottom of logging screen
(bands/modes of the actual logged station) and main DXCC, WAZ and ITU zones statistics.
It also affects the Challenge points at the bottom of the DXCC statistics.
2013-03-15 20:13:08 +00:00
<p align=center><img src=img/line.png></p>
<a name=ah7><h2><strong>TRX Control</strong></h2></a>
<img src=img/h10.png border=0><br><br>
<div align=justify>
2016-04-18 16:52:11 +00:00
The TRX Control displays actual frequency. You can change band and mode. The radio will
change the freq/mode after you double click on a spot from dx cluster or on an item
in bandmap.<br> CQRLOG uses the rigctld utilty from HamLib. It controls the radio and
programs communicate with it through UDP. CQRLOG supports operating with two TRX but
only one can be active at a time.<br><br>
<strong>Radio one, desc:</strong> is a description you'll see in TRX control window. It is only
descriptive text, you can write whatever you want.<br><br>
<strong>Host:</strong> computer where rigctld is running, localhost is fine for most cases. <br><br>
<strong>RIG model:</strong> choose your radio model from the list<br><br>
<strong>Device:</strong> device which the radio is connected to. /dev/ttyS0 is COM1, /dev/ttyS1
is COM2 etc. If you use USB to serial interface, the device will usually be /dev/ttyUSB0
for COM1 etc. If you are using Ubuntu or Debian, <strong>you have to be member of the dialout users
group</strong> to have rights to the serial ports.<br><br>
2016-05-06 18:56:07 +00:00
<strong>Poll rate:</strong> specifies how often CQRLOG should read data from rigctld. 500 milliseconds
2016-04-18 16:52:11 +00:00
is fine.<br><br>
<strong>Port number</strong> is the number of the port used to communicate with rigctld.
Default value is 4532. The second radio, has to have a different port e.g. 4533.<br><br>
<strong>Extra command line arguments</strong> usefull when you have to specify more parameters to
rigctld. E.g. CIV address (--civaddr=ID, where ID is the CIV address).<br><br>
<strong>Serial port parameters</strong> from the manual of your rig, please choose the correct options.
Very often it is much better to specify only serial speed and leave other options as default.
Default value means that the settings from HamLib will be used.<br>
<strong>Switch only between mode related memories</strong> if this option is cheched, only memories related to
operating mode will be used. E.g. you are on CW right now, CQRLOG will switch only between memories with CW mode.
When you switch to
USB or LSB, CQRLOG will use memories both with USB and LSB mode.<br><br>
<strong>Show communication with TRX in console</strong> sometimes TRX control doesn't work. Check this option, run
CQRLOG from console and
you'll see the communication between TRX and Hamlib. This could help to find out what is wrong.<br><br>
<strong>Change default frequencies</strong><br>
The default frequencies which the radio tunes if you click a band button in the 'TRX control'
panel can be changed to your preferences. The mode is switched in accordance to the band plan,
there is actually a separate set of default frequencies for each CW, SSB, RTTY, AM and FM modes.
Click the 'Change default frequencies' button and set up frequencies of your choice.
2013-03-15 20:13:08 +00:00
<img src=img/h100.png border=0><br>
<p align=center><img src=img/line.png></p>
2016-01-31 20:16:35 +00:00
<a name="mem"><strong>Add/Modify memory</strong></a><br><br>
2016-04-18 16:52:11 +00:00
You can define your own favourite frequencis and swich between them directly in New QSO window using ALT+V (Mem down)
2016-01-31 20:16:35 +00:00
ALT+B (Mem up). These keys are used in N6TR clones to switch between bands.
<img src="img/radio_memory.png"><br><br>
2013-03-15 20:13:08 +00:00
<a name=ah8><h2><strong>Modes</strong></h2></a>
<img src=img/h11.png border=0><br><br>
2015-07-05 16:21:40 +00:00
Here you can set up the default bandwidth for any of the supported modes (CW - SSB - RTTY - AM - FM).
If your radio is tuned to the corresponding band segment or if you switch the mode on the radio
control panel, CQRLOG will change the bandwidth to the desired value. The bandwidth can be
changed at any time, however a program restart will probably be needed to make the changes
take effect.<br><br>
<strong>User definable digital modes</strong> can be set up in a separate box. Use comma
as a separator, ie. BPSK31,QPSK64,OLIVIA,CONTESTIA etc.<br>
Some TRX like ICOM don't have support for this in HamLib. To get mode settings work, set
all values to 0 (zero).
2013-03-15 20:13:08 +00:00
<p align=center><img src=img/line.png></p>
<a name=ah9><h2><strong>QTH Profiles</strong></h2></a>
<img src=img/h12.png border=0><br><br>
2015-07-05 16:21:40 +00:00
CQRLOG uses QTH Profiles. Your QTH and equipment details can be entered here. If you are
logging a new QSO, choose the appropriate profile. Later, you can see which rig and antenna
were used but the main purpose is usage in filters. You can create a filter with QTH Profile
as one of the criteria, a later filtering of QSOs made on your portable operation or QRP
activity is possible. This method seems more effective than the usual portable log, even if
you are using MM0XXX/P as your call it will probably contain a mixture of all portable
activities together. With QTH Profile, it is always possible to make a separate 'log'
for each operation.
2013-03-15 20:13:08 +00:00
<p align=center><img src=img/line.png></p>
<a name=ah10><h2><strong>Export</strong></h2></a>
<img src=img/h13.png border=0><br><br>
2016-04-18 16:52:11 +00:00
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="2">
<td valign="top">
<img src="img/bulb.png"></td>
<td bgcolor="#ccffff" valign="top"><strong><font color="blue">
Our tip:</font></strong> Check all fields if you backup your whole log. Nothing will be lost
and the amount of data is not large, compared to a very reduced export.
2015-07-05 16:21:40 +00:00
This option allows an easy setup of the log fields to be exported into ADIF or HTML format.
Only checked fields are exported. The 'Width' option denotes the column size in the HTML
2013-03-15 20:13:08 +00:00
<a name=ah11><h2><strong>DX cluster</strong></h2></a>
<img src=img/h14.png border=0><br><br>
2015-07-05 16:21:40 +00:00
This dialog allows an easy setup of the DX cluster spot filtering. Check the bands you want
to display. If you want to supress (ie. filter out) spots for some DX countries, put
its prefixes in the box below. Use a semicolon as a separator.
2017-07-22 06:02:48 +00:00
<strong>Callsign alert</strong> - allows you to enter callsigns that you are interested in. Eg. some special station for an award etc.<br>
<strong>Run this command when callsign is potted:</strong> will run select command when any of callsigns you've enter appears in the cluster.<br>
E.g. use this if you want to see small window with information:<br><br>
<i> zenity --info --text='Callsign $CALLSIGN detected at $FREQ $MODE' --title=Info</i><br><br>
You have to install zenity, first. <i>(Thans to SV2RCK for the tip!)</i>
<strong>Show country name in the DX cluster spot</strong> - next to every spot, you will se the coutry name of the DX station<br>
<strong>Connect to DX cluster after program startup</strong> - after log is opened, cqrlog will connect to your default cluster. Please remember that
username and password(if needed) have to be filled in the cluster list.
2013-03-15 20:13:08 +00:00
<p align=center><img src=img/line.png></p>
<a name=ah12><h2><strong>Fonts</strong></h2></a>
<img src=img/h15.png border=0><br><br>
2015-07-05 16:21:40 +00:00
This dialog is self explanatory. Choose the appropriate font size to prevent any screen
garbage and a nice look to the buttons.
2013-03-15 20:13:08 +00:00
<p align=center><img src=img/line.png></p>
<a name=ah13><h2><strong>WAZ, ITU zones</strong></h2></a>
<img src=img/h16.png border=0><br><br>
2015-07-05 16:21:40 +00:00
This is the color coding setup for the 'Details' window. New ones can be displayed in
different color and QSL status is indicated verbosely in the 'Details' window.
The 'Show info' boxes must be checked to display the relevant info.
2013-03-15 20:13:08 +00:00
<p align=center><img src=img/line.png></p>
<a name=ah14><h2><strong>IOTA</strong></h2></a>
<img src=img/h17.png border=0><br><br>
2015-07-05 16:21:40 +00:00
New IOTA color coding and QSL status can be set up here. The 'Show info' boxes must be
checked to display the relevant info.
2013-03-15 20:13:08 +00:00
<p align=center><img src=img/line.png></p>
<a name=ah15><h2><strong>Membership</strong></h2></a>
<img src=img/h31.png border=0><br><br>
2015-07-05 16:21:40 +00:00
The primary aim of the 'Membership' info is tracking of members of a club or stations
valid for an award. The info is derived from the call sign entered into the 'Call' box on
the logging screen. CQRLOG can track member's calls from up to 5 databases simultaneously.
To set up the tracking, do the following steps:<br><br>
<strong>1. Choose a Club to be tracked.</strong> Click the first long button in the 'First
club' box. A long list of Clubs appears.<br><br><img src=img/h37.png border=0><br><br>
<strong>2. Click the 'Load' button.</strong> The membership data is loaded from the text
database in the 'members' subfolder of your CQRLOG directory. A box with the number of
converted records appears.<br><br><img src=img/h38.png border=0><br><br>
2016-04-18 16:52:11 +00:00
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="2" width="100%">
<td valign="top">
<img src="img/note.png"></td>
<td bgcolor=#eaeaea valign="top" align="justify"><strong>
<font color="blue">Note:</font></strong> All files in the <em>'membership'</em> subfolder
are displayed. If you create your own database, put it into this subfolder!
2013-03-15 20:13:08 +00:00
<strong>3. Click the 'Settings' button.</strong> A new dialog appears:<br><br>
<img src=img/h32.png border=0><br><br>
2015-07-05 16:21:40 +00:00
The color coding scheme for new members, new band, new mode, need of a QSL card and an
already confirmed contact can be set up in the left half of the window. You can see here
also my preferred color settings.<br><br>
This dialog also allows you to set up the messages appearing in the 'Details' window if
you work a member of a club which is tracked. This can be anything, my preferred messages
2013-03-15 20:13:08 +00:00
<pre>New %s member! (%c #%n)
New band %s member! (%c #%n)
New mode %s member! (%c #%n)
QSL needed for %s member! (%c #%n)
2016-04-18 16:52:11 +00:00
Already confirmed %s member! (%c #%n)</pre>
2013-03-15 20:13:08 +00:00
Note also the regular expressions used in the messages. The complete list is here:<br>
<pre>%l - long club name
%s - short club name
%n - club number
2016-04-18 16:52:11 +00:00
%c - callsign</pre>
2013-03-15 20:13:08 +00:00
The right half of this screen contains the join rules.
2016-04-18 16:52:11 +00:00
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="2">
<td valign="top">
<img src="img/h35.png"></td>
<td valign="top"><img src="img/h36.png">
2015-07-05 16:21:40 +00:00
Here you can set up which fields from the QSO entry should be bound with the appropriate
column in the membership database. Because the most relevant is the call sign in the QSO
and the membership database contains also mostly the call sign, use the defaults
- the 'clubcall' in the 'join ... field in club database' and the 'call' in the
'with ... field in main database'.<br><br>
The lower part contains a dialog allowing the set up of where the resulting info will be stored.
2013-03-15 20:13:08 +00:00
2015-07-05 16:21:40 +00:00
<img src=img/h34.png border=0><br><br>While logging, you will see the info in the
corresponding field. The most preferred field is 'Award'. Since this field is used for
check purposes only, all info (more memberships) are displayed in a single line which can
be longer than the corresponding field on the logging screen. You can navigate here
with the cursor but the well formated and color coded results in verbose form are
displayed in the 'Details' window.<br><br>
2013-03-15 20:13:08 +00:00
<img src=img/h33.png border=0>
<a name=bh1><h2><strong>Bandmap</strong></h2></a>
2015-07-05 16:21:40 +00:00
<img src=img/h61.png border=0><br><br>The Band map is a well known feature of many
contesting programs, however it is also great in a general logging program. It contains
a mix of filtered DX Cluster spots and your own entries where you can store call and
frequency of a station which you can't work just now but you want to return to later.<br><br>
A very useful option of the Band Map is the <em>'entries aging'</em>.
Depending on the time left since entry 'birth', the color changes to lighter tone until
the entry disappears. There are two levels between appearance and disappearance of the entry.
The times of these two levels and the time of disappearance can be set. If you change
the aging times, restart CQRLOG. Remember that a program restart will be needed to make
the changes take effect!<br><br>
The spots can be color coded to highlight new countries, new band countries etc., in
the same way as in the DX Cluster window - check the <em>'Use the same color as the spot'</em>
option. If this option remains unchecked, all entries are shown in black (with aging
to dark grey and light grey) and your own entries, <strong>made with Ctrl-A</strong>
or the <strong>Big Plus key</strong> on the numerical keyboard, are shown in blue.
Also, another set of <em>Watched</em> and <em>Ignored</em> entries can be defined.<br><br>
The content of the Band map can be stored if leaving the log. Check the <em>'Save band
2016-04-18 16:52:11 +00:00
map after close'</em> option.<br><br>The <em>'Show only active mode'</em> and <em>'Show
only active band'</em> options providing an additional level of cluster spot filtering.
2015-07-05 16:21:40 +00:00
When checked, the Band Map will show only spots for the mode or band which the radio is on.
The spots are sorted by frequency, so you will see what is on the band - at a glance.
No doubt you will prefer this over the DX Cluster window which contains a mess of rolling
spots, often hard to 'catch'. Finally, if the <em>'Delete station from band map after
2016-04-18 16:52:11 +00:00
QSO'</em> option is checked, the entry with a worked station disappers from the Band Map.
2015-07-05 16:21:40 +00:00
If such a station is spotted again, it will appear again in the Band Map.
2013-03-15 20:13:08 +00:00
<a name=bh2><h2><strong>xplanet support</strong></h2></a>
<img src=img/h66.png border=0><br><br>
2015-07-05 16:21:40 +00:00
To ensure correct rendering of the azimuthal map with DX Cluster spots, the external
program xplanet must be installed and several parameters must be set up. First,
install xplanet. Many distributions have this program either on the installation media
(CD, DVD) or xplanet exists in the form of a corresponding package
(rpm, deb, tgz, ebuild etc.). If not, download source codes from:<br>
<a href="http://xplanet.sourceforge.net/download.php">
2016-04-18 16:52:11 +00:00
2015-07-05 16:21:40 +00:00
Follow the usual installation instructions:<br>
2013-03-15 20:13:08 +00:00
make install</pre>
There are no known dependencies issues.<br><br>
<div align=justify>
2016-04-18 16:52:11 +00:00
The first thing to be set up is the path to the xplanet binary. The default
is OK in most cases for installation from sources,
the usual path for installation from precompiled packages is
Adjust the <strong>window size</strong> (remember to set up a square, ie. 400x400,
300x300 etc. to avoid strange effects). Also, the <strong>window position</strong>
must be set up to create a nice looking screen. Use the <strong>Test it!</strong>
button to see how your settings affect the resulting screen.<br><br>
Xplanet can refresh its display at a preset interval. This is very useful because it
can read the spot (entry) list and update the displayed data. To avoid a 'flooded',
unreadable window, the number of displayed spots/entries must be limited. It seems
that 20 is the maximum to keep the display garbage away. Actually, the number of
spots (entries) is not limited by the program but by the readability. If you change
the number of spots to be displayed or if the spots should (should not) be sent to
xplanet, restart the program. Remember that a program restart will be needed to
make the changes take effect!<br><br>
Set up the source (DX Cluster, Band map) by checking the appropriate radio button
in the '<strong>Show stations from</strong>' section. The '<strong>Projection</strong>'
has 3 options:<br>
<li><strong>3D</strong> - shows the globe as viewed from space. This rendering
type without any projection is very nice, however the very distant points will not be
visible, also spots or band map entries of distant DX locations will disappear.
Angles should be true because the globe is 'centered' on your location. Distances
are <em>not true</em> because of the lack of projection. This eye candy is
therefore good for those who do not work DX stations.
<li><strong>Azimuthal</strong> - is the usual directional map which you will find
useful for any rotator indication. Both angles and distances are true, however the
continent patterns may look a bit strange to those who are not very accustomed
to this projection. The azimuthal projection is the best for a DXer.
<li><strong>Azimuthal without background</strong> - is the same as above but the
background which contains the angle (polar) scale is not rendered. It is an
'emergency' solution which is useful if you have not enough space to set up
the main xplanet window as a square.
The xplanet window currently has no other function than to display spots or band
map entries in the azimuthal projection or 3D-like picture.
<a name=bh3><h2><strong>Zip code tracking</strong></h2></a>
<img src=img/h69.png border=0><br><br>
Zip code tracking allows you to determine states, counties, provinces and other
geographical details if the postal zip code structure allows such operations. The zip
code itself is retrieved from the callbook address. The database is located in
the /zipcodes folder. If set up properly, the F6 key is used to determine US state,
US county and Italian province.<br><br>
<strong>Setup: </strong>The database must be loaded before use and the target (field)
must be specified. Also, the position of the zip code (line begin or end) must be set
<a name=bh4><h2><strong>LoTW/eQSL support</strong></h2></a>
<img src="img/h76.png"><br><br>
Provide your user name for eQSL/LoTW and the password (this is <strong>not</strong>
the password sent to US amateurs via postcard!). Choose if you want to include LoTW
confirmation in the statistics and <em>New country</em> and <em>New band country</em>
info messages.<br><br>
<a name=ch1><h2><strong>CW interface</strong></h2></a>
<img src="img/h95.png"><br><br>
Choose your preferred CW interface. There are 5 options: None, WinKeyer USB,
cwdaemon, K3NG keyer and HamLib. We strongly recommend Winkey USB by Steve Elliot, K1EL,
2016-04-18 16:52:11 +00:00
which provides 'all in one' keying, including one of most advanced paddle keyers available.
cwdaemon should be seen as a backup option with many limitations, which may need
a custom linux kernel to avoid sloppy CW at speeds above 25 WPM. If cwdaemon is used,
only keyboard keying is possible.<br><br>
Detailed setup of the CW devices is here:
<li><a href=cwd.html><strong>cwdaemon</strong></a>
<li><a href=wkusb.html><strong>Winkey USB</strong></a></li>
<li><a href="http://blog.radioartisan.com/arduino-cw-keyer/" target="_blank">
<li><a href=cwh.html><strong>HamLib</strong></a>
2016-04-18 16:52:11 +00:00
For further steps (CW messages edit, keyboard keyer operation) - click
<a href=h26.html><strong>here</strong></a>.
<a name=ch2><h2><strong>fldigi interface</strong></h2></a>
First, <em>fldigi</em> must be installed and functional.
Preferences must be set up to operate with fldigi. Set up the path to fldigi, and if you wish
to start it when CQRLOG switches to remote mode. Other parameters including the way that
the CQRLOG - fldigi combo should handle the frequency, mode and RST. CQRLOG also loads
the fldigi contents to keep the data, so the 'polling' period should be set up.
The 2 seconds interval is a very acceptable default.<br><br>
<img src="img/h101.png"><br><br>
The way the CQRLOG - fldigi combo handles the frequency, mode and RST is rather important.
Keep in mind that CQRLOG operates in remote mode which means that the logger is offline
and therefore does not display the actual frequency and mode on the logging screen. If
you properly set up the <em>fldigi</em> mode and frequency control, both are correctly
displayed in the <em>fldigi</em> window. <strong>Choose the fldigi</strong> option in
<em>Frequency from</em>, <em>Mode from</em> and <em>RST from</em> boxes and you don't
need to watch the logger, except the QSO list in the upper portion of the logging screen.
When logging/saving a contact, frequency, mode and RST should appear correctly in this QSO list.
If you choose the CQRLOG option, you must set the mode in CQRLOG which seems less sensible.
<br><br>See also:<a href="fldxml.html#fl1"> Using fldigi withXmlRpc remote mode</a><br>
<a name=ch3><h2><strong>Exit & Auto backup</strong></h2></a>
2016-04-18 16:52:11 +00:00
To increase the safety of your log data, CQRLOG is equipped with an <em>Auto backup</em>
option which allows you to export (ADIF) and store the log data in a safe location.
The ADIF format was choosen because of its text format. The output file can be compressed
in tar.gz format.<br><br>
<img src="img/h102.png"><br><br>
Of course, the export and compression takes some time, depending on the log size (QSO count).
If you are not in a hurry, allow the program 2-3 minutes to perform this safety measure.
We reccomend you backup your log to your hard drive from there it should be copied to
other media (your server, USB flash, a memory card etc.).
</br></br><img src="img/h119.png"><br><br>
Check both "Enable autobackup after program ends" and "Ask before creating a backup" to prevent closing cqrlog accidently. Answering <strong>"Cancel"</strong> to question returns to NewQso without backup.
2016-04-18 16:52:11 +00:00
<a name=ch4><h2><strong>External viewers</strong></h2></a>
Set up the viewers used for browsing the notes related to a particular callsign.<br><br>
<img src="img/h111.png"><br><br>
The notes in the call_data subfolder can contain text, html, pdf and image files.
To enable reading of all file types, corresponding viewers must be set up properly,
ie. must be in the system path.<br>
<a name=ch5><h2><strong>Callbook support</strong></h2></a>
CQRLOG supports <a href="http://HamQTH.com">HamQTH</a> and <a href="http://qrz.com">QRZ.com</a>
callbooks but only access through the XML interace is supported. HamQTH has a free interface,
for QRZ.com you have to pay an annual fee.<br><br>
<img src="img/h1112.png"><br><br>
2016-04-18 16:52:11 +00:00
<a name=ch6><h2><strong>RBN support</strong></h2></a>
CQRLOG can receive spots from RBN and show them on the Gray line map. It's very nice to
see where your signal has been decoded especially when you are calling CQ on an empty band.<br><br>
<img src="img/h1114.png"><br><br>
<em>Login:</em> - your user name to log in to RBN. It's usually your own callsign.<br>
<em>Watch for:</em> the callsign you are watching for, also usually your own callsign.
If you leave this field empty, every spot will be shown on the grayline map.<br>
<em>Auto connect after open the log</em> - check this option if you want to autoconnect
to RBN when the program starts, you won't have to worry about it and CQRLOG will do
it for you automatically.
<em>Signal strength</em> How strong you are will be clear very quickly when you look
at the map with the dots in different colours. Which colour will be used can be set here.<br>
<em>Delete old information after XX seconds</em> The dots won't stay on the map forever.
180 seconds (3 minutes) is a good default value. Please note, it also depends on the band,
if you change band, dots will always be deleted. All data is band related.<br>
<a name=ch7><h2><strong>Online log upload support</strong></h2></a>
CQRLOG supports online log upload to <a href="http://HamQTH.com">HamQTH</a>,
<a href="https://secure.clublog.org/loginform.php">ClubLog.org</a> and
<a href="http://hrdlog.net/">HRDLOG.net</a><br>
<img src="img/h1116.png"><br><br>
Both ClubLog and HamQTH need a username and password, Clublog also needs the email address
used when you registered. HRDLog.net needs only user name and the code you got by e-mail.
You can set different color for each service. This color will be used for status messages
which will inform you about upload progress.
<em>Upload QSO data immediately after save, update or delete</em> means that every
insert/update or delete will be uploaded automatically. But if you change something in
QSO list window with hot keys e.g. CTRL+S, CTRL+W etc. and/or download data
from eQSL/LoTW, changes won't be uploaded. All will be uploaded after you save/delete QSO
or if you choose Online log and Upload to all online logs menu.<br>
2016-04-18 16:52:11 +00:00
<a name=ch8><h3>How to get it to work?</h3></a>
<li>check if you have set correct username, password (email, Code)</li>
<li>export all data from the log to ADIF file</li>
<li>import this adif file to the website of online log you are going to use
(if you are using HamQTH, please wait untill the email about a successful import arrives)
<li>open QSO list window, click to <em>Online log</em> menu and choose
<em>Mark QSO as uploaded to all logs</em>, CQRLOG marks all QSO as uploaded
That's all, Now if you insert/edit or delete a QSO, it will also be uploaded to the online log.
<strong>Close the "Status of log upload" window after successful upload</strong>
if you don't want to have Log upload status window visible, check this option and
windows will be closed after upload to online log is finished.
<strong>Ignore changes caused by LoTW/eQSL upload or download</strong> - every change of
a qso will cause a new upload to the online log database. Sometimes it can be useful to
have the opportunity to disable it when upload/download data to LoTW/eQSL. These changes
won't be logged and QSO won't be uploaded to any online log.
2013-03-15 20:13:08 +00:00
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