2021-09-07 16:31:19 -07:00

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* # New Function and Values API: Draft 3.1
* *([Issue](,
* [Changelog](*
* ## Background
* > This section is non-normative.
* Sass's current JavaScript API was inherited from Node Sass, which developed
* over time in an _ad hoc_ manner. The functions API in particular has a number
* of notable issues:
* - Values are mutable. This goes against the grain of how Sass values work,
* and makes it difficult to implement the API efficiently in Dart Sass.
* - It's hard to verify argument types with assertions.
* - It's hard to follow Sass's conventions for dealing with values, such as:
* - Treating `false` and `null` as falsey and everything else as truthy.
* - Treating all values as lists, and treating maps as lists of pairs.
* - Treating empty lists and empty maps as the same value.
* - Using 1-based indexes for lists and strings, and negative indexes to
* count from the back.
* - Indexing the Unicode [code point]s of strings rather than UTF-16
* [code unit]s.
* [code point]:
* [code unit]:
* - Sass values are not represented properly:
* - First-class function values do not exist.
* - Argument list values may contain keyword arguments that do not exist.
* - Maps are represented as a list of pairs, without any way of accessing a
* value using its key other than iterating through the entire list.
* - Numbers represent their units as a single string in an undocumented
* format, making it very difficult to work with them if they have more than
* just a single numerator unit.
* - The `this` context includes a bunch of undocumented information without a
* clear use-case.
* ## Summary
* This proposal solves the problems with the old API. It is heavily based on
* Dart Sass's [Dart `Value` API].
* [Dart `Value` API]:
* ### Proper JS representation of Sass values
* The new API exposes the following values:
* - Singletons:
* - `sassNull`
* - `sassTrue`
* - `sassFalse`
* - Types:
* - `SassBoolean`
* - Classes:
* - `SassColor`
* - `SassFunction`
* - `SassList`
* - `ArgumentList`
* - `SassMap`
* - `SassNumber`
* - `SassString`
* These values all inherit from the `Value` abstract class, which provides a
* suite of `assert*()` functions to facilitate type checking.
* These values are tightly translated from Sass values to idiomatic JS. For
* example:
* - Since a Sass map allows objects as keys and preserves insert order,
* `SassMap` represents its contents as an `OrderedMap`.
* - To facilitate unit conversion, `SassNumber` tracks its numerator and
* denominator units as string arrays, and exposes unit conversion methods.
* - `SassColor` properly represents `rgb`, `hwb`, and `hsl` formats.
* ### Proper handling of Sass conventions
* Values properly encode the meaningful differences between Sass and JS
* conventions. For example:
* - All values...
* - expose an `isTruthy()` method
* - expose an `equals()` method that follows the behavior of the SassScript
* `==` operator
* - can be handled as lists, including maps
* - support 1-based indexes and negative indexes to count from the back
* - Information about list delimiters and brackets are exposed.
* - Strings index the Unicode codepoints of strings rather than UTF-16 code
* units.
* ### No special handling of `this`
* The `this` context is left untouched. It does not get bound or modified. This
* avoids hidden, unexpected behavior.
* ### Immutability
* Values only expose their data through getters. All collections returned by
* getters are immutable (e.g. `SassMap.contents`).
/** API */
import {List, OrderedMap, ValueObject} from 'immutable';
import './new-js-api';
type CustomFunctionCallback<sync extends 'sync' | 'async'> = sync extends 'sync'
? (args: Value[]) => Value
: (args: Value[]) => Value | Promise<Value>;
* This definition updates the one in the [New JavaScript API proposal].
* [New JavaScript API proposal]: ./new-js-api.d.ts
declare module './new-js-api' {
interface Options<sync extends 'sync' | 'async'> {
* When the compiler encounters a global function call with a signature that
* does not match that of a built-in function, but matches a key in this
* map, it must call the associated `CustomFunctionCallback` and return its
* result.
* The compiler must throw an error if the `CustomFunctionCallback` does not
* return a `Value`.
functions?: Record<string, CustomFunctionCallback<sync>>;
* The JS API representation of a Sass value.
* Sass values are immutable. Therefore, all subclasses of Value must have an
* API that obeys immutability. Their APIs must not expose ways to modify
* Sass values, including lists and maps. An API call that returns a new copy
* of a Sass value must ensure that the copy preserves the metadata of the
* original value (e.g. units).
* > To make the spec terser and easier to author, each subclass that extends
* > `Value` has a virtual, private property named `internal` that refers to the
* > Sass value it represents.
export abstract class Value implements ValueObject {
* Returns `this` as an array:
* - If `internal` is a Sass list, return an array of its contents.
* - If `internal` is a Sass map, return an array of its keys and values as
* two-element `SassList`s.
* - Otherwise, return an array containing `this`.
get asList(): List<Value>;
/** Whether `internal` is a bracketed Sass list. */
get hasBrackets(): boolean;
/** Whether `this` is truthy. */
get isTruthy(): boolean;
/** Returns JS null if `internal` is Sass null. Otherwise, returns `this`. */
get realNull(): null | Value;
* Returns `internal`'s list separator:
* - If `internal` is a Sass list, return its separator.
* - Otherwise, return `null`.
get separator(): ListSeparator;
* Converts the Sass index `sassIndex` to a JS index into the array returned
* by `asList`:
* - If `sassIndex` is not a unitless Sass number, throw an error.
* - Let `value` be the value of `sassIndex`. Let `index` be the result of
* `fuzzyAsInt(value)`. If `index === null`, throw an error.
* - If `index === 0`, or the absolute value of `index` is greater than
* `asList.length`, throw an error.
* - If `index > 0`, return `index - 1`.
* - Otherwise, if `index < 0`, return `asList.length + index`.
* > Sass indices start counting at 1, and may be negative in order to index
* > from the end of the list.
* > The `name` parameter may be used for error reporting.
sassIndexToListIndex(sassIndex: Value, name?: string): number;
* Asserts that `this` is a `SassBoolean`:
* - If `internal` is a Sass boolean, return `this`.
* - Otherwise, throw an error.
* > The `name` parameter may be used for error reporting.
assertBoolean(name?: string): SassBoolean;
* Asserts that `this` is a `SassColor`:
* - If `internal` is a Sass color, return `this`.
* - Otherwise, throw an error.
* > The `name` parameter may be used for error reporting.
assertColor(name?: string): SassColor;
* Asserts that `this` is a `SassFunction`:
* - If `internal` is a Sass function, return `this`.
* - Otherwise, throw an error.
* > The `name` parameter may be used for error reporting.
assertFunction(name?: string): SassFunction;
* Asserts that `this` is a `SassMap`:
* - If `internal` is a Sass map, return `this`.
* - If `internal` is an empty Sass list, return a `SassMap` with `internal`
* set to an empty map.
* - Otherwise, throw an error.
* > The `name` parameter may be used for error reporting.
assertMap(name?: string): SassMap;
* Asserts that `this` is a `SassNumber`:
* - If `internal` is a Sass number, return `this`.
* - Otherwise, throw an error.
* > The `name` parameter may be used for error reporting.
assertNumber(name?: string): SassNumber;
* Asserts that `this` is a `SassString`:
* - If `internal` is a Sass string, return `this`.
* - Otherwise, throw an error.
* > The `name` parameter may be used for error reporting.
assertString(name?: string): SassString;
* Returns `this`'s map contents, if it can be interpreted as a map.
* - If `internal` is a Sass map:
* - Let `result` be an empty `OrderedMap`.
* - Add each key and value from `internal`'s contents to `result`, in
* order.
* - Return `result`.
* - Otherwise, if `internal` is an empty Sass list, return an empty
* `OrderedMap`.
* - Otherwise, return `null`.
tryMap(): OrderedMap<Value, Value> | null;
/** Whether `this == other` in SassScript. */
equals(other: Value): boolean;
* Must be the same for `Value`s that are equal to each other according to the
* `==` SassScript operator.
hashCode(): number;
* Returns a serialized representation of `this`.
* > The specific format can vary from implementation to implementation and is
* > not guaranteed to be valid Sass source code.
toString(): string;
/** The JS API representation of the SassScript null singleton. */
export const sassNull: Value;
/** The JS API representation of the SassScript true singleton. */
export const sassTrue: SassBoolean;
/** The JS API representation of the SassScript false singleton. */
export const sassFalse: SassBoolean;
/** The JS API representation of a Sass boolean. */
export interface SassBoolean extends Value {
get value(): boolean;
* The JS API representation of a Sass color.
* `internal` refers to a Sass color.
export class SassColor extends Value {
* Creates an RGB color:
* - Let `sassRed` be a Sass number with a value of `red` `fuzzyRound`ed to
* the nearest integer.
* - Let `sassGreen` be a Sass number with a value of `green` `fuzzyRound`ed
* to the nearest integer
* - Let `sassBlue` be a Sass number with a value of `blue` `fuzzyRound`ed to
* the nearest integer.
* - If `alpha` was passed, let `sassAlpha` be a Sass number with a value of
* `alpha`.
* - Set `internal` to the result of running [`rgb()`] with the following
* inputs:
* - `$red` set to `sassRed`
* - `$green` set to `sassGreen`
* - `$blue` set to `sassBlue`
* - If `alpha` was passed, `$alpha` set to `sassAlpha`
* [`rgb()`]: ../spec/
* - Return `this`.
static rgb(
red: number,
green: number,
blue: number,
alpha?: number
): SassColor;
* Creates an HSL color:
* - Let `sassHue` be a Sass number with a value of `hue`.
* - Let `sassSaturation` be a Sass number with a value of `saturation`.
* - Let `sassLightness` be a Sass number with a value of `lightness`.
* - If `alpha` was passed, let `sassAlpha` be a Sass number with a value of
* `alpha`.
* - Set `internal` to the result of running [`hsl()`] with the following
* inputs:
* - `$hue` set to `sassHue`
* - `$saturation` set to `sassSaturation`
* - `$lightness` set to `sassLightness`
* - If `alpha` was passed, `$alpha` set to `sassAlpha`
* [`hsl()`]: ../spec/
* - Return `this`.
static hsl(
hue: number,
saturation: number,
lightness: number,
alpha?: number
): SassColor;
* Creates an HWB color:
* - Let `sassHue` be a Sass number with a value of `hue`.
* - Let `sassWhiteness` be a Sass number with a value of `whiteness`.
* - Let `sassBlackness` be a Sass number with a value of `blackness`.
* - If `alpha` was passed, let `sassAlpha` be a Sass number with a value of
* `alpha`.
* - Set `internal` to the result of running [`hwb()`] with the following
* inputs:
* - `$hue` set to `sassHue`
* - `$whiteness` set to `sassWhiteness`
* - `$blackness` set to `sassBlackness`
* - If `alpha` was passed, `$alpha` set to `sassAlpha`
* [`hwb()`]: ../spec/
* - Return `this`.
static hwb(
hue: number,
whiteness: number,
blackness: number,
alpha?: number
): SassColor;
/** `internal`'s red channel. */
get red(): number;
/** `internal`'s green channel. */
get green(): number;
/** `internal`'s blue channel. */
get blue(): number;
* Returns the value of the result of [`hue(internal)`][hue].
* [hue]: ../spec/built-in-modules/
get hue(): number;
* Returns the value of the result of [`saturation(internal)`][saturation].
* [saturation]: ../spec/built-in-modules/
get saturation(): number;
* Returns the value of the result of [`lightness(internal)`][lightness].
* [lightness]: ../spec/built-in-modules/
get lightness(): number;
* Returns the value of the result of [`whiteness(internal)`][whiteness].
* [whiteness]: ../spec/built-in-modules/
get whiteness(): number;
* Returns the value of the result of [`blackness(internal)`][blackness].
* [blackness]: ../spec/built-in-modules/
get blackness(): number;
* Returns the value of the result of [`alpha(internal)`][alpha].
* [alpha]: ../spec/built-in-modules/
get alpha(): number;
* Returns a new copy of `this` with one or more changes made to the RGB
* channels:
* - Let `oldColor` be `this`.
* - If `red` was passed, let `newRed = red`.
* - Otherwise, let `newRed =`.
* - If `green` was passed, let `newGreen = green`.
* - Otherwise, let `newGreen =`.
* - If `blue` was passed, let `newBlue = blue`.
* - Otherwise, let `newBlue =`.
* - If `alpha` was passed, let `newAlpha = alpha`.
* - Otherwise, let `newAlpha = oldColor.alpha`.
* - Return the result of
* `SassColor.rgb(newRed, newGreen, newBlue, newAlpha)`.
changeRgb(options: {
red?: number;
green?: number;
blue?: number;
alpha?: number;
}): SassColor;
* Returns a new copy of `this` with one or more changes made to the HSL
* values:
* - Let `oldColor` be `this`.
* - If `hue` was passed, let `newHue = hue`.
* - Otherwise, let `newHue = oldColor.hue`.
* - If `saturation` was passed, let `newSaturation = saturation`.
* - Otherwise, let `newSaturation = oldColor.saturation`.
* - If `lightness` was passed, let `newLightness = lightness`.
* - Otherwise, let `newLightness = oldColor.lightness`.
* - If `alpha` was passed, let `newAlpha = alpha`.
* - Otherwise, let `newAlpha = oldColor.alpha`.
* - Return the result of
* `SassColor.hsl(newHue, newSaturation, newLightness, newAlpha)`.
changeHsl(options: {
hue?: number;
saturation?: number;
lightness?: number;
alpha?: number;
}): SassColor;
* Returns a new copy of `this` with one or more changes made to the HWB
* values:
* - Let `oldColor` be `this`.
* - If `hue` was passed, let `newHue = hue`.
* - Otherwise, let `newHue = oldColor.hue`.
* - If `whiteness` was passed, let `newWhiteness = whiteness`.
* - Otherwise, let `newWhiteness = oldColor.whiteness`.
* - If `blackness` was passed, let `newBlackness = blackness`.
* - Otherwise, let `newBlackness = oldColor.blackness`.
* - If `alpha` was passed, let `newAlpha = alpha`.
* - Otherwise, let `newAlpha = oldColor.alpha`.
* - Return the result of
* `SassColor.hwb(newHue, newWhiteness, newBlackness, newAlpha)`.
changeHwb(options: {
hue?: number;
whiteness?: number;
blackness?: number;
alpha?: number;
}): SassColor;
* Returns a new copy of `this` with `internal`'s alpha channel set to
* `alpha`.
changeAlpha(alpha: number): SassColor;
* The JS API representation of a Sass function.
* `internal` refers to a Sass function.
export class SassFunction extends Value {
* Creates a Sass function:
* - Set `internal` to a Sass function with signature set to `signature` that,
* upon execution, runs `callback` and returns the result.
* - Return `this`.
* Must be a valid Sass function signature that could appear after the
* `@function` directive in a Sass stylesheet, such as
* `mix($color1, $color2, $weight: 50%)`.
signature: string,
callback: CustomFunctionCallback<'sync'>
* The JS API representation of a Sass list separator.
* > `null` represents the undecided separator type.
export type ListSeparator = ',' | '/' | ' ' | null;
* The JS API representation of a Sass list.
* `internal` refers to a Sass list.
export class SassList extends Value {
* Creates a Sass list:
* - Set `internal` to a Sass list with contents set to `contents`, separator
* set to `options.separator`, and brackets set to `options.brackets`.
* - Return `this`.
contents: Value[] | List<Value>,
options?: {
/** @default ',' */
separator?: ListSeparator;
/** @default false */
brackets?: boolean;
* Creates an empty Sass list:
* - Set `internal` to an empty Sass list with separator set to
* `options.separator` and brackets set to `options.brackets`.
* - Return `this`.
static empty(options?: {
/** @default null */
separator?: ListSeparator;
/** @default false */
brackets?: boolean;
}): SassList;
/** `internal`'s list separator. */
get separator(): ListSeparator;
* The JS API representation of a Sass argument list.
* `internal` refers to a Sass argument list.
export class ArgumentList extends SassList {
* Creates a Sass argument list:
* - Set `internal` to a Sass argument list with contents set to `contents`,
* keywords set to `keywords`, and list separator set to `separator`.
* - Return `this`.
contents: Value[] | List<Value>,
keywords: Record<string, Value> | OrderedMap<string, Value>,
/** @default ',' */
separator?: ListSeparator
/** `internal`'s keywords. */
get keywords(): OrderedMap<string, Value>;
* The JS API representation of a Sass map.
* `internal` refers to a Sass map.
export class SassMap extends Value {
* Creates a Sass map:
* - Set `internal` to a Sass map with contents set to `contents`.
* - Return `this`.
constructor(contents: OrderedMap<Value, Value>);
* Creates an empty Sass map:
* - Set `internal` to an empty Sass map.
* - Return `this`.
static empty(): SassMap;
* Returns a map containing `internal`'s contents:
* - Let `result` be an empty `OrderedMap`.
* - Add each key and value from `internal`'s contents to `result`, in order.
* - Return `result`.
get contents(): OrderedMap<Value, Value>;
/** Returns `this.contents`. */
tryMap(): OrderedMap<Value, Value>;
* The JS API representation of a Sass number.
* `internal` refers to a Sass number.
export class SassNumber extends Value {
* Creates a Sass number:
* - Set `internal` to a Sass number with value set to `value` and a single
* numerator unit equal to `unit` (if passed).
* - Return `this`.
constructor(value: number, unit?: string);
* Creates a Sass number:
* - Set `internal` to a Sass number with value set to `value`, numerator
* units set to `options.numeratorUnits` (if passed), and denominator units
* set to `options.denominatorUnits` (if passed).
* - Set `internal` to the result of `simplify`ing `internal`.
* - Return `this`.
static withUnits(
value: number,
options?: {
numeratorUnits?: string[] | List<string>;
denominatorUnits?: string[] | List<string>;
): SassNumber;
/** `internal`'s value. */
get value(): number;
/** Whether `internal`'s value `fuzzyEquals` an integer. */
get isInt(): boolean;
* Returns `internal`'s value as an integer:
* - If `internal`'s value `fuzzyEquals` an integer, return that integer.
* - Otherwise, return `null`.
get asInt(): number | null;
/** `internal`'s numerator units. */
get numeratorUnits(): List<string>;
/** `internal`'s denominator units. */
get denominatorUnits(): List<string>;
/** Whether `internal` has numerator or denominator units. */
get hasUnits(): boolean;
* Asserts that `internal`'s value is an integer:
* - If `internal`'s value `fuzzyEquals` an integer, return that integer.
* - Otherwise, throw an error.
* > The `name` parameter may be used for error reporting.
assertInt(name?: string): number;
* Asserts that `internal`'s value is within the specified range:
* - If `internal`'s value is `fuzzyGreaterThan` `min` and `fuzzyLessThan`
* `max`, return it.
* - Otherwise, if `internal`'s value `fuzzyEquals` `min`, return `min`.
* - Otherwise, if `internal`'s value `fuzzyEquals` `max`, return `max`.
* - Otherwise, throw an error.
* > The `name` parameter may be used for error reporting.
assertInRange(min: number, max: number, name?: string): number;
* Asserts that `internal` is unitless:
* - If `internal` has any numerator or denominator units, throw an error.
* - Otherwise, return `this`.
* > The `name` parameter may be used for error reporting.
assertNoUnits(name?: string): SassNumber;
* Asserts the type of `internal`'s unit:
* - If `internal` has any denominator units, or if `unit` is not `internal`'s
* only numerator unit, throw an error.
* - Otherwise, return `this`.
* > The `name` parameter may be used for error reporting.
assertUnit(unit: string, name?: string): SassNumber;
* Whether `internal` has the specified unit:
* - If `internal` has any denominator units, return false.
* - Otherwise, return whether `unit` is `internal`'s only numerator unit.
hasUnit(unit: string): boolean;
* Whether `internal`'s numerator and denominator units are all [compatible]
* with `unit`.
* [compatible]: ../spec/types/
compatibleWithUnit(unit: string): boolean;
* Creates a new copy of `this` with its units converted to those represented
* by `newNumerators` and `newDenominators`:
* - Let `converter` be the result of
* ```
* withUnits(0, {
* numeratorUnits: newNumerators,
* denominatorUnits: newDenominators,
* });
* ```
* - If `converter` is not [compatible] with `internal`, throw an error.
* - Set `converter` to the result of `simplify`ing `converter`.
* - Return a new `SassNumber` with `internal` set to the result of the
* SassScript expression `converter + internal`.
* > The `name` parameter may be used for error reporting.
newNumerators: string[] | List<string>,
newDenominators: string[] | List<string>,
name?: string
): SassNumber;
* Creates a new copy of `this` with its units converted to the units of
* `other`:
* - Let `newNumerators` be the numerator units of `other`.
* - Let `newDenominators` be the denominator units of `other`.
* - Return the result of `convert(newNumerators, newDenominators)`.
* > The `name` and `otherName` parameters may be used for error reporting.
other: SassNumber,
name?: string,
otherName?: string
): SassNumber;
* Return the value of the result of `convert(newNumerators,
* newDenominators)`.
* > The `name` parameter may be used for error reporting.
newNumerators: string[] | List<string>,
newDenominators: string[] | List<string>,
name?: string
): number;
* Returns the value of the result of `convertToMatch(other)`.
* > The `name` and `otherName` parameters may be used for error reporting.
other: SassNumber,
name?: string,
otherName?: string
): number;
* Creates a new copy of `this` with its units converted to those represented
* by `newNumerators` and `newDenominators`:
* - Support converting to/from unitless:
* - If `internal` is unitless:
* - If `newNumerators` and `newDenominators` are both empty, return
* `this`.
* - Otherwise, for the duration of this procedure, let `internal` behave
* as if its numerator units were equal to `newNumerators` and its
* denominator units were equal to `newDenominators`.
* - Otherwise, if `newNumerators` and `newDenominators` are both empty, set
* `newNumerators` to `internal`'s numerator units and `newDenominators`
* to `internal`'s denominator units.
* - Return the result of `convert(newNumerators, newDenominators)`.
* > The `name` parameter may be used for error reporting.
newNumerators: string[] | List<string>,
newDenominators: string[] | List<string>,
name?: string
): SassNumber;
* Creates a new copy of `this` with its units converted to the units of
* `other`:
* - Let `newNumerators` be the numerator units of `other`.
* - Let `newDenominators` be the denominator units of `other`.
* - Return the result of `coerce(newNumerators, newDenominators)`.
* > The `name` and `otherName` parameters may be used for error reporting.
other: SassNumber,
name?: string,
otherName?: string
): SassNumber;
* Return the value of the result of `coerce(newNumerators, newDenominators)`.
* > The `name` parameter may be used for error reporting.
newNumerators: string[] | List<string>,
newDenominators: string[] | List<string>,
name?: string
): number;
* Returns the value of the result of `coerceToMatch(other)`.
* > The `name` and `otherName` parameters may be used for error reporting.
other: SassNumber,
name?: string,
otherName?: string
): number;
* The JS API representation of a Sass string.
* `internal` refers to a Sass string.
export class SassString extends Value {
* Creates a Sass string:
* - Set `internal` to a Sass string with contents set to `text` and quoted
* value set to `options.quotes`.
* - Return `this`.
text: string,
options?: {
/** @default true */
quotes: boolean;
* Creates an empty Sass string:
* - Set `internal` to an empty Sass string with quoted value set to
* `options.quotes`.
* - Return `this`.
static empty(options?: {
/** @default true */
quotes: boolean;
}): SassString;
/** The contents of `internal` serialized as UTF-16 code units. */
get text(): string;
/** Whether `internal` has quotes. */
get hasQuotes(): boolean;
/** The number of Unicode code points in `text`. */
get sassLength(): number;
* Converts the Sass index `sassIndex` to a JS index into `text`:
* - If `sassIndex` is not a unitless Sass number, throw an error.
* - Let `value` be the value of `sassIndex`. Let `index` be the result of
* `fuzzyAsInt(value)`. If `index === null`, throw an error.
* - If `index === 0`, or the absolute value of `index` is greater than
* the length of `sassLength`, throw an error.
* - If `index > 0`, let `normalizedIndex = index - 1`.
* - Otherwise, if `index < 0`, let `normalizedIndex = sassLength + index`.
* - Let `jsIndex` be a JS index. Set `jsIndex` to the first code
* unit of the Unicode code point that `normalizedIndex` points to.
* > Sass indices count Unicode code points, whereas JS indices count
* > UTF-16 code units.
* - Return `jsIndex`.
* > The `name` parameter may be used for error reporting.
sassIndexToStringIndex(sassIndex: Value, name?: string): number;