/* * util/alloc.c - memory allocation service. * * Copyright (c) 2007, NLnet Labs. All rights reserved. * * This software is open source. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the NLNET LABS nor the names of its contributors may * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * \file * * This file contains memory allocation functions. */ #include "config.h" #include "util/alloc.h" #include "util/regional.h" #include "util/data/packed_rrset.h" /** custom size of cached regional blocks */ #define ALLOC_REG_SIZE 16384 /** number of bits for ID part of uint64, rest for number of threads. */ #define THRNUM_SHIFT 48 /* for 65k threads, 2^48 rrsets per thr. */ /** setup new special type */ static void alloc_setup_special(alloc_special_t* t) { memset(t, 0, sizeof(*t)); lock_rw_init(&t->entry.lock); t->entry.key = t; } /** prealloc some entries in the cache. To minimize contention. * Result is 1 lock per alloc_max newly created entries. * @param alloc: the structure to fill up. */ static void prealloc(struct alloc_cache* alloc) { alloc_special_t* p; int i; for(i=0; iquar); alloc->quar = p; alloc->num_quar++; } } /** prealloc region blocks */ static void prealloc_blocks(struct alloc_cache* alloc, size_t num) { size_t i; struct regional* r; for(i=0; inext = (char*)alloc->reg_list; alloc->reg_list = r; alloc->num_reg_blocks ++; } } void alloc_init(struct alloc_cache* alloc, struct alloc_cache* super, int thread_num) { memset(alloc, 0, sizeof(*alloc)); alloc->super = super; alloc->thread_num = thread_num; alloc->next_id = (uint64_t)thread_num; /* in steps, so that type */ alloc->next_id <<= THRNUM_SHIFT; /* of *_id is used. */ alloc->last_id = 1; /* so no 64bit constants, */ alloc->last_id <<= THRNUM_SHIFT; /* or implicit 'int' ops. */ alloc->last_id -= 1; /* for compiler portability. */ alloc->last_id |= alloc->next_id; alloc->next_id += 1; /* because id=0 is special. */ alloc->max_reg_blocks = 100; alloc->num_reg_blocks = 0; alloc->reg_list = NULL; if(alloc->super) prealloc_blocks(alloc, alloc->max_reg_blocks); if(!alloc->super) { lock_quick_init(&alloc->lock); lock_protect(&alloc->lock, alloc, sizeof(*alloc)); } } void alloc_clear(struct alloc_cache* alloc) { alloc_special_t* p, *np; struct regional* r, *nr; if(!alloc) return; if(!alloc->super) { lock_quick_destroy(&alloc->lock); } if(alloc->super && alloc->quar) { /* push entire list into super */ p = alloc->quar; while(alloc_special_next(p)) /* find last */ p = alloc_special_next(p); lock_quick_lock(&alloc->super->lock); alloc_set_special_next(p, alloc->super->quar); alloc->super->quar = alloc->quar; alloc->super->num_quar += alloc->num_quar; lock_quick_unlock(&alloc->super->lock); } else { /* free */ p = alloc->quar; while(p) { np = alloc_special_next(p); /* deinit special type */ lock_rw_destroy(&p->entry.lock); free(p); p = np; } } alloc->quar = 0; alloc->num_quar = 0; r = alloc->reg_list; while(r) { nr = (struct regional*)r->next; free(r); r = nr; } alloc->reg_list = NULL; alloc->num_reg_blocks = 0; } uint64_t alloc_get_id(struct alloc_cache* alloc) { uint64_t id = alloc->next_id++; if(id == alloc->last_id) { /* TODO: clear the rrset cache */ log_warn("Out of ids. Clearing cache."); /* start back at first number */ /* like in alloc_init*/ alloc->next_id = (uint64_t)alloc->thread_num; alloc->next_id <<= THRNUM_SHIFT; /* in steps for comp. */ alloc->next_id += 1; /* portability. */ /* and generate new and safe id */ id = alloc->next_id++; } return id; } alloc_special_t* alloc_special_obtain(struct alloc_cache* alloc) { alloc_special_t* p; log_assert(alloc); /* see if in local cache */ if(alloc->quar) { p = alloc->quar; alloc->quar = alloc_special_next(p); alloc->num_quar--; p->id = alloc_get_id(alloc); return p; } /* see if in global cache */ if(alloc->super) { /* could maybe grab alloc_max/2 entries in one go, * but really, isn't that just as fast as this code? */ lock_quick_lock(&alloc->super->lock); if((p = alloc->super->quar)) { alloc->super->quar = alloc_special_next(p); alloc->super->num_quar--; } lock_quick_unlock(&alloc->super->lock); if(p) { p->id = alloc_get_id(alloc); return p; } } /* allocate new */ prealloc(alloc); if(!(p = (alloc_special_t*)malloc(sizeof(alloc_special_t)))) fatal_exit("alloc_special_obtain: out of memory"); alloc_setup_special(p); p->id = alloc_get_id(alloc); return p; } /** push mem and some more items to the super */ static void pushintosuper(struct alloc_cache* alloc, alloc_special_t* mem) { int i; alloc_special_t *p = alloc->quar; log_assert(p); log_assert(alloc && alloc->super && alloc->num_quar >= ALLOC_SPECIAL_MAX); /* push ALLOC_SPECIAL_MAX/2 after mem */ alloc_set_special_next(mem, alloc->quar); for(i=1; iquar = alloc_special_next(p); alloc->num_quar -= ALLOC_SPECIAL_MAX/2; /* dump mem+list into the super quar list */ lock_quick_lock(&alloc->super->lock); alloc_set_special_next(p, alloc->super->quar); alloc->super->quar = mem; alloc->super->num_quar += ALLOC_SPECIAL_MAX/2 + 1; lock_quick_unlock(&alloc->super->lock); /* so 1 lock per mem+alloc/2 deletes */ } void alloc_special_release(struct alloc_cache* alloc, alloc_special_t* mem) { log_assert(alloc); if(!mem) return; if(!alloc->super) { lock_quick_lock(&alloc->lock); /* superalloc needs locking */ } alloc_special_clean(mem); if(alloc->super && alloc->num_quar >= ALLOC_SPECIAL_MAX) { /* push it to the super structure */ pushintosuper(alloc, mem); return; } alloc_set_special_next(mem, alloc->quar); alloc->quar = mem; alloc->num_quar++; if(!alloc->super) { lock_quick_unlock(&alloc->lock); } } void alloc_stats(struct alloc_cache* alloc) { log_info("%salloc: %d in cache, %d blocks.", alloc->super?"":"sup", (int)alloc->num_quar, (int)alloc->num_reg_blocks); } size_t alloc_get_mem(struct alloc_cache* alloc) { alloc_special_t* p; size_t s = sizeof(*alloc); if(!alloc->super) { lock_quick_lock(&alloc->lock); /* superalloc needs locking */ } s += sizeof(alloc_special_t) * alloc->num_quar; for(p = alloc->quar; p; p = alloc_special_next(p)) { s += lock_get_mem(&p->entry.lock); } s += alloc->num_reg_blocks * ALLOC_REG_SIZE; if(!alloc->super) { lock_quick_unlock(&alloc->lock); } return s; } struct regional* alloc_reg_obtain(struct alloc_cache* alloc) { if(alloc->num_reg_blocks > 0) { struct regional* r = alloc->reg_list; alloc->reg_list = (struct regional*)r->next; r->next = NULL; alloc->num_reg_blocks--; return r; } return regional_create_custom(ALLOC_REG_SIZE); } void alloc_reg_release(struct alloc_cache* alloc, struct regional* r) { if(alloc->num_reg_blocks >= alloc->max_reg_blocks) { regional_destroy(r); return; } regional_free_all(r); log_assert(r->next == NULL); r->next = (char*)alloc->reg_list; alloc->reg_list = r; alloc->num_reg_blocks++; } /** global debug value to keep track of total memory mallocs */ size_t unbound_mem_alloc = 0; /** global debug value to keep track of total memory frees */ size_t unbound_mem_freed = 0; #ifdef UNBOUND_ALLOC_STATS /** special value to know if the memory is being tracked */ uint64_t mem_special = (uint64_t)0xfeed43327766abcdLL; #ifdef malloc #undef malloc #endif /** malloc with stats */ void *unbound_stat_malloc(size_t size) { void* res; if(size == 0) size = 1; res = malloc(size+16); if(!res) return NULL; unbound_mem_alloc += size; log_info("stat %p=malloc(%u)", res+16, (unsigned)size); memcpy(res, &size, sizeof(size)); memcpy(res+8, &mem_special, sizeof(mem_special)); return res+16; } #ifdef calloc #undef calloc #endif /** calloc with stats */ void *unbound_stat_calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size) { size_t s = (nmemb*size==0)?(size_t)1:nmemb*size; void* res = calloc(1, s+16); if(!res) return NULL; log_info("stat %p=calloc(%u, %u)", res+16, (unsigned)nmemb, (unsigned)size); unbound_mem_alloc += s; memcpy(res, &s, sizeof(s)); memcpy(res+8, &mem_special, sizeof(mem_special)); return res+16; } #ifdef free #undef free #endif /** free with stats */ void unbound_stat_free(void *ptr) { size_t s; if(!ptr) return; if(memcmp(ptr-8, &mem_special, sizeof(mem_special)) != 0) { free(ptr); return; } ptr-=16; memcpy(&s, ptr, sizeof(s)); log_info("stat free(%p) size %u", ptr+16, (unsigned)s); memset(ptr+8, 0, 8); unbound_mem_freed += s; free(ptr); } #ifdef realloc #undef realloc #endif /** realloc with stats */ void *unbound_stat_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size) { size_t cursz; void* res; if(!ptr) return unbound_stat_malloc(size); if(memcmp(ptr-8, &mem_special, sizeof(mem_special)) != 0) { return realloc(ptr, size); } if(size==0) { unbound_stat_free(ptr); return NULL; } ptr -= 16; memcpy(&cursz, ptr, sizeof(cursz)); if(cursz == size) { /* nothing changes */ return ptr; } res = malloc(size+16); if(!res) return NULL; unbound_mem_alloc += size; unbound_mem_freed += cursz; log_info("stat realloc(%p, %u) from %u", ptr+16, (unsigned)size, (unsigned)cursz); if(cursz > size) { memcpy(res+16, ptr+16, size); } else if(size > cursz) { memcpy(res+16, ptr+16, cursz); } memset(ptr+8, 0, 8); free(ptr); memcpy(res, &size, sizeof(size)); memcpy(res+8, &mem_special, sizeof(mem_special)); return res+16; } /** log to file where alloc was done */ void *unbound_stat_malloc_log(size_t size, const char* file, int line, const char* func) { log_info("%s:%d %s malloc(%u)", file, line, func, (unsigned)size); return unbound_stat_malloc(size); } /** log to file where alloc was done */ void *unbound_stat_calloc_log(size_t nmemb, size_t size, const char* file, int line, const char* func) { log_info("%s:%d %s calloc(%u, %u)", file, line, func, (unsigned) nmemb, (unsigned)size); return unbound_stat_calloc(nmemb, size); } /** log to file where free was done */ void unbound_stat_free_log(void *ptr, const char* file, int line, const char* func) { if(ptr && memcmp(ptr-8, &mem_special, sizeof(mem_special)) == 0) { size_t s; memcpy(&s, ptr-16, sizeof(s)); log_info("%s:%d %s free(%p) size %u", file, line, func, ptr, (unsigned)s); } else log_info("%s:%d %s unmatched free(%p)", file, line, func, ptr); unbound_stat_free(ptr); } /** log to file where alloc was done */ void *unbound_stat_realloc_log(void *ptr, size_t size, const char* file, int line, const char* func) { log_info("%s:%d %s realloc(%p, %u)", file, line, func, ptr, (unsigned)size); return unbound_stat_realloc(ptr, size); } #endif /* UNBOUND_ALLOC_STATS */