import * as colors from 'colors/safe'; import * as diff from 'diff'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as toc from '../tool/toc'; if (process.env.CI) colors.enable(); toc.files.forEach(file => { const markdown = fs.readFileSync(file).toString(); const currentToc = toc.getCurrent(markdown); if (currentToc === null) return; const generatedToc = toc.generate(markdown); if (currentToc === generatedToc) return; console.error(`${file}'s table of contents is incorrect:`)); const patch = diff.structuredPatch( file, file, currentToc, generatedToc, 'actual', 'expected' ); console.error('--- actual')); console.error('+++ expected')); for (const hunk of patch.hunks) { console.error( `@@ -${hunk.oldStart},-${hunk.oldLines} ` + `+${hunk.newStart},${hunk.newLines} @@` ); for (const line of hunk.lines) { if (line.startsWith('+')) { console.error(; } else if (line.startsWith('-')) { console.error(; } else { console.error(colors.grey(line)); } } } console.error(); process.exitCode = 1; }); if (process.exitCode === 1) { console.error( 'To fix tables of contents, run ' +'`npx ts-node tool/update-toc.ts`') + '.' ); }