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# Contributing
When we add a new feature to Sass, we want to make sure the feature is
well-designed, clearly specified, feasible to implement, and that it meets the
use-cases it's designed for. Although most features should follow the [full
process][], very small features can follow the [fast-track process][] instead.
[full process]: #process
[fast-track process]: #fast-track
## Table of Contents
* [Process](#process)
* [Proposal](#proposal)
* [JavaScript API Proposals](#javascript-api-proposals)
* [Fast Track](#fast-track)
* [Emergency Track](#emergency-track)
## Process
The process for adding a new feature works as follows:
1. The feature is informally discussed on [the issue tracker][]. Most new
features come directly from use-cases brought up by Sass users, or new CSS
syntax that Sass needs to support. Once the Sass team has agreed that a
feature is desirable, it's marked as [Planned][] and can move to step 2.
[the issue tracker]:
2. A formal proposal is written for the feature, following the format [outlined
below](#proposal). This proposal is sent as a pull request, where the Sass
team will discuss its specifics with the author. If/when everyone agrees on a
first draft, the pull request will be accepted and the feature moves to step
Step 2 is also where issues are opened for each individual implementation to
add the feature. These issues should link to the feature's main issue in the
[sass/sass][] issue tracker, and that issue should link back to the
implementation issues.
3. Public comments are solicited for the feature, usually via a tweet from
[@SassCSS][]. If the feature is big enough, a blog post soliciting feedback
may also be written. Then we await comments and iterate on feedback for an
amount of time that varies based on the size of the feature and the amount of
feedback received.
As the proposal is updated based on feedback, its draft number should be
increased according to the [versioning policy][] and changes should be logged
in a changelog file named `<proposal>`. Once enough time has
elapsed and the Sass team is satisfied that all feedback is addressed, the
feature moves to step 4.
[versioning policy]:
4. The proposal is marked as accepted and moved into [the `accepted/`
directory][]. *This doesn't mean that the proposal is immutable*, but it does
mean that no major changes to its semantics are expected. At this point, it's
time to write [specs][] for the new feature, in tandem with implementing it
in [Dart Sass][] (since it's the reference implementation). Writing the specs
alongside an implementation helps ensure that the specs are accurate and
sensible, and that the implementation is correct.
[the `accepted/` directory]: accepted
[Dart Sass]:
The new specs should have an `options.yml` file that marks them as TODO for
LibSass, with a reference to its issue for the new feature. For example:
- sass/libsass#2701
Once the specs and the implementation are complete, they're sent as pull
requests to [sass-spec][] and [Dart Sass][], respectively. They need to have
special lines in their pull request messages in order to build properly:
* The sass-spec pull request message should include `[skip dart-sass]`. This
will cause it not to run Dart Sass tests, which would otherwise fail
because the implementation of the new feature hasn't landed yet.
* The Dart Sass pull request's message should link to the sass-spec pull
request (for example, `See sass/sass-spec#1293`). This will cause it to run
against the specs in that pull request and so test your new feature.
Once these pull requests land, the feature moves to step 5.
5. The contents of the proposal are integrated into the `spec/` directory, and
become part of the official language spec. This step happens after the
initial implementation because the first implementation often reveals
shortcomings in the proposal itself, and it's much simpler to make fixes to
only one place.
## Proposal
A good feature proposal should make it possible for an average Sass user to
understand and discuss the feature and the context around it, and possible for
Sass maintainers to implement consistent and well-defined behavior. The
following outline is designed to make satisfy these needs.
A proposal must include at minimum a Summary and a Syntax *or* a Semantics
section. Everything else is optional. Proposals may include additional sections,
or divide a section into sub-sections, as necessary to make it clear and
readable. All proposals should also include tables of contents that link to all
their sections.
Everything in sections that aren't explicitly marked as non-normative should be
construed as part of the specification of the feature. Non-normative notes can
be included inline in normative sections using [blockquotes][].
See [the `accepted/` directory][] for examples of proposals that have been
* **Background**
This non-normative section describes the broader context for the feature. This
is particularly relevant for changes to existing syntax, and *especially* for
backwards-incompatible changes. It should explain Sass's current behavior, the
original reasoning behind that behavior, and why it's insufficient.
2018-10-18 19:14:12 +00:00
See [Plain CSS `min()` and `max()`][min-max background] for a good example of
a Background section.
[min-max background]:
2018-10-18 19:14:12 +00:00
* **Summary**
This non-normative section provides a concise, user-friendly summary of the
behavior being proposed. It doesn't need to be fully explicit about every
corner of the feature, it just needs to give users an idea of how it works and
what use-cases it addresses. Code examples are encouraged.
2018-10-18 19:14:12 +00:00
See [Escapes in Identifiers][] for a good example of a Summary section.
[Escapes in Identifiers]: accepted/
* **Design Decisions**
This sub-section goes into detail about decisions that were made during the
design of the feature. It should describe alternatives that were considered,
and explain why the final decision was made the way it was.
2018-10-18 19:14:12 +00:00
See [Plain CSS `min()` and `max()`][min-max design] for a good example
of a Design Decisions section.
[min-max design]: accepted/
2018-10-18 19:14:12 +00:00
* **Syntax**
This section describes the syntax of the feature being added, if it adds new
syntax to the language. The syntax should be written in [Backus-Naur form][],
with regular expression-style operators and the convention that nonterminals
are written in capitalized camel-case form. For example:
**MinMaxExpression** ::= CssMinMax | FunctionExpression
**CssMinMax** ::= ('min(' | 'max(') CalcValue (',' CalcValue)* ')'
**CalcValue** ::= CalcValue (('+' | '-' | '*' | '/') CalcValue)+
&#32; | '(' CalcValue ')'
&#32; | ('calc(' | 'env(' | 'var(') InterpolatedDeclarationValue ')'
&#32; | CssMinMax
&#32; | Interpolation
&#32; | Number
2019-05-16 23:19:47 +00:00
[Backus-Naur form]:
Syntax definitions can also refer to productions from CSS specs. The proposal
should link to the specs in question.
2018-10-18 19:14:12 +00:00
See [Range-Context Media Features][] for an good example of a Syntax section.
[Range-Context Media Features]: accepted/
2018-10-18 19:14:12 +00:00
* **Semantics**
This section describes the runtime behavior of the new feature. It may be
omitted if the feature only has to do with how the stylesheet is parsed. The
semantics section covers everything about how a stylesheet is evaluated,
including how imports are resolved and the behavior of built-in functions.
2018-10-18 19:14:12 +00:00
See [CSS Imports][css-imports semantics] for a good example of a Semantics section.
[css-imports semantics]: accepted/
2018-10-18 19:14:12 +00:00
* **Deprecation Process**
All backwards-incompatible features should go through a deprecation process if
2018-10-18 19:14:12 +00:00
at all possible (see [Dart Sass's compatibility policy][]). This section
describes the details of that process, including what code will produce
deprecation warnings and how those warnings will indicate what the user should
do to make their stylesheet forwards-compatible.
[Dart Sass's compatibility policy]:
See [CSS Imports][css-imports deprecation] for a good example of a Deprecation
Process section.
[css-imports deprecation]:
### JavaScript API Proposals
Sass's shared JavaScript API is specified as TypeScript type declarations rather
than as prose written in Markdown files, so the structure for those proposals is
somewhat different. The entire proposal should be written as a `.d.ts` file,
with the introduction, Background, and Summary sections in a top-level JSDoc
comment (`/** ... */`). Rather than Syntax and Semantics sections, it should
define the new behavior as TypeScript declarations under an "API" heading, using
[declaration merging] when possible and prose otherwise to describe the changes
to the existing API. If a Deprecation Process section is necessary, it should be
written in another JSDoc comment after the API.
[declaration merging]:
The new API should have its own JSDoc comments which formally describe the
behavior of the compiler. These should be written *as a specification*, rather
than *as documentation*—that is, they should explicitly specify the behavior of
the implementation in enough detail to ensure that multiple implementations will
not produce different user-visible behavior.
While a `.d.ts` file is recommended for any substantial API-centric proposals
for its static analyzability and formatability, it's not *required*. It's
sometimes better to just include the TypeScript as a code snippet in a Markdown
document. For example, this may be better for:
* Small changes (although these should use the [fast track] process if
* Changes that are difficult to express using [declaration merging], such as
removing a parameter from a function.
* Changes that don't affect the type structure of the API, only its behavior.
[fast track]: #fast-track
## Fast Track
Some features are too small and too unlikely to be controversial to warrant the
full-fledged proposal process. Features like that can be *fast-tracked*, a
process that requires less time and less reviewer energy than the normal flow.
A feature is eligible for fast-tracking if it:
* Is simple enough that it's unlikely to need to change substantially as a
result of review.
* Modifies an existing specification in the `spec/` directory. It's fair game
for a new spec to be written or ported from [the `accepted/` directory] in
order for a proposal to be fast-tracked, but that must be done before the
proposal can move to step 2.
* Requires very little modification of the specification and of the
implementation. Ideally a fast-tracked feature requires very little
modification of the sass-spec repo as well, but this may not always be
feasible for features with many small edge cases or that happen to appear in
many specs.
2018-12-21 00:50:59 +00:00
* Requires no deprecations and introduces no backwards incompatibilities.
The proposal author makes the initial decision about whether or not to
fast-track a feature. However if anyone (whether they're a member of the Sass
team or just a community member) requests that that feature be moved to the full
process, it must be moved so that it can have a full discussion.
The fast-track process works as follows:
1. The feature is informally discussed on [the issue tracker][]. Once the Sass
team has agreed that a feature is desirable, it's marked as [Planned][] and
can move to step 2.
2. Issues are opened for each individual implementation to add the feature.
These issues should link to the feature's main issue in the [sass/sass][]
issue tracker, and that issue should link back to the implementation issues.
Three pull requests are sent out concurrently.
1. A formal proposal is written for the feature as a pull request to this
repository, where the Sass team will discuss its specifics with the
author. *Unlike the full proposal process*, this pull request directly
modifies the appropriate spec in `specs/`.
2. A pull request is sent to [sass-spec][] that adds or updates specs for the
new feature. The new specs should have an `options.yml` file that marks
them as TODO for LibSass, with a reference to its issue for the new
feature. For example:
- sass/libsass#2701
This pull request message should include `[skip dart-sass]`. This will
cause it not to run Dart Sass tests, which would otherwise fail because
the implementation of the new feature hasn't landed yet.
3. A pull request is sent to [Dart Sass][] that implements the new feature.
This pull request's message should link to the sass-spec pull request (for
example, `See sass/sass-spec#1293`). This will cause it to run against the
specs in that pull request and so test your new feature.
These pull requests should remain open for at least two full workdays to
ensure any interested parties have a chance to comment on them. After that
point, *and* after all three pull requests have been approved by reviewers,
they should be landed simultaneously.
## Emergency Track
Despite our best efforts, every now and then a new language change will
unintentionally breaks existing Sass stylesheets. In order to get users unbroken
as quickly as possible, we have a special track for changes that's highly
constrained but requires minimal up-front review.
> Note: Bug fixes where the wording of the spec is inconsistent or clearly
> doesn't match the intended behavior can just be fixed directly and don't need
> an emergency-track proposal. This is only necessary for situations where the
> intended behavior is unexpectedly harmful in some way.
A change is eligible for the emergency track if it:
* Affects a feature that has already been changed in the past two weeks.
* Reverts that changed behavior in whole or in part to the original behavior
prior to that change.
* Doesn't add any *new* behavior in addition to the reversion.
The emergency track should only be used by Sass team members. The process works
as follows:
1. Three pull requests are sent out concurrently:
1. A formal proposal is written for the feature as a pull request to this
repository. *Unlike the full proposal process*, this pull request directly
modifies the appropriate spec in `specs/`.
2. A pull request is sent to [sass-spec] that adds or updates specs for the
change. This pull request message should include `[skip dart-sass]`.
3. A pull request is sent to [Dart Sass] that implements the change. This
pull request's message should link to the sass-spec pull request (for
example, `See sass/sass-spec#1293`).
2. These pull requests may be merged as soon as they're approved. If the issue
appears outside of work hours, it may be merged without review, but a *post
facto* review should be done as soon as possible.