Stephen Bennett bf66c5dd58 Move before config source
Place the source commands for .vimrc.before.local & .vimrc.before.fork
in .vimrc.before to reduce clutter in .vimrc
2013-09-06 16:31:53 -06:00

64 lines
1.7 KiB

" Modeline and Notes {
" vim: set sw=4 ts=4 sts=4 et tw=78 foldmarker={,} foldlevel=0 foldmethod=marker spell:
" __ _ _____ _
" ___ _ __ / _/ |___ / __ __(_)_ __ ___
" / __| '_ \| |_| | |_ \ _____\ \ / /| | '_ ` _ \
" \__ \ |_) | _| |___) |_____|\ V / | | | | | | |
" |___/ .__/|_| |_|____/ \_/ |_|_| |_| |_|
" |_|
" This is the personal .vimrc.before file of Steve Francia.
" While much of it is beneficial for general use, I would
" recommend picking out the parts you want and understand.
" You can find me at http://spf13.com
" }
" Use local before if available {
if filereadable(expand("~/.vimrc.before.local"))
source ~/.vimrc.before.local
" }
" Use fork before if available {
if filereadable(expand("~/.vimrc.before.fork"))
source ~/.vimrc.before.fork
" }
" spf13 options {
" Prevent automatically changing to open file directory
" let g:spf13_no_autochdir = 1
" Disable views
" let g:spf13_no_views = 1
" Leader key
" let g:spf13_leader='\'
" Disable easier moving in tabs and windows
" let g:spf13_no_easyWindows = 1
" Disable fast tab navigation
" let g:spf13_no_fastTabs
" Clear search highlighting
" let g:spf13_clear_search_highlight = 1
" Disable neosnippet expansion
" let g:spf13_no_neosnippet_expand = 1
" Disable whitespace stripping
" let g:spf13_keep_trailing_whitespace = 1
" Enable powerline symbols
" let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1
" vim files directory
" let g:spf13_consolidated_directory = <full path to desired directory>
" eg: let g:spf13_consolidated_directory = $HOME . '/.vim/'
" }