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package Route::Waypoint::Location;
use strict;
no warnings "experimental::signatures";
use feature 'signatures';
sub new($class, $location) {
my $self={
lon => $location->[0],
lat => $location->[1]
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
sub lon($self) {
return $self->{lon};
sub lat($self) {
return $self->{lat};
sub equal($self, $other) {
return $self->lat() eq $other->lat() &&
$self->lon() eq $other->lon();
package Route::Waypoint;
use strict;
no warnings "experimental::signatures";
use feature 'signatures';
use Data::Dumper;
sub new($class, $route) {
bless $route, $class;
return $route;
sub distance($self) {
return $self->{distance};
sub location($self) {
return new Route::Waypoint::Location($self->{location});
package Route;
use strict;
no warnings "experimental::signatures";
use feature 'signatures';
use Data::Dumper;
sub new($class, $route, $waypoints) {
bless $route, $class;
$route->{waypoints}=[ map { new Route::Waypoint($_) } @{$waypoints} ];
return $route;
sub duration($self) {
return $self->{duration}*1;
sub distance($self) {
return $self->{distance}*1;
sub waypoints($self) {
return $self->{waypoints};
sub waypoint_start($self) {
return $self->{waypoints}[0];
sub waypoint_end($self) {
return $self->{waypoints}[1];
# http://localhost:8080/osrmb/route/v1/car/8.351497650146486,51.89863463469904;8.36686134338379,51.916691123199826?geometries=geojson
use strict;
no warnings "experimental::signatures";
use feature 'signatures';
use LWP::UserAgent;
use FindBin qw($RealBin $Bin);
use File::Slurp qw/read_file/;
use Getopt::Long::Descriptive;
use Data::Dumper;
use JSON;
my $uribase="http://localhost:8080";
my $waypointsfile=$ARGV[0];
my $numroutes=$ARGV[1];
sub calcroute($ua, $uribase, $osrmi, $profile, $lng1, $lat1, $lng2, $lat2) {
my $uri=sprintf("%s/%s/route/v1/%s/%f,%f;%f,%f?geometries=geojson&overview=full&annotations=true&steps=true&alternatives=true",
$uribase, $osrmi, $profile,
$lng1, $lat1,
$lng2, $lat2);
my $response=$ua->get($uri);
if (!$response->is_success) {
printf("Failed to get %s\n", $uri);
return undef;
my $j=from_json($response->decoded_content);
return new Route($j->{routes}[0], $j->{waypoints});
my ($opt, $usage) = describe_options(
'$Bin %o <some-arg>',
[ 'minx=s', "Min X" ],
[ 'maxx=s', "Max X"],
[ 'miny=s', "Min Y" ],
[ 'maxy=s', "Max Y" ],
[ 'maxdistance=i', "Max distance to road network at start and end", { default => 3000 } ],
[ 'sei', "Start and End identical only" ],
[ 'help', "print usage message and exit", { shortcircuit => 1 } ],
print($usage->text), exit if $opt->help;
sub genpoint($opt) {
return [
my $ua=LWP::UserAgent->new(timeout => 2);
while(42) {
my $p1=genpoint($opt);
my $p2=genpoint($opt);
my $a=calcroute($ua, $uribase, "osrma", "car", $p1->[0], $p1->[1], $p2->[0], $p2->[1]);
my $b=calcroute($ua, $uribase, "osrmb", "car", $p1->[0], $p1->[1], $p2->[0], $p2->[1]);
if (!defined($a) || !defined($b)) {
if ($a->distance() ne $b->distance() && $a->duration() ne $b->duration) {
# Dont show as changed when distance to road network is larger
# than maxdistance. Most likely we are outside of our PBF file.
my @wp=grep { $_->distance() > $opt->maxdistance } @{$a->waypoints()};
if (scalar @wp > 0) {
if ($opt->sei) {
if (!$a->waypoint_start()->location()->equal($b->waypoint_start()->location())) {
if (!$a->waypoint_end()->location()->equal($b->waypoint_end()->location())) {
$p1->[0], $p1->[1], $p2->[0], $p2->[1]);
printf("\tDistance diff: %f Duration diff: %f\n",
$b->distance()-$a->distance(), $b->duration-$a->duration);