
71 lines
2.7 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Created by Jacob Hrbek github.com in 2019
# A local temporary variable
declare _omb_tmp_sudo
# Switch for the use of "sudo"
if [[ ${OMB_ALIAS_PACKAGE_MANAGER_SUDO+set} ]]; then
elif [[ ${OMB_USE_SUDO-true} == true ]]; then
if ((EUID != 0)) && _omb_util_binary_exists sudo; then
_omb_tmp_sudo='sudo '
# Portage - Enoch Merge
if _omb_util_binary_exists emerge; then
alias em="${_omb_tmp_sudo}emerge" # Enoch Merge
alias es="${_omb_tmp_sudo}emerge --search" # Enoch Search
alias esync="${_omb_tmp_sudo}emerge --sync" # Enoch SYNC
alias eb="${_omb_tmp_sudo}ebuild" # Enoch Build
alias er="${_omb_tmp_sudo}emerge -c" # Enoch Remove
alias ers="${_omb_tmp_sudo}emerge -c" # Enoch Remove Systempackage
alias emfu="${_omb_tmp_sudo}emerge --sync && ${_omb_tmp_sudo}emerge -uDUj @world"
alias elip="${_omb_tmp_sudo}eix-installed -a" # Enoch List Installed Packages
# Paludis - Cave
if _omb_util_binary_exists cave; then
alias cave="${_omb_tmp_sudo}cave"
alias cr="${_omb_tmp_sudo}cave resolve" # Cave Resolve
alias cui="${_omb_tmp_sudo}cave uninstall" # Cave UnInstall
alias cs="${_omb_tmp_sudo}cave show" # Cave Show
alias cli="${_omb_tmp_sudo}cave print-ids --matching '*/*::/'" # Cave List Installed
# Advanced Packaging Tool - APT
if _omb_util_binary_exists apt; then
alias apt="${_omb_tmp_sudo}apt" # Advanced Packaging Tool
alias aptfu="${_omb_tmp_sudo}apt update -y && ${_omb_tmp_sudo}apt upgrade -y && ${_omb_tmp_sudo}apt dist-upgrade -y && ${_omb_tmp_sudo}apt autoremove -y"
alias apti="${_omb_tmp_sudo}apt install -y" # Apt install
alias apts="${_omb_tmp_sudo}apt-cache search" # Apt search
alias aptr="${_omb_tmp_sudo}apt remove -y" # Apt remove
alias aptar="${_omb_tmp_sudo}apt autoremove -y" # Apt Auto Remove
alias aptli="${_omb_tmp_sudo}apt list --installed"
# Debian PacKaGe - DPKG
if _omb_util_binary_exists dpkg; then
alias dpkg="${_omb_tmp_sudo}dpkg"
# # Zypper = Zen Yast Package Program (ZYPP?)
# if _omb_util_binary_exists zypper; then
# # Yast = Yet Another Silly/Setup Thing/Thing
# alias lcp="${_omb_tmp_sudo}zypper"
# alias lcpi="${_omb_tmp_sudo}zypper install"
# alias lcps="${_omb_tmp_sudo}zypper search"
# alias lcpsi="${_omb_tmp_sudo}zypper source-install"
# alias lcpr="${_omb_tmp_sudo}zypper remove"
# if grep -q 'openSUSE Tumbleweed' /etc/os-release; then
# # Zypper update kills the system - LCP
# alias lcpfu="${_omb_tmp_sudo}zypper dup"
# # Because Geeko uses sublime3 to call sublime_text instead of something that makes sence like 'subl'..
# alias subl="${_omb_tmp_sudo}sublime3"
# fi
# fi
unset -v _omb_tmp_sudo