2024-09-09 00:48:07 +09:00
progress.plugin.sh feat(lib/omb-util): add "_omb_util_{print,put}" 2024-09-09 00:48:07 +09:00
README.md docs(plugins/progress): describe usage of "delay" 2024-04-28 16:13:18 +09:00

Using the Progress Bar Script


This script provides a simple progress bar TUI for the terminal platform. It allows you to visualize the progress of a task being executed in your shell script.


You can use the function progress from the interactive settings with Oh My Bash. The function handles printing of the progress bar.

  1. Enable plugin:
  • Add the plugin name progress in the plugins array in ~/.bashrc.
# bashrc

plugins=(... progress)
  1. Invoke progress Function:

    • Within a shell function, call the progress function whenever you want to display the progress bar.
    • Pass two parameters to the progress function:
      • PARAM_PROGRESS: The progress percentage (0-100) of the task.
      • PARAM_STATUS: Optional. A status message to display alongside the progress bar.
    # Example usage:
    progress 25 "Processing data..."  # Displays a 25% progress bar with the status "Processing data..."

To change the delay of the progress bar, please overwrite the delay function.

# Example: change the delay to 0.1 sec
function delay { sleep 0.1; }

⚠️ if you want to add only the plugin and not Oh My Bash, you can copy the file progress.plugin.sh to a place you like and source it in ~/.basrhc (for interactive uses) or in a shell script (for a standalone shell program). You may instead copy and paste the functions directly into a script file, in which case the plugin will not receive updates and possible errors will have to be solved by you


# bashrc

function example {
  # Example: Your code for the shell function here:  Invoke the progress
  # function to display the progress bar as your function progresses.  This
  # displays a 25% progress bar with the status "Processing data...":
  progress 25 "Processing data..."

This will visually represent the progress of your function's execution in the terminal. Adjust the progress function calls according to the progress of your task.