2006-10-27 01:08:16 +00:00

113 lines
2.8 KiB

General semaphore and shared memory test
<?php // vim600: ts=4 sw=4 syn=php fdm=marker
if(!extension_loaded('sysvsem') || !extension_loaded('sysvshm')) {
die("skip Both sysvsem and sysvshm required");
$MEMSIZE = 512; // size of shared memory to allocate
$SEMKEY = 1; // Semaphore key
$SHMKEY = 2; // Shared memory key
echo "Start.\n";
// Get semaphore
$sem_id = sem_get($SEMKEY, 1);
if ($sem_id === FALSE) {
echo "Fail to get semaphore";
echo "Got semaphore $sem_id.\n";
// Accuire semaphore
if (! sem_acquire($sem_id)) {
echo "Fail to aquire semaphore $sem_id.\n";
echo "Success aquire semaphore $sem_id.\n";
$shm_id = shm_attach($SHMKEY, $MEMSIZE);
if ($shm_id === FALSE) {
echo "Fail to attach shared memory.\n";
echo "Success to attach shared memory : $shm_id.\n";
// Write variable 1
if (!shm_put_var($shm_id, 1, "Variable 1")) {
echo "Fail to put var 1 on shared memory $shm_id.\n";
shm_remove ($shm_id);
echo "Write var1 to shared memory.\n";
// Write variable 2
if (!shm_put_var($shm_id, 2, "Variable 2")) {
echo "Fail to put var 2 on shared memory $shm_id.\n";
shm_remove ($shm_id);
echo "Write var2 to shared memory.\n";
// Read variable 1
$var1 = shm_get_var ($shm_id, 1);
if ($var1 === FALSE) {
echo "Fail to retrieve Var 1 from Shared memory $shm_id, return value=$var1.\n";
} else {
echo "Read var1=$var1.\n";
// Read variable 1
$var2 = shm_get_var ($shm_id, 2);
if ($var1 === FALSE) {
echo "Fail to retrieve Var 2 from Shared memory $shm_id, return value=$var2.\n";
} else {
echo "Read var2=$var2.\n";
// Release semaphore
if (!sem_release($sem_id)) {
echo "Fail to release $sem_id semaphore.\n";
} else {
echo "Semaphore $sem_id released.\n";
// remove shared memory segmant from SysV
if (shm_remove ($shm_id)) {
echo "Shared memory successfully removed from SysV.\n";
} else {
echo "Fail to remove $shm_id shared memory from SysV.\n";
// Remove semaphore
if (sem_remove($sem_id)) {
echo "semaphore removed successfully from SysV.\n";
} else {
echo "Fail to remove $sem_id semaphore from SysV.\n";
echo "End.\n";
/* NOTE: assigned semids differ depending on the kernel, since
* there are actually 3 semaphores per PHP-created
* semaphores in effect, to keep state information.
* That's the reason for EXPECTF.
Got semaphore Resource id #%i.
Success aquire semaphore Resource id #%i.
Success to attach shared memory : %i.
Write var1 to shared memory.
Write var2 to shared memory.
Read var1=Variable 1.
Read var2=Variable 2.
Semaphore Resource id #%i released.
Shared memory successfully removed from SysV.
semaphore removed successfully from SysV.