Alex Dowad d62f535caa
Restore backwards-compatible mappings of 0x5C and 0x7E in SJIS
According to the relevant Japan Industrial Standards Committee standards,
SJIS 0x5C is a Yen sign, and 0x7E is an overline.

However, this conflicts with the implementation of SJIS in various legacy
software (notably Microsoft products), where SJIS 0x5C and 0x7E are taken
as equivalent to the same ASCII bytes.

Prior to PHP 8.1, mbstring's implementation of SJIS handled these bytes
compatibly with Microsoft products. This was changed in PHP 8.1.0, in an
attempt to comply with the JISC specifications. However, after discussion
with various concerned Japanese developers, it seems that the historical
behavior was more useful in the majority of applications which process
SJIS-encoded text.

Since we are now treating SJIS 0x5C as equivalent to U+005C and 0x7E as
equivalent to U+007E, it does not make sense to convert U+203E (OVERLINE)
to 0x7E, nor does it make sense to convert U+00A5 (YEN SIGN) to 0x5C. Restore
the mappings for those codepoints from before PHP 8.1.0.

Fixes GH-8281.
2022-06-11 16:31:47 +02:00

105 lines
4.3 KiB

Exhaustive test of Shift-JIS encoding verification and conversion
if (getenv("SKIP_SLOW_TESTS")) die("skip slow test");
srand(999); /* Make results consistent */
mb_substitute_character(0x25); // '%'
/* Read in the table of all characters in Shift-JIS */
readConversionTable(__DIR__ . '/data/SHIFTJIS.txt', $validChars, $fromUnicode);
for ($i = 0; $i < 0x20; $i++) {
$validChars[chr($i)] = "\x00" . chr($i);
$fromUnicode["\x00" . chr($i)] = chr($i);
/* According to the relevant Japan Industrial Standards Committee standards,
* SJIS 0x5C is a Yen sign, and 0x7E is an overline.
* However, this conflicts with the implementation of SJIS in various legacy
* software (notably Microsoft products), where SJIS 0x5C and 0x7E are taken
* as equivalent to the same ASCII bytes.
* Prior to PHP 8.1, mbstring's implementation of SJIS handled these bytes
* compatibly with Microsoft products. This was changed in PHP 8.1.0, in an
* attempt to comply with the JISC specifications. However, after discussion
* with various concerned Japanese developers, it seems that the historical
* behavior was more useful in the majority of applications which process
* SJIS-encoded text. */
$validChars["\x5C"] = "\x00\x5C";
$validChars["\x7E"] = "\x00\x7E";
$fromUnicode["\x00\x5C"] = "\x5C";
$fromUnicode["\x00\x7E"] = "\x7E";
/* That means it does not make sense to convert U+203E (OVERLINE)
* to 0x7E; convert it to JIS X 0208 FULLWIDTH MACRON instead */
$fromUnicode["\x20\x3E"] = "\x81\x50";
/* U+00AF is MACRON; convert that to FULLWIDTH MACRON as well */
$fromUnicode["\x00\xAF"] = "\x81\x50";
/* Since we are treating 0x5C as equivalent to U+005C, it does not
* make sense to convert U+00A5 (YEN SIGN) to 0x5C
* Convert it to JIS X 0208 FULLWIDTH YEN SIGN instead */
$fromUnicode["\x00\xA5"] = "\x81\x8F";
/* DEL character */
$validChars["\x7F"] = "\x00\x7F";
$fromUnicode["\x00\x7F"] = "\x7F";
/* Use fullwidth reverse solidus, not (halfwidth) backslash (0x5C) */
$validChars["\x81\x5F"] = "\xFF\x3C";
$fromUnicode["\xFF\x3C"] = "\x81\x5F";
/* Unicode has both halfwidth and fullwidth NOT SIGN; convert both of them
* to JIS X 0208 NOT SIGN */
$fromUnicode["\xFF\xE2"] = "\x81\xCA";
/* Likewise for fullwidth and halfwidth POUND SIGN */
$fromUnicode["\xFF\xE1"] = "\x81\x92";
/* Likewise for fullwidth and halfwidth CENT SIGN */
$fromUnicode["\xFF\xE0"] = "\x81\x91";
/* Convert Unicode FULLWIDTH TILDE to JIS X 0208 WAVE DASH */
$fromUnicode["\xFF\x5E"] = "\x81\x60";
$fromUnicode["\xFF\x0D"] = "\x81\x7C";
/* Convert Unicode PARALLEL TO to JIS X 0208 DOUBLE VERTICAL LINE */
$fromUnicode["\x22\x25"] = "\x81\x61";
testAllValidChars($validChars, 'Shift-JIS', 'UTF-16BE');
echo "SJIS verification and conversion works on all valid characters\n";
findInvalidChars($validChars, $invalidChars, $truncated,
array_fill_keys(range(0x81, 0x9F), 2) + array_fill_keys(range(0xE0, 0xEF), 2));
testAllInvalidChars($invalidChars, $validChars, 'Shift-JIS', 'UTF-16BE', "\x00%");
testTruncatedChars($truncated, 'Shift-JIS', 'UTF-16BE', "\x00%");
echo "SJIS verification and conversion works on all invalid characters\n";
testAllValidChars($fromUnicode, 'UTF-16BE', 'Shift-JIS', false);
echo "Unicode -> SJIS conversion works on all valid characters\n";
findInvalidChars($fromUnicode, $invalidChars, $unused, array_fill_keys(range(0, 0xFF), 2));
convertAllInvalidChars($invalidChars, $fromUnicode, 'UTF-16BE', 'Shift-JIS', '%');
echo "Unicode -> SJIS conversion works on all invalid characters\n";
testValidString("\xFF\x5E", "\x81\x60", 'UTF-16BE', 'SJIS', false);
echo "Other mappings from Unicode -> SJIS are OK\n";
// Test "long" illegal character markers
convertInvalidString("\x80", "%", "Shift-JIS", "UTF-8");
convertInvalidString("\x81\x20", "%", "Shift-JIS", "UTF-8");
convertInvalidString("\xEA\xA9", "%", "Shift-JIS", "UTF-8");
echo "Done!\n";
SJIS verification and conversion works on all valid characters
SJIS verification and conversion works on all invalid characters
Unicode -> SJIS conversion works on all valid characters
Unicode -> SJIS conversion works on all invalid characters
Other mappings from Unicode -> SJIS are OK