Wouter Wijngaards 6b8f7df843 explanation for harden-glue.
git-svn-id: file:///svn/unbound/trunk@484 be551aaa-1e26-0410-a405-d3ace91eadb9
2007-08-03 09:13:54 +00:00

124 lines
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Requirements for Recursive Caching Resolver
(a.k.a. Treeshrew, Unbound-C)
By W.C.A. Wijngaards, NLnet Labs, October 2006.
1. Introduction
2. History
3. Goals
4. Non-Goals
1. Introduction
This is the requirements document for a DNS name server and aims to
document the goals and non-goals of the project. The DNS (the Domain
Name System) is a global, replicated database that uses a hierarchical
structure for queries.
Data in the DNS is stored in Resource Record sets (RR sets), and has a
time to live (TTL). During this time the data can be cached. It is
thus useful to cache data to speed up future lookups. A server that
looks up data in the DNS for clients and caches previous answers to
speed up processing is called a caching, recursive nameserver.
This project aims to develop such a nameserver in modular components, so
that also DNSSEC (secure DNS) validation and stub-resolvers (that do not
run as a server, but a linked into an application) are easily possible.
The main components are the Validator that validates the security
fingerprints on data sets, the Iterator that sends queries to the
hierarchical DNS servers that own the data and the Cache that stores
data from previous queries. The networking and query management code
then interface with the modules to perform the necessary processing.
In Section 2 the origins of the Unbound project are documented. Section
3 lists the goals, while Section 4 lists the explicit non-goals of the
2. History
The unbound resolver project started by Bill Manning, David Blacka, and
Matt Larson (from the University of California and from Verisign), that
created a Java based prototype resolver called Unbound. The basic
design decisions of clean modules was executed.
The Java prototype worked very well, with contributions from Geoff
Sisson and Roy Arends from Nominet. Around 2006 the idea came to create
a full-fledged C implementation ready for deployed use. NLnet Labs
volunteered to write this implementation.
3. Goals
o A validating recursive DNS resolver.
o Code diversity in the DNS resolver monoculture.
o Drop-in replacement for BIND apart from config.
o DNSSEC support.
o Fully RFC compliant.
o High performance
* even with validation.
o Used as
* stub resolver.
* full caching name server.
* resolver library.
o Elegant design of validator, resolver, cache modules.
* provide the ability to pick and choose modules.
o Robust.
o In C, open source: The BSD license.
o Highly portable, targets include modern Unix systems, such as *BSD,
solaris, linux, and maybe also the windows platform.
o Smallest as possible component that does the job.
o Stub-zones can be configured (local data or AS112 zones).
4. Non-Goals
o An authoritative name server.
o Too many Features.
5. Choices
o rfc2181 decourages duplicates RRs in RRsets. unbound does not create
duplicates, but when presented with duplicates on the wire from the
authoritative servers, does not perform duplicate removal.
It does do some rrsig duplicate removal, in the msgparser, for dnssec qtype
rrsig and any, because of special rrsig processing in the msgparser.
o The harden-glue feature, when yes all out of zone glue is deleted, when
no out of zone glue is used for further resolving, is more complicated
than that, see below.
Main points:
* rfc2182 trust handling is used.
* data is let through only in very specific cases
* spoofability remains possible.
Not all glue is let through (despite the name of the option). Only glue
which is present in a delegation, of type A and AAAA, where the name is
present in the NS record in the authority section is let through.
The glue that is let through is stored in the cache (marked as 'from the
additional section'). And will then be used for sending queries to. It
will not be present in the reply to the client (if RD is off).
A direct query for that name will attempt to get a msg into the message
cache. Since A and AAAA queries are not synthesized by the unbound cache,
this query will be (eventually) sent to the authoritative server and its
answer will be put in the cache, marked as 'from the answer section' and
thus remove the 'from the additional section' data, and this record is
returned to the client.
The message has a TTL smaller or equal to the TTL of the answer RR.
If the cache memory is low; the answer RR may be dropped, and a glue
RR may be inserted, within the message TTL time, and thus return the
spoofed glue to a client. When the message expires, it is refetched and
the cached RR is updated with the correct content.
The server can be spoofed by getting it to visit a especially prepared
domain. This domain then inserts an address for another authoritative
server into the cache, when visiting that other domain, this address may
then be used to send queries to. And fake answers may be returned.
If the other domain is signed by DNSSEC, the fakes will be detected.
In summary, the harden glue feature presents a security risk if
disabled. Disabling the feature leads to possible better performance
as more glue is present for the recursive service to use. The feature
is implemented so as to minimise the security risk, while trying to
keep this performance gain.