Nikita Popov 294e7c295f Annother attempt at fixing the mysqli_fetch_field tests
Instead of character set detection (which doesn't always work correctly)
fetch the character set info using mysqli_get_charset(). To make sure that
the returned info applies to all of client, connection and result
explicitely set utf8 as charset using mysqli_set_charset() before. I'm not
sure whether that last part is really necessary, but included it to be
2012-08-17 19:47:59 +02:00

181 lines
5.9 KiB

Default values are "localhost", "root",
database "stest" and empty password.
Change the MYSQL_TEST environment values
if you want to use another configuration
$driver = new mysqli_driver;
$host = getenv("MYSQL_TEST_HOST") ? getenv("MYSQL_TEST_HOST") : "localhost";
$port = getenv("MYSQL_TEST_PORT") ? getenv("MYSQL_TEST_PORT") : 3306;
$user = getenv("MYSQL_TEST_USER") ? getenv("MYSQL_TEST_USER") : "root";
$passwd = getenv("MYSQL_TEST_PASSWD") ? getenv("MYSQL_TEST_PASSWD") : "";
$db = getenv("MYSQL_TEST_DB") ? getenv("MYSQL_TEST_DB") : "test";
$engine = getenv("MYSQL_TEST_ENGINE") ? getenv("MYSQL_TEST_ENGINE") : "MyISAM";
$socket = getenv("MYSQL_TEST_SOCKET") ? getenv("MYSQL_TEST_SOCKET") : null;
$skip_on_connect_failure = getenv("MYSQL_TEST_SKIP_CONNECT_FAILURE") ? getenv("MYSQL_TEST_SKIP_CONNECT_FAILURE") : true;
$connect_flags = getenv("MYSQL_TEST_CONNECT_FLAGS") ? (int)getenv("MYSQL_TEST_CONNECT_FLAGS") : 0;
if ($socket) {
ini_set('mysqli.default_socket', $socket);
/* Development setting: test experimal features and/or feature requests that never worked before? */
$TEST_EXPERIMENTAL = (in_array(getenv("MYSQL_TEST_EXPERIMENTAL"), array(0, 1))) ?
((1 == getenv("MYSQL_TEST_EXPERIMENTAL")) ? true : false) :
$IS_MYSQLND = stristr(mysqli_get_client_info(), "mysqlnd");
if (!$IS_MYSQLND) {
} else {
The formatting of the version reported by mysqli_get_client_info()
has changed significantly in the past. To get tests working properly
with PHP 5.3.0 and up, we set everything that looks like prior to
PHP 5.3.0 to version 5.0.4 = 5 * 10000 + 0 * 100 + 4 = 50004.
PHP 5.3.0 reports mysqlnd 5.0.5 dev (= 5 * 10000 + 0 * 100 + 5 = 50005.
if (preg_match('@Revision:\s+(\d+)\s*\$@ism', mysqli_get_client_info(), $matches)) {
/* something prior to PHP 5.3.0 */
} else if (preg_match('@^mysqlnd (\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+).*@ism', mysqli_get_client_info(), $matches)) {
/* formatting schema used by PHP 5.3.0 */
$MYSQLND_VERSION = (int)$matches[1] * 10000 + (int)$matches[2] * 100 + (int)$matches[3];
} else if (preg_match('@^mysqlnd/PHP 6.0.0-dev@ism', mysqli_get_client_info(), $matches)) {
PHP 6.0 at the time of the first PHP 5.3.0 release.
HEAD and 5.3 have been in sync when 5.3.0 was released.
It is at least 5.0.5-dev.
} else {
/* unknown */
if (!function_exists('sys_get_temp_dir')) {
function sys_get_temp_dir() {
if (!empty($_ENV['TMP']))
return realpath( $_ENV['TMP'] );
if (!empty($_ENV['TMPDIR']))
return realpath( $_ENV['TMPDIR'] );
if (!empty($_ENV['TEMP']))
return realpath( $_ENV['TEMP'] );
$temp_file = tempnam(md5(uniqid(rand(), TRUE)), '');
if ($temp_file) {
$temp_dir = realpath(dirname($temp_file));
return $temp_dir;
return FALSE;
if (!function_exists('my_mysqli_connect')) {
* Whenever possible, please use this wrapper to make testing ot MYSQLI_CLIENT_COMPRESS (and potentially SSL) possible
* @param enable_env_flags Enable setting of connection flags through env(MYSQL_TEST_CONNECT_FLAGS)?
function my_mysqli_connect($host, $user, $passwd, $db, $port, $socket, $enable_env_flags = true) {
global $connect_flags;
$flags = ($enable_env_flags) ? $connect_flags : false;
if ($flags !== false) {
$link = mysqli_init();
if (!mysqli_real_connect($link, $host, $user, $passwd, $db, $port, $socket, $flags))
$link = false;
} else {
$link = mysqli_connect($host, $user, $passwd, $db, $port, $socket);
return $link;
* Whenever possible, please use this wrapper to make testing ot MYSQLI_CLIENT_COMPRESS (and potentially SSL) possible
* @param enable_env_flags Enable setting of connection flags through env(MYSQL_TEST_CONNECT_FLAGS)
function my_mysqli_real_connect($link, $host, $user, $passwd, $db, $port, $socket, $flags = 0, $enable_env_flags = true) {
global $connect_flags;
if ($enable_env_flags)
$flags & $connect_flags;
return mysqli_real_connect($link, $host, $user, $passwd, $db, $port, $socket, $flags);
class my_mysqli extends mysqli {
public function __construct($host, $user, $passwd, $db, $port, $socket, $enable_env_flags = true) {
global $connect_flags;
$flags = ($enable_env_flags) ? $connect_flags : false;
if ($flags !== false) {
$this->real_connect($host, $user, $passwd, $db, $port, $socket, $flags);
} else {
parent::__construct($host, $user, $passwd, $db, $port, $socket);
function have_innodb($link) {
if (($res = $link->query("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'have_innodb'")) &&
($row = $res->fetch_row()) &&
!empty($row)) {
if ($row[1] == "DISABLED" || $row[1] == "NO") {
return false;
return true;
} else {
/* MySQL 5.6.1+ */
if ($res = $link->query("SHOW ENGINES")) {
while ($row = $res->fetch_assoc()) {
if (!isset($row['Engine']) || !isset($row['Support']))
return false;
if (('InnoDB' == $row['Engine']) &&
(('YES' == $row['Support']) || ('DEFAULT' == $row['Support']))
) {
return true;
return false;
} else {
return false;
return false;
} else {
printf("skip Eeeek/BUG/FIXME - included twice! skipif bug?\n");
function handle_catchable_fatal($errno, $error, $file, $line) {
static $errcodes = array();
if (empty($errcodes)) {
$constants = get_defined_constants();
foreach ($constants as $name => $value) {
if (substr($name, 0, 2) == "E_")
$errcodes[$value] = $name;
printf("[%s] %s in %s on line %s\n",
(isset($errcodes[$errno])) ? $errcodes[$errno] : $errno,
$error, $file, $line);
return true;