Moriyoshi Koizumi 24eb1f6eb2 - Update libmbfl to the latest. This fixes several serious issues in the html
entity encoder and the encoding detection facility. There should be no
  problem with mailparse() as API change was made so carefully that it
  would be as small as possible.
2004-02-04 07:24:08 +00:00

34 lines
808 B

!include rules.mak.bcc32
SUBDIRS=mbfl nls filters
all: mbfl.dll mbfl.lib
mbfl.lib: mbfl.dll
implib -a mbfl.lib mbfl.dll
mbfl.dll: compile mbfl.res
@if exist linker.rsp del linker.rsp
@for %i in ($(SUBDIRS)) do @for %j in (%i\*.obj) do @echo %j+ >> linker.rsp
ilink32 $(LDFLAGS) @linker.rsp,mbfl.dll,,$(LIBS),,mbfl.res
del linker.rsp
mbfl.res: mbfl.rc
brcc32 -r mbfl.rc
prepare: config.h.bcc32
@if exist linker.rsp del linker.rsp
@copy config.h.bcc32 config.h
@for %i in ($(SUBDIRS)) do $(COMSPEC) /C mksbcc32.bat $(MAKE) %i clean
@if exist linker.rsp del linker.rsp
@if exist mbfl.RES del mbfl.RES
@if exist mbfl.dll del mbfl.dll
@if exist mbfl.lib del mbfl.lib
@if exist config.h del config.h
compile: prepare
@for %i in ($(SUBDIRS)) do $(COMSPEC) /C mksbcc32.bat $(MAKE) %i