This file describes some features in the Chirp Developer's Functions that allow some customization of their behavior, but are only accessible through editing the chirp.config file before starting Chirp, and are not accessible through the GUI. The Developer Functions are enabled in the GUI by checking the box in the "Help" tab. They enable the Image Browser tab in the left sidebar, several tools under the View -> Developer tab, and some others. These directives are similar to other chirp.config entries in syntax. They reside in the [developer] section in chirp.config. This section, and all the directives, are not required to be present; all the options have defaults. Here is an example [developer] section listing all the directives, followed by an explanation of each directive: =================================== [developer] diff_fontsize = 16 browser_fontsize = 13 hexdump_addrfmt = %(addr)04i x%(addr)04X =================================== browser_fontsize = This specifies the fontsize used in the file browser, invoked by selecting the "Browser" tab in the left sidebar, which is visible when the Developer tools are enabled. The default size is 10. Values less than 4, greater than 144, or not recognized as an integer will result in a log message and the default size will be used. ======== diff_fontize = This specifies the fontsize used in the hex dump/diff display which is invoked by selecting View -> Developer -> Diff tabs. The default size is 11. Values less than 4, greater than 144, or not recognized as an integer will result in a log message and the default size will be used. ======== hexdump_addrfmt = This specifies the format of the address printed during some hexdump operations. The default is %(addr)03i which prints the byte offset of the first byte of each line in decimal, producing lines such as 064: 00 00 00 ... Any of the variables in local scope of chirp/ are valid for substitution, including block and block_size. Any may be used more than once. The example above, %(addr)04i x%(addr)04X produces lines such as 0064 x0040: 00 00 00 ... 0x%(addr)04x specifies lower case hex, and wwould produce lines such as 0x0040: 00 00 00 ... Exceptions that have been observed in testing formats which are invalid in this context are caught, and the default format is used. ========