2002-07-14 22:57:53 +00:00

796 lines
31 KiB

// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | PHP Version 4 |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyright (c) 1997-2002 The PHP Group |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | This source file is subject to version 2.02 of the PHP license, |
// | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
// | available at through the world-wide-web at |
// | |
// | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to |
// | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to |
// | so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Authors: Shane Caraveo <> |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// $Id$
require_once 'DB.php'; // PEAR/DB
require_once 'base.php';
require_once 'client_round2_params.php';
require_once 'test.utility.php';
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
class Interop_Client extends Interop_Base
// database DNS
var $DSN = 'mysql://user@localhost/interop2';
// our central interop server, where we can get the list of endpoints
var $interopServer = "";
// our local endpoint, will always get added to the database for all tests
var $localEndpoint;
// specify testing
var $currentTest = 'base'; // see $tests above
var $paramType = 'php'; // 'php' or 'soapval'
var $useWSDL = 0; // 1= do wsdl tests
var $numServers = 0; // 0 = all
var $specificEndpoint = ''; // test only this endpoint
var $testMethod = ''; // test only this method
var $skipEndpointList = array(); // endpoints to skip
var $nosave = 0;
var $startAt = ''; // start in list at this endpoint
// debug output
var $show = 1;
var $debug = 0;
var $showFaults = 0; // used in result table output
var $dbc = NULL;
var $totals = array();
var $tests = array('base','GroupB', 'GroupC');
var $paramTypes = array('php', 'soapval');
var $endpoints = array();
function Interop_Client() {
// set up the database connection
$this->dbc = DB::connect($this->DSN, true);
// if it errors out, just ignore it and rely on regular methods
if (DB::isError($this->dbc)) {
echo $this->dbc->getMessage();
$this->dbc = NULL;
// set up local endpoint
$this->localEndpoint['base'] = array(
'endpointName'=>'PEAR SOAP',
$this->localEndpoint['GroupB'] = array(
'endpointName'=>'PEAR SOAP',
$this->localEndpoint['GroupC'] = array(
'endpointName'=>'PEAR SOAP',
function _fetchEndpoints(&$soapclient, $test) {
$this->_getEndpoints($test, 1);
// retreive endpoints from the endpoint server
$endpointArray = $soapclient->call("GetEndpointInfo",array("groupName"=>$test),"","");
if (PEAR::isError($endpointArray)) {
print $soapclient->wire;
// add our local endpoint
if ($this->localEndpoint[$test]) {
array_push($endpointArray, $this->localEndpoint[$test]);
if (!$endpointArray) return;
// reset the status to zero
$res = $this->dbc->query("update endpoints set status = 0 where class='$test'");
if (DB::isError($res)) {
die ($res->getMessage());
if (is_object($res)) $res->free();
// save new endpoints into database
foreach($endpointArray as $k => $v){
if (array_key_exists($v['endpointName'],$this->endpoints)) {
$res = $this->dbc->query("update endpoints set endpointURL='{$v['endpointURL']}', wsdlURL='{$v['wsdlURL']}', status=1 where id={$this->endpoints[$v['endpointName']]['id']}");
} else {
$res = $this->dbc->query("insert into endpoints (endpointName,endpointURL,wsdlURL,class) values('{$v['endpointName']}','{$v['endpointURL']}','{$v['wsdlURL']}','$test')");
if (DB::isError($res)) {
die ($res->getMessage());
if (is_object($res)) $res->free();
* fetchEndpoints
* retreive endpoints interop server
* @return boolean result
* @access private
function fetchEndpoints($test = NULL) {
// fetch from the interop server
$soapclient = new SoapObject($this->interopServer);
if ($test) {
$this->_fetchEndpoints($soapclient, $test);
} else {
foreach ($this->tests as $test) {
$this->_fetchEndpoints($soapclient, $test);
$test = 'base';
// retreive all endpoints now
$this->currentTest = $test;
return $this->_getEndpoints($test);
* getEndpoints
* retreive endpoints from either database or interop server
* @param string base (see local var $tests)
* @param boolean all (if false, only get valid endpoints, status=1)
* @return boolean result
* @access private
function getEndpoints($base = 'base', $all = 0) {
if (!$this->_getEndpoints($base, $all)) {
return $this->fetchEndpoints($base);
return TRUE;
* _getEndpoints
* retreive endpoints from database
* @param string base (see local var $tests)
* @param boolean all (if false, only get valid endpoints, status=1)
* @return boolean result
* @access private
function _getEndpoints($base = "", $all = 0) {
$this->endpoints = array();
// build sql
$sql = "select * from endpoints ";
if ($base) {
$sql .= "where class='$base' ";
if (!$all) $sql .= "and status=1";
} else
if (!$all) $sql .= "where status=1";
$db_ep = $this->dbc->getAll($sql,NULL, DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC );
if (DB::isError($db_ep)) {
echo $sql."\n";
echo $db_ep->getMessage();
return FALSE;
// rearange the array
foreach ($db_ep as $entry) {
$this->endpoints[$entry['endpointName']] = $entry;
if (count($this->endpoints) > 0) {
$this->currentTest = $base;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* getResults
* retreive results from the database, stuff them into the endpoint array
* @access private
function getResults($test = 'base', $type = 'php', $wsdl = 0) {
// be sure we have the right endpoints for this test result
// retreive the results and put them into the endpoint info
$sql = "select * from results where class='$test' and type='$type' and wsdl=$wsdl";
$results = $this->dbc->getAll($sql,NULL, DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC );
foreach ($results as $result) {
// find the endpoint
foreach ($this->endpoints as $epn => $epi) {
if ($epi['id'] == $result['endpoint']) {
// store the info
$this->endpoints[$epn]['methods'][$result['function']] = $result;
* saveResults
* save the results of a method test into the database
* @access private
function _saveResults($endpoint_id, &$soap_test) {
if ($this->nosave) return;
$result = $soap_test->result;
$wire = $result['wire'];
if ($result['success']) {
$success = 'OK';
$error = '';
} else {
$success = $result['fault']->faultcode;
$error = $result['fault']->faultstring;
if (!$wire) $wire= $result['fault']->detail;
$test_name = $soap_test->test_name;
// add header info to the test name
if ($soap_test->headers) {
foreach ($soap_test->headers as $h) {
$destination = 0;
if (get_class($h) == 'soap_header') {
if ($h->attributes['SOAP-ENV:actor'] == '') $destination = 1;
$test_name .= ":{$h->name},$destination,{$h->attributes['SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand']}";
} else {
if (!$h[3] || $h[3] == '') $destination = 1;
if (!$h[2]) $h[2] = 0;
$qn = new QName($h[0]);
$test_name .= ":{$qn->name},$destination,".(int)$h[2];
$sql = "delete from results where endpoint=$endpoint_id ".
"and class='$this->currentTest' and type='$this->paramType' ".
"and wsdl=$this->useWSDL and function=".
#echo "\n".$sql;
$res = $this->dbc->query($sql);
if (DB::isError($res)) {
die ($res->getMessage());
if (is_object($res)) $res->free();
$sql = "insert into results (endpoint,stamp,class,type,wsdl,function,result,error,wire) ".
#echo "\n".$sql;
$res = $this->dbc->query($sql);
if (DB::isError($res)) {
die ($res->getMessage());
if (is_object($res)) $res->free();
* decodeSoapval
* decodes a soap value to php type, used for test result comparisions
* @param SOAP_Value soapval
* @return mixed result
* @access public
function decodeSoapval($soapval)
if (gettype($soapval) == "object" &&
(strcasecmp(get_class($soapval),"soapparam") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(get_class($soapval),"soapvar") == 0)) {
if (strcasecmp(get_class($soapval),"soapparam") == 0)
$val = $soapval->param_data->enc_value;
$val = $soapval->enc_value;
} else {
$val = $soapval;
if (is_array($val)) {
foreach($val as $k => $v) {
if (gettype($v) == "object" &&
(strcasecmp(get_class($soapval),"soapparam") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(get_class($soapval),"soapvar") == 0)) {
$val[$k] = $this->decodeSoapval($v);
return $val;
* compareResult
* compare two php types for a match
* @param string expect
* @param string test_result
* @return boolean result
* @access public
function compareResult($expect, $result, $type = NULL)
$ok = 0;
$expect_type = gettype($expect);
$result_type = gettype($result);
if ($expect_type == "array" && $result_type == "array") {
# compare arrays
$ok = array_compare($expect, $result);
} else {
if ($type == 'boolean')
$ok = boolean_compare($expect, $result);
$ok = string_compare($expect, $result);
return $ok;
* doEndpointMethod
* run a method on an endpoint and store it's results to the database
* @param array endpoint_info
* @param SOAP_Test test
* @return boolean result
* @access public
function doEndpointMethod(&$endpoint_info, &$soap_test) {
$ok = FALSE;
// prepare a holder for the test results
$soap_test->result['class'] = $this->currentTest;
$soap_test->result['type'] = $this->paramType;
$soap_test->result['wsdl'] = $this->useWSDL;
if ($this->useWSDL) {
if (array_key_exists('wsdlURL',$endpoint_info)) {
if (!array_key_exists('client',$endpoint_info)) {
$endpoint_info['client'] = new SoapObject($endpoint_info['wsdlURL']);
$soap =& $endpoint_info['client'];
# XXX how do we determine a failure on retreiving/parsing wsdl?
if ($soap->wsdl->fault) {
$fault = $soap->wsdl->fault->getFault();
return FALSE;
} else {
$fault = new SoapFault('WSDL',"no WSDL defined for $endpoint");
return FALSE;
$namespace = false;
$soapaction = false;
} else {
$namespace = $soapaction = '';
// hack to make tests work with MS SoapToolkit
// it's the only one that uses this soapaction, and breaks if
// it isn't right. Can't wait for soapaction to be fully depricated
if ($this->currentTest == 'base' &&
strstr($endpoint_info['endpointName'],'MS SOAP ToolKit 2.0')) {
$soapaction = 'urn:soapinterop';
if (!array_key_exists('client',$endpoint_info)) {
$endpoint_info['client'] = new SoapObject($endpoint_info['endpointURL'],$soapaction);
$soap = $endpoint_info['client'];
// add headers to the test
if ($soap_test->headers) {
// $header is already a SOAP_Header class
foreach ($soap_test->headers as $header) {
// XXX no way to set encoding
// this lets us set UTF-8, US-ASCII or other
if ($this->useWSDL) {
$args = '';
foreach ($soap_test->method_params as $pname => $param) {
$arg = '$soap_test->method_params["'.$pname.'"]';
$args .= $args?','.$arg:$arg;
$return = eval('return $soap->'.$soap_test->method_name.'('.$args.');');
} else {
$return = $soap->__call($soap_test->method_name,$soap_test->method_params,$soapaction, $namespace);
// save the wire
$wire = $soap->__getlastrequest()."\n\n".$soap->__getlastresponse();
$wire = str_replace('>',">\n",$wire);
$wire = str_replace('" ',"\" \n",$wire);
#print $wire;
if (is_array($soap_test->method_params) && count($soap_test->method_params) == 1) {
$sent = array_shift($soap_test->method_params);
} else {
$sent = $soap_test->method_params;
// compare header results
$header_result = array();
$headers_ok = TRUE;
# XXX need to implement header support!
#if ($soap_test->headers) {
# // $header is already a SOAP_Header class
# foreach ($soap_test->headers as $header) {
# if (get_class($header) != 'soap_header') {
# // assume it's an array
# $header = new SOAP_Header($header[0], NULL, $header[1], $header[2], $header[3], $header[4]);
# }
# $expect = $soap_test->headers_expect[$header->name];
# $header_result[$header->name] = array();
# // XXX need to fix need_result to identify the actor correctly
# $need_result = $hresult ||
# ($header->attributes['SOAP-ENV:actor'] == ''
# && $header->attributes['SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand']);
# if ($expect) {
# $hresult = $soap->headers[key($expect)];
# $ok = !$need_result || $this->compareResult($hresult ,$expect[key($expect)]);
# } else {
# $hresult = $soap->headers[$header->name];
# $expect = $this->decodeSoapval($header);
# $ok = !$need_result || $this->compareResult($hresult ,$expect);
# }
# $header_result[$header->name]['ok'] = $ok;
# if (!$ok) $headers_ok = FALSE;
# }
# we need to decode what we sent so we can compare!
$sent_d = $this->decodeSoapval($sent);
$soap_test->result['sent'] = $sent;
$soap_test->result['return'] = $return;
// compare the results with what we sent
$ok = $this->compareResult($sent_d,$return, $sent->type);
if (!$ok && $soap_test->expect) {
$ok = $this->compareResult($soap_test->expect,$return);
if (!$headers_ok) {
$fault = new SoapFault('HEADER','The returned result did not match what we expected to receive');
} else {
$success = TRUE;
} else {
$fault = new SoapFault('RESULT','The returned result did not match what we expected to receive');
} else {
$fault = $soap->__getfault();
if ($soap_test->expect_fault) {
$ok = 1;
$res = 'OK';
} else {
$ok = 0;
$res =$fault->faultcode;
$soap_test->setResult($ok,$res, $wire,$fault->faultstring, $fault);
return $ok;
* doTest
* run a single round of tests
* @access public
function doTest() {
global $soap_tests;
// get endpoints for this test
#clear totals
$this->totals = array();
$i = 0;
foreach($this->endpoints as $endpoint => $endpoint_info){
// if we specify an endpoint, skip until we find it
if ($this->specificEndpoint && $endpoint != $this->specificEndpoint) continue;
if ($this->useWSDL && !$endpoint_info['endpointURL']) continue;
$skipendpoint = FALSE;
#$endpoint_info['tests'] = array();
if ($this->show) print "Processing $endpoint at {$endpoint_info['endpointURL']}<br>\n";
foreach($soap_tests[$this->currentTest] as $soap_test) {
//foreach(array_keys($method_params[$this->currentTest][$this->paramType]) as $method)
// only run the type of test we're looking for (php or soapval)
if ($soap_test->type != $this->paramType) continue;
// if we haven't reached our startpoint, skip
if ($this->startAt && $this->startAt != $endpoint_info['endpointName']) continue;
$this->startAt = '';
// if this is in our skip list, skip it
if (in_array($endpoint, $this->skipEndpointList)) {
$skipendpoint = TRUE;
$skipfault = new SoapFault('SKIP','endpoint skipped');
$soap_test->setResult(0,$fault->faultcode, '',
#$endpoint_info['tests'][] = &$soap_test;
#$this->_saveResults($endpoint_info['id'], $soap_test->method_name);
$soap_test->result = NULL;
// if we're looking for a specific method, skip unless we have it
if ($this->testMethod && !strstr($this->testMethod,$soap_test->test_name)) continue;
if ($this->testMethod && $this->currentTest == 'GroupC') {
// we have to figure things out now
if (!preg_match('/(.*):(.*),(\d),(\d)/',$this->testMethod, $m)) continue;
// is the header in the headers list?
$gotit = FALSE;
foreach ($soap_test->headers as $header) {
if (get_class($header) == 'soap_header') {
if ($header->name == $m[2]) {
$gotit = $header->attributes['SOAP-ENV:actor'] == ($m[3]?SOAP_TEST_ACTOR_NEXT:SOAP_TEST_ACTOR_OTHER);
$gotit = $gotit && $header->attributes['SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand'] == $m[4];
} else {
if ($header[0] == $m[2]) {
$gotit = $gotit && $header[3] == ($m[3]?SOAP_TEST_ACTOR_NEXT:SOAP_TEST_ACTOR_OTHER);
$gotit = $gotit && $header[4] == $m[4];
if (!$gotit) continue;
// if we are skipping the rest of the tests (due to error) note a fault
if ($skipendpoint) {
$soap_test->setResult(0,$fault->faultcode, '',
#$endpoint_info['tests'][] = &$soap_test;
} else {
// run the endpoint test
if ($this->doEndpointMethod($endpoint_info, $soap_test)) {
} else {
$skipendpoint = $soap_test->result['fault']->faultcode=='HTTP'
&& strstr($soap_test->result['fault']->faultstring,'Connect Error');
$skipfault = $soap_test->result['fault'];
#$endpoint_info['tests'][] = &$soap_test;
$this->_saveResults($endpoint_info['id'], $soap_test);
$soap_test->result = NULL;
if ($this->numservers && ++$i >= $this->numservers) break;
function doGroupTests() {
$dowsdl = array(0,1);
foreach($dowsdl as $usewsdl) {
$this->useWSDL = $usewsdl;
foreach($this->paramTypes as $ptype) {
// skip a pointless test
if ($usewsdl && $ptype == 'soapval') break;
$this->paramType = $ptype;
* doTests
* go all out. This takes time.
* @access public
function doTests() {
// the mother of all interop tests
$dowsdl = array(0,1);
foreach($this->tests as $test) {
$this->currentTest = $test;
foreach($dowsdl as $usewsdl) {
$this->useWSDL = $usewsdl;
foreach($this->paramTypes as $ptype) {
// skip a pointless test
if ($usewsdl && $ptype == 'soapval') break;
$this->paramType = $ptype;
// ***********************************************************
// output functions
* getResults
* retreive results from the database, stuff them into the endpoint array
* @access private
function getMethodList($test = 'base') {
// retreive the results and put them into the endpoint info
$sql = "select distinct(function) from results where class='$test' order by function";
$results = $this->dbc->getAll($sql);
$ar = array();
foreach($results as $result) {
$ar[] = $result[0];
return $ar;
function outputTable()
$methods = $this->getMethodList($this->currentTest);
if (!$methods) return;
echo "<b>Testing $this->currentTest ";
if ($this->useWSDL) echo "using WSDL ";
else echo "using Direct calls ";
echo "with $this->paramType values</b><br>\n";
// calculate totals for this table
$this->totals['success'] = 0;
$this->totals['fail'] = 0;
$this->totals['servers'] = 0; #count($this->endpoints);
foreach ($this->endpoints as $endpoint => $endpoint_info) {
if (count($endpoint_info['methods']) > 0) {
foreach ($methods as $method) {
$r = $endpoint_info['methods'][$method]['result'];
if ($r == 'OK') $this->totals['success']++;
else $this->totals['fail']++;
} else {
$this->totals['calls'] = count($methods) * $this->totals['servers'];
if ($this->totals['fail'] == $this->totals['calls']) {
// assume tests have not run, skip outputing table
print "No Data Available<br>\n";
echo "\n\n<b>Servers: {$this->totals['servers']} Calls: {$this->totals['calls']} Success: {$this->totals['success']} Fail: {$this->totals['fail']}</b><br>\n";
echo "<table border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\">\n";
echo "<tr><td class=\"BLANK\">Endpoint</td>\n";
foreach ($methods as $method) {
$info = split(':', $method);
echo "<td class='BLANK' valign='top'>";
foreach ($info as $m) {
$hi = split(',',$m);
echo '<b>'.$hi[0]."</b><br>\n";
if (count($hi) > 1) {
echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;Actor=".($hi[1]?'Target':'Not Target')."<br>\n";
echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;MustUnderstand=$hi[2]<br>\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
$faults = array();
$fi = 0;
foreach ($this->endpoints as $endpoint => $endpoint_info) {
if (array_key_exists('wsdlURL',$endpoint_info)) {
echo "<tr><td class=\"BLANK\"><a href=\"{$endpoint_info['wsdlURL']}\">$endpoint</a></td>\n";
} else {
echo "<tr><td class=\"BLANK\">$endpoint</td>\n";
foreach ($methods as $method) {
$id = $endpoint_info['methods'][$method]['id'];
$r = $endpoint_info['methods'][$method]['result'];
$e = $endpoint_info['methods'][$method]['error'];
if ($e) {
$faults[$fi++] = $e;
if ($r) {
echo "<td class='$r'><a href='$PHP_SELF?wire=$id'>$r</a></td>\n";
} else {
echo "<td class='untested'>untested</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</table><br>\n";
if ($this->showFaults && count($faults) > 0) {
echo "<b>ERROR Details:</b><br>\n<ul>\n";
# output more error detail
foreach ($faults as $fault) {
echo '<li>'.HTMLSpecialChars($fault)."</li>\n";
echo "</ul><br><br>\n";
function outputTables() {
// the mother of all interop tests
$dowsdl = array(0,1);
foreach($this->tests as $test) {
$this->currentTest = $test;
foreach($dowsdl as $usewsdl) {
$this->useWSDL = $usewsdl;
foreach($this->paramTypes as $ptype) {
// skip a pointless test
if ($usewsdl && $ptype == 'soapval') break;
$this->paramType = $ptype;
function showWire($id) {
$results = $this->dbc->getAll("select * from results where id=$id",NULL, DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC );
#$wire = preg_replace("/>/",">\n",$results[0]['wire']);
$wire = $results[0]['wire'];
echo "<pre>\n".HTMLSpecialChars($wire)."</pre>\n";