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README for Unbound @version@
Copyright 2007 NLnet Labs
This software is under BSD license, see LICENSE for details.
* Download the latest version of this software from
or get a beta version from the svn repository at
* Needs the following libraries
* ldns http://www.nlnetlabs.nl/ldns/ (BSD license)
* libevent http://www.monkey.org/~provos/libevent/ (BSD license)
* Create build environment
* run libtoolize -c if config.sub is missing.
* autoreconf (autoheader && autoconf), if ./configure is missing.
* Make and install: ./configure; make; make install
* --with-ldns=/path/to/ldns
* --with-libevent=/path/to/libevent
Can be set to either the system install or the build directory.
--with-libevent=no gives a builtin alternative implementation.
* --without-pthreads
This disables pthreads, and uses Solaris thr library or no threading.
Without this option the pthreads library is detected automatically.
* --enable-static-exe
This enables a debug option to statically link, against ldns and
libevent libraries.
Known issues
o If libevent is older (1.3 and before), unbound will exit instead of reload
on sighup. On a restart 'did not exit gracefully last time' warning is
printed. Perform ./configure --with-libevent=no or update libevent, rerun
configure and recompile unbound to make sighup work correctly.
o Thanks to David Blacka and Matt Larson (Verisign) for the unbound-java
prototype. Design and code from that prototype has been used to create
this program. Such as the iterator state machine and the cache design.
o Other code origins are from the NSD (NLnet Labs) and LDNS (NLnet Labs)
projects. Such as buffer, region-allocator and red-black tree code.
o See Credits file for contributors.
* mailto:wouter@nlnetlabs.nl