/* * validator/autotrust.c - RFC5011 trust anchor management for unbound. * * Copyright (c) 2009, NLnet Labs. All rights reserved. * * This software is open source. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the NLNET LABS nor the names of its contributors may * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * \file * * Contains autotrust implementation. The implementation was taken from * the autotrust daemon (BSD licensed), written by Matthijs Mekking. * It was modified to fit into unbound. The state table process is the same. */ #include "config.h" #include "ldns/ldns.h" #include "validator/autotrust.h" #include "validator/val_anchor.h" #include "validator/val_utils.h" #include "validator/val_sigcrypt.h" #include "util/data/dname.h" #include "util/data/packed_rrset.h" #include "util/log.h" #include "util/module.h" #include "util/net_help.h" #include "util/config_file.h" #include "util/regional.h" #include "util/random.h" #include "util/data/msgparse.h" #include "services/mesh.h" #include "services/cache/rrset.h" #include "validator/val_kcache.h" /** number of times a key must be seen before it can become valid */ #define MIN_PENDINGCOUNT 2 /** Event: Revoked */ static void do_revoked(struct module_env* env, struct autr_ta* anchor, int* c); struct autr_global_data* autr_global_create(void) { struct autr_global_data* global; global = (struct autr_global_data*)malloc(sizeof(*global)); if(!global) return NULL; rbtree_init(&global->probe, &probetree_cmp); return global; } void autr_global_delete(struct autr_global_data* global) { if(!global) return; /* elements deleted by parent */ memset(global, 0, sizeof(*global)); free(global); } int probetree_cmp(const void* x, const void* y) { struct trust_anchor* a = (struct trust_anchor*)x; struct trust_anchor* b = (struct trust_anchor*)y; log_assert(a->autr && b->autr); if(a->autr->next_probe_time < b->autr->next_probe_time) return -1; if(a->autr->next_probe_time > b->autr->next_probe_time) return 1; /* time is equal, sort on trust point identity */ return anchor_cmp(x, y); } size_t autr_get_num_anchors(struct val_anchors* anchors) { size_t res = 0; if(!anchors) return 0; lock_basic_lock(&anchors->lock); if(anchors->autr) res = anchors->autr->probe.count; lock_basic_unlock(&anchors->lock); return res; } /** Position in string */ static int position_in_string(char *str, const char* sub) { char* pos = strstr(str, sub); if(pos) return (int)(pos-str)+(int)strlen(sub); return -1; } /** Debug routine to print pretty key information */ static void verbose_key(struct autr_ta* ta, enum verbosity_value level, const char* format, ...) ATTR_FORMAT(printf, 3, 4); /** * Implementation of debug pretty key print * @param ta: trust anchor key with DNSKEY data. * @param level: verbosity level to print at. * @param format: printf style format string. */ static void verbose_key(struct autr_ta* ta, enum verbosity_value level, const char* format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); if(verbosity >= level) { char* str = ldns_rdf2str(ldns_rr_owner(ta->rr)); int keytag = (int)ldns_calc_keytag(ta->rr); char msg[MAXSYSLOGMSGLEN]; vsnprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), format, args); verbose(level, "%s key %d %s", str?str:"??", keytag, msg); free(str); } va_end(args); } /** * Parse comments * @param str: to parse * @param ta: trust key autotrust metadata * @return false on failure. */ static int parse_comments(char* str, struct autr_ta* ta) { int len = (int)strlen(str), pos = 0, timestamp = 0; char* comment = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char)*len+1); char* comments = comment; if(!comment) { log_err("malloc failure in parse"); return 0; } /* skip over whitespace and data at start of line */ while (*str != '\0' && *str != ';') str++; if (*str == ';') str++; /* copy comments */ while (*str != '\0') { *comments = *str; comments++; str++; } *comments = '\0'; comments = comment; /* read state */ pos = position_in_string(comments, "state="); if (pos >= (int) strlen(comments)) { log_err("parse error"); free(comment); return 0; } if (pos <= 0) ta->s = AUTR_STATE_VALID; else { int s = (int) comments[pos] - '0'; switch(s) { case AUTR_STATE_START: case AUTR_STATE_ADDPEND: case AUTR_STATE_VALID: case AUTR_STATE_MISSING: case AUTR_STATE_REVOKED: case AUTR_STATE_REMOVED: ta->s = s; break; default: verbose_key(ta, VERB_OPS, "has undefined " "state, considered NewKey"); ta->s = AUTR_STATE_START; break; } } /* read pending count */ pos = position_in_string(comments, "count="); if (pos >= (int) strlen(comments)) { log_err("parse error"); free(comment); return 0; } if (pos <= 0) ta->pending_count = 0; else { comments += pos; ta->pending_count = (uint8_t)atoi(comments); } /* read last change */ pos = position_in_string(comments, "lastchange="); if (pos >= (int) strlen(comments)) { log_err("parse error"); free(comment); return 0; } if (pos >= 0) { comments += pos; timestamp = atoi(comments); } if (pos < 0 || !timestamp) ta->last_change = 0; else ta->last_change = (uint32_t)timestamp; free(comment); return 1; } /** Check if a line contains data (besides comments) */ static int str_contains_data(char* str, char comment) { while (*str != '\0') { if (*str == comment || *str == '\n') return 0; if (*str != ' ' && *str != '\t') return 1; str++; } return 0; } /** Get DNSKEY flags */ static int dnskey_flags(ldns_rr* rr) { if(ldns_rr_get_type(rr) != LDNS_RR_TYPE_DNSKEY) return 0; return (int)ldns_read_uint16(ldns_rdf_data(ldns_rr_dnskey_flags(rr))); } /** Check if KSK DNSKEY */ static int rr_is_dnskey_sep(ldns_rr* rr) { return (dnskey_flags(rr)&DNSKEY_BIT_SEP); } /** Check if REVOKED DNSKEY */ static int rr_is_dnskey_revoked(ldns_rr* rr) { return (dnskey_flags(rr)&LDNS_KEY_REVOKE_KEY); } /** create ta */ static struct autr_ta* autr_ta_create(ldns_rr* rr) { struct autr_ta* ta = (struct autr_ta*)calloc(1, sizeof(*ta)); if(!ta) { ldns_rr_free(rr); return NULL; } ta->rr = rr; return ta; } /** create tp */ static struct trust_anchor* autr_tp_create(struct val_anchors* anchors, ldns_rdf* own, uint16_t dc) { struct trust_anchor* tp = (struct trust_anchor*)calloc(1, sizeof(*tp)); if(!tp) return NULL; tp->name = memdup(ldns_rdf_data(own), ldns_rdf_size(own)); if(!tp->name) { free(tp); return NULL; } tp->namelen = ldns_rdf_size(own); tp->namelabs = dname_count_labels(tp->name); tp->node.key = tp; tp->dclass = dc; tp->autr = (struct autr_point_data*)calloc(1, sizeof(*tp->autr)); if(!tp->autr) { free(tp->name); free(tp); return NULL; } tp->autr->pnode.key = tp; lock_basic_lock(&anchors->lock); if(!rbtree_insert(anchors->tree, &tp->node)) { lock_basic_unlock(&anchors->lock); log_err("trust anchor presented twice"); free(tp->name); free(tp->autr); free(tp); return NULL; } if(!rbtree_insert(&anchors->autr->probe, &tp->autr->pnode)) { (void)rbtree_delete(anchors->tree, tp); lock_basic_unlock(&anchors->lock); log_err("trust anchor in probetree twice"); free(tp->name); free(tp->autr); free(tp); return NULL; } lock_basic_unlock(&anchors->lock); lock_basic_init(&tp->lock); lock_protect(&tp->lock, tp, sizeof(*tp)); lock_protect(&tp->lock, tp->autr, sizeof(*tp->autr)); return tp; } /** delete assembled rrsets */ static void autr_rrset_delete(struct ub_packed_rrset_key* r) { if(r) { free(r->rk.dname); free(r->entry.data); free(r); } } void autr_point_delete(struct trust_anchor* tp) { if(!tp) return; lock_unprotect(&tp->lock, tp); lock_unprotect(&tp->lock, tp->autr); lock_basic_destroy(&tp->lock); autr_rrset_delete(tp->ds_rrset); autr_rrset_delete(tp->dnskey_rrset); if(tp->autr) { struct autr_ta* p = tp->autr->keys, *np; while(p) { np = p->next; ldns_rr_free(p->rr); free(p); p = np; } free(tp->autr->file); free(tp->autr); } free(tp->name); free(tp); } /** find or add a new trust point for autotrust */ static struct trust_anchor* find_add_tp(struct val_anchors* anchors, ldns_rr* rr) { struct trust_anchor* tp; ldns_rdf* own = ldns_rr_owner(rr); tp = anchor_find(anchors, ldns_rdf_data(own), dname_count_labels(ldns_rdf_data(own)), ldns_rdf_size(own), ldns_rr_get_class(rr)); if(tp) { if(!tp->autr) { log_err("anchor cannot be with and without autotrust"); lock_basic_unlock(&tp->lock); return NULL; } return tp; } tp = autr_tp_create(anchors, ldns_rr_owner(rr), ldns_rr_get_class(rr)); lock_basic_lock(&tp->lock); return tp; } /** Add trust anchor from RR */ static struct autr_ta* add_trustanchor_frm_rr(struct val_anchors* anchors, ldns_rr* rr, struct trust_anchor** tp) { struct autr_ta* ta = autr_ta_create(rr); if(!ta) return NULL; *tp = find_add_tp(anchors, rr); if(!*tp) { ldns_rr_free(ta->rr); free(ta); return NULL; } /* add ta to tp */ ta->next = (*tp)->autr->keys; (*tp)->autr->keys = ta; lock_basic_unlock(&(*tp)->lock); return ta; } /** * Add new trust anchor from a string in file. * @param anchors: all anchors * @param str: string with anchor and comments, if any comments. * @param tp: trust point returned. * @param origin: what to use for @ * @param prev: previous rr name * @param skip: if true, the result is NULL, but not an error, skip it. * @return new key in trust point. */ static struct autr_ta* add_trustanchor_frm_str(struct val_anchors* anchors, char* str, struct trust_anchor** tp, ldns_rdf* origin, ldns_rdf** prev, int* skip) { ldns_rr* rr; ldns_status lstatus; if (!str_contains_data(str, ';')) { *skip = 1; return NULL; /* empty line */ } if (LDNS_STATUS_OK != (lstatus = ldns_rr_new_frm_str(&rr, str, 0, origin, prev))) { log_err("ldns error while converting string to RR: %s", ldns_get_errorstr_by_id(lstatus)); return NULL; } if(ldns_rr_get_type(rr) != LDNS_RR_TYPE_DNSKEY && ldns_rr_get_type(rr) != LDNS_RR_TYPE_DS) { ldns_rr_free(rr); *skip = 1; return NULL; /* only DS and DNSKEY allowed */ } return add_trustanchor_frm_rr(anchors, rr, tp); } /** * Load single anchor * @param anchors: all points. * @param str: comments line * @param fname: filename * @param origin: $ORIGIN. * @param prev: passed to ldns. * @param skip: if true, the result is NULL, but not an error, skip it. * @return false on failure, otherwise the tp read. */ static struct trust_anchor* load_trustanchor(struct val_anchors* anchors, char* str, const char* fname, ldns_rdf* origin, ldns_rdf** prev, int* skip) { struct autr_ta* ta = NULL; struct trust_anchor* tp = NULL; ta = add_trustanchor_frm_str(anchors, str, &tp, origin, prev, skip); if(!ta) return NULL; lock_basic_lock(&tp->lock); if(!parse_comments(str, ta)) { lock_basic_unlock(&tp->lock); return NULL; } if(!tp->autr->file) { tp->autr->file = strdup(fname); if(!tp->autr->file) { lock_basic_unlock(&tp->lock); log_err("malloc failure"); return NULL; } } lock_basic_unlock(&tp->lock); return tp; } /** * Assemble the trust anchors into DS and DNSKEY packed rrsets. * Uses only VALID and MISSING DNSKEYs. * Read the ldns_rrs and builds packed rrsets * @param tp: the trust point. Must be locked. * @return false on malloc failure. */ static int autr_assemble(struct trust_anchor* tp) { ldns_rr_list* ds, *dnskey; struct autr_ta* ta; struct ub_packed_rrset_key* ubds=NULL, *ubdnskey=NULL; ds = ldns_rr_list_new(); dnskey = ldns_rr_list_new(); if(!ds || !dnskey) { ldns_rr_list_free(ds); ldns_rr_list_free(dnskey); return 0; } for(ta = tp->autr->keys; ta; ta = ta->next) { if(ldns_rr_get_type(ta->rr) == LDNS_RR_TYPE_DS) { if(!ldns_rr_list_push_rr(ds, ta->rr)) { ldns_rr_list_free(ds); ldns_rr_list_free(dnskey); return 0; } } else if(ta->s == AUTR_STATE_VALID || ta->s == AUTR_STATE_MISSING) { if(!ldns_rr_list_push_rr(dnskey, ta->rr)) { ldns_rr_list_free(ds); ldns_rr_list_free(dnskey); return 0; } } } /* make packed rrset keys - malloced with no ID number, they * are not in the cache */ /* make packed rrset data (if there is a key) */ if(ldns_rr_list_rr_count(ds) > 0) { ubds = ub_packed_rrset_heap_key(ds); if(!ubds) goto error_cleanup; ubds->entry.data = packed_rrset_heap_data(ds); if(!ubds->entry.data) goto error_cleanup; } if(ldns_rr_list_rr_count(dnskey) > 0) { ubdnskey = ub_packed_rrset_heap_key(dnskey); if(!ubdnskey) goto error_cleanup; ubdnskey->entry.data = packed_rrset_heap_data(dnskey); if(!ubdnskey->entry.data) { error_cleanup: autr_rrset_delete(ubds); autr_rrset_delete(ubdnskey); ldns_rr_list_free(ds); ldns_rr_list_free(dnskey); return 0; } } /* we have prepared the new keys so nothing can go wrong any more. * And we are sure we cannot be left without trustanchor after * any errors. Put in the new keys and remove old ones. */ /* free the old data */ autr_rrset_delete(tp->ds_rrset); autr_rrset_delete(tp->dnskey_rrset); /* assign the data to replace the old */ tp->ds_rrset = ubds; tp->dnskey_rrset = ubdnskey; tp->numDS = ldns_rr_list_rr_count(ds); tp->numDNSKEY = ldns_rr_list_rr_count(dnskey); ldns_rr_list_free(ds); ldns_rr_list_free(dnskey); return 1; } /** parse integer */ static unsigned int parse_int(char* line, int* ret) { char *e; unsigned int x = (unsigned int)strtol(line, &e, 10); if(line == e) { *ret = -1; /* parse error */ return 0; } *ret = 1; /* matched */ return x; } /** parse id sequence for anchor */ static struct trust_anchor* parse_id(struct val_anchors* anchors, char* line) { struct trust_anchor *tp; size_t len; int labs, r; ldns_rdf* rdf; uint16_t dclass; /* read the owner name */ char* next = strchr(line, ' '); if(!next) return NULL; next[0] = 0; rdf = ldns_dname_new_frm_str(line); if(!rdf) return NULL; labs = dname_count_size_labels(ldns_rdf_data(rdf), &len); log_assert(len == ldns_rdf_size(rdf)); /* read the class */ dclass = parse_int(next+1, &r); if(r == -1) { ldns_rdf_deep_free(rdf); return NULL; } /* find the trust point */ tp = autr_tp_create(anchors, rdf, dclass); ldns_rdf_deep_free(rdf); return tp; } /** * Parse variable from trustanchor header * @param line: to parse * @param anchors: the anchor is added to this, if "id:" is seen. * @param anchor: the anchor as result value or previously returned anchor * value to read the variable lines into. * @return: 0 no match, -1 failed syntax error, +1 success line read. * +2 revoked trust anchor file. */ static int parse_var_line(char* line, struct val_anchors* anchors, struct trust_anchor** anchor) { struct trust_anchor* tp = *anchor; int r = 0; if(strncmp(line, ";;id: ", 6) == 0) { *anchor = parse_id(anchors, line+6); if(!*anchor) return -1; else return 1; } else if(strncmp(line, ";;REVOKED", 9) == 0) { if(tp) { log_err("REVOKED statement must be at start of file"); return -1; } return 2; } else if(strncmp(line, ";;last_queried: ", 16) == 0) { if(!tp) return -1; lock_basic_lock(&tp->lock); tp->autr->last_queried = (time_t)parse_int(line+16, &r); lock_basic_unlock(&tp->lock); } else if(strncmp(line, ";;last_success: ", 16) == 0) { if(!tp) return -1; lock_basic_lock(&tp->lock); tp->autr->last_success = (time_t)parse_int(line+16, &r); lock_basic_unlock(&tp->lock); } else if(strncmp(line, ";;next_probe_time: ", 19) == 0) { if(!tp) return -1; lock_basic_lock(&anchors->lock); lock_basic_lock(&tp->lock); (void)rbtree_delete(&anchors->autr->probe, tp); tp->autr->next_probe_time = (time_t)parse_int(line+19, &r); (void)rbtree_insert(&anchors->autr->probe, &tp->autr->pnode); lock_basic_unlock(&tp->lock); lock_basic_unlock(&anchors->lock); } else if(strncmp(line, ";;query_failed: ", 16) == 0) { if(!tp) return -1; lock_basic_lock(&tp->lock); tp->autr->query_failed = (uint8_t)parse_int(line+16, &r); lock_basic_unlock(&tp->lock); } else if(strncmp(line, ";;query_interval: ", 18) == 0) { if(!tp) return -1; lock_basic_lock(&tp->lock); tp->autr->query_interval = (uint32_t)parse_int(line+18, &r); lock_basic_unlock(&tp->lock); } else if(strncmp(line, ";;retry_time: ", 14) == 0) { if(!tp) return -1; lock_basic_lock(&tp->lock); tp->autr->retry_time = (uint32_t)parse_int(line+14, &r); lock_basic_unlock(&tp->lock); } return r; } /** handle origin lines */ static int handle_origin(char* line, ldns_rdf** origin) { while(isspace((int)*line)) line++; if(strncmp(line, "$ORIGIN", 7) != 0) return 0; ldns_rdf_deep_free(*origin); line += 7; while(isspace((int)*line)) line++; *origin = ldns_dname_new_frm_str(line); if(!*origin) log_warn("malloc failure or parse error in $ORIGIN"); return 1; } /** Read one line and put multiline RRs onto one line string */ static int read_multiline(char* buf, size_t len, FILE* in, int* linenr) { char* pos = buf; size_t left = len; int depth = 0; buf[len-1] = 0; while(left > 0 && fgets(pos, (int)left, in) != NULL) { size_t i, poslen = strlen(pos); (*linenr)++; /* check what the new depth is after the line */ /* this routine cannot handle braces inside quotes, say for TXT records, but this routine only has to read keys */ for(i=0; i0) pos[poslen-1] = 0; /* strip newline */ if(strchr(pos, ';')) strchr(pos, ';')[0] = 0; /* strip comments */ /* move to paste other lines behind this one */ poslen = strlen(pos); pos += poslen; left -= poslen; /* the newline is changed into a space */ if(left <= 2 /* space and eos */) { log_err("line too long"); return -1; } pos[0] = ' '; pos[1] = 0; pos += 1; left -= 1; } if(depth != 0) { log_err("mismatch: too many '('"); return -1; } if(pos != buf) return 1; return 0; } int autr_read_file(struct val_anchors* anchors, const char* nm) { /* the file descriptor */ FILE* fd; /* keep track of line numbers */ int line_nr = 0; /* single line */ char line[10240]; /* trust point being read */ struct trust_anchor *tp = NULL, *tp2; int r; /* for $ORIGIN parsing */ ldns_rdf *origin=NULL, *prev=NULL; if (!(fd = fopen(nm, "r"))) { log_err("unable to open %s for reading: %s", nm, strerror(errno)); return 0; } verbose(VERB_ALGO, "reading autotrust anchor file %s", nm); while ( (r=read_multiline(line, sizeof(line), fd, &line_nr)) != 0) { if(r == -1 || (r = parse_var_line(line, anchors, &tp)) == -1) { log_err("could not parse auto-trust-anchor-file " "%s line %d", nm, line_nr); fclose(fd); ldns_rdf_deep_free(origin); ldns_rdf_deep_free(prev); return 0; } else if(r == 1) { continue; } else if(r == 2) { log_warn("trust anchor %s has been revoked", nm); fclose(fd); ldns_rdf_deep_free(origin); ldns_rdf_deep_free(prev); return 1; } if (!str_contains_data(line, ';')) continue; /* empty lines allowed */ if(handle_origin(line, &origin)) continue; r = 0; if(!(tp2=load_trustanchor(anchors, line, nm, origin, &prev, &r))) { if(!r) log_err("failed to load trust anchor from %s " "at line %i, skipping", nm, line_nr); /* try to do the rest */ continue; } if(tp && tp != tp2) { log_err("file %s has mismatching data inside: " "the file may only contain keys for one name, " "remove keys for other domain names", nm); fclose(fd); ldns_rdf_deep_free(origin); ldns_rdf_deep_free(prev); return 0; } tp = tp2; } fclose(fd); ldns_rdf_deep_free(origin); ldns_rdf_deep_free(prev); if(!tp) { log_err("failed to read %s", nm); return 0; } /* now assemble the data into DNSKEY and DS packed rrsets */ lock_basic_lock(&tp->lock); if(!autr_assemble(tp)) { lock_basic_unlock(&tp->lock); log_err("malloc failure assembling %s", nm); return 0; } lock_basic_unlock(&tp->lock); return 1; } /** string for a trustanchor state */ static const char* trustanchor_state2str(autr_state_t s) { switch (s) { case AUTR_STATE_START: return " START "; case AUTR_STATE_ADDPEND: return " ADDPEND "; case AUTR_STATE_VALID: return " VALID "; case AUTR_STATE_MISSING: return " MISSING "; case AUTR_STATE_REVOKED: return " REVOKED "; case AUTR_STATE_REMOVED: return " REMOVED "; } return " UNKNOWN "; } /** print ID to file */ static void print_id(FILE* out, char* fname, struct module_env* env, uint8_t* nm, size_t nmlen, uint16_t dclass) { ldns_rdf rdf; ldns_status s; memset(&rdf, 0, sizeof(rdf)); ldns_rdf_set_data(&rdf, nm); ldns_rdf_set_size(&rdf, nmlen); ldns_rdf_set_type(&rdf, LDNS_RDF_TYPE_DNAME); ldns_buffer_clear(env->scratch_buffer); s = ldns_rdf2buffer_str_dname(env->scratch_buffer, &rdf); log_assert(s == LDNS_STATUS_OK); ldns_buffer_write_u8(env->scratch_buffer, 0); ldns_buffer_flip(env->scratch_buffer); if(fprintf(out, ";;id: %s %d\n", (char*)ldns_buffer_begin(env->scratch_buffer), (int)dclass) < 0) log_err("could not write to %s: %s", fname, strerror(errno)); } void autr_write_file(struct module_env* env, struct trust_anchor* tp) { char tmi[32]; FILE* out; struct autr_ta* ta; char* fn = tp->autr->file; log_assert(tp->autr); verbose(VERB_ALGO, "autotrust: write to disk"); out = fopen(tp->autr->file, "w"); if(!out) { log_err("Could not open autotrust file for writing, %s: %s", tp->autr->file, strerror(errno)); return; } /* write pretty header */ if(fprintf(out, "; autotrust trust anchor file\n") < 0) log_err("could not write to %s: %s", fn, strerror(errno)); if(tp->autr->revoked) { if(fprintf(out, ";;REVOKED\n") < 0 || fprintf(out, "; The zone has all keys revoked, and is\n" "; considered as if it has no trust anchors.\n" "; the remainder of the file is the last probe.\n" "; to restart the trust anchor, overwrite this file.\n" "; with one containing valid DNSKEYs or DSes.\n") < 0) log_err("could not write to %s: %s", fn, strerror(errno)); } print_id(out, tp->autr->file, env, tp->name, tp->namelen, tp->dclass); if(fprintf(out, ";;last_queried: %u ;;%s", (unsigned int)tp->autr->last_queried, ctime_r(&(tp->autr->last_queried), tmi)) < 0 || fprintf(out, ";;last_success: %u ;;%s", (unsigned int)tp->autr->last_success, ctime_r(&(tp->autr->last_success), tmi)) < 0 || fprintf(out, ";;next_probe_time: %u ;;%s", (unsigned int)tp->autr->next_probe_time, ctime_r(&(tp->autr->next_probe_time), tmi)) < 0 || fprintf(out, ";;query_failed: %d\n", (int)tp->autr->query_failed)<0 || fprintf(out, ";;query_interval: %d\n", (int)tp->autr->query_interval) < 0 || fprintf(out, ";;retry_time: %d\n", (int)tp->autr->retry_time) < 0) log_err("could not write to %s: %s", fn, strerror(errno)); /* write anchors */ for(ta=tp->autr->keys; ta; ta=ta->next) { char* str; /* by default do not store START and REMOVED keys */ if(ta->s == AUTR_STATE_START) continue; if(ta->s == AUTR_STATE_REMOVED) continue; /* only store SEP keys */ if(!rr_is_dnskey_sep(ta->rr)) continue; str = ldns_rr2str(ta->rr); if(!str || !str[0]) { free(str); log_err("malloc failure writing %s", tp->autr->file); continue; } str[strlen(str)-1] = 0; /* remove newline */ if(fprintf(out, "%s ;;state=%d [%s] ;;count=%d " ";;lastchange=%u ;;%s", str, (int)ta->s, trustanchor_state2str(ta->s), (int)ta->pending_count, (unsigned int)ta->last_change, ctime_r(&(ta->last_change), tmi)) < 0) log_err("could not write to %s: %s", fn, strerror(errno)); free(str); } fclose(out); } /** * Verify if dnskey works for trust point * @param env: environment (with time) for verification * @param ve: validator environment (with options) for verification. * @param tp: trust point to verify with * @param rrset: DNSKEY rrset to verify. * @return false on failure, true if verification successful. */ static int verify_dnskey(struct module_env* env, struct val_env* ve, struct trust_anchor* tp, struct ub_packed_rrset_key* rrset) { char* reason = NULL; if(tp->ds_rrset) { /* verify with ds, any will do to prime autotrust */ enum sec_status sec = val_verify_DNSKEY_with_DS( env, ve, rrset, tp->ds_rrset, &reason); verbose(VERB_ALGO, "autotrust: validate DNSKEY with DS: %s", sec_status_to_string(sec)); if(sec == sec_status_secure) { return 1; } } if(tp->dnskey_rrset) { /* verify with keys */ enum sec_status sec = val_verify_rrset(env, ve, rrset, tp->dnskey_rrset, &reason); verbose(VERB_ALGO, "autotrust: validate DNSKEY with keys: %s", sec_status_to_string(sec)); if(sec == sec_status_secure) { return 1; } } return 0; } /** Find minimum expiration interval from signatures */ static uint32_t min_expiry(struct module_env* env, ldns_rr_list* rrset) { size_t i; uint32_t t, r = 15 * 24 * 3600; /* 15 days max */ for(i=0; inow > 0) { t -= *env->now; if(t < r) r = t; } } return r; } /** Is rr self-signed revoked key */ static int rr_is_selfsigned_revoked(struct module_env* env, struct val_env* ve, struct ub_packed_rrset_key* dnskey_rrset, size_t i) { enum sec_status sec; char* reason = NULL; verbose(VERB_ALGO, "seen REVOKE flag, check self-signed, rr %d", (int)i); sec = dnskey_verify_rrset(env, ve, dnskey_rrset, dnskey_rrset, i, &reason); return (sec == sec_status_secure); } /** Set fetched value */ static void seen_trustanchor(struct autr_ta* ta, uint8_t seen) { ta->fetched = seen; if(ta->pending_count < 250) /* no numerical overflow, please */ ta->pending_count++; } /** set revoked value */ static void seen_revoked_trustanchor(struct autr_ta* ta, uint8_t revoked) { ta->revoked = revoked; } /** revoke a trust anchor */ static void revoke_dnskey(struct autr_ta* ta, int off) { ldns_rdf* rdf; uint16_t flags; log_assert(ta && ta->rr); if(ldns_rr_get_type(ta->rr) != LDNS_RR_TYPE_DNSKEY) return; rdf = ldns_rr_dnskey_flags(ta->rr); flags = ldns_read_uint16(ldns_rdf_data(rdf)); if (off && (flags&LDNS_KEY_REVOKE_KEY)) flags ^= LDNS_KEY_REVOKE_KEY; /* flip */ else flags |= LDNS_KEY_REVOKE_KEY; ldns_write_uint16(ldns_rdf_data(rdf), flags); } /** Compare two RR buffers skipping the REVOKED bit */ static int ldns_rr_compare_wire_skip_revbit(ldns_buffer* rr1_buf, ldns_buffer* rr2_buf) { size_t rr1_len, rr2_len, min_len, i, offset; rr1_len = ldns_buffer_capacity(rr1_buf); rr2_len = ldns_buffer_capacity(rr2_buf); /* jump past dname (checked in earlier part) and especially past TTL */ offset = 0; while (offset < rr1_len && *ldns_buffer_at(rr1_buf, offset) != 0) offset += *ldns_buffer_at(rr1_buf, offset) + 1; /* jump to rdata section (PAST the rdata length field) */ offset += 11; /* 0-dname-end + type + class + ttl + rdatalen */ min_len = (rr1_len < rr2_len) ? rr1_len : rr2_len; /* compare RRs RDATA byte for byte. */ for(i = offset; i < min_len; i++) { uint8_t *rdf1, *rdf2; rdf1 = ldns_buffer_at(rr1_buf, i); rdf2 = ldns_buffer_at(rr2_buf, i); if (i==(offset+1)) { /* this is the second part of the flags field */ *rdf1 = *rdf1 | LDNS_KEY_REVOKE_KEY; *rdf2 = *rdf2 | LDNS_KEY_REVOKE_KEY; } if (*rdf1 < *rdf2) return -1; else if (*rdf1 > *rdf2) return 1; } return 0; } /** Compare two RRs skipping the REVOKED bit */ static int ldns_rr_compare_skip_revbit(const ldns_rr* rr1, const ldns_rr* rr2, int* result) { size_t rr1_len, rr2_len; ldns_buffer* rr1_buf; ldns_buffer* rr2_buf; *result = ldns_rr_compare_no_rdata(rr1, rr2); if (*result == 0) { rr1_len = ldns_rr_uncompressed_size(rr1); rr2_len = ldns_rr_uncompressed_size(rr2); rr1_buf = ldns_buffer_new(rr1_len); rr2_buf = ldns_buffer_new(rr2_len); if(!rr1_buf || !rr2_buf) { ldns_buffer_free(rr1_buf); ldns_buffer_free(rr2_buf); return 0; } if (ldns_rr2buffer_wire_canonical(rr1_buf, rr1, LDNS_SECTION_ANY) != LDNS_STATUS_OK) { ldns_buffer_free(rr1_buf); ldns_buffer_free(rr2_buf); return 0; } if (ldns_rr2buffer_wire_canonical(rr2_buf, rr2, LDNS_SECTION_ANY) != LDNS_STATUS_OK) { ldns_buffer_free(rr1_buf); ldns_buffer_free(rr2_buf); return 0; } *result = ldns_rr_compare_wire_skip_revbit(rr1_buf, rr2_buf); ldns_buffer_free(rr1_buf); ldns_buffer_free(rr2_buf); } return 1; } /** compare two trust anchors */ static int ta_compare(ldns_rr* a, ldns_rr* b, int* result) { if (!a && !b) *result = 0; else if (!a) *result = -1; else if (!b) *result = 1; else if (ldns_rr_get_type(a) != ldns_rr_get_type(b)) *result = (int)ldns_rr_get_type(a) - (int)ldns_rr_get_type(b); else if (ldns_rr_get_type(a) == LDNS_RR_TYPE_DNSKEY) { if(!ldns_rr_compare_skip_revbit(a, b, result)) return 0; } else if (ldns_rr_get_type(a) == LDNS_RR_TYPE_DS) *result = ldns_rr_compare(a, b); else *result = -1; return 1; } /** * Find key * @param tp: to search in * @param rr: to look for * @param result: returns NULL or the ta key looked for. * @return false on malloc failure during search. if true examine result. */ static int find_key(struct trust_anchor* tp, ldns_rr* rr, struct autr_ta** result) { struct autr_ta* ta; int ret; if(!tp || !rr) return 0; for(ta=tp->autr->keys; ta; ta=ta->next) { if(!ta_compare(ta->rr, rr, &ret)) return 0; if(ret == 0) { *result = ta; return 1; } } *result = NULL; return 1; } /** add key and clone RR and tp already locked */ static struct autr_ta* add_key(struct trust_anchor* tp, ldns_rr* rr) { ldns_rr* c; struct autr_ta* ta; c = ldns_rr_clone(rr); if(!c) return NULL; ta = autr_ta_create(c); if(!ta) { ldns_rr_free(c); return NULL; } /* link in, tp already locked */ ta->next = tp->autr->keys; tp->autr->keys = ta; return ta; } /** get TTL from DNSKEY rrset */ static uint32_t key_ttl(struct ub_packed_rrset_key* k) { struct packed_rrset_data* d = (struct packed_rrset_data*)k->entry.data; return d->ttl; } /** update the time values for the trustpoint */ static void set_tp_times(struct trust_anchor* tp, uint32_t rrsig_exp_interval, uint32_t origttl, int* changed) { uint32_t x, qi = tp->autr->query_interval, rt = tp->autr->retry_time; /* x = MIN(15days, ttl/2, expire/2) */ x = 15 * 24 * 3600; if(origttl/2 < x) x = origttl/2; if(rrsig_exp_interval/2 < x) x = rrsig_exp_interval/2; /* MAX(1hr, x) */ if(x < 3600) tp->autr->query_interval = 3600; else tp->autr->query_interval = x; /* x= MIN(1day, ttl/10, expire/10) */ x = 24 * 3600; if(origttl/10 < x) x = origttl/10; if(rrsig_exp_interval/10 < x) x = rrsig_exp_interval/10; /* MAX(1hr, x) */ if(x < 3600) tp->autr->retry_time = 3600; else tp->autr->retry_time = x; if(qi != tp->autr->query_interval || rt != tp->autr->retry_time) { *changed = 1; verbose(VERB_ALGO, "orig_ttl is %d", (int)origttl); verbose(VERB_ALGO, "rrsig_exp_interval is %d", (int)rrsig_exp_interval); verbose(VERB_ALGO, "query_interval: %d, retry_time: %d", (int)tp->autr->query_interval, (int)tp->autr->retry_time); } } /** init events to zero */ static void init_events(struct trust_anchor* tp) { struct autr_ta* ta; for(ta=tp->autr->keys; ta; ta=ta->next) { ta->fetched = 0; } } /** check for revoked keys without trusting any other information */ static void check_contains_revoked(struct module_env* env, struct val_env* ve, struct trust_anchor* tp, struct ub_packed_rrset_key* dnskey_rrset, int* changed) { ldns_rr_list* r = packed_rrset_to_rr_list(dnskey_rrset, env->scratch_buffer); size_t i; if(!r) { log_err("malloc failure"); return; } for(i=0; irevoked) *changed = 1; seen_revoked_trustanchor(ta, 1); do_revoked(env, ta, changed); } } ldns_rr_list_deep_free(r); } /** See if a DNSKEY is verified by one of the DSes */ static int key_matches_a_ds(struct module_env* env, struct val_env* ve, struct ub_packed_rrset_key* dnskey_rrset, size_t key_idx, struct ub_packed_rrset_key* ds_rrset) { struct packed_rrset_data* dd = (struct packed_rrset_data*) ds_rrset->entry.data; size_t ds_idx, num = dd->count; int d = val_favorite_ds_algo(ds_rrset); char* reason = ""; for(ds_idx=0; ds_idxscratch_buffer); size_t i; if(!r) return 0; init_events(tp); for(i=0; iname, LDNS_RR_TYPE_DNSKEY, tp->dclass); continue; } /* is it new? if revocation bit set, find the unrevoked key */ if(!find_key(tp, rr, &ta)) { ldns_rr_list_deep_free(r); /* malloc fail in compare*/ return 0; } if(!ta) { ta = add_key(tp, rr); *changed = 1; /* first time seen, do we have DSes? if match: VALID */ if(ta && tp->ds_rrset && key_matches_a_ds(env, ve, dnskey_rrset, i, tp->ds_rrset)) { verbose_key(ta, VERB_ALGO, "verified by DS"); ta->s = AUTR_STATE_VALID; } } if(!ta) { ldns_rr_list_deep_free(r); return 0; } seen_trustanchor(ta, 1); verbose_key(ta, VERB_ALGO, "in DNS response"); } set_tp_times(tp, min_expiry(env, r), key_ttl(dnskey_rrset), changed); ldns_rr_list_deep_free(r); return 1; } /** * Check if the holddown time has already exceeded * setting: add-holddown: add holddown timer * setting: del-holddown: del holddown timer * @param env: environment with current time * @param ta: trust anchor to check for. * @param holddown: the timer value * @return number of seconds the holddown has passed. */ static int check_holddown(struct module_env* env, struct autr_ta* ta, unsigned int holddown) { unsigned int elapsed; if((unsigned)*env->now < (unsigned)ta->last_change) { log_warn("time goes backwards. delaying key holddown"); return 0; } elapsed = (unsigned)*env->now - (unsigned)ta->last_change; if (elapsed > holddown) { return (int) (elapsed-holddown); } verbose_key(ta, VERB_ALGO, "holddown time %d seconds to go", (int) (holddown-elapsed)); return 0; } /** Set last_change to now */ static void reset_holddown(struct module_env* env, struct autr_ta* ta, int* changed) { ta->last_change = *env->now; *changed = 1; } /** Set the state for this trust anchor */ static void set_trustanchor_state(struct module_env* env, struct autr_ta* ta, int* changed, autr_state_t s) { verbose_key(ta, VERB_ALGO, "update: %s to %s", trustanchor_state2str(ta->s), trustanchor_state2str(s)); ta->s = s; reset_holddown(env, ta, changed); } /** Event: NewKey */ static void do_newkey(struct module_env* env, struct autr_ta* anchor, int* c) { if (anchor->s == AUTR_STATE_START) set_trustanchor_state(env, anchor, c, AUTR_STATE_ADDPEND); } /** Event: AddTime */ static void do_addtime(struct module_env* env, struct autr_ta* anchor, int* c) { /* This not according to RFC, this is 30 days, but the RFC demands * MAX(30days, TTL expire time of first DNSKEY set with this key), * The value may be too small if a very large TTL was used. */ int exceeded = check_holddown(env, anchor, env->cfg->add_holddown); if (exceeded && anchor->s == AUTR_STATE_ADDPEND) { verbose_key(anchor, VERB_ALGO, "add-holddown time exceeded " "%d seconds ago, and pending-count %d", exceeded, anchor->pending_count); if(anchor->pending_count >= MIN_PENDINGCOUNT) { set_trustanchor_state(env, anchor, c, AUTR_STATE_VALID); anchor->pending_count = 0; return; } verbose_key(anchor, VERB_ALGO, "add-holddown time sanity check " "failed (pending count: %d)", anchor->pending_count); } } /** Event: RemTime */ static void do_remtime(struct module_env* env, struct autr_ta* anchor, int* c) { int exceeded = check_holddown(env, anchor, env->cfg->del_holddown); if(exceeded && anchor->s == AUTR_STATE_REVOKED) { verbose_key(anchor, VERB_ALGO, "del-holddown time exceeded " "%d seconds ago", exceeded); set_trustanchor_state(env, anchor, c, AUTR_STATE_REMOVED); } } /** Event: KeyRem */ static void do_keyrem(struct module_env* env, struct autr_ta* anchor, int* c) { if(anchor->s == AUTR_STATE_ADDPEND) { set_trustanchor_state(env, anchor, c, AUTR_STATE_START); anchor->pending_count = 0; } else if(anchor->s == AUTR_STATE_VALID) set_trustanchor_state(env, anchor, c, AUTR_STATE_MISSING); } /** Event: KeyPres */ static void do_keypres(struct module_env* env, struct autr_ta* anchor, int* c) { if(anchor->s == AUTR_STATE_MISSING) set_trustanchor_state(env, anchor, c, AUTR_STATE_VALID); } /* Event: Revoked */ static void do_revoked(struct module_env* env, struct autr_ta* anchor, int* c) { if(anchor->s == AUTR_STATE_VALID || anchor->s == AUTR_STATE_MISSING) { set_trustanchor_state(env, anchor, c, AUTR_STATE_REVOKED); verbose_key(anchor, VERB_ALGO, "old id, prior to revocation"); revoke_dnskey(anchor, 0); verbose_key(anchor, VERB_ALGO, "new id, after revocation"); } } /** Do statestable transition matrix for anchor */ static void anchor_state_update(struct module_env* env, struct autr_ta* anchor, int* c) { log_assert(anchor); switch(anchor->s) { /* START */ case AUTR_STATE_START: /* NewKey: ADDPEND */ if (anchor->fetched) do_newkey(env, anchor, c); break; /* ADDPEND */ case AUTR_STATE_ADDPEND: /* KeyRem: START */ if (!anchor->fetched) do_keyrem(env, anchor, c); /* AddTime: VALID */ else do_addtime(env, anchor, c); break; /* VALID */ case AUTR_STATE_VALID: /* RevBit: REVOKED */ if (anchor->revoked) do_revoked(env, anchor, c); /* KeyRem: MISSING */ else if (!anchor->fetched) do_keyrem(env, anchor, c); else if(!anchor->last_change) { verbose_key(anchor, VERB_ALGO, "first seen"); reset_holddown(env, anchor, c); } break; /* MISSING */ case AUTR_STATE_MISSING: /* RevBit: REVOKED */ if (anchor->revoked) do_revoked(env, anchor, c); /* KeyPres */ else if (anchor->fetched) do_keypres(env, anchor, c); break; /* REVOKED */ case AUTR_STATE_REVOKED: if (anchor->fetched) reset_holddown(env, anchor, c); /* RemTime: REMOVED */ else do_remtime(env, anchor, c); break; /* REMOVED */ case AUTR_STATE_REMOVED: default: break; } } /** Remove missing trustanchors so the list does not grow forever */ static void remove_missing_trustanchors(struct module_env* env, struct trust_anchor* tp, int* changed) { struct autr_ta* anchor; int exceeded; int valid = 0; if(env->cfg->keep_missing == 0) return; /* keep forever */ /* see if we have anchors that are valid */ for(anchor = tp->autr->keys; anchor; anchor = anchor->next) { /* Only do KSKs */ if (!rr_is_dnskey_sep(anchor->rr)) continue; if (anchor->s == AUTR_STATE_VALID) valid++; } if(valid == 0) return; for(anchor = tp->autr->keys; anchor; anchor = anchor->next) { /* Only do KSKs */ if (!rr_is_dnskey_sep(anchor->rr)) continue; /* Only do MISSING keys */ if (anchor->s != AUTR_STATE_MISSING) continue; exceeded = check_holddown(env, anchor, env->cfg->keep_missing); /* If keep_missing has exceeded and we still have more than * one valid KSK: remove missing trust anchor */ if (exceeded && valid > 0) { verbose_key(anchor, VERB_ALGO, "keep-missing time " "exceeded %d seconds ago, [%d key(s) VALID]", exceeded, valid); set_trustanchor_state(env, anchor, changed, AUTR_STATE_REMOVED); } } } /** Do the statetable from RFC5011 transition matrix */ static int do_statetable(struct module_env* env, struct trust_anchor* tp, int* changed) { struct autr_ta* anchor; for(anchor = tp->autr->keys; anchor; anchor = anchor->next) { /* Only do KSKs */ if(!rr_is_dnskey_sep(anchor->rr)) continue; anchor_state_update(env, anchor, changed); } remove_missing_trustanchors(env, tp, changed); return 1; } /** See if time alone makes ADDPEND to VALID transition */ static void autr_holddown_exceed(struct module_env* env, struct trust_anchor* tp, int* c) { struct autr_ta* anchor; for(anchor = tp->autr->keys; anchor; anchor = anchor->next) { if(rr_is_dnskey_sep(anchor->rr) && anchor->s == AUTR_STATE_ADDPEND) do_addtime(env, anchor, c); } } /** cleanup key list */ static void autr_cleanup_keys(struct trust_anchor* tp) { struct autr_ta* p, **prevp; prevp = &tp->autr->keys; p = tp->autr->keys; while(p) { /* do we want to remove this key? */ if(p->s == AUTR_STATE_START || p->s == AUTR_STATE_REMOVED || !rr_is_dnskey_sep(p->rr)) { struct autr_ta* np = p->next; /* remove */ ldns_rr_free(p->rr); free(p); /* snip and go to next item */ *prevp = np; p = np; continue; } /* remove pending counts if no longer pending */ if(p->s != AUTR_STATE_ADDPEND) p->pending_count = 0; prevp = &p->next; p = p->next; } } /** calculate next probe time */ static time_t calc_next_probe(struct module_env* env, uint32_t wait) { /* make it random, 90-100% */ uint32_t rnd, rest; if(wait < 3600) wait = 3600; rnd = wait/10; rest = wait-rnd; rnd = (uint32_t)ub_random_max(env->rnd, (long int)rnd); return (time_t)(*env->now + rest + rnd); } /** what is first probe time (anchors must be locked) */ static time_t wait_probe_time(struct val_anchors* anchors) { rbnode_t* t = rbtree_first(&anchors->autr->probe); if(t != RBTREE_NULL) return ((struct trust_anchor*)t->key)->autr->next_probe_time; return 0; } /** reset worker timer */ static void reset_worker_timer(struct module_env* env) { struct timeval tv; #ifndef S_SPLINT_S uint32_t next = (uint32_t)wait_probe_time(env->anchors); /* in case this is libunbound, no timer */ if(!env->probe_timer) return; if(next > *env->now) tv.tv_sec = (time_t)(next - *env->now); else tv.tv_sec = 0; #endif tv.tv_usec = 0; comm_timer_set(env->probe_timer, &tv); verbose(VERB_ALGO, "scheduled next probe in %d sec", (int)tv.tv_sec); } /** set next probe for trust anchor */ static int set_next_probe(struct module_env* env, struct trust_anchor* tp, struct ub_packed_rrset_key* dnskey_rrset) { struct trust_anchor key, *tp2; time_t mold, mnew; /* use memory allocated in rrset for temporary name storage */ key.node.key = &key; key.name = dnskey_rrset->rk.dname; key.namelen = dnskey_rrset->rk.dname_len; key.namelabs = dname_count_labels(key.name); key.dclass = tp->dclass; lock_basic_unlock(&tp->lock); /* fetch tp again and lock anchors, so that we can modify the trees */ lock_basic_lock(&env->anchors->lock); tp2 = (struct trust_anchor*)rbtree_search(env->anchors->tree, &key); if(!tp2) { verbose(VERB_ALGO, "trustpoint was deleted in set_next_probe"); lock_basic_unlock(&env->anchors->lock); return 0; } log_assert(tp == tp2); lock_basic_lock(&tp->lock); /* schedule */ mold = wait_probe_time(env->anchors); (void)rbtree_delete(&env->anchors->autr->probe, tp); tp->autr->next_probe_time = calc_next_probe(env, tp->autr->query_interval); (void)rbtree_insert(&env->anchors->autr->probe, &tp->autr->pnode); mnew = wait_probe_time(env->anchors); lock_basic_unlock(&env->anchors->lock); verbose(VERB_ALGO, "next probe set in %d seconds", (int)tp->autr->next_probe_time - (int)*env->now); if(mold != mnew) { reset_worker_timer(env); } return 1; } /** Revoke and Delete a trust point */ static void autr_tp_remove(struct module_env* env, struct trust_anchor* tp, struct ub_packed_rrset_key* dnskey_rrset) { struct trust_anchor key; struct autr_point_data pd; time_t mold, mnew; log_nametypeclass(VERB_OPS, "trust point was revoked", tp->name, LDNS_RR_TYPE_DNSKEY, tp->dclass); tp->autr->revoked = 1; /* use space allocated for dnskey_rrset to save name of anchor */ memset(&key, 0, sizeof(key)); memset(&pd, 0, sizeof(pd)); key.autr = &pd; key.node.key = &key; pd.pnode.key = &key; pd.next_probe_time = tp->autr->next_probe_time; key.name = dnskey_rrset->rk.dname; key.namelen = tp->namelen; key.namelabs = tp->namelabs; key.dclass = tp->dclass; /* unlock */ lock_basic_unlock(&tp->lock); /* take from tree. It could be deleted by someone else,hence (void). */ lock_basic_lock(&env->anchors->lock); (void)rbtree_delete(env->anchors->tree, &key); mold = wait_probe_time(env->anchors); (void)rbtree_delete(&env->anchors->autr->probe, &key); mnew = wait_probe_time(env->anchors); anchors_init_parents_locked(env->anchors); lock_basic_unlock(&env->anchors->lock); /* save on disk */ tp->autr->next_probe_time = 0; /* no more probing for it */ autr_write_file(env, tp); /* delete */ autr_point_delete(tp); if(mold != mnew) { reset_worker_timer(env); } } int autr_process_prime(struct module_env* env, struct val_env* ve, struct trust_anchor* tp, struct ub_packed_rrset_key* dnskey_rrset) { int changed = 0; log_assert(tp && tp->autr); /* autotrust update trust anchors */ /* the tp is locked, and stays locked unless it is deleted */ /* we could just catch the anchor here while another thread * is busy deleting it. Just unlock and let the other do its job */ if(tp->autr->revoked) { log_nametypeclass(VERB_ALGO, "autotrust not processed, " "trust point revoked", tp->name, LDNS_RR_TYPE_DNSKEY, tp->dclass); lock_basic_unlock(&tp->lock); return 0; /* it is revoked */ } /* query_dnskeys(): */ tp->autr->last_queried = *env->now; log_nametypeclass(VERB_ALGO, "autotrust process for", tp->name, LDNS_RR_TYPE_DNSKEY, tp->dclass); /* see if time alone makes some keys valid */ autr_holddown_exceed(env, tp, &changed); if(changed) { verbose(VERB_ALGO, "autotrust: morekeys, reassemble"); if(!autr_assemble(tp)) { log_err("malloc failure assembling autotrust keys"); return 1; /* unchanged */ } } /* did we get any data? */ if(!dnskey_rrset) { verbose(VERB_ALGO, "autotrust: no dnskey rrset"); /* no update of query_failed, because then we would have * to write to disk. But we cannot because we maybe are * still 'initialising' with DS records, that we cannot write * in the full format (which only contains KSKs). */ return 1; /* trust point exists */ } /* check for revoked keys to remove immediately */ check_contains_revoked(env, ve, tp, dnskey_rrset, &changed); if(changed) { verbose(VERB_ALGO, "autotrust: revokedkeys, reassemble"); if(!autr_assemble(tp)) { log_err("malloc failure assembling autotrust keys"); return 1; /* unchanged */ } if(!tp->ds_rrset && !tp->dnskey_rrset) { /* no more keys, all are revoked */ /* this is a success for this probe attempt */ tp->autr->last_success = *env->now; autr_tp_remove(env, tp, dnskey_rrset); return 0; /* trust point removed */ } } /* verify the dnskey rrset and see if it is valid. */ if(!verify_dnskey(env, ve, tp, dnskey_rrset)) { verbose(VERB_ALGO, "autotrust: dnskey did not verify."); /* only increase failure count if this is not the first prime, * this means there was a previous succesful probe */ if(tp->autr->last_success) { tp->autr->query_failed += 1; autr_write_file(env, tp); } return 1; /* trust point exists */ } tp->autr->last_success = *env->now; tp->autr->query_failed = 0; /* Add new trust anchors to the data structure * - note which trust anchors are seen this probe. * Set trustpoint query_interval and retry_time. * - find minimum rrsig expiration interval */ if(!update_events(env, ve, tp, dnskey_rrset, &changed)) { log_err("malloc failure in autotrust update_events. " "trust point unchanged."); return 1; /* trust point unchanged, so exists */ } /* - for every SEP key do the 5011 statetable. * - remove missing trustanchors (if veryold and we have new anchors). */ if(!do_statetable(env, tp, &changed)) { log_err("malloc failure in autotrust do_statetable. " "trust point unchanged."); return 1; /* trust point unchanged, so exists */ } autr_cleanup_keys(tp); if(!set_next_probe(env, tp, dnskey_rrset)) return 0; /* trust point does not exist */ autr_write_file(env, tp); if(changed) { verbose(VERB_ALGO, "autotrust: changed, reassemble"); if(!autr_assemble(tp)) { log_err("malloc failure assembling autotrust keys"); return 1; /* unchanged */ } if(!tp->ds_rrset && !tp->dnskey_rrset) { /* no more keys, all are revoked */ autr_tp_remove(env, tp, dnskey_rrset); return 0; /* trust point removed */ } } else verbose(VERB_ALGO, "autotrust: no changes"); return 1; /* trust point exists */ } /** debug print a trust anchor key */ static void autr_debug_print_ta(struct autr_ta* ta) { char buf[32]; char* str = ldns_rr2str(ta->rr); if(!str) { log_info("out of memory in debug_print_ta"); return; } if(str && str[0]) str[strlen(str)-1]=0; /* remove newline */ ctime_r(&ta->last_change, buf); if(buf[0]) buf[strlen(buf)-1]=0; /* remove newline */ log_info("[%s] %s ;;state:%d ;;pending_count:%d%s%s last:%s", trustanchor_state2str(ta->s), str, ta->s, ta->pending_count, ta->fetched?" fetched":"", ta->revoked?" revoked":"", buf); free(str); } /** debug print a trust point */ static void autr_debug_print_tp(struct trust_anchor* tp) { struct autr_ta* ta; char buf[257]; if(!tp->autr) return; dname_str(tp->name, buf); log_info("trust point %s : %d", buf, (int)tp->dclass); log_info("assembled %d DS and %d DNSKEYs", (int)tp->numDS, (int)tp->numDNSKEY); if(0) { /* turned off because it prints to stderr */ ldns_buffer* buf = ldns_buffer_new(70000); ldns_rr_list* list; if(tp->ds_rrset) { list = packed_rrset_to_rr_list(tp->ds_rrset, buf); ldns_rr_list_print(stderr, list); ldns_rr_list_deep_free(list); } if(tp->dnskey_rrset) { list = packed_rrset_to_rr_list(tp->dnskey_rrset, buf); ldns_rr_list_print(stderr, list); ldns_rr_list_deep_free(list); } ldns_buffer_free(buf); } log_info("file %s", tp->autr->file); ctime_r(&tp->autr->last_queried, buf); if(buf[0]) buf[strlen(buf)-1]=0; /* remove newline */ log_info("last_queried: %u %s", (unsigned)tp->autr->last_queried, buf); ctime_r(&tp->autr->last_success, buf); if(buf[0]) buf[strlen(buf)-1]=0; /* remove newline */ log_info("last_success: %u %s", (unsigned)tp->autr->last_success, buf); ctime_r(&tp->autr->next_probe_time, buf); if(buf[0]) buf[strlen(buf)-1]=0; /* remove newline */ log_info("next_probe_time: %u %s", (unsigned)tp->autr->next_probe_time, buf); log_info("query_interval: %u", (unsigned)tp->autr->query_interval); log_info("retry_time: %u", (unsigned)tp->autr->retry_time); log_info("query_failed: %u", (unsigned)tp->autr->query_failed); for(ta=tp->autr->keys; ta; ta=ta->next) { autr_debug_print_ta(ta); } } void autr_debug_print(struct val_anchors* anchors) { struct trust_anchor* tp; lock_basic_lock(&anchors->lock); RBTREE_FOR(tp, struct trust_anchor*, anchors->tree) { lock_basic_lock(&tp->lock); autr_debug_print_tp(tp); lock_basic_unlock(&tp->lock); } lock_basic_unlock(&anchors->lock); } void probe_answer_cb(void* arg, int ATTR_UNUSED(rcode), ldns_buffer* ATTR_UNUSED(buf), enum sec_status ATTR_UNUSED(sec), char* ATTR_UNUSED(why_bogus)) { /* retry was set before the query was done, * re-querytime is set when query succeeded, but that may not * have reset this timer because the query could have been * handled by another thread. In that case, this callback would * get called after the original timeout is done. * By not resetting the timer, it may probe more often, but not * less often. * Unless the new lookup resulted in smaller TTLs and thus smaller * timeout values. In that case one old TTL could be mistakenly done. */ struct module_env* env = (struct module_env*)arg; verbose(VERB_ALGO, "autotrust probe answer cb"); reset_worker_timer(env); } /** probe a trust anchor DNSKEY and unlocks tp */ static void probe_anchor(struct module_env* env, struct trust_anchor* tp) { struct query_info qinfo; uint16_t qflags = BIT_RD; struct edns_data edns; ldns_buffer* buf = env->scratch_buffer; qinfo.qname = regional_alloc_init(env->scratch, tp->name, tp->namelen); if(!qinfo.qname) { log_err("out of memory making 5011 probe"); return; } qinfo.qname_len = tp->namelen; qinfo.qtype = LDNS_RR_TYPE_DNSKEY; qinfo.qclass = tp->dclass; log_query_info(VERB_ALGO, "autotrust probe", &qinfo); verbose(VERB_ALGO, "retry probe set in %d seconds", (int)tp->autr->next_probe_time - (int)*env->now); edns.edns_present = 1; edns.ext_rcode = 0; edns.edns_version = 0; edns.bits = EDNS_DO; if(ldns_buffer_capacity(buf) < 65535) edns.udp_size = (uint16_t)ldns_buffer_capacity(buf); else edns.udp_size = 65535; /* can't hold the lock while mesh_run is processing */ lock_basic_unlock(&tp->lock); /* delete the DNSKEY from rrset and key cache so an active probe * is done. First the rrset so another thread does not use it * to recreate the key entry in a race condition. */ rrset_cache_remove(env->rrset_cache, qinfo.qname, qinfo.qname_len, qinfo.qtype, qinfo.qclass, 0); key_cache_remove(env->key_cache, qinfo.qname, qinfo.qname_len, qinfo.qclass); if(!mesh_new_callback(env->mesh, &qinfo, qflags, &edns, buf, 0, &probe_answer_cb, env)) { log_err("out of memory making 5011 probe"); } } /** fetch first to-probe trust-anchor and lock it and set retrytime */ static struct trust_anchor* todo_probe(struct module_env* env, uint32_t* next) { struct trust_anchor* tp; rbnode_t* el; /* get first one */ lock_basic_lock(&env->anchors->lock); if( (el=rbtree_first(&env->anchors->autr->probe)) == RBTREE_NULL) { /* in case of revoked anchors */ lock_basic_unlock(&env->anchors->lock); return NULL; } tp = (struct trust_anchor*)el->key; lock_basic_lock(&tp->lock); /* is it eligible? */ if((uint32_t)tp->autr->next_probe_time > *env->now) { /* no more to probe */ *next = (uint32_t)tp->autr->next_probe_time - *env->now; lock_basic_unlock(&tp->lock); lock_basic_unlock(&env->anchors->lock); return NULL; } /* reset its next probe time */ (void)rbtree_delete(&env->anchors->autr->probe, tp); tp->autr->next_probe_time = calc_next_probe(env, tp->autr->retry_time); (void)rbtree_insert(&env->anchors->autr->probe, &tp->autr->pnode); lock_basic_unlock(&env->anchors->lock); return tp; } uint32_t autr_probe_timer(struct module_env* env) { struct trust_anchor* tp; uint32_t next_probe = 3600; int num = 0; verbose(VERB_ALGO, "autotrust probe timer callback"); /* while there are still anchors to probe */ while( (tp = todo_probe(env, &next_probe)) ) { /* make a probe for this anchor */ probe_anchor(env, tp); num++; } regional_free_all(env->scratch); if(num == 0) return 0; /* no trust points to probe */ verbose(VERB_ALGO, "autotrust probe timer %d callbacks done", num); return next_probe; }