2006-04-07 21:20:10 +00:00

36 lines
1.4 KiB

- Allow NULL for $matches argument (helps when using preg_match only for
match condition) - might not be possible
- I'd love to see a pattern modifer which says "don't fill $matches except
for the overall match and any specific named captures". This would allow
(?: ...) to be avoided in a lot of cases.
This could make for non-trivial speed enhancements with regexes that have
a lot of parens when working on long strings, since you'd not have to
copy them multiple times to the $matches array.
Also, it makes $matches much cleaner after a match where you've named the
captures you're interested in.
(Note that this would not involve the use of PCRE_NO_AUTO_CAPTURE, as
that would change the semantics of backreferences)
- In looking at preg_grep, I think it'd be pretty easy to implement some flags:
PREG_GREP_REKEY_ALL --- all key values are rekeyed, as if return array had been
passed through array_values().
PREG_GREP_REKEY_NUMS --- only numeric key values are rekeyed; string key values
are maintained
PREG_GREP_REKEY_NONE ---- (default and current situation) keys are maintained
I can't judge the social effect of changing the default, but my intuition
of a grep function in PHP would be that the default is PREG_GREP_REKEY_NUMS