/* * validator/val_neg.h - validator aggressive negative caching functions. * * Copyright (c) 2008, NLnet Labs. All rights reserved. * * This software is open source. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the NLNET LABS nor the names of its contributors may * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * \file * * This file contains helper functions for the validator module. * The functions help with aggressive negative caching. * This creates new denials of existence, and proofs for absence of types * from cached NSEC records. */ #ifndef VALIDATOR_VAL_NEG_H #define VALIDATOR_VAL_NEG_H #include "util/locks.h" #include "util/rbtree.h" struct sldns_buffer; struct val_neg_data; struct config_file; struct reply_info; struct rrset_cache; struct regional; struct query_info; struct dns_msg; struct ub_packed_rrset_key; /** * The negative cache. It is shared between the threads, so locked. * Kept as validator-environ-state. It refers back to the rrset cache for * data elements. It can be out of date and contain conflicting data * from zone content changes. * It contains a tree of zones, every zone has a tree of data elements. * The data elements are part of one big LRU list, with one memory counter. */ struct val_neg_cache { /** the big lock on the negative cache. Because we use a rbtree * for the data (quick lookup), we need a big lock */ lock_basic_type lock; /** The zone rbtree. contents sorted canonical, type val_neg_zone */ rbtree_type tree; /** the first in linked list of LRU of val_neg_data */ struct val_neg_data* first; /** last in lru (least recently used element) */ struct val_neg_data* last; /** current memory in use (bytes) */ size_t use; /** max memory to use (bytes) */ size_t max; /** max nsec3 iterations allowed */ size_t nsec3_max_iter; }; /** * Per Zone aggressive negative caching data. */ struct val_neg_zone { /** rbtree node element, key is this struct: the name, class */ rbnode_type node; /** name; the key */ uint8_t* name; /** length of name */ size_t len; /** labels in name */ int labs; /** pointer to parent zone in the negative cache */ struct val_neg_zone* parent; /** the number of elements, including this one and the ones whose * parents (-parents) include this one, that are in_use * No elements have a count of zero, those are removed. */ int count; /** if 0: NSEC zone, else NSEC3 hash algorithm in use */ int nsec3_hash; /** nsec3 iteration count in use */ size_t nsec3_iter; /** nsec3 salt in use */ uint8_t* nsec3_salt; /** length of salt in bytes */ size_t nsec3_saltlen; /** tree of NSEC data for this zone, sorted canonical * by NSEC owner name */ rbtree_type tree; /** class of node; host order */ uint16_t dclass; /** if this element is in use, boolean */ uint8_t in_use; }; /** * Data element for aggressive negative caching. * The tree of these elements acts as an index onto the rrset cache. * It shows the NSEC records that (may) exist and are (possibly) secure. * The rbtree allows for logN search for a covering NSEC record. * To make tree insertion and deletion logN too, all the parent (one label * less than the name) data elements are also in the rbtree, with a usage * count for every data element. * There is no actual data stored in this data element, if it is in_use, * then the data can (possibly) be found in the rrset cache. */ struct val_neg_data { /** rbtree node element, key is this struct: the name */ rbnode_type node; /** name; the key */ uint8_t* name; /** length of name */ size_t len; /** labels in name */ int labs; /** pointer to parent node in the negative cache */ struct val_neg_data* parent; /** the number of elements, including this one and the ones whose * parents (-parents) include this one, that are in use * No elements have a count of zero, those are removed. */ int count; /** the zone that this denial is part of */ struct val_neg_zone* zone; /** previous in LRU */ struct val_neg_data* prev; /** next in LRU (next element was less recently used) */ struct val_neg_data* next; /** if this element is in use, boolean */ uint8_t in_use; }; /** * Create negative cache * @param cfg: config options. * @param maxiter: max nsec3 iterations allowed. * @return neg cache, empty or NULL on failure. */ struct val_neg_cache* val_neg_create(struct config_file* cfg, size_t maxiter); /** * see how much memory is in use by the negative cache. * @param neg: negative cache * @return number of bytes in use. */ size_t val_neg_get_mem(struct val_neg_cache* neg); /** * Destroy negative cache. There must no longer be any other threads. * @param neg: negative cache. */ void neg_cache_delete(struct val_neg_cache* neg); /** * Comparison function for rbtree val neg data elements */ int val_neg_data_compare(const void* a, const void* b); /** * Comparison function for rbtree val neg zone elements */ int val_neg_zone_compare(const void* a, const void* b); /** * Insert NSECs from this message into the negative cache for reference. * @param neg: negative cache * @param rep: reply with NSECs. * @param qname: used to find correct signer, needed when rep does not contain * a SOA record. * Errors are ignored, means that storage is omitted. */ void val_neg_addreply(struct val_neg_cache* neg, struct reply_info* rep, uint8_t* qname); /** * Insert NSECs from this referral into the negative cache for reference. * @param neg: negative cache * @param rep: referral reply with NS, NSECs. * @param zone: bailiwick for the referral. * Errors are ignored, means that storage is omitted. */ void val_neg_addreferral(struct val_neg_cache* neg, struct reply_info* rep, uint8_t* zone); /** * Perform a DLV style lookup * During the lookup, we could find out that data has expired. In that * case the neg_cache entries are removed, and lookup fails. * * @param neg: negative cache. * @param qname: name to look for * @param len: length of qname. * @param qclass: class to look in. * @param rrset_cache: the rrset cache, for NSEC lookups. * @param now: current time for ttl checks. * @return * 0 on error * 0 if no proof of negative * 1 if indeed negative was proven * thus, qname DLV qclass does not exist. */ int val_neg_dlvlookup(struct val_neg_cache* neg, uint8_t* qname, size_t len, uint16_t qclass, struct rrset_cache* rrset_cache, time_t now); /** * For the given query, try to get a reply out of the negative cache. * The reply still needs to be validated. * @param neg: negative cache. * @param qinfo: query * @param region: where to allocate reply. * @param rrset_cache: rrset cache. * @param buf: temporary buffer. * @param now: to check TTLs against. * @param addsoa: if true, produce result for external consumption. * if false, do not add SOA - for unbound-internal consumption. * @param topname: do not look higher than this name, * so that the result cannot be taken from a zone above the current * trust anchor. Which could happen with multiple islands of trust. * if NULL, then no trust anchor is used, but also the algorithm becomes * more conservative, especially for opt-out zones, since the receiver * may have a trust-anchor below the optout and thus the optout cannot * be used to create a proof from the negative cache. * @param cfg: config options. * @return a reply message if something was found. * This reply may still need validation. * NULL if nothing found (or out of memory). */ struct dns_msg* val_neg_getmsg(struct val_neg_cache* neg, struct query_info* qinfo, struct regional* region, struct rrset_cache* rrset_cache, struct sldns_buffer* buf, time_t now, int addsoa, uint8_t* topname, struct config_file* cfg); /**** functions exposed for unit test ****/ /** * Insert data into the data tree of a zone * Does not do locking. * @param neg: negative cache * @param zone: zone to insert into * @param nsec: record to insert. */ void neg_insert_data(struct val_neg_cache* neg, struct val_neg_zone* zone, struct ub_packed_rrset_key* nsec); /** * Delete a data element from the negative cache. * May delete other data elements to keep tree coherent, or * only mark the element as 'not in use'. * Does not do locking. * @param neg: negative cache. * @param el: data element to delete. */ void neg_delete_data(struct val_neg_cache* neg, struct val_neg_data* el); /** * Find the given zone, from the SOA owner name and class * Does not do locking. * @param neg: negative cache * @param nm: what to look for. * @param len: length of nm * @param dclass: class to look for. * @return zone or NULL if not found. */ struct val_neg_zone* neg_find_zone(struct val_neg_cache* neg, uint8_t* nm, size_t len, uint16_t dclass); /** * Create a new zone. * Does not do locking. * @param neg: negative cache * @param nm: what to look for. * @param nm_len: length of name. * @param dclass: class of zone, host order. * @return zone or NULL if out of memory. */ struct val_neg_zone* neg_create_zone(struct val_neg_cache* neg, uint8_t* nm, size_t nm_len, uint16_t dclass); /** * take a zone into use. increases counts of parents. * Does not do locking. * @param zone: zone to take into use. */ void val_neg_zone_take_inuse(struct val_neg_zone* zone); #endif /* VALIDATOR_VAL_NEG_H */