Greg Beaver 5af85b4f8f implement Phar::buildFromIterator()
first argument is an iterator that returns as values paths to files to add to the phar archive
the key should be the path that the file should be saved as within the phar archive
if the optional second parameter is passed, then the key is ignored and substr(value, strlen(base_directory)) is
used as the save path within the phar archive
2007-12-12 18:01:40 +00:00

72 lines
2.4 KiB

$notes = '
* implement Phar::buildFromIterator(Iterator $it[, string $base_directory]) [Greg]
* add mapping of include/require from within a phar to location within phar [Greg]
solves the include_path issue without code munging
* add Phar::delete() [Greg]
if (!class_exists("Phar") && !extension_loaded("Phar")) {
die("Extension phar not present");
require_once 'PEAR/PackageFileManager2.php';
$options = array(
'filelistgenerator' => 'CVS',
'changelogoldtonew' => false,
'simpleoutput' => true,
'baseinstalldir' => '/',
'packagedirectory' => dirname(__FILE__),
'packagefile' => 'package.xml',
'clearcontents' => true,
'ignore' => array('package*.php', 'package*.xml'),
'dir_roles' => array(
'docs' => 'doc',
'examples' => 'doc',
'tests' => 'test',
'phar' => 'src',
'exceptions' => array(
'CREDITS' => 'doc',
'EXPERIMENTAL' => 'doc',
'LICENSE' => 'doc',
'Makefile.frag' => 'src',
'' => 'src',
'TODO' => 'doc',
'phar.phar' => 'script',
$package = PEAR_PackageFileManager2::importOptions(dirname(__FILE__) . '/package.xml', $options);
$package->addPackageDepWithChannel('optional', 'bz2', '', false, false, false, false, 'bz2');
// all this false business sets the <providesextension> tag that allows us to have hash built
// in statically
$package->addPackageDepWithChannel('optional', 'hash', '', false, false, false, false, 'hash');
$package->addExtensionDep('optional', 'spl');
$package->addExtensionDep('optional', 'zlib');
//$package->addGlobalReplacement('package-info', '@package_version@', 'version');
if (isset($_GET['make']) || (isset($_SERVER['argv']) && @$_SERVER['argv'][1] == 'make')) {
} else {