## Draft 3.1 * Narrow and clarify the behavior of `Calculation.clamp()` with potentially-multiple arguments. * Make the argument type of `CalculationOperation.equals()` and `CalculationInterpolation.equals()` `unknown` to match the immutable.js typings. * Rather than making each `SassCalculation` factory check transitively for quoted strings, make `CalculationOperation`'s constructor check for them so that they're guaranteed not to exist transitively. ## Draft 3 * Make `CalculationOperation` and `CalculationInterpolation` concrete rather than abstract classes. * Export `CalculationValue` and `CalculationOperator` types. * Adjust `SassCalculation.clamp` to interpret comma-separated `min` values as valid input for `value` and `max`. ## Draft 2 * Simplify calculations at the point at which they're returned from the JS API, rather than eagerly when they're constructed. ## Draft 1 * Initial draft.