George Peter Banyard 39ef5ca31c
Add tests for uncastable streams and dataloss streams (#10173)
And suppress the nonsensical warnings by passing the PHP_STREAM_CAST_INTERNAL flag.
2023-07-10 13:24:23 +01:00

62 lines
1.1 KiB

class DummyStreamWrapper
/** @var resource|null */
public $context;
/** @var resource|null */
public $handle;
public function stream_cast(int $castAs)
return false;
public function stream_close(): void { }
public function stream_open(string $path, string $mode, int $options = 0, ?string &$openedPath = null): bool
return true;
public function stream_read(int $count)
return false;
public function stream_seek(int $offset, int $whence = SEEK_SET): bool
return true;
public function stream_set_option(int $option, int $arg1, ?int $arg2): bool
return false;
public function stream_stat()
return false;
public function stream_tell()
return 0;
public function stream_truncate(int $newSize): bool
return true;
public function stream_write(string $data) { }
public function unlink(string $path): bool
return false;