Steph Fox 87fac43ac0 - killed off UEXPECT
- html_translation_table and setlocale tests are no longer relevant
- there are a number of ANSI-encoded files. Is this deliberate?
2008-05-27 10:50:48 +00:00

76 lines
2.7 KiB

Test chunk_split() function : usage variations - single quoted strings for 'str' argument
/* Prototype : string chunk_split(string $str [, int $chunklen [, string $ending]])
* Description: Returns split line
* Source code: ext/standard/string.c
* Alias to functions: none
* chunk_split() : passing single quoted strings for 'str' to the function
echo "*** Testing chunk_split() : with different single quoted 'str' ***\n";
//Initializing variables
$chunklen = 7;
$ending = "):(";
//different single quoted string for 'str'
$values = array(
'', //empty
' ', //space
'This is simple string', //regular string
'It\'s string with quotes',
'This contains @ # $ % ^ & chars', //special characters
'This string\tcontains\rwhite space\nchars', //with white space chars
'This is string with 1234 numbers',
'This is string with \0 and ".chr(0)."null chars', //for binary safe
'This is string with multiple space char',
'This is to check string with ()',
' Testing with Tab ', //string with TAB
'Testing invalid \k and \m escape char',
'This is to check with \\n and \\t'
//Loop through each element of values for 'str'
for($count = 0;$count < count($values);$count++) {
echo "-- Iteration $count --\n";
var_dump( chunk_split($values[$count], $chunklen, $ending) );
echo "Done"
*** Testing chunk_split() : with different single quoted 'str' ***
-- Iteration 0 --
unicode(3) "):("
-- Iteration 1 --
unicode(4) " ):("
-- Iteration 2 --
unicode(30) "This is):( simple):( string):("
-- Iteration 3 --
unicode(35) "It's st):(ring wi):(th quot):(es):("
-- Iteration 4 --
unicode(46) "This co):(ntains ):(@ # $ %):( ^ & ch):(ars):("
-- Iteration 5 --
unicode(59) "This st):(ring\tc):(ontains):(\rwhite):( space\):(nchars):("
-- Iteration 6 --
unicode(47) "This is):( string):( with 1):(234 num):(bers):("
-- Iteration 7 --
unicode(68) "This is):( string):( with \):(0 and "):(.chr(0)):(."null ):(chars):("
-- Iteration 8 --
unicode(74) "This is):( string):( with ):( multi):(ple ):( sp):(ace cha):(r):("
-- Iteration 9 --
unicode(46) "This is):( to che):(ck stri):(ng with):( ()):("
-- Iteration 10 --
unicode(44) " Te):(sting w):(ith ):(Tab ):( ):("
-- Iteration 11 --
unicode(55) "Testing):( invali):(d \k an):(d \m es):(cape ch):(ar):("
-- Iteration 12 --
unicode(46) "This is):( to che):(ck with):( \n and):( \t):("