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# More Math Functions: Draft 1
This proposal adds the following members to the built-in `sass:math` module.
## Table of Contents
* [Variables](#variables)
* [`$e`](#e)
* [`$pi`](#pi)
* [Functions](#functions)
* [`clamp()`](#clamp)
* [`hypot()`](#hypot)
* [Exponentiation](#exponentiation)
* [`log()`](#log)
* [`pow()`](#pow)
* [`sqrt()`](#sqrt)
* [Trigonometry](#trigonometry)
* [`cos()`](#cos)
* [`sin()`](#sin)
* [`tan()`](#tan)
* [`acos()`](#acos)
* [`asin()`](#asin)
* [`atan()`](#atan)
* [`atan2()`](#atan2)
* [Edge cases](#edge-cases)
## Variables
### `$e`
Equal to the value of the mathematical constant `e` with a precision of 10
digits: `2.718281828`.
### `$pi`
Equal to the value of the mathematical constant `pi` with a precision of 10
digits: `3.141592654`.
## Functions
### `clamp()`
clamp($min, $number, $max)
* If the units of `$min`, `$number`, and `$max` are not [compatible][] with each
other, throw an error.
* If `$min >= $max`, return `$min`.
* If `$number <= $min`, return `$min`.
* If `$number >= $max`, return `$max`.
* Return `$number`.
[compatible]: ../spec/built_in_modules/
### `hypot()`
* If all arguments are not compatible with each other, throw an error.
* If some arguments have units and some do not, throw an error.
* If all arguments are unitless, the return value is unitless.
* Otherwise, the return value takes the unit of the leftmost argument.
* If any argument is `Infinity`, return `Infinity`.
* Return the square root of the sum of the squares of each argument.
### Exponentiation
#### `log()`
log($number, $base: null)
* If `$number` has units or `$number < 0`, throw an error.
* If `$base` is null:
* If `$number == 0`, return `-Infinity` as a unitless number.
* If `$number == Infinity`, return `Infinity` as a unitless number.
* Return the [natural log][] of `$number`, as a unitless number.
* Otherwise, if `$base < 0` or `$base == 0` or `$base == 1`, throw an error.
* Otherwise, return the natural log of `$number` divided by the natural log of
`$base`, as a unitless number.
[natural log]:
#### `pow()`
pow($base, $exponent)
* If `$base` or `$exponent` has units, throw an error.
* If `$exponent == 0`, return `1` as a unitless number.
* Otherwise, if `$exponent == Infinity`:
* If `$base == 1` or `$base == -1`, return `NaN` as a unitless number.
* If `$base < -1` or `$base > 1` and if `$exponent > 0`, *or* if `$base > -1`
and `$base < 1` and `$exponent < 0`, return `Infinity` as a
unitless number.
* Return `0` as a unitless number.
* Otherwise:
* If `$base < 0` and `$exponent` is not an integer, return `NaN` as a unitless
* If `$base == 0` and `$exponent < 0`, or if `$base == Infinity` and
`$exponent > 0`, return `Infinity` as a unitless number.
* If `$base == -0` and `$exponent < 0`, or if `$base == -Infinity` and
`$exponent > 0`:
* If `$exponent` is an odd integer, return `-Infinity` as a unitless number.
* Return `Infinity` as a unitless number.
* If `$base == 0` and `$exponent > 0`, or if `$base == Infinity` and
`$exponent < 0`, return `0` as a unitless number.
* If `$base == -0` and `$exponent > 0`, or if `$base == -Infinity` and
`$exponent < 0`:
* If `$exponent` is an odd integer, return `-0` as a unitless number.
* Return `0` as a unitless number.
* Return `$base` raised to the power of `$exponent`, as a unitless number.
#### `sqrt()`
* If `$number` has units, throw an error.
* If `$number < 0`, return `NaN` as a unitless number.
* If `$number == -0`, return `-0` as a unitless number.
* If `$number == Infinity`, return `Infinity` as a unitless number.
* Return the square root of `$number`, as a unitless number.
### Trigonometry
#### `cos()`
* If `$number` has units but is not an [angle][], throw an error.
* If `$number` is unitless, treat it as though its unit were `rad`.
* If `$number == Infinity`, return `NaN` as a unitless number.
* Return the [cosine][] of `$number`, as a unitless number.
#### `sin()`
* If `$number` has units but is not an angle, throw an error.
* If `$number` is unitless, treat it as though its unit were `rad`.
* If `$number == Infinity`, return `NaN` as a unitless number.
* If `$number == -0`, return `-0` as a unitless number.
* Return the [sine][] of `$number`, as a unitless number.
#### `tan()`
* If `$number` has units but is not an angle, throw an error.
* If `$number` is unitless, treat it as though its unit were `rad`.
* If `$number == Infinity`, return `NaN` as a unitless number.
* If `$number == -0`, return `-0` as a unitless number.
* If `$number` is equivalent to `90deg +/- 360deg * n`, where `n` is any
integer, return `Infinity` as a unitless number.
* If `$number` is equivalent to `-90deg +/- 360deg * n`, where `n` is any
integer, return `-Infinity` as a unitless number.
* Return the [tangent][] of `$number`, as a unitless number.
#### `acos()`
* If `$number` has units, throw an error.
* If `$number < -1` or `$number > 1`, return `NaN` as a number in `rad`.
* If `$number == 1`, return `0rad`.
* Return the [arccosine][] of `$number`, as a number in `rad`.
#### `asin()`
* If `$number` has units, throw an error.
* If `$number < -1` or `$number > 1`, return `NaN` as a number in `rad`.
* If `$number == -0`, return `-0rad`.
* Return the [arcsine][] of `$number`, as a number in `rad`.
#### `atan()`
* If `$number` has units, throw an error.
* If `$number == -0`, return `-0rad`.
* If `$number == -Infinity`, return `-0.5rad * pi`.
* If `$number == Infinity`, return `0.5rad * pi`.
* Return the [arctangent][] of `$number`, as a number in `rad`.
#### `atan2()`
> `atan2($y, $x)` is distinct from `atan($y / $x)` because it preserves the
> quadrant of the point in question. For example, `atan2(1, -1)` corresponds to
> the point `(-1, 1)` and returns `0.75rad * pi`. In contrast, `atan(1 / -1)`
> and `atan(-1 / 1)` resolve first to `atan(-1)`, so both return
> `-0.25rad * pi`.
atan2($y, $x)
* If `$y` and `$x` are not compatible, throw an error.
* If the inputs match one of the following edge cases, return the provided
number in `rad`. Otherwise, return the [2-argument arctangent][] of `$y` and
`$x`, as a number in `rad`.
[2-argument arctangent]:
##### Edge cases
<td colspan="2"></td>
<th colspan="6" style="text-align: center">X</th>
<td colspan="2"></td>
<th rowspan="6">Y</th>
<td>-0.75 * pi</td>
<td>-0.5 * pi</td>
<td>-0.5 * pi</td>
<td>-0.5 * pi</td>
<td>-0.5 * pi</td>
<td>-0.25 * pi</td>
<td>-0.5 * pi</td>
<td>-0.5 * pi</td>
<td>0.5 * pi</td>
<td>0.5 * pi</td>
<td>0.75 * pi</td>
<td>0.5 * pi</td>
<td>0.5 * pi</td>
<td>0.5 * pi</td>
<td>0.5 * pi</td>
<td>0.25 * pi</td>