DanielEScherzer 5dd0575698
Generated arginfo header files: combine preprocessor conditional blocks (#15736)
When functions' or class methods' availability is based on some preprocessor
condition, the generated arginfo header files wrap the declarations in the
preprocessor `#if` conditional blocks, one per declaration, even if they are in
the same conditional block based on comments in the stub file. Instead of
having multiple conditional blocks one after the other with the same condition,
combine them into a single conditional block.
2024-09-04 13:04:22 +02:00

6331 lines
218 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env php
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
use PhpParser\Comment\Doc as DocComment;
use PhpParser\ConstExprEvaluator;
use PhpParser\Modifiers;
use PhpParser\Node;
use PhpParser\Node\AttributeGroup;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr;
use PhpParser\Node\Name;
use PhpParser\Node\Stmt;
use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Class_;
use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Enum_;
use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Interface_;
use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Trait_;
use PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard;
use PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract;
ini_set("precision", "-1");
const PHP_70_VERSION_ID = 70000;
const PHP_80_VERSION_ID = 80000;
const PHP_81_VERSION_ID = 80100;
const PHP_82_VERSION_ID = 80200;
const PHP_83_VERSION_ID = 80300;
const PHP_84_VERSION_ID = 80400;
* @return FileInfo[]
function processDirectory(string $dir, Context $context): array {
$pathNames = [];
$it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir),
foreach ($it as $file) {
$pathName = $file->getPathName();
if (preg_match('/\.stub\.php$/', $pathName)) {
$pathNames[] = $pathName;
// Make sure stub files are processed in a predictable, system-independent order.
$fileInfos = [];
foreach ($pathNames as $pathName) {
$fileInfo = processStubFile($pathName, $context);
if ($fileInfo) {
$fileInfos[] = $fileInfo;
return $fileInfos;
function processStubFile(string $stubFile, Context $context, bool $includeOnly = false): ?FileInfo {
try {
if (!file_exists($stubFile)) {
throw new Exception("File $stubFile does not exist");
if (!$includeOnly) {
$stubFilenameWithoutExtension = str_replace(".stub.php", "", $stubFile);
$arginfoFile = "{$stubFilenameWithoutExtension}_arginfo.h";
$legacyFile = "{$stubFilenameWithoutExtension}_legacy_arginfo.h";
$stubCode = file_get_contents($stubFile);
$stubHash = computeStubHash($stubCode);
$oldStubHash = extractStubHash($arginfoFile);
if ($stubHash === $oldStubHash && !$context->forceParse) {
/* Stub file did not change, do not regenerate. */
return null;
/* Because exit() and die() are proper token/keywords we need to hack-around */
$hasSpecialExitAsFunctionHandling = str_ends_with($stubFile, 'zend_builtin_functions.stub.php');
if (!$fileInfo = $context->parsedFiles[$stubFile] ?? null) {
$stubContent = $stubCode ?? file_get_contents($stubFile);
if ($hasSpecialExitAsFunctionHandling) {
$stubContent = str_replace(['exit', 'die'], ['exit_dummy', 'die_dummy'], $stubContent);
$fileInfo = parseStubFile($stubContent);
$context->parsedFiles[$stubFile] = $fileInfo;
foreach ($fileInfo->dependencies as $dependency) {
// TODO add header search path for extensions?
$prefixes = [dirname($stubFile) . "/", dirname(__DIR__) . "/"];
foreach ($prefixes as $prefix) {
$depFile = $prefix . $dependency;
if (file_exists($depFile)) {
$depFile = null;
if (!$depFile) {
throw new Exception("File $stubFile includes a file $dependency which does not exist");
processStubFile($depFile, $context, true);
$constInfos = $fileInfo->getAllConstInfos();
$context->allConstInfos = array_merge($context->allConstInfos, $constInfos);
if ($includeOnly) {
return $fileInfo;
$arginfoCode = generateArgInfoCode(
if ($hasSpecialExitAsFunctionHandling) {
$arginfoCode = str_replace(['exit_dummy', 'die_dummy'], ['exit', 'die'], $arginfoCode);
if (($context->forceRegeneration || $stubHash !== $oldStubHash) && file_put_contents($arginfoFile, $arginfoCode)) {
echo "Saved $arginfoFile\n";
if ($fileInfo->shouldGenerateLegacyArginfo()) {
$legacyFileInfo = clone $fileInfo;
$legacyFileInfo->legacyArginfoGeneration = true;
$phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility = $legacyFileInfo->getMinimumPhpVersionIdCompatibility();
foreach ($legacyFileInfo->getAllFuncInfos() as $funcInfo) {
foreach ($legacyFileInfo->getAllClassInfos() as $classInfo) {
foreach ($legacyFileInfo->getAllConstInfos() as $constInfo) {
$arginfoCode = generateArgInfoCode(
if (($context->forceRegeneration || $stubHash !== $oldStubHash) && file_put_contents($legacyFile, $arginfoCode)) {
echo "Saved $legacyFile\n";
return $fileInfo;
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "In $stubFile:\n{$e->getMessage()}\n";
function computeStubHash(string $stubCode): string {
return sha1(str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $stubCode));
function extractStubHash(string $arginfoFile): ?string {
if (!file_exists($arginfoFile)) {
return null;
$arginfoCode = file_get_contents($arginfoFile);
if (!preg_match('/\* Stub hash: ([0-9a-f]+) \*/', $arginfoCode, $matches)) {
return null;
return $matches[1];
class Context {
public bool $forceParse = false;
public bool $forceRegeneration = false;
/** @var array<string, ConstInfo> */
public array $allConstInfos = [];
/** @var FileInfo[] */
public array $parsedFiles = [];
class ArrayType extends SimpleType {
public Type $keyType;
public Type $valueType;
public static function createGenericArray(): self
return new ArrayType(Type::fromString("int|string"), Type::fromString("mixed|ref"));
public function __construct(Type $keyType, Type $valueType)
parent::__construct("array", true);
$this->keyType = $keyType;
$this->valueType = $valueType;
public function toOptimizerTypeMask(): string {
$typeMasks = [
return implode("|", $typeMasks);
public function equals(SimpleType $other): bool {
if (!parent::equals($other)) {
return false;
assert(get_class($other) === self::class);
return Type::equals($this->keyType, $other->keyType) &&
Type::equals($this->valueType, $other->valueType);
class SimpleType {
public string $name;
public bool $isBuiltin;
public static function fromNode(Node $node): SimpleType {
if ($node instanceof Node\Name) {
if ($node->toLowerString() === 'static') {
// PHP internally considers "static" a builtin type.
return new SimpleType($node->toLowerString(), true);
if ($node->toLowerString() === 'self') {
throw new Exception('The exact class name must be used instead of "self"');
return new SimpleType($node->toString(), false);
if ($node instanceof Node\Identifier) {
if ($node->toLowerString() === 'array') {
return ArrayType::createGenericArray();
return new SimpleType($node->toLowerString(), true);
throw new Exception("Unexpected node type");
public static function fromString(string $typeString): SimpleType
switch (strtolower($typeString)) {
case "void":
case "null":
case "false":
case "true":
case "bool":
case "int":
case "float":
case "string":
case "callable":
case "object":
case "resource":
case "mixed":
case "static":
case "never":
case "ref":
return new SimpleType(strtolower($typeString), true);
case "array":
return ArrayType::createGenericArray();
case "self":
throw new Exception('The exact class name must be used instead of "self"');
case "iterable":
throw new Exception('This should not happen');
$matches = [];
$isArray = preg_match("/(.*)\s*\[\s*\]/", $typeString, $matches);
if ($isArray) {
return new ArrayType(Type::fromString("int"), Type::fromString($matches[1]));
$matches = [];
$isArray = preg_match("/array\s*<\s*([A-Za-z0-9_|-]+)?(\s*,\s*)?([A-Za-z0-9_|-]+)?\s*>/i", $typeString, $matches);
if ($isArray) {
if (empty($matches[1]) || empty($matches[3])) {
throw new Exception("array<> type hint must have both a key and a value");
return new ArrayType(Type::fromString($matches[1]), Type::fromString($matches[3]));
return new SimpleType($typeString, false);
* @param mixed $value
public static function fromValue($value): SimpleType
switch (gettype($value)) {
case "NULL":
return SimpleType::null();
case "boolean":
return SimpleType::bool();
case "integer":
return SimpleType::int();
case "double":
return SimpleType::float();
case "string":
return SimpleType::string();
case "array":
return SimpleType::array();
case "object":
return SimpleType::object();
throw new Exception("Type \"" . gettype($value) . "\" cannot be inferred based on value");
public static function null(): SimpleType
return new SimpleType("null", true);
public static function bool(): SimpleType
return new SimpleType("bool", true);
public static function int(): SimpleType
return new SimpleType("int", true);
public static function float(): SimpleType
return new SimpleType("float", true);
public static function string(): SimpleType
return new SimpleType("string", true);
public static function array(): SimpleType
return new SimpleType("array", true);
public static function object(): SimpleType
return new SimpleType("object", true);
public static function void(): SimpleType
return new SimpleType("void", true);
protected function __construct(string $name, bool $isBuiltin) {
$this->name = $name;
$this->isBuiltin = $isBuiltin;
public function isScalar(): bool {
return $this->isBuiltin && in_array($this->name, ["null", "false", "true", "bool", "int", "float"], true);
public function isNull(): bool {
return $this->isBuiltin && $this->name === 'null';
public function isBool(): bool {
return $this->isBuiltin && $this->name === 'bool';
public function isInt(): bool {
return $this->isBuiltin && $this->name === 'int';
public function isFloat(): bool {
return $this->isBuiltin && $this->name === 'float';
public function isString(): bool {
return $this->isBuiltin && $this->name === 'string';
public function isArray(): bool {
return $this->isBuiltin && $this->name === 'array';
public function isMixed(): bool {
return $this->isBuiltin && $this->name === 'mixed';
public function toTypeCode(): string {
switch ($this->name) {
case "bool":
return "_IS_BOOL";
case "int":
return "IS_LONG";
case "float":
return "IS_DOUBLE";
case "string":
return "IS_STRING";
case "array":
return "IS_ARRAY";
case "object":
return "IS_OBJECT";
case "void":
return "IS_VOID";
case "callable":
return "IS_CALLABLE";
case "mixed":
return "IS_MIXED";
case "static":
return "IS_STATIC";
case "never":
return "IS_NEVER";
case "null":
return "IS_NULL";
case "false":
return "IS_FALSE";
case "true":
return "IS_TRUE";
throw new Exception("Not implemented: $this->name");
public function toTypeMask(): string {
switch ($this->name) {
case "null":
return "MAY_BE_NULL";
case "false":
return "MAY_BE_FALSE";
case "true":
return "MAY_BE_TRUE";
case "bool":
return "MAY_BE_BOOL";
case "int":
return "MAY_BE_LONG";
case "float":
return "MAY_BE_DOUBLE";
case "string":
return "MAY_BE_STRING";
case "array":
return "MAY_BE_ARRAY";
case "object":
return "MAY_BE_OBJECT";
case "callable":
case "mixed":
return "MAY_BE_ANY";
case "void":
return "MAY_BE_VOID";
case "static":
return "MAY_BE_STATIC";
case "never":
return "MAY_BE_NEVER";
throw new Exception("Not implemented: $this->name");
public function toOptimizerTypeMaskForArrayKey(): string {
switch ($this->name) {
case "int":
case "string":
throw new Exception("Type $this->name cannot be an array key");
public function toOptimizerTypeMaskForArrayValue(): string {
if (!$this->isBuiltin) {
switch ($this->name) {
case "null":
case "false":
case "true":
case "bool":
case "int":
case "float":
case "string":
case "array":
case "object":
case "resource":
case "mixed":
case "ref":
throw new Exception("Type $this->name cannot be an array value");
public function toOptimizerTypeMask(): string {
if (!$this->isBuiltin) {
return "MAY_BE_OBJECT";
switch ($this->name) {
case "resource":
case "callable":
case "iterable":
case "mixed":
return $this->toTypeMask();
public function toEscapedName(): string {
// Escape backslashes, and also encode \u, \U, and \N to avoid compilation errors in generated macros
return str_replace(
['\\', '\\u', '\\U', '\\N'],
['\\\\', '\\\\165', '\\\\125', '\\\\116'],
public function toVarEscapedName(): string {
return str_replace('\\', '_', $this->name);
public function equals(SimpleType $other): bool {
return $this->name === $other->name && $this->isBuiltin === $other->isBuiltin;
class Type {
/** @var SimpleType[] */
public array $types;
public bool $isIntersection;
public static function fromNode(Node $node): Type {
if ($node instanceof Node\UnionType || $node instanceof Node\IntersectionType) {
$nestedTypeObjects = array_map(['Type', 'fromNode'], $node->types);
$types = [];
foreach ($nestedTypeObjects as $typeObject) {
array_push($types, ...$typeObject->types);
return new Type($types, ($node instanceof Node\IntersectionType));
if ($node instanceof Node\NullableType) {
return new Type(
if ($node instanceof Node\Identifier && $node->toLowerString() === "iterable") {
return new Type(
return new Type([SimpleType::fromNode($node)], false);
public static function fromString(string $typeString): self {
$typeString .= "|";
$simpleTypes = [];
$simpleTypeOffset = 0;
$inArray = false;
$isIntersection = false;
$typeStringLength = strlen($typeString);
for ($i = 0; $i < $typeStringLength; $i++) {
$char = $typeString[$i];
if ($char === "<") {
$inArray = true;
if ($char === ">") {
$inArray = false;
if ($inArray) {
if ($char === "|" || $char === "&") {
$isIntersection = ($char === "&");
$simpleTypeName = trim(substr($typeString, $simpleTypeOffset, $i - $simpleTypeOffset));
$simpleTypes[] = SimpleType::fromString($simpleTypeName);
$simpleTypeOffset = $i + 1;
return new Type($simpleTypes, $isIntersection);
* @param SimpleType[] $types
private function __construct(array $types, bool $isIntersection) {
$this->types = $types;
$this->isIntersection = $isIntersection;
public function isScalar(): bool {
foreach ($this->types as $type) {
if (!$type->isScalar()) {
return false;
return true;
public function isNullable(): bool {
foreach ($this->types as $type) {
if ($type->isNull()) {
return true;
return false;
public function getWithoutNull(): Type {
return new Type(
function(SimpleType $type) {
return !$type->isNull();
public function tryToSimpleType(): ?SimpleType {
$withoutNull = $this->getWithoutNull();
/* type has only null */
if (count($withoutNull->types) === 0) {
return $this->types[0];
if (count($withoutNull->types) === 1) {
return $withoutNull->types[0];
return null;
public function toArginfoType(): ArginfoType {
$classTypes = [];
$builtinTypes = [];
foreach ($this->types as $type) {
if ($type->isBuiltin) {
$builtinTypes[] = $type;
} else {
$classTypes[] = $type;
return new ArginfoType($classTypes, $builtinTypes);
public function toOptimizerTypeMask(): string {
$optimizerTypes = [];
foreach ($this->types as $type) {
// TODO Support for toOptimizerMask for intersection
$optimizerTypes[] = $type->toOptimizerTypeMask();
return implode("|", $optimizerTypes);
public function toOptimizerTypeMaskForArrayKey(): string {
$typeMasks = [];
foreach ($this->types as $type) {
$typeMasks[] = $type->toOptimizerTypeMaskForArrayKey();
return implode("|", $typeMasks);
public function toOptimizerTypeMaskForArrayValue(): string {
$typeMasks = [];
foreach ($this->types as $type) {
$typeMasks[] = $type->toOptimizerTypeMaskForArrayValue();
return implode("|", $typeMasks);
public function getTypeForDoc(DOMDocument $doc): DOMElement {
if (count($this->types) > 1) {
$typeSort = $this->isIntersection ? "intersection" : "union";
$typeElement = $doc->createElement('type');
$typeElement->setAttribute("class", $typeSort);
foreach ($this->types as $type) {
$unionTypeElement = $doc->createElement('type', $type->name);
} else {
$type = $this->types[0];
$name = $type->name;
$typeElement = $doc->createElement('type', $name);
return $typeElement;
public static function equals(?Type $a, ?Type $b): bool {
if ($a === null || $b === null) {
return $a === $b;
if (count($a->types) !== count($b->types)) {
return false;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($a->types); $i++) {
if (!$a->types[$i]->equals($b->types[$i])) {
return false;
return true;
public function __toString() {
if ($this->types === null) {
return 'mixed';
$char = $this->isIntersection ? '&' : '|';
return implode($char, array_map(
function ($type) { return $type->name; },
class ArginfoType {
/** @var SimpleType[] $classTypes */
public array $classTypes;
/** @var SimpleType[] $builtinTypes */
private array $builtinTypes;
* @param SimpleType[] $classTypes
* @param SimpleType[] $builtinTypes
public function __construct(array $classTypes, array $builtinTypes) {
$this->classTypes = $classTypes;
$this->builtinTypes = $builtinTypes;
public function hasClassType(): bool {
return !empty($this->classTypes);
public function toClassTypeString(): string {
return implode('|', array_map(function(SimpleType $type) {
return $type->toEscapedName();
}, $this->classTypes));
public function toTypeMask(): string {
if (empty($this->builtinTypes)) {
return '0';
return implode('|', array_map(function(SimpleType $type) {
return $type->toTypeMask();
}, $this->builtinTypes));
class ArgInfo {
const SEND_BY_VAL = 0;
const SEND_BY_REF = 1;
const SEND_PREFER_REF = 2;
public string $name;
public int $sendBy;
public bool $isVariadic;
public ?Type $type;
public ?Type $phpDocType;
public ?string $defaultValue;
/** @var AttributeInfo[] */
public array $attributes;
* @param AttributeInfo[] $attributes
public function __construct(
string $name,
int $sendBy,
bool $isVariadic,
?Type $type,
?Type $phpDocType,
?string $defaultValue,
array $attributes
) {
$this->name = $name;
$this->sendBy = $sendBy;
$this->isVariadic = $isVariadic;
$this->setTypes($type, $phpDocType);
$this->defaultValue = $defaultValue;
$this->attributes = $attributes;
public function equals(ArgInfo $other): bool {
return $this->name === $other->name
&& $this->sendBy === $other->sendBy
&& $this->isVariadic === $other->isVariadic
&& Type::equals($this->type, $other->type)
&& $this->defaultValue === $other->defaultValue;
public function getSendByString(): string {
switch ($this->sendBy) {
case self::SEND_BY_VAL:
return "0";
case self::SEND_BY_REF:
return "1";
case self::SEND_PREFER_REF:
throw new Exception("Invalid sendBy value");
public function getMethodSynopsisType(): Type {
if ($this->type) {
return $this->type;
if ($this->phpDocType) {
return $this->phpDocType;
throw new Exception("A parameter must have a type");
public function hasProperDefaultValue(): bool {
return $this->defaultValue !== null && $this->defaultValue !== "UNKNOWN";
public function getDefaultValueAsArginfoString(): string {
if ($this->hasProperDefaultValue()) {
return '"' . addslashes($this->defaultValue) . '"';
return "NULL";
public function getDefaultValueAsMethodSynopsisString(): ?string {
if ($this->defaultValue === null) {
return null;
switch ($this->defaultValue) {
case 'UNKNOWN':
return null;
case 'false':
case 'true':
case 'null':
return "&{$this->defaultValue};";
return $this->defaultValue;
private function setTypes(?Type $type, ?Type $phpDocType): void
$this->type = $type;
$this->phpDocType = $phpDocType;
interface VariableLikeName {
public function __toString(): string;
public function getDeclarationName(): string;
interface ConstOrClassConstName extends VariableLikeName {
public function equals(ConstOrClassConstName $const): bool;
public function isClassConst(): bool;
public function isUnknown(): bool;
abstract class AbstractConstName implements ConstOrClassConstName
public function equals(ConstOrClassConstName $const): bool
return $this->__toString() === $const->__toString();
public function isUnknown(): bool
return strtolower($this->__toString()) === "unknown";
class ConstName extends AbstractConstName {
public string $const;
public function __construct(?Name $namespace, string $const)
if ($namespace && ($namespace = $namespace->slice(0, -1))) {
$const = $namespace->toString() . '\\' . $const;
$this->const = $const;
public function isClassConst(): bool
return false;
public function isUnknown(): bool
$name = $this->__toString();
if (($pos = strrpos($name, '\\')) !== false) {
$name = substr($name, $pos + 1);
return strtolower($name) === "unknown";
public function __toString(): string
return $this->const;
public function getDeclarationName(): string
return $this->name->toString();
class ClassConstName extends AbstractConstName {
public Name $class;
public string $const;
public function __construct(Name $class, string $const)
$this->class = $class;
$this->const = $const;
public function isClassConst(): bool
return true;
public function __toString(): string
return $this->class->toString() . "::" . $this->const;
public function getDeclarationName(): string
return $this->const;
class PropertyName implements VariableLikeName {
public Name $class;
public string $property;
public function __construct(Name $class, string $property)
$this->class = $class;
$this->property = $property;
public function __toString(): string
return $this->class->toString() . "::$" . $this->property;
public function getDeclarationName(): string
return $this->property;
interface FunctionOrMethodName {
public function getDeclaration(): string;
public function getArgInfoName(): string;
public function getMethodSynopsisFilename(): string;
public function getNameForAttributes(): string;
public function __toString(): string;
public function isMethod(): bool;
public function isConstructor(): bool;
public function isDestructor(): bool;
class FunctionName implements FunctionOrMethodName {
private Name $name;
public function __construct(Name $name) {
$this->name = $name;
public function getNamespace(): ?string {
if ($this->name->isQualified()) {
return $this->name->slice(0, -1)->toString();
return null;
public function getNonNamespacedName(): string {
if ($this->name->isQualified()) {
throw new Exception("Namespaced name not supported here");
return $this->name->toString();
public function getDeclarationName(): string {
return implode('_', $this->name->getParts());
public function getFunctionName(): string {
return $this->name->getLast();
public function getDeclaration(): string {
return "ZEND_FUNCTION({$this->getDeclarationName()});\n";
public function getArgInfoName(): string {
$underscoreName = implode('_', $this->name->getParts());
return "arginfo_$underscoreName";
public function getFramelessFunctionInfosName(): string {
$underscoreName = implode('_', $this->name->getParts());
return "frameless_function_infos_$underscoreName";
public function getMethodSynopsisFilename(): string {
return 'functions/' . implode('/', str_replace('_', '-', $this->name->getParts()));
public function getNameForAttributes(): string {
return strtolower($this->name->toString());
public function __toString(): string {
return $this->name->toString();
public function isMethod(): bool {
return false;
public function isConstructor(): bool {
return false;
public function isDestructor(): bool {
return false;
class MethodName implements FunctionOrMethodName {
public Name $className;
public string $methodName;
public function __construct(Name $className, string $methodName) {
$this->className = $className;
$this->methodName = $methodName;
public function getDeclarationClassName(): string {
return implode('_', $this->className->getParts());
public function getDeclaration(): string {
return "ZEND_METHOD({$this->getDeclarationClassName()}, $this->methodName);\n";
public function getArgInfoName(): string {
return "arginfo_class_{$this->getDeclarationClassName()}_{$this->methodName}";
public function getMethodSynopsisFilename(): string
$parts = [...$this->className->getParts(), ltrim($this->methodName, '_')];
/* File paths are in lowercase */
return strtolower(implode('/', $parts));
public function getNameForAttributes(): string {
return strtolower($this->methodName);
public function __toString(): string {
return "$this->className::$this->methodName";
public function isMethod(): bool {
return true;
public function isConstructor(): bool {
return $this->methodName === "__construct";
public function isDestructor(): bool {
return $this->methodName === "__destruct";
class ReturnInfo {
const REFCOUNT_0 = "0";
const REFCOUNT_1 = "1";
const REFCOUNT_N = "N";
const REFCOUNTS = [
public bool $byRef;
public ?Type $type;
public ?Type $phpDocType;
public bool $tentativeReturnType;
public string $refcount;
public function __construct(bool $byRef, ?Type $type, ?Type $phpDocType, bool $tentativeReturnType, ?string $refcount) {
$this->byRef = $byRef;
$this->setTypes($type, $phpDocType, $tentativeReturnType);
public function equalsApartFromPhpDocAndRefcount(ReturnInfo $other): bool {
return $this->byRef === $other->byRef
&& Type::equals($this->type, $other->type)
&& $this->tentativeReturnType === $other->tentativeReturnType;
public function getMethodSynopsisType(): ?Type {
return $this->type ?? $this->phpDocType;
private function setTypes(?Type $type, ?Type $phpDocType, bool $tentativeReturnType): void
$this->type = $type;
$this->phpDocType = $phpDocType;
$this->tentativeReturnType = $tentativeReturnType;
private function setRefcount(?string $refcount): void
$type = $this->phpDocType ?? $this->type;
$isScalarType = $type !== null && $type->isScalar();
if ($refcount === null) {
$this->refcount = $isScalarType ? self::REFCOUNT_0 : self::REFCOUNT_N;
if (!in_array($refcount, ReturnInfo::REFCOUNTS, true)) {
throw new Exception("@refcount must have one of the following values: \"0\", \"1\", \"N\", $refcount given");
if ($isScalarType && $refcount !== self::REFCOUNT_0) {
throw new Exception('A scalar return type of "' . $type->__toString() . '" must have a refcount of "' . self::REFCOUNT_0 . '"');
if (!$isScalarType && $refcount === self::REFCOUNT_0) {
throw new Exception('A non-scalar return type of "' . $type->__toString() . '" cannot have a refcount of "' . self::REFCOUNT_0 . '"');
$this->refcount = $refcount;
class FuncInfo {
public FunctionOrMethodName $name;
public int $classFlags;
public int $flags;
public ?string $aliasType;
public ?FunctionOrMethodName $alias;
public bool $isDeprecated;
public bool $supportsCompileTimeEval;
public bool $verify;
/** @var ArgInfo[] */
public array $args;
public ReturnInfo $return;
public int $numRequiredArgs;
public ?string $cond;
public bool $isUndocumentable;
public ?int $minimumPhpVersionIdCompatibility;
/** @var AttributeInfo[] */
public array $attributes;
/** @var FramelessFunctionInfo[] */
public array $framelessFunctionInfos;
public ?ExposedDocComment $exposedDocComment;
* @param ArgInfo[] $args
* @param AttributeInfo[] $attribute
* @param FramelessFunctionInfo[] $framelessFunctionInfos
public function __construct(
FunctionOrMethodName $name,
int $classFlags,
int $flags,
?string $aliasType,
?FunctionOrMethodName $alias,
bool $isDeprecated,
bool $supportsCompileTimeEval,
bool $verify,
array $args,
ReturnInfo $return,
int $numRequiredArgs,
?string $cond,
bool $isUndocumentable,
?int $minimumPhpVersionIdCompatibility,
array $attributes,
array $framelessFunctionInfos,
?ExposedDocComment $exposedDocComment
) {
$this->name = $name;
$this->classFlags = $classFlags;
$this->flags = $flags;
$this->aliasType = $aliasType;
$this->alias = $alias;
$this->isDeprecated = $isDeprecated;
$this->supportsCompileTimeEval = $supportsCompileTimeEval;
$this->verify = $verify;
$this->args = $args;
$this->return = $return;
$this->numRequiredArgs = $numRequiredArgs;
$this->cond = $cond;
$this->isUndocumentable = $isUndocumentable;
$this->minimumPhpVersionIdCompatibility = $minimumPhpVersionIdCompatibility;
$this->attributes = $attributes;
$this->framelessFunctionInfos = $framelessFunctionInfos;
$this->exposedDocComment = $exposedDocComment;
public function isMethod(): bool
return $this->name->isMethod();
public function isFinalMethod(): bool
return ($this->flags & Modifiers::FINAL) || ($this->classFlags & Modifiers::FINAL);
public function isInstanceMethod(): bool
return !($this->flags & Modifiers::STATIC) && $this->isMethod() && !$this->name->isConstructor();
/** @return string[] */
public function getModifierNames(): array
if (!$this->isMethod()) {
return [];
$result = [];
if ($this->flags & Modifiers::FINAL) {
$result[] = "final";
} elseif ($this->flags & Modifiers::ABSTRACT && $this->classFlags & ~Modifiers::ABSTRACT) {
$result[] = "abstract";
if ($this->flags & Modifiers::PROTECTED) {
$result[] = "protected";
} elseif ($this->flags & Modifiers::PRIVATE) {
$result[] = "private";
} else {
$result[] = "public";
if ($this->flags & Modifiers::STATIC) {
$result[] = "static";
return $result;
public function hasParamWithUnknownDefaultValue(): bool
foreach ($this->args as $arg) {
if ($arg->defaultValue && !$arg->hasProperDefaultValue()) {
return true;
return false;
public function equalsApartFromNameAndRefcount(FuncInfo $other): bool {
if (count($this->args) !== count($other->args)) {
return false;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->args); $i++) {
if (!$this->args[$i]->equals($other->args[$i])) {
return false;
return $this->return->equalsApartFromPhpDocAndRefcount($other->return)
&& $this->numRequiredArgs === $other->numRequiredArgs
&& $this->cond === $other->cond;
public function getArgInfoName(): string {
return $this->name->getArgInfoName();
public function getDeclarationKey(): string
$name = $this->alias ?? $this->name;
return "$name|$this->cond";
public function getDeclaration(): ?string
if ($this->flags & Modifiers::ABSTRACT) {
return null;
$name = $this->alias ?? $this->name;
return $name->getDeclaration();
public function getFramelessDeclaration(FuncInfo $funcInfo): ?string {
if (empty($this->framelessFunctionInfos)) {
return null;
$php84MinimumCompatibility = $this->minimumPhpVersionIdCompatibility === null || $this->minimumPhpVersionIdCompatibility >= PHP_84_VERSION_ID;
$code = '';
if (!$php84MinimumCompatibility) {
$code .= "#if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= " . PHP_84_VERSION_ID . ")\n";
foreach ($this->framelessFunctionInfos as $framelessFunctionInfo) {
$code .= "ZEND_FRAMELESS_FUNCTION({$this->name->getFunctionName()}, {$framelessFunctionInfo->arity});\n";
$code .= 'static const zend_frameless_function_info ' . $this->getFramelessFunctionInfosName() . "[] = {\n";
foreach ($this->framelessFunctionInfos as $framelessFunctionInfo) {
$code .= "\t{ ZEND_FRAMELESS_FUNCTION_NAME({$this->name->getFunctionName()}, {$framelessFunctionInfo->arity}), {$framelessFunctionInfo->arity} },\n";
$code .= "\t{ 0 },\n";
$code .= "};\n";
if (!$php84MinimumCompatibility) {
$code .= "#endif\n";
return $code;
public function getFramelessFunctionInfosName(): string {
return $this->name->getFramelessFunctionInfosName();
public function getFunctionEntry(): string {
$code = "";
$php84MinimumCompatibility = $this->minimumPhpVersionIdCompatibility === null || $this->minimumPhpVersionIdCompatibility >= PHP_84_VERSION_ID;
$isVanillaEntry = $this->alias === null && !$this->supportsCompileTimeEval && $this->exposedDocComment === null && empty($this->framelessFunctionInfos);
$argInfoName = $this->getArgInfoName();
$flagsByPhpVersions = $this->getArginfoFlagsByPhpVersions();
$functionEntryCode = null;
if (!empty($this->framelessFunctionInfos)) {
if ($this->isMethod()) {
throw new Exception('Frameless methods are not supported yet');
if ($this->name->getNamespace()) {
throw new Exception('Namespaced direct calls to frameless functions are not supported yet');
if ($this->alias) {
throw new Exception('Aliased direct calls to frameless functions are not supported yet');
if ($this->isMethod()) {
$zendName = '"' . $this->name->methodName . '"';
if ($this->alias) {
if ($this->alias instanceof MethodName) {
$name = "zim_" . $this->alias->getDeclarationClassName() . "_" . $this->alias->methodName;
} else if ($this->alias instanceof FunctionName) {
$name = "zif_" . $this->alias->getNonNamespacedName();
} else {
throw new Error("Cannot happen");
} else {
if ($this->flags & Modifiers::ABSTRACT) {
$name = "NULL";
} else {
$name = "zim_" . $this->name->getDeclarationClassName() . "_" . $this->name->methodName;
if ($isVanillaEntry) {
$functionEntryCode = "\tZEND_ME(" . $this->name->getDeclarationClassName() . ", " . $this->name->methodName . ", $argInfoName, " . implode("|", reset($flagsByPhpVersions)) . ")";
} else if ($this->name instanceof FunctionName) {
$functionName = $this->name->getFunctionName();
$declarationName = $this->alias ? $this->alias->getNonNamespacedName() : $this->name->getDeclarationName();
if ($this->name->getNamespace()) {
$namespace = addslashes($this->name->getNamespace());
$zendName = "ZEND_NS_NAME(\"$namespace\", \"$functionName\")";
$name = "zif_$declarationName";
} else {
$zendName = '"' . $functionName . '"';
$name = "zif_$declarationName";
if ($isVanillaEntry && reset($flagsByPhpVersions) === ["0"]) {
$functionEntryCode = "\tZEND_FE($declarationName, $argInfoName)";
} else {
throw new Error("Cannot happen");
if ($functionEntryCode !== null) {
$code .= "$functionEntryCode\n";
} else {
if (!$php84MinimumCompatibility) {
$code .= "#if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= " . PHP_84_VERSION_ID . ")\n";
$php84AndAboveFlags = array_slice($flagsByPhpVersions, 5, null, true);
$docComment = $this->exposedDocComment ? '"' . $this->exposedDocComment->escape() . '"' : "NULL";
$framelessFuncInfosName = !empty($this->framelessFunctionInfos) ? $this->getFramelessFunctionInfosName() : "NULL";
$template = "\tZEND_RAW_FENTRY($zendName, $name, $argInfoName, %s, $framelessFuncInfosName, $docComment)\n";
$flagsCode = generateVersionDependentFlagCode(
$code .= implode("", $flagsCode);
if (!$php84MinimumCompatibility) {
$code .= "#else\n";
if (!$php84MinimumCompatibility) {
$flags = array_slice($flagsByPhpVersions, 0, 4, true);
$template = "\tZEND_RAW_FENTRY($zendName, $name, $argInfoName, %s)\n";
$flagsCode = generateVersionDependentFlagCode(
$code .= implode("", $flagsCode);
if (!$php84MinimumCompatibility) {
$code .= "#endif\n";
return $code;
public function getOptimizerInfo(): ?string {
if ($this->isMethod()) {
return null;
if ($this->alias !== null) {
return null;
if ($this->return->refcount !== ReturnInfo::REFCOUNT_1 && $this->return->phpDocType === null) {
return null;
$type = $this->return->phpDocType ?? $this->return->type;
if ($type === null) {
return null;
return "\tF" . $this->return->refcount . '("' . addslashes($this->name->__toString()) . '", ' . $type->toOptimizerTypeMask() . "),\n";
public function discardInfoForOldPhpVersions(?int $minimumPhpVersionIdCompatibility): void {
$this->attributes = [];
$this->return->type = null;
$this->framelessFunctionInfos = [];
$this->exposedDocComment = null;
$this->supportsCompileTimeEval = false;
foreach ($this->args as $arg) {
$arg->type = null;
$arg->defaultValue = null;
$arg->attributes = [];
$this->minimumPhpVersionIdCompatibility = $minimumPhpVersionIdCompatibility;
/** @return array<int, string[]> */
private function getArginfoFlagsByPhpVersions(): array
$flags = [];
if ($this->isMethod()) {
if ($this->flags & Modifiers::PROTECTED) {
$flags[] = "ZEND_ACC_PROTECTED";
} elseif ($this->flags & Modifiers::PRIVATE) {
$flags[] = "ZEND_ACC_PRIVATE";
} else {
$flags[] = "ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC";
if ($this->flags & Modifiers::STATIC) {
$flags[] = "ZEND_ACC_STATIC";
if ($this->flags & Modifiers::FINAL) {
$flags[] = "ZEND_ACC_FINAL";
if ($this->flags & Modifiers::ABSTRACT) {
$flags[] = "ZEND_ACC_ABSTRACT";
if ($this->isDeprecated) {
foreach ($this->attributes as $attr) {
if ($attr->class === "Deprecated") {
$php82AndAboveFlags = $flags;
if ($this->isMethod() === false && $this->supportsCompileTimeEval) {
$php82AndAboveFlags[] = "ZEND_ACC_COMPILE_TIME_EVAL";
if (empty($flags)) {
$flags[] = "0";
if (empty($php82AndAboveFlags)) {
$php82AndAboveFlags[] = "0";
return [
PHP_70_VERSION_ID => $flags,
PHP_80_VERSION_ID => $flags,
PHP_81_VERSION_ID => $flags,
PHP_82_VERSION_ID => $php82AndAboveFlags,
PHP_83_VERSION_ID => $php82AndAboveFlags,
PHP_84_VERSION_ID => $php82AndAboveFlags,
private function generateRefSect1(DOMDocument $doc, string $role): DOMElement {
$refSec = $doc->createElement('refsect1');
$refSec->setAttribute('role', $role);
"\n ",
$doc->createEntityReference('reftitle.' . $role),
"\n "
return $refSec;
* @param array<string, FuncInfo> $funcMap
* @param array<string, FuncInfo> $aliasMap
* @throws Exception
public function getMethodSynopsisDocument(array $funcMap, array $aliasMap): ?string {
$doc = new DOMDocument("1.0", "utf-8");
$doc->formatOutput = true;
$refentry = $doc->createElement('refentry');
if ($this->isMethod()) {
assert($this->name instanceof MethodName);
/* Namespaces are seperated by '-', '_' must be converted to '-' too.
* Trim away the __ for magic methods */
$id = strtolower(
str_replace('\\', '-', $this->name->className->__toString())
. '.'
. str_replace('_', '-', ltrim($this->name->methodName, '_'))
} else {
$id = 'function.' . strtolower(str_replace('_', '-', $this->name->__toString()));
$refentry->setAttribute("xml:id", $id);
/* We create an attribute for xmlns, as libxml otherwise force it to be the first one */
//$refentry->setAttribute("xmlns", "");
$namespace = $doc->createAttribute('xmlns');
$namespace->value = "";
$refentry->setAttribute("xmlns:xlink", "");
$refentry->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
/* Creation of <refnamediv> */
$refnamediv = $doc->createElement('refnamediv');
$refnamediv->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
$refname = $doc->createElement('refname', $this->name->__toString());
$refnamediv->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
$refpurpose = $doc->createElement('refpurpose', 'Description');
$refnamediv->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
$refentry->append($refnamediv, $REFSEC1_SEPERATOR);
/* Creation of <refsect1 role="description"> */
$descriptionRefSec = $this->generateRefSect1($doc, 'description');
$methodSynopsis = $this->getMethodSynopsisElement($funcMap, $aliasMap, $doc);
if (!$methodSynopsis) {
return null;
$descriptionRefSec->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
$undocumentedEntity = $doc->createEntityReference('warn.undocumented.func');
$descriptionRefSec->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
$returnDescriptionPara = $doc->createElement('para');
$returnDescriptionPara->appendChild(new DOMText("\n Description.\n "));
$descriptionRefSec->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
$refentry->append($descriptionRefSec, $REFSEC1_SEPERATOR);
/* Creation of <refsect1 role="parameters"> */
$parametersRefSec = $this->getParameterSection($doc);
$refentry->append($parametersRefSec, $REFSEC1_SEPERATOR);
/* Creation of <refsect1 role="returnvalues"> */
if (!$this->name->isConstructor() && !$this->name->isDestructor()) {
$returnRefSec = $this->getReturnValueSection($doc);
$refentry->append($returnRefSec, $REFSEC1_SEPERATOR);
/* Creation of <refsect1 role="errors"> */
$errorsRefSec = $this->generateRefSect1($doc, 'errors');
$errorsDescriptionParaConstantTag = $doc->createElement('constant');
$errorsDescriptionParaExceptionTag = $doc->createElement('exceptionname');
$errorsDescriptionPara = $doc->createElement('para');
"\n When does this function issue ",
" level errors,\n and/or throw ",
"s.\n "
$errorsRefSec->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
$refentry->append($errorsRefSec, $REFSEC1_SEPERATOR);
/* Creation of <refsect1 role="changelog"> */
$changelogRefSec = $this->getChangelogSection($doc);
$refentry->append($changelogRefSec, $REFSEC1_SEPERATOR);
$exampleRefSec = $this->getExampleSection($doc, $id);
$refentry->append($exampleRefSec, $REFSEC1_SEPERATOR);
/* Creation of <refsect1 role="notes"> */
$notesRefSec = $this->generateRefSect1($doc, 'notes');
$noteTagSimara = $doc->createElement('simpara');
"\n Any notes that don't fit anywhere else should go here.\n "
$noteTag = $doc->createElement('note');
$noteTag->append("\n ", $noteTagSimara, "\n ");
$notesRefSec->append($noteTag, "\n ");
$refentry->append($notesRefSec, $REFSEC1_SEPERATOR);
/* Creation of <refsect1 role="seealso"> */
$seeAlsoRefSec = $this->generateRefSect1($doc, 'seealso');
$seeAlsoMemberClassMethod = $doc->createElement('member');
$seeAlsoMemberClassMethodTag = $doc->createElement('methodname');
$seeAlsoMemberClassMethodTag->appendChild(new DOMText("ClassName::otherMethodName"));
$seeAlsoMemberFunction = $doc->createElement('member');
$seeAlsoMemberFunctionTag = $doc->createElement('function');
$seeAlsoMemberFunctionTag->appendChild(new DOMText("some_function"));
$seeAlsoMemberLink = $doc->createElement('member');
$seeAlsoMemberLinkTag = $doc->createElement('link');
$seeAlsoMemberLinkTag->setAttribute('linkend', '');
$seeAlsoMemberLinkTag->appendChild(new DOMText('something appendix'));
$seeAlsoList = $doc->createElement('simplelist');
"\n ",
"\n ",
"\n ",
"\n "
$seeAlsoRefSec->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
$refentry->appendChild(new DOMText("\n\n"));
$doc->appendChild(new DOMComment(
Keep this comment at the end of the file
Local variables:
mode: sgml
vim600: syn=xml fen fdm=syntax fdl=2 si
vim: et tw=78 syn=sgml
vi: ts=1 sw=1
return $doc->saveXML();
private function getParameterSection(DOMDocument $doc): DOMElement {
$parametersRefSec = $this->generateRefSect1($doc, 'parameters');
if (empty($this->args)) {
$noParamEntity = $doc->createEntityReference('no.function.parameters');
return $parametersRefSec;
} else {
$parametersPara = $doc->createElement('para');
$parametersPara->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
$parametersList = $doc->createElement('variablelist');
foreach ($this->args as $arg) {
$parameter = $doc->createElement('parameter', $arg->name);
$parameterTerm = $doc->createElement('term');
$listItemPara = $doc->createElement('para');
"\n ",
"\n ",
$parameterEntryListItem = $doc->createElement('listitem');
"\n ",
"\n ",
$parameterEntry = $doc->createElement('varlistentry');
"\n ",
"\n ",
"\n ",
$parametersList->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
$parametersList->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
$parametersPara->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
$parametersRefSec->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
return $parametersRefSec;
private function getReturnValueSection(DOMDocument $doc): DOMElement {
$returnRefSec = $this->generateRefSect1($doc, 'returnvalues');
$returnDescriptionPara = $doc->createElement('para');
$returnDescriptionPara->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
$returnType = $this->return->getMethodSynopsisType();
if ($returnType === null) {
$returnDescriptionPara->appendChild(new DOMText("Description."));
} else if (count($returnType->types) === 1) {
$type = $returnType->types[0];
$name = $type->name;
switch ($name) {
case 'void':
$descriptionNode = $doc->createEntityReference('return.void');
case 'true':
$descriptionNode = $doc->createEntityReference('return.true.always');
case 'bool':
$descriptionNode = $doc->createEntityReference('return.success');
$descriptionNode = new DOMText("Description.");
} else {
$returnDescriptionPara->appendChild(new DOMText("Description."));
$returnDescriptionPara->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
$returnRefSec->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
return $returnRefSec;
* @param array<DOMNode> $headers [count($headers) === $columns]
* @param array<array<DOMNode>> $rows [count($rows[$i]) === $columns]
private function generateDocbookInformalTable(
DOMDocument $doc,
int $indent,
int $columns,
array $headers,
array $rows
): DOMElement {
$strIndent = str_repeat(' ', $indent);
$headerRow = $doc->createElement('row');
foreach ($headers as $header) {
$headerEntry = $doc->createElement('entry');
$headerRow->append("\n$strIndent ", $headerEntry);
$headerRow->append("\n$strIndent ");
$thead = $doc->createElement('thead');
"\n$strIndent ",
"\n$strIndent ",
$tbody = $doc->createElement('tbody');
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$bodyRow = $doc->createElement('row');
foreach ($row as $cell) {
$entry = $doc->createElement('entry');
$bodyRow->appendChild(new DOMText("\n$strIndent "));
$bodyRow->appendChild(new DOMText("\n$strIndent "));
"\n$strIndent ",
"\n$strIndent ",
$tgroup = $doc->createElement('tgroup');
$tgroup->setAttribute('cols', (string) $columns);
"\n$strIndent ",
"\n$strIndent ",
"\n$strIndent ",
$table = $doc->createElement('informaltable');
"\n$strIndent ",
return $table;
private function getChangelogSection(DOMDocument $doc): DOMElement {
$refSec = $this->generateRefSect1($doc, 'changelog');
$headers = [
$rows = [[
new DOMText('8.X.0'),
new DOMText("\n Description\n "),
$table = $this->generateDocbookInformalTable(
/* indent: */ 2,
/* columns: */ 2,
/* headers: */ $headers,
/* rows: */ $rows
$refSec->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
return $refSec;
private function getExampleSection(DOMDocument $doc, string $id): DOMElement {
$refSec = $this->generateRefSect1($doc, 'examples');
$example = $doc->createElement('example');
$fnName = $this->name->__toString();
$example->setAttribute('xml:id', $id . '.example.basic');
$title = $doc->createElement('title');
$fn = $doc->createElement($this->isMethod() ? 'methodname' : 'function');
$title->append($fn, ' example');
$example->append("\n ", $title);
$para = $doc->createElement('para');
$para->append("\n ", "Description.", "\n ");
$example->append("\n ", $para);
$prog = $doc->createElement('programlisting');
$prog->setAttribute('role', 'php');
$code = new DOMCdataSection(
echo "Code example";
$prog->append("\n ");
$example->append("\n ", $prog);
$example->append("\n ", $doc->createEntityReference('example.outputs'));
$output = new DOMCdataSection(
Code example
$screen = $doc->createElement('screen');
$screen->append("\n ");
"\n ",
"\n ",
"\n ",
return $refSec;
* @param array<string, FuncInfo> $funcMap
* @param array<string, FuncInfo> $aliasMap
* @throws Exception
public function getMethodSynopsisElement(array $funcMap, array $aliasMap, DOMDocument $doc): ?DOMElement {
if ($this->hasParamWithUnknownDefaultValue()) {
return null;
if ($this->name->isConstructor()) {
$synopsisType = "constructorsynopsis";
} elseif ($this->name->isDestructor()) {
$synopsisType = "destructorsynopsis";
} else {
$synopsisType = "methodsynopsis";
$methodSynopsis = $doc->createElement($synopsisType);
if ($this->isMethod()) {
assert($this->name instanceof MethodName);
$role = $doc->createAttribute("role");
$role->value = addslashes($this->name->className->__toString());
$methodSynopsis->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
foreach ($this->getModifierNames() as $modifierString) {
$modifierElement = $doc->createElement('modifier', $modifierString);
$methodSynopsis->appendChild(new DOMText(" "));
$returnType = $this->return->getMethodSynopsisType();
if ($returnType) {
$methodname = $doc->createElement('methodname', $this->name->__toString());
if (empty($this->args)) {
$methodSynopsis->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
$void = $doc->createElement('void');
} else {
foreach ($this->args as $arg) {
$methodSynopsis->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
$methodparam = $doc->createElement('methodparam');
if ($arg->defaultValue !== null) {
$methodparam->setAttribute("choice", "opt");
if ($arg->isVariadic) {
$methodparam->setAttribute("rep", "repeat");
foreach ($arg->attributes as $attribute) {
$attribute = $doc->createElement("modifier", "#[\\" . $attribute->class . "]");
$attribute->setAttribute("role", "attribute");
$parameter = $doc->createElement('parameter', $arg->name);
if ($arg->sendBy !== ArgInfo::SEND_BY_VAL) {
$parameter->setAttribute("role", "reference");
$defaultValue = $arg->getDefaultValueAsMethodSynopsisString();
if ($defaultValue !== null) {
$initializer = $doc->createElement('initializer');
if (preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*$/', $defaultValue)) {
$constant = $doc->createElement('constant', $defaultValue);
} else {
$initializer->nodeValue = $defaultValue;
$methodSynopsis->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
return $methodSynopsis;
public function __clone()
foreach ($this->args as $key => $argInfo) {
$this->args[$key] = clone $argInfo;
$this->return = clone $this->return;
foreach ($this->attributes as $key => $attribute) {
$this->attributes[$key] = clone $attribute;
foreach ($this->framelessFunctionInfos as $key => $framelessFunctionInfo) {
$this->framelessFunctionInfos[$key] = clone $framelessFunctionInfo;
if ($this->exposedDocComment) {
$this->exposedDocComment = clone $this->exposedDocComment;
class EvaluatedValue
/** @var mixed */
public $value;
public SimpleType $type;
public Expr $expr;
public bool $isUnknownConstValue;
/** @var ConstInfo[] */
public array $originatingConsts;
* @param array<string, ConstInfo> $allConstInfos
public static function createFromExpression(Expr $expr, ?SimpleType $constType, ?string $cConstName, array $allConstInfos): EvaluatedValue
// This visitor replaces the PHP constants by C constants. It allows direct expansion of the compiled constants, e.g. later in the pretty printer.
$visitor = new class($allConstInfos) extends PhpParser\NodeVisitorAbstract
/** @var iterable<ConstInfo> */
public array $visitedConstants = [];
/** @var array<string, ConstInfo> */
public array $allConstInfos;
/** @param array<string, ConstInfo> $allConstInfos */
public function __construct(array $allConstInfos)
$this->allConstInfos = $allConstInfos;
/** @return Node|null */
public function enterNode(Node $expr)
if (!$expr instanceof Expr\ConstFetch && !$expr instanceof Expr\ClassConstFetch) {
return null;
if ($expr instanceof Expr\ClassConstFetch) {
$originatingConstName = new ClassConstName($expr->class, $expr->name->toString());
} else {
$originatingConstName = new ConstName($expr->name->getAttribute('namespacedName'), $expr->name->toString());
if ($originatingConstName->isUnknown()) {
return null;
$const = $this->allConstInfos[$originatingConstName->__toString()] ?? null;
if ($const !== null) {
$this->visitedConstants[] = $const;
return $const->getValue($this->allConstInfos)->expr;
$nodeTraverser = new PhpParser\NodeTraverser;
$expr = $nodeTraverser->traverse([$expr])[0];
$isUnknownConstValue = false;
$evaluator = new ConstExprEvaluator(
static function (Expr $expr) use ($allConstInfos, &$isUnknownConstValue) {
// $expr is a ConstFetch with a name of a C macro here
if (!$expr instanceof Expr\ConstFetch) {
throw new Exception($this->getVariableTypeName() . " " . $this->name->__toString() . " has an unsupported value");
$constName = $expr->name->__toString();
if (strtolower($constName) === "unknown") {
$isUnknownConstValue = true;
return null;
foreach ($allConstInfos as $const) {
if ($constName != $const->cValue) {
$constType = ($const->phpDocType ?? $const->type)->tryToSimpleType();
if ($constType) {
if ($constType->isBool()) {
return true;
} elseif ($constType->isInt()) {
return 1;
} elseif ($constType->isFloat()) {
return M_PI;
} elseif ($constType->isString()) {
return $const->name;
} elseif ($constType->isArray()) {
return [];
return null;
throw new Exception("Constant " . $constName . " cannot be found");
$result = $evaluator->evaluateDirectly($expr);
return new EvaluatedValue(
$result, // note: we are generally not interested in the actual value of $result, unless it's a bare value, without constants
$constType ?? SimpleType::fromValue($result),
$cConstName === null ? $expr : new Expr\ConstFetch(new Node\Name($cConstName)),
public static function null(): EvaluatedValue
return new self(null, SimpleType::null(), new Expr\ConstFetch(new Node\Name('null')), [], false);
* @param mixed $value
* @param ConstInfo[] $originatingConsts
private function __construct($value, SimpleType $type, Expr $expr, array $originatingConsts, bool $isUnknownConstValue)
$this->value = $value;
$this->type = $type;
$this->expr = $expr;
$this->originatingConsts = $originatingConsts;
$this->isUnknownConstValue = $isUnknownConstValue;
public function initializeZval(string $zvalName): string
$cExpr = $this->getCExpr();
$code = "\tzval $zvalName;\n";
if ($this->type->isNull()) {
$code .= "\tZVAL_NULL(&$zvalName);\n";
} elseif ($this->type->isBool()) {
if ($cExpr == 'true') {
$code .= "\tZVAL_TRUE(&$zvalName);\n";
} elseif ($cExpr == 'false') {
$code .= "\tZVAL_FALSE(&$zvalName);\n";
} else {
$code .= "\tZVAL_BOOL(&$zvalName, $cExpr);\n";
} elseif ($this->type->isInt()) {
$code .= "\tZVAL_LONG(&$zvalName, $cExpr);\n";
} elseif ($this->type->isFloat()) {
$code .= "\tZVAL_DOUBLE(&$zvalName, $cExpr);\n";
} elseif ($this->type->isString()) {
if ($cExpr === '""') {
$code .= "\tZVAL_EMPTY_STRING(&$zvalName);\n";
} else {
$code .= "\tzend_string *{$zvalName}_str = zend_string_init($cExpr, strlen($cExpr), 1);\n";
$code .= "\tZVAL_STR(&$zvalName, {$zvalName}_str);\n";
} elseif ($this->type->isArray()) {
if ($cExpr == '[]') {
$code .= "\tZVAL_EMPTY_ARRAY(&$zvalName);\n";
} else {
throw new Exception("Unimplemented default value");
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid default value: " . print_r($this->value, true) . ", type: " . print_r($this->type, true));
return $code;
public function getCExpr(): ?string
// $this->expr has all its PHP constants replaced by C constants
$prettyPrinter = new Standard;
$expr = $prettyPrinter->prettyPrintExpr($this->expr);
// PHP single-quote to C double-quote string
if ($this->type->isString()) {
$expr = preg_replace("/(^'|'$)/", '"', $expr);
return $expr[0] == '"' ? $expr : preg_replace('(\bnull\b)', 'NULL', str_replace('\\', '', $expr));
abstract class VariableLike
public int $flags;
public ?Type $type;
public ?Type $phpDocType;
public ?string $link;
public ?int $phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility;
/** @var AttributeInfo[] */
public array $attributes;
public ?ExposedDocComment $exposedDocComment;
* @var AttributeInfo[] $attributes
public function __construct(
int $flags,
?Type $type,
?Type $phpDocType,
?string $link,
?int $phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility,
array $attributes,
?ExposedDocComment $exposedDocComment
) {
$this->flags = $flags;
$this->type = $type;
$this->phpDocType = $phpDocType;
$this->link = $link;
$this->phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility = $phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility;
$this->attributes = $attributes;
$this->exposedDocComment = $exposedDocComment;
abstract protected function getVariableTypeCode(): string;
abstract protected function getVariableTypeName(): string;
abstract protected function getFieldSynopsisDefaultLinkend(): string;
abstract protected function getFieldSynopsisName(): string;
/** @param array<string, ConstInfo> $allConstInfos */
abstract protected function getFieldSynopsisValueString(array $allConstInfos): ?string;
abstract public function discardInfoForOldPhpVersions(?int $minimumPhpVersionIdCompatibility): void;
protected function addTypeToFieldSynopsis(DOMDocument $doc, DOMElement $fieldsynopsisElement): void
$type = $this->phpDocType ?? $this->type;
if ($type) {
$fieldsynopsisElement->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
* @return array<int, string[]>
protected function getFlagsByPhpVersion(): array
$flags = "ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC";
if ($this->flags & Modifiers::PROTECTED) {
} elseif ($this->flags & Modifiers::PRIVATE) {
$flags = "ZEND_ACC_PRIVATE";
return [
PHP_70_VERSION_ID => [$flags],
PHP_80_VERSION_ID => [$flags],
PHP_81_VERSION_ID => [$flags],
PHP_82_VERSION_ID => [$flags],
PHP_83_VERSION_ID => [$flags],
PHP_84_VERSION_ID => [$flags],
protected function getTypeCode(string $variableLikeName, string &$code): string
$variableLikeType = $this->getVariableTypeName();
$typeCode = "";
if ($this->type) {
$arginfoType = $this->type->toArginfoType();
if ($arginfoType->hasClassType()) {
if (count($arginfoType->classTypes) >= 2) {
foreach ($arginfoType->classTypes as $classType) {
$escapedClassName = $classType->toEscapedName();
$varEscapedClassName = $classType->toVarEscapedName();
$code .= "\tzend_string *{$variableLikeType}_{$variableLikeName}_class_{$varEscapedClassName} = zend_string_init(\"{$escapedClassName}\", sizeof(\"{$escapedClassName}\") - 1, 1);\n";
$classTypeCount = count($arginfoType->classTypes);
$code .= "\tzend_type_list *{$variableLikeType}_{$variableLikeName}_type_list = malloc(ZEND_TYPE_LIST_SIZE($classTypeCount));\n";
$code .= "\t{$variableLikeType}_{$variableLikeName}_type_list->num_types = $classTypeCount;\n";
foreach ($arginfoType->classTypes as $k => $classType) {
$escapedClassName = $classType->toEscapedName();
$code .= "\t{$variableLikeType}_{$variableLikeName}_type_list->types[$k] = (zend_type) ZEND_TYPE_INIT_CLASS({$variableLikeType}_{$variableLikeName}_class_{$escapedClassName}, 0, 0);\n";
$typeMaskCode = $this->type->toArginfoType()->toTypeMask();
if ($this->type->isIntersection) {
$code .= "\tzend_type {$variableLikeType}_{$variableLikeName}_type = ZEND_TYPE_INIT_INTERSECTION({$variableLikeType}_{$variableLikeName}_type_list, $typeMaskCode);\n";
} else {
$code .= "\tzend_type {$variableLikeType}_{$variableLikeName}_type = ZEND_TYPE_INIT_UNION({$variableLikeType}_{$variableLikeName}_type_list, $typeMaskCode);\n";
$typeCode = "{$variableLikeType}_{$variableLikeName}_type";
} else {
$escapedClassName = $arginfoType->classTypes[0]->toEscapedName();
$varEscapedClassName = $arginfoType->classTypes[0]->toVarEscapedName();
$code .= "\tzend_string *{$variableLikeType}_{$variableLikeName}_class_{$varEscapedClassName} = zend_string_init(\"{$escapedClassName}\", sizeof(\"{$escapedClassName}\")-1, 1);\n";
$typeCode = "(zend_type) ZEND_TYPE_INIT_CLASS({$variableLikeType}_{$variableLikeName}_class_{$varEscapedClassName}, 0, " . $arginfoType->toTypeMask() . ")";
} else {
$typeCode = "(zend_type) ZEND_TYPE_INIT_MASK(" . $arginfoType->toTypeMask() . ")";
} else {
$typeCode = "(zend_type) ZEND_TYPE_INIT_NONE(0)";
return $typeCode;
/** @param array<string, ConstInfo> $allConstInfos */
public function getFieldSynopsisElement(DOMDocument $doc, array $allConstInfos): DOMElement
$fieldsynopsisElement = $doc->createElement("fieldsynopsis");
$this->addModifiersToFieldSynopsis($doc, $fieldsynopsisElement);
$this->addTypeToFieldSynopsis($doc, $fieldsynopsisElement);
$varnameElement = $doc->createElement("varname", $this->getFieldSynopsisName());
if ($this->link) {
$varnameElement->setAttribute("linkend", $this->link);
} else {
$varnameElement->setAttribute("linkend", $this->getFieldSynopsisDefaultLinkend());
$fieldsynopsisElement->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
$valueString = $this->getFieldSynopsisValueString($allConstInfos);
if ($valueString) {
$fieldsynopsisElement->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
$initializerElement = $doc->createElement("initializer", $valueString);
$fieldsynopsisElement->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
return $fieldsynopsisElement;
protected function addModifiersToFieldSynopsis(DOMDocument $doc, DOMElement $fieldsynopsisElement): void
if ($this->flags & Modifiers::PUBLIC) {
$fieldsynopsisElement->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
$fieldsynopsisElement->appendChild($doc->createElement("modifier", "public"));
} elseif ($this->flags & Modifiers::PROTECTED) {
$fieldsynopsisElement->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
$fieldsynopsisElement->appendChild($doc->createElement("modifier", "protected"));
} elseif ($this->flags & Modifiers::PRIVATE) {
$fieldsynopsisElement->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
$fieldsynopsisElement->appendChild($doc->createElement("modifier", "private"));
* @param array<int, string[]> $flags
* @return array<int, string[]>
protected function addFlagForVersionsAbove(array $flags, string $flag, int $minimumVersionId): array
$write = false;
foreach ($flags as $version => $versionFlags) {
if ($version === $minimumVersionId || $write === true) {
$flags[$version][] = $flag;
$write = true;
return $flags;
class ConstInfo extends VariableLike
public ConstOrClassConstName $name;
public Expr $value;
public bool $isDeprecated;
public ?string $valueString;
public ?string $cond;
public ?string $cValue;
public bool $isUndocumentable;
public bool $isFileCacheAllowed;
* @var AttributeInfo[] $attributes
public function __construct(
ConstOrClassConstName $name,
int $flags,
Expr $value,
?string $valueString,
?Type $type,
?Type $phpDocType,
bool $isDeprecated,
?string $cond,
?string $cValue,
bool $isUndocumentable,
?string $link,
?int $phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility,
array $attributes,
?ExposedDocComment $exposedDocComment,
bool $isFileCacheAllowed
) {
$this->name = $name;
$this->value = $value;
$this->valueString = $valueString;
$this->isDeprecated = $isDeprecated;
$this->cond = $cond;
$this->cValue = $cValue;
$this->isUndocumentable = $isUndocumentable;
$this->isFileCacheAllowed = $isFileCacheAllowed;
parent::__construct($flags, $type, $phpDocType, $link, $phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility, $attributes, $exposedDocComment);
/** @param array<string, ConstInfo> $allConstInfos */
public function getValue(array $allConstInfos): EvaluatedValue
return EvaluatedValue::createFromExpression(
($this->phpDocType ?? $this->type)->tryToSimpleType(),
protected function getVariableTypeName(): string
return "constant";
protected function getVariableTypeCode(): string
return "const";
protected function getFieldSynopsisDefaultLinkend(): string
$className = str_replace(["\\", "_"], ["-", "-"], $this->name->class->toLowerString());
return "$className.constants." . strtolower(str_replace(["__", "_"], ["", "-"], $this->name->getDeclarationName()));
protected function getFieldSynopsisName(): string
return $this->name->__toString();
/** @param array<string, ConstInfo> $allConstInfos */
protected function getFieldSynopsisValueString(array $allConstInfos): ?string
$value = EvaluatedValue::createFromExpression($this->value, null, $this->cValue, $allConstInfos);
if ($value->isUnknownConstValue) {
return null;
if ($value->originatingConsts) {
return implode("\n", array_map(function (ConstInfo $const) use ($allConstInfos) {
return $const->getFieldSynopsisValueString($allConstInfos);
}, $value->originatingConsts));
return $this->valueString;
public function getPredefinedConstantTerm(DOMDocument $doc, int $indentationLevel): DOMElement {
$indentation = str_repeat(" ", $indentationLevel);
$termElement = $doc->createElement("term");
$constantElement = $doc->createElement("constant");
$constantElement->textContent = $this->name->__toString();
$typeElement = ($this->phpDocType ?? $this->type)->getTypeForDoc($doc);
$termElement->appendChild(new DOMText("\n$indentation "));
$termElement->appendChild(new DOMText("\n$indentation ("));
$termElement->appendChild(new DOMText(")\n$indentation"));
return $termElement;
public function getPredefinedConstantEntry(DOMDocument $doc, int $indentationLevel): DOMElement {
$indentation = str_repeat(" ", $indentationLevel);
$entryElement = $doc->createElement("entry");
$constantElement = $doc->createElement("constant");
$constantElement->textContent = $this->name->__toString();
$typeElement = ($this->phpDocType ?? $this->type)->getTypeForDoc($doc);
$entryElement->appendChild(new DOMText("\n$indentation "));
$entryElement->appendChild(new DOMText("\n$indentation ("));
$entryElement->appendChild(new DOMText(")\n$indentation"));
return $entryElement;
public function discardInfoForOldPhpVersions(?int $phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility): void {
$this->type = null;
$this->flags &= ~Modifiers::FINAL;
$this->isDeprecated = false;
$this->attributes = [];
$this->phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility = $phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility;
/** @param array<string, ConstInfo> $allConstInfos */
public function getDeclaration(array $allConstInfos): string
$type = $this->phpDocType ?? $this->type;
$simpleType = $type ? $type->tryToSimpleType() : null;
if ($simpleType && $simpleType->name === "mixed") {
$simpleType = null;
$value = EvaluatedValue::createFromExpression($this->value, $simpleType, $this->cValue, $allConstInfos);
if ($value->isUnknownConstValue && ($simpleType === null || !$simpleType->isBuiltin)) {
throw new Exception("Constant " . $this->name->__toString() . " must have a built-in PHPDoc type as the type couldn't be inferred from its value");
// i.e. const NAME = UNKNOWN;, without the annotation
if ($value->isUnknownConstValue && $this->cValue === null && $value->expr instanceof Expr\ConstFetch && $value->expr->name->__toString() === "UNKNOWN") {
throw new Exception("Constant " . $this->name->__toString() . " must have a @cvalue annotation");
$code = "";
if ($this->cond) {
$code .= "#if {$this->cond}\n";
if ($this->name->isClassConst()) {
$code .= $this->getClassConstDeclaration($value, $allConstInfos);
} else {
$code .= $this->getGlobalConstDeclaration($value, $allConstInfos);
$code .= $this->getValueAssertion($value);
if ($this->cond) {
$code .= "#endif\n";
return $code;
/** @param array<string, ConstInfo> $allConstInfos */
private function getGlobalConstDeclaration(EvaluatedValue $value, array $allConstInfos): string
$constName = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $this->name->__toString());
$constValue = $value->value;
$cExpr = $value->getCExpr();
if (!$this->isFileCacheAllowed) {
$flags .= " | CONST_NO_FILE_CACHE";
if ($this->phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility !== null && $this->phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility < 80000) {
$flags .= " | CONST_CS";
if ($this->isDeprecated) {
$flags .= " | CONST_DEPRECATED";
if ($value->type->isNull()) {
return "\tREGISTER_NULL_CONSTANT(\"$constName\", $flags);\n";
if ($value->type->isBool()) {
return "\tREGISTER_BOOL_CONSTANT(\"$constName\", " . ($cExpr ?: ($constValue ? "true" : "false")) . ", $flags);\n";
if ($value->type->isInt()) {
return "\tREGISTER_LONG_CONSTANT(\"$constName\", " . ($cExpr ?: (int) $constValue) . ", $flags);\n";
if ($value->type->isFloat()) {
return "\tREGISTER_DOUBLE_CONSTANT(\"$constName\", " . ($cExpr ?: (float) $constValue) . ", $flags);\n";
if ($value->type->isString()) {
return "\tREGISTER_STRING_CONSTANT(\"$constName\", " . ($cExpr ?: '"' . addslashes($constValue) . '"') . ", $flags);\n";
throw new Exception("Unimplemented constant type");
/** @param array<string, ConstInfo> $allConstInfos */
private function getClassConstDeclaration(EvaluatedValue $value, array $allConstInfos): string
$constName = $this->name->getDeclarationName();
$zvalCode = $value->initializeZval("const_{$constName}_value", $allConstInfos);
$code = "\n" . $zvalCode;
$code .= "\tzend_string *const_{$constName}_name = zend_string_init_interned(\"$constName\", sizeof(\"$constName\") - 1, 1);\n";
$nameCode = "const_{$constName}_name";
if ($this->exposedDocComment) {
$commentCode = "const_{$constName}_comment";
$escapedComment = $this->exposedDocComment->escape();
$escapedCommentLength = $this->exposedDocComment->getLength();
$code .= "\tzend_string *$commentCode = zend_string_init_interned(\"$escapedComment\", $escapedCommentLength, 1);\n";
} else {
$commentCode = "NULL";
$php83MinimumCompatibility = $this->phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility === null || $this->phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility >= PHP_83_VERSION_ID;
if ($this->type && !$php83MinimumCompatibility) {
$code .= "#if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= " . PHP_83_VERSION_ID . ")\n";
if ($this->type) {
$typeCode = $this->getTypeCode($constName, $code);
if (!empty($this->attributes)) {
$template = "\tzend_class_constant *const_" . $this->name->getDeclarationName() . " = ";
} else {
$template = "\t";
$template .= "zend_declare_typed_class_constant(class_entry, $nameCode, &const_{$constName}_value, %s, $commentCode, $typeCode);\n";
$flagsCode = generateVersionDependentFlagCode(
$code .= implode("", $flagsCode);
if ($this->type && !$php83MinimumCompatibility) {
$code .= "#else\n";
if (!$this->type || !$php83MinimumCompatibility) {
if (!empty($this->attributes)) {
$template = "\tzend_class_constant *const_" . $this->name->getDeclarationName() . " = ";
} else {
$template = "\t";
$template .= "zend_declare_class_constant_ex(class_entry, $nameCode, &const_{$constName}_value, %s, $commentCode);\n";
$flagsCode = generateVersionDependentFlagCode(
$code .= implode("", $flagsCode);
if ($this->type && !$php83MinimumCompatibility) {
$code .= "#endif\n";
$code .= "\tzend_string_release(const_{$constName}_name);\n";
return $code;
private function getValueAssertion(EvaluatedValue $value): string
if ($value->isUnknownConstValue || $value->originatingConsts || $this->cValue === null) {
return "";
$cExpr = $value->getCExpr();
$constValue = $value->value;
if ($value->type->isNull()) {
return "\tZEND_ASSERT($cExpr == NULL);\n";
if ($value->type->isBool()) {
$cValue = $constValue ? "true" : "false";
return "\tZEND_ASSERT($cExpr == $cValue);\n";
if ($value->type->isInt()) {
$cValue = (int) $constValue;
return "\tZEND_ASSERT($cExpr == $cValue);\n";
if ($value->type->isFloat()) {
$cValue = (float) $constValue;
return "\tZEND_ASSERT($cExpr == $cValue);\n";
if ($value->type->isString()) {
$cValue = '"' . addslashes($constValue) . '"';
return "\tZEND_ASSERT(strcmp($cExpr, $cValue) == 0);\n";
throw new Exception("Unimplemented constant type");
* @return array<int, string[]>
protected function getFlagsByPhpVersion(): array
$flags = parent::getFlagsByPhpVersion();
if ($this->isDeprecated) {
$flags = $this->addFlagForVersionsAbove($flags, "ZEND_ACC_DEPRECATED", PHP_80_VERSION_ID);
foreach ($this->attributes as $attr) {
if ($attr->class === "Deprecated") {
$flags = $this->addFlagForVersionsAbove($flags, "ZEND_ACC_DEPRECATED", PHP_80_VERSION_ID);
if ($this->flags & Modifiers::FINAL) {
$flags = $this->addFlagForVersionsAbove($flags, "ZEND_ACC_FINAL", PHP_81_VERSION_ID);
return $flags;
protected function addModifiersToFieldSynopsis(DOMDocument $doc, DOMElement $fieldsynopsisElement): void
parent::addModifiersToFieldSynopsis($doc, $fieldsynopsisElement);
if ($this->flags & Modifiers::FINAL) {
$fieldsynopsisElement->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
$fieldsynopsisElement->appendChild($doc->createElement("modifier", "final"));
$fieldsynopsisElement->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
$fieldsynopsisElement->appendChild($doc->createElement("modifier", "const"));
class PropertyInfo extends VariableLike
public int $classFlags;
public PropertyName $name;
public ?Expr $defaultValue;
public ?string $defaultValueString;
public bool $isDocReadonly;
public bool $isVirtual;
* @var AttributeInfo[] $attributes
public function __construct(
PropertyName $name,
int $classFlags,
int $flags,
?Type $type,
?Type $phpDocType,
?Expr $defaultValue,
?string $defaultValueString,
bool $isDocReadonly,
bool $isVirtual,
?string $link,
?int $phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility,
array $attributes,
?ExposedDocComment $exposedDocComment
) {
$this->name = $name;
$this->classFlags = $classFlags;
$this->defaultValue = $defaultValue;
$this->defaultValueString = $defaultValueString;
$this->isDocReadonly = $isDocReadonly;
$this->isVirtual = $isVirtual;
parent::__construct($flags, $type, $phpDocType, $link, $phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility, $attributes, $exposedDocComment);
protected function getVariableTypeCode(): string
return "property";
protected function getVariableTypeName(): string
return "property";
protected function getFieldSynopsisDefaultLinkend(): string
$className = str_replace(["\\", "_"], ["-", "-"], $this->name->class->toLowerString());
return "$className.props." . strtolower(str_replace(["__", "_"], ["", "-"], $this->name->getDeclarationName()));
protected function getFieldSynopsisName(): string
return $this->name->getDeclarationName();
/** @param array<string, ConstInfo> $allConstInfos */
protected function getFieldSynopsisValueString(array $allConstInfos): ?string
return $this->defaultValueString;
public function discardInfoForOldPhpVersions(?int $phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility): void {
$this->type = null;
$this->flags &= ~Modifiers::READONLY;
$this->attributes = [];
$this->phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility = $phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility;
/** @param array<string, ConstInfo> $allConstInfos */
public function getDeclaration(array $allConstInfos): string {
$code = "\n";
$propertyName = $this->name->getDeclarationName();
if ($this->defaultValue === null) {
$defaultValue = EvaluatedValue::null();
} else {
$defaultValue = EvaluatedValue::createFromExpression($this->defaultValue, null, null, $allConstInfos);
if ($defaultValue->isUnknownConstValue || ($defaultValue->originatingConsts && $defaultValue->getCExpr() === null)) {
echo "Skipping code generation for property $this->name, because it has an unknown constant default value\n";
return "";
$zvalName = "property_{$propertyName}_default_value";
if ($this->defaultValue === null && $this->type !== null) {
$code .= "\tzval $zvalName;\n\tZVAL_UNDEF(&$zvalName);\n";
} else {
$code .= $defaultValue->initializeZval($zvalName);
$code .= "\tzend_string *property_{$propertyName}_name = zend_string_init(\"$propertyName\", sizeof(\"$propertyName\") - 1, 1);\n";
$nameCode = "property_{$propertyName}_name";
if ($this->exposedDocComment) {
$commentCode = "property_{$propertyName}_comment";
$escapedComment = $this->exposedDocComment->escape();
$escapedCommentLength = $this->exposedDocComment->getLength();
$code .= "\tzend_string *$commentCode = zend_string_init_interned(\"$escapedComment\", $escapedCommentLength, 1);\n";
} else {
$commentCode = "NULL";
if (!empty($this->attributes)) {
$template = "\tzend_property_info *property_" . $this->name->getDeclarationName() . " = ";
} else {
$template = "\t";
if ($this->phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility === null || $this->phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility >= PHP_80_VERSION_ID) {
$typeCode = $this->getTypeCode($propertyName, $code);
$template .= "zend_declare_typed_property(class_entry, $nameCode, &$zvalName, %s, $commentCode, $typeCode);\n";
} else {
$template .= "zend_declare_property_ex(class_entry, $nameCode, &$zvalName, %s, $commentCode);\n";
$flagsCode = generateVersionDependentFlagCode(
$code .= implode("", $flagsCode);
$code .= "\tzend_string_release(property_{$propertyName}_name);\n";
return $code;
* @return array<int, string[]>
protected function getFlagsByPhpVersion(): array
$flags = parent::getFlagsByPhpVersion();
if ($this->flags & Modifiers::STATIC) {
$flags = $this->addFlagForVersionsAbove($flags, "ZEND_ACC_STATIC", PHP_70_VERSION_ID);
if ($this->flags & Modifiers::READONLY) {
$flags = $this->addFlagForVersionsAbove($flags, "ZEND_ACC_READONLY", PHP_81_VERSION_ID);
} elseif ($this->classFlags & Modifiers::READONLY) {
$flags = $this->addFlagForVersionsAbove($flags, "ZEND_ACC_READONLY", PHP_82_VERSION_ID);
if ($this->isVirtual) {
$flags = $this->addFlagForVersionsAbove($flags, "ZEND_ACC_VIRTUAL", PHP_84_VERSION_ID);
return $flags;
protected function addModifiersToFieldSynopsis(DOMDocument $doc, DOMElement $fieldsynopsisElement): void
parent::addModifiersToFieldSynopsis($doc, $fieldsynopsisElement);
if ($this->flags & Modifiers::STATIC) {
$fieldsynopsisElement->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
$fieldsynopsisElement->appendChild($doc->createElement("modifier", "static"));
if ($this->flags & Modifiers::READONLY || $this->isDocReadonly) {
$fieldsynopsisElement->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
$fieldsynopsisElement->appendChild($doc->createElement("modifier", "readonly"));
public function __clone()
if ($this->type) {
$this->type = clone $this->type;
foreach ($this->attributes as $key => $attribute) {
$this->attributes[$key] = clone $attribute;
if ($this->exposedDocComment) {
$this->exposedDocComment = clone $this->exposedDocComment;
class EnumCaseInfo {
public string $name;
public ?Expr $value;
public function __construct(string $name, ?Expr $value) {
$this->name = $name;
$this->value = $value;
/** @param array<string, ConstInfo> $allConstInfos */
public function getDeclaration(array $allConstInfos): string {
$escapedName = addslashes($this->name);
if ($this->value === null) {
$code = "\n\tzend_enum_add_case_cstr(class_entry, \"$escapedName\", NULL);\n";
} else {
$value = EvaluatedValue::createFromExpression($this->value, null, null, $allConstInfos);
$zvalName = "enum_case_{$escapedName}_value";
$code = "\n" . $value->initializeZval($zvalName);
$code .= "\tzend_enum_add_case_cstr(class_entry, \"$escapedName\", &$zvalName);\n";
return $code;
class AttributeInfo {
public string $class;
/** @var \PhpParser\Node\Arg[] */
public array $args;
/** @param \PhpParser\Node\Arg[] $args */
public function __construct(string $class, array $args) {
$this->class = $class;
$this->args = $args;
/** @param array<string, ConstInfo> $allConstInfos */
public function generateCode(string $invocation, string $nameSuffix, array $allConstInfos, ?int $phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility): string {
$php82MinimumCompatibility = $phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility === null || $phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility >= PHP_82_VERSION_ID;
$php84MinimumCompatibility = $phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility === null || $phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility >= PHP_84_VERSION_ID;
/* see ZEND_KNOWN_STRINGS in Zend/strings.h */
$knowns = [
"message" => "ZEND_STR_MESSAGE",
if ($php82MinimumCompatibility) {
$knowns["SensitiveParameter"] = "ZEND_STR_SENSITIVEPARAMETER";
if ($php84MinimumCompatibility) {
$knowns["Deprecated"] = "ZEND_STR_DEPRECATED";
$knowns["since"] = "ZEND_STR_SINCE";
$code = "\n";
$escapedAttributeName = strtr($this->class, '\\', '_');
if (isset($knowns[$escapedAttributeName])) {
$code .= "\t" . ($this->args ? "zend_attribute *attribute_{$escapedAttributeName}_$nameSuffix = " : "") . "$invocation, ZSTR_KNOWN({$knowns[$escapedAttributeName]}), " . count($this->args) . ");\n";
} else {
$code .= "\tzend_string *attribute_name_{$escapedAttributeName}_$nameSuffix = zend_string_init_interned(\"" . addcslashes($this->class, "\\") . "\", sizeof(\"" . addcslashes($this->class, "\\") . "\") - 1, 1);\n";
$code .= "\t" . ($this->args ? "zend_attribute *attribute_{$escapedAttributeName}_$nameSuffix = " : "") . "$invocation, attribute_name_{$escapedAttributeName}_$nameSuffix, " . count($this->args) . ");\n";
$code .= "\tzend_string_release(attribute_name_{$escapedAttributeName}_$nameSuffix);\n";
foreach ($this->args as $i => $arg) {
$value = EvaluatedValue::createFromExpression($arg->value, null, null, $allConstInfos);
$zvalName = "attribute_{$escapedAttributeName}_{$nameSuffix}_arg$i";
$code .= $value->initializeZval($zvalName);
$code .= "\tZVAL_COPY_VALUE(&attribute_{$escapedAttributeName}_{$nameSuffix}->args[$i].value, &$zvalName);\n";
if ($arg->name) {
if (isset($knowns[$arg->name->name])) {
$code .= "\tattribute_{$escapedAttributeName}_{$nameSuffix}->args[$i].name = ZSTR_KNOWN({$knowns[$arg->name->name]});\n";
} else {
$code .= "\tattribute_{$escapedAttributeName}_{$nameSuffix}->args[$i].name = zend_string_init_interned(\"{$arg->name->name}\", sizeof(\"{$arg->name->name}\") - 1, 1);\n";
return $code;
class ClassInfo {
public Name $name;
public int $flags;
public string $type;
public ?string $alias;
public ?SimpleType $enumBackingType;
public bool $isDeprecated;
public bool $isStrictProperties;
/** @var AttributeInfo[] */
public array $attributes;
public ?ExposedDocComment $exposedDocComment;
public bool $isNotSerializable;
/** @var Name[] */
public array $extends;
/** @var Name[] */
public array $implements;
/** @var ConstInfo[] */
public array $constInfos;
/** @var PropertyInfo[] */
public array $propertyInfos;
/** @var FuncInfo[] */
public array $funcInfos;
/** @var EnumCaseInfo[] */
public array $enumCaseInfos;
public ?string $cond;
public ?int $phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility;
public bool $isUndocumentable;
* @param AttributeInfo[] $attributes
* @param Name[] $extends
* @param Name[] $implements
* @param ConstInfo[] $constInfos
* @param PropertyInfo[] $propertyInfos
* @param FuncInfo[] $funcInfos
* @param EnumCaseInfo[] $enumCaseInfos
public function __construct(
Name $name,
int $flags,
string $type,
?string $alias,
?SimpleType $enumBackingType,
bool $isDeprecated,
bool $isStrictProperties,
array $attributes,
?ExposedDocComment $exposedDocComment,
bool $isNotSerializable,
array $extends,
array $implements,
array $constInfos,
array $propertyInfos,
array $funcInfos,
array $enumCaseInfos,
?string $cond,
?int $minimumPhpVersionIdCompatibility,
bool $isUndocumentable
) {
$this->name = $name;
$this->flags = $flags;
$this->type = $type;
$this->alias = $alias;
$this->enumBackingType = $enumBackingType;
$this->isDeprecated = $isDeprecated;
$this->isStrictProperties = $isStrictProperties;
$this->attributes = $attributes;
$this->exposedDocComment = $exposedDocComment;
$this->isNotSerializable = $isNotSerializable;
$this->extends = $extends;
$this->implements = $implements;
$this->constInfos = $constInfos;
$this->propertyInfos = $propertyInfos;
$this->funcInfos = $funcInfos;
$this->enumCaseInfos = $enumCaseInfos;
$this->cond = $cond;
$this->phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility = $minimumPhpVersionIdCompatibility;
$this->isUndocumentable = $isUndocumentable;
/** @param array<string, ConstInfo> $allConstInfos */
public function getRegistration(array $allConstInfos): string
$params = [];
foreach ($this->extends as $extends) {
$params[] = "zend_class_entry *class_entry_" . implode("_", $extends->getParts());
foreach ($this->implements as $implements) {
$params[] = "zend_class_entry *class_entry_" . implode("_", $implements->getParts());
$escapedName = implode("_", $this->name->getParts());
$code = '';
$php80MinimumCompatibility = $this->phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility === null || $this->phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility >= PHP_80_VERSION_ID;
$php81MinimumCompatibility = $this->phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility === null || $this->phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility >= PHP_81_VERSION_ID;
$php84MinimumCompatibility = $this->phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility === null || $this->phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility >= PHP_84_VERSION_ID;
if ($this->type === "enum" && !$php81MinimumCompatibility) {
$code .= "#if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= " . PHP_81_VERSION_ID . ")\n";
if ($this->cond) {
$code .= "#if {$this->cond}\n";
$code .= "static zend_class_entry *register_class_$escapedName(" . (empty($params) ? "void" : implode(", ", $params)) . ")\n";
$code .= "{\n";
$flagCodes = generateVersionDependentFlagCode("%s", $this->getFlagsByPhpVersion(), $this->phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility);
$flags = implode("", $flagCodes);
$classMethods = ($this->funcInfos === []) ? 'NULL' : "class_{$escapedName}_methods";
if ($this->type === "enum") {
$name = addslashes((string) $this->name);
$backingType = $this->enumBackingType
? $this->enumBackingType->toTypeCode() : "IS_UNDEF";
$code .= "\tzend_class_entry *class_entry = zend_register_internal_enum(\"$name\", $backingType, $classMethods);\n";
if ($flags !== "") {
$code .= "\tclass_entry->ce_flags |= $flags\n";
} else {
$code .= "\tzend_class_entry ce, *class_entry;\n\n";
if (count($this->name->getParts()) > 1) {
$className = $this->name->getLast();
$namespace = addslashes((string) $this->name->slice(0, -1));
$code .= "\tINIT_NS_CLASS_ENTRY(ce, \"$namespace\", \"$className\", $classMethods);\n";
} else {
$code .= "\tINIT_CLASS_ENTRY(ce, \"$this->name\", $classMethods);\n";
if ($this->type === "class" || $this->type === "trait") {
if (!$php84MinimumCompatibility) {
$code .= "#if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= " . PHP_84_VERSION_ID . ")\n";
$code .= "\tclass_entry = zend_register_internal_class_with_flags(&ce, " . (isset($this->extends[0]) ? "class_entry_" . str_replace("\\", "_", $this->extends[0]->toString()) : "NULL") . ", " . ($flags ?: 0) . ");\n";
if (!$php84MinimumCompatibility) {
$code .= "#else\n";
$code .= "\tclass_entry = zend_register_internal_class_ex(&ce, " . (isset($this->extends[0]) ? "class_entry_" . str_replace("\\", "_", $this->extends[0]->toString()) : "NULL") . ");\n";
if ($flags !== "") {
$code .= "\tclass_entry->ce_flags |= $flags;\n";
$code .= "#endif\n";
} else {
$code .= "\tclass_entry = zend_register_internal_interface(&ce);\n";
if ($flags !== "") {
$code .= "\tclass_entry->ce_flags |= $flags\n";
if ($this->exposedDocComment) {
if (!$php84MinimumCompatibility) {
$code .= "#if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= " . PHP_84_VERSION_ID . ")\n";
$code .= "\tclass_entry->doc_comment = zend_string_init_interned(\"" . $this->exposedDocComment->escape() . "\", " . $this->exposedDocComment->getLength() . ", 1);\n";
if (!$php84MinimumCompatibility) {
$code .= "#endif\n";
$implements = array_map(
function (Name $item) {
return "class_entry_" . implode("_", $item->getParts());
$this->type === "interface" ? $this->extends : $this->implements
if (!empty($implements)) {
$code .= "\tzend_class_implements(class_entry, " . count($implements) . ", " . implode(", ", $implements) . ");\n";
if ($this->alias) {
$code .= "\tzend_register_class_alias(\"" . str_replace("\\", "\\\\", $this->alias) . "\", class_entry);\n";
foreach ($this->constInfos as $const) {
$code .= $const->getDeclaration($allConstInfos);
foreach ($this->enumCaseInfos as $enumCase) {
$code .= $enumCase->getDeclaration($allConstInfos);
foreach ($this->propertyInfos as $property) {
$code .= $property->getDeclaration($allConstInfos);
if (!empty($this->attributes)) {
if (!$php80MinimumCompatibility) {
$code .= "\n#if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= " . PHP_80_VERSION_ID . ")";
foreach ($this->attributes as $key => $attribute) {
$code .= $attribute->generateCode(
if (!$php80MinimumCompatibility) {
$code .= "#endif\n";
if ($attributeInitializationCode = generateConstantAttributeInitialization($this->constInfos, $allConstInfos, $this->phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility, $this->cond)) {
if (!$php80MinimumCompatibility) {
$code .= "#if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= " . PHP_80_VERSION_ID . ")";
$code .= "\n" . $attributeInitializationCode;
if (!$php80MinimumCompatibility) {
$code .= "#endif\n";
if ($attributeInitializationCode = generatePropertyAttributeInitialization($this->propertyInfos, $allConstInfos, $this->phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility)) {
if (!$php80MinimumCompatibility) {
$code .= "#if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= " . PHP_80_VERSION_ID . ")";
$code .= "\n" . $attributeInitializationCode;
if (!$php80MinimumCompatibility) {
$code .= "#endif\n";
if ($attributeInitializationCode = generateFunctionAttributeInitialization($this->funcInfos, $allConstInfos, $this->phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility, $this->cond)) {
if (!$php80MinimumCompatibility) {
$code .= "#if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= " . PHP_80_VERSION_ID . ")\n";
$code .= "\n" . $attributeInitializationCode;
if (!$php80MinimumCompatibility) {
$code .= "#endif\n";
$code .= "\n\treturn class_entry;\n";
$code .= "}\n";
if ($this->cond) {
$code .= "#endif\n";
if ($this->type === "enum" && !$php81MinimumCompatibility) {
$code .= "#endif\n";
return $code;
* @return array<int, string[]>
private function getFlagsByPhpVersion(): array
$php70Flags = [];
if ($this->type === "trait") {
$php70Flags[] = "ZEND_ACC_TRAIT";
if ($this->flags & Modifiers::FINAL) {
$php70Flags[] = "ZEND_ACC_FINAL";
if ($this->flags & Modifiers::ABSTRACT) {
$php70Flags[] = "ZEND_ACC_ABSTRACT";
if ($this->isDeprecated) {
$php70Flags[] = "ZEND_ACC_DEPRECATED";
$php80Flags = $php70Flags;
if ($this->isStrictProperties) {
$php81Flags = $php80Flags;
if ($this->isNotSerializable) {
$php82Flags = $php81Flags;
if ($this->flags & Modifiers::READONLY) {
$php82Flags[] = "ZEND_ACC_READONLY_CLASS";
foreach ($this->attributes as $attr) {
if ($attr->class === "AllowDynamicProperties") {
$php83Flags = $php82Flags;
$php84Flags = $php83Flags;
return [
PHP_70_VERSION_ID => $php70Flags,
PHP_80_VERSION_ID => $php80Flags,
PHP_81_VERSION_ID => $php81Flags,
PHP_82_VERSION_ID => $php82Flags,
PHP_83_VERSION_ID => $php83Flags,
PHP_84_VERSION_ID => $php84Flags,
public function discardInfoForOldPhpVersions(?int $phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility): void {
$this->attributes = [];
$this->flags &= ~Modifiers::READONLY;
$this->exposedDocComment = null;
$this->isStrictProperties = false;
$this->isNotSerializable = false;
foreach ($this->propertyInfos as $propertyInfo) {
$this->phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility = $phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility;
* @param array<string, ClassInfo> $classMap
* @param array<string, ConstInfo> $allConstInfos
* @param iterable<ConstInfo> $allConstInfo
public function getClassSynopsisDocument(array $classMap, array $allConstInfos): ?string {
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$doc->formatOutput = true;
$classSynopsis = $this->getClassSynopsisElement($doc, $classMap, $allConstInfos);
if (!$classSynopsis) {
return null;
return $doc->saveXML();
* @param array<string, ClassInfo> $classMap
* @param array<string, ConstInfo> $allConstInfos
public function getClassSynopsisElement(DOMDocument $doc, array $classMap, array $allConstInfos): ?DOMElement {
$classSynopsis = $doc->createElement("classsynopsis");
$classSynopsis->setAttribute("class", $this->type === "interface" ? "interface" : "class");
$exceptionOverride = $this->type === "class" && $this->isException($classMap) ? "exception" : null;
$ooElement = self::createOoElement($doc, $this, $exceptionOverride, true, null, 4);
if (!$ooElement) {
return null;
$classSynopsis->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
foreach ($this->extends as $k => $parent) {
$parentInfo = $classMap[$parent->toString()] ?? null;
if ($parentInfo === null) {
throw new Exception("Missing parent class " . $parent->toString());
$ooElement = self::createOoElement(
$k === 0 ? "extends" : null,
if (!$ooElement) {
return null;
$classSynopsis->appendChild(new DOMText("\n\n "));
foreach ($this->implements as $k => $interface) {
$interfaceInfo = $classMap[$interface->toString()] ?? null;
if (!$interfaceInfo) {
throw new Exception("Missing implemented interface " . $interface->toString());
$ooElement = self::createOoElement($doc, $interfaceInfo, null, false, $k === 0 ? "implements" : null, 4);
if (!$ooElement) {
return null;
$classSynopsis->appendChild(new DOMText("\n\n "));
/** @var array<string, Name> $parentsWithInheritedConstants */
$parentsWithInheritedConstants = [];
/** @var array<string, Name> $parentsWithInheritedProperties */
$parentsWithInheritedProperties = [];
/** @var array<int, array{name: Name, types: int[]}> $parentsWithInheritedMethods */
$parentsWithInheritedMethods = [];
if (!empty($this->constInfos)) {
$classSynopsis->appendChild(new DOMText("\n\n "));
$classSynopsisInfo = $doc->createElement("classsynopsisinfo", "&Constants;");
$classSynopsisInfo->setAttribute("role", "comment");
foreach ($this->constInfos as $constInfo) {
$classSynopsis->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
$fieldSynopsisElement = $constInfo->getFieldSynopsisElement($doc, $allConstInfos);
if (!empty($this->propertyInfos)) {
$classSynopsis->appendChild(new DOMText("\n\n "));
$classSynopsisInfo = $doc->createElement("classsynopsisinfo", "&Properties;");
$classSynopsisInfo->setAttribute("role", "comment");
foreach ($this->propertyInfos as $propertyInfo) {
$classSynopsis->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
$fieldSynopsisElement = $propertyInfo->getFieldSynopsisElement($doc, $allConstInfos);
if (!empty($this->funcInfos)) {
$classSynopsis->appendChild(new DOMText("\n\n "));
$classSynopsisInfo = $doc->createElement("classsynopsisinfo", "&Methods;");
$classSynopsisInfo->setAttribute("role", "comment");
$classReference = self::getClassSynopsisReference($this->name);
$escapedName = addslashes($this->name->__toString());
if ($this->hasConstructor()) {
$classSynopsis->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
$includeElement = $this->createIncludeElement(
"xmlns(db= xpointer(id('$classReference')/db:refentry/db:refsect1[@role='description']/descendant::db:constructorsynopsis[@role='$escapedName'])"
if ($this->hasMethods()) {
$classSynopsis->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
$includeElement = $this->createIncludeElement(
"xmlns(db= xpointer(id('$classReference')/db:refentry/db:refsect1[@role='description']/descendant::db:methodsynopsis[@role='$escapedName'])"
if ($this->hasDestructor()) {
$classSynopsis->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
$includeElement = $this->createIncludeElement(
"xmlns(db= xpointer(id('$classReference')/db:refentry/db:refsect1[@role='description']/descendant::db:destructorsynopsis[@role='$escapedName'])"
if (!empty($parentsWithInheritedMethods)) {
$classSynopsis->appendChild(new DOMText("\n\n "));
$classSynopsisInfo = $doc->createElement("classsynopsisinfo", "&InheritedMethods;");
$classSynopsisInfo->setAttribute("role", "comment");
foreach ($parentsWithInheritedMethods as $parent) {
$parentName = $parent["name"];
$parentMethodsynopsisTypes = $parent["types"];
$parentReference = self::getClassSynopsisReference($parentName);
$escapedParentName = addslashes($parentName->__toString());
foreach ($parentMethodsynopsisTypes as $parentMethodsynopsisType) {
$classSynopsis->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
$includeElement = $this->createIncludeElement(
"xmlns(db= xpointer(id('$parentReference')/db:refentry/db:refsect1[@role='description']/descendant::db:{$parentMethodsynopsisType}[@role='$escapedParentName'])"
$classSynopsis->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
return $classSynopsis;
private static function createOoElement(
DOMDocument $doc,
ClassInfo $classInfo,
?string $typeOverride,
bool $withModifiers,
?string $modifierOverride,
int $indentationLevel
): ?DOMElement {
$indentation = str_repeat(" ", $indentationLevel);
if ($classInfo->type !== "class" && $classInfo->type !== "interface") {
echo "Class synopsis generation is not implemented for " . $classInfo->type . "\n";
return null;
$type = $typeOverride !== null ? $typeOverride : $classInfo->type;
$ooElement = $doc->createElement("oo$type");
$ooElement->appendChild(new DOMText("\n$indentation "));
if ($modifierOverride !== null) {
$ooElement->appendChild($doc->createElement('modifier', $modifierOverride));
$ooElement->appendChild(new DOMText("\n$indentation "));
} elseif ($withModifiers) {
if ($classInfo->flags & Modifiers::FINAL) {
$ooElement->appendChild($doc->createElement('modifier', 'final'));
$ooElement->appendChild(new DOMText("\n$indentation "));
if ($classInfo->flags & Modifiers::ABSTRACT) {
$ooElement->appendChild($doc->createElement('modifier', 'abstract'));
$ooElement->appendChild(new DOMText("\n$indentation "));
if ($classInfo->flags & Modifiers::READONLY) {
$ooElement->appendChild($doc->createElement('modifier', 'readonly'));
$ooElement->appendChild(new DOMText("\n$indentation "));
$nameElement = $doc->createElement("{$type}name", $classInfo->name->toString());
$ooElement->appendChild(new DOMText("\n$indentation"));
return $ooElement;
public static function getClassSynopsisFilename(Name $name): string {
return strtolower(str_replace("_", "-", implode('-', $name->getParts())));
public static function getClassSynopsisReference(Name $name): string {
return "class." . self::getClassSynopsisFilename($name);
* @param array<string, Name> $parentsWithInheritedConstants
* @param array<string, Name> $parentsWithInheritedProperties
* @param array<string, array{name: Name, types: int[]}> $parentsWithInheritedMethods
* @param array<string, ClassInfo> $classMap
private function collectInheritedMembers(
array &$parentsWithInheritedConstants,
array &$parentsWithInheritedProperties,
array &$parentsWithInheritedMethods,
bool $hasConstructor,
array $classMap
): void {
foreach ($this->extends as $parent) {
$parentInfo = $classMap[$parent->toString()] ?? null;
$parentName = $parent->toString();
if (!$parentInfo) {
throw new Exception("Missing parent class $parentName");
if (!empty($parentInfo->constInfos) && !isset($parentsWithInheritedConstants[$parentName])) {
$parentsWithInheritedConstants[] = $parent;
if (!empty($parentInfo->propertyInfos) && !isset($parentsWithInheritedProperties[$parentName])) {
$parentsWithInheritedProperties[$parentName] = $parent;
if (!$hasConstructor && $parentInfo->hasNonPrivateConstructor()) {
$parentsWithInheritedMethods[$parentName]["name"] = $parent;
$parentsWithInheritedMethods[$parentName]["types"][] = "constructorsynopsis";
if ($parentInfo->hasMethods()) {
$parentsWithInheritedMethods[$parentName]["name"] = $parent;
$parentsWithInheritedMethods[$parentName]["types"][] = "methodsynopsis";
if ($parentInfo->hasDestructor()) {
$parentsWithInheritedMethods[$parentName]["name"] = $parent;
$parentsWithInheritedMethods[$parentName]["types"][] = "destructorsynopsis";
foreach ($this->implements as $parent) {
$parentInfo = $classMap[$parent->toString()] ?? null;
if (!$parentInfo) {
throw new Exception("Missing parent interface " . $parent->toString());
if (!empty($parentInfo->constInfos) && !isset($parentsWithInheritedConstants[$parent->toString()])) {
$parentsWithInheritedConstants[$parent->toString()] = $parent;
$unusedParentsWithInheritedProperties = [];
$unusedParentsWithInheritedMethods = [];
/** @param array<string, ClassInfo> $classMap */
private function isException(array $classMap): bool
if ($this->name->toString() === "Throwable") {
return true;
foreach ($this->extends as $parentName) {
$parent = $classMap[$parentName->toString()] ?? null;
if ($parent === null) {
throw new Exception("Missing parent class " . $parentName->toString());
if ($parent->isException($classMap)) {
return true;
if ($this->type === "class") {
foreach ($this->implements as $interfaceName) {
$interface = $classMap[$interfaceName->toString()] ?? null;
if ($interface === null) {
throw new Exception("Missing implemented interface " . $interfaceName->toString());
if ($interface->isException($classMap)) {
return true;
return false;
private function hasConstructor(): bool
foreach ($this->funcInfos as $funcInfo) {
if ($funcInfo->name->isConstructor()) {
return true;
return false;
private function hasNonPrivateConstructor(): bool
foreach ($this->funcInfos as $funcInfo) {
if ($funcInfo->name->isConstructor() && !($funcInfo->flags & Modifiers::PRIVATE)) {
return true;
return false;
private function hasDestructor(): bool
foreach ($this->funcInfos as $funcInfo) {
if ($funcInfo->name->isDestructor()) {
return true;
return false;
private function hasMethods(): bool
foreach ($this->funcInfos as $funcInfo) {
if (!$funcInfo->name->isConstructor() && !$funcInfo->name->isDestructor()) {
return true;
return false;
private function createIncludeElement(DOMDocument $doc, string $query): DOMElement
$includeElement = $doc->createElement("xi:include");
$attr = $doc->createAttribute("xpointer");
$attr->value = $query;
$fallbackElement = $doc->createElement("xi:fallback");
$includeElement->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
$includeElement->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
return $includeElement;
public function __clone()
foreach ($this->constInfos as $key => $constInfo) {
$this->constInfos[$key] = clone $constInfo;
foreach ($this->propertyInfos as $key => $propertyInfo) {
$this->propertyInfos[$key] = clone $propertyInfo;
foreach ($this->funcInfos as $key => $funcInfo) {
$this->funcInfos[$key] = clone $funcInfo;
foreach ($this->attributes as $key => $attribute) {
$this->attributes[$key] = clone $attribute;
if ($this->exposedDocComment) {
$this->exposedDocComment = clone $this->exposedDocComment;
* @param Name[] $parents
private function appendInheritedMemberSectionToClassSynopsis(DOMDocument $doc, DOMElement $classSynopsis, array $parents, string $label, string $inheritedLabel): void
if (empty($parents)) {
$classSynopsis->appendChild(new DOMText("\n\n "));
$classSynopsisInfo = $doc->createElement("classsynopsisinfo", "$inheritedLabel");
$classSynopsisInfo->setAttribute("role", "comment");
foreach ($parents as $parent) {
$classSynopsis->appendChild(new DOMText("\n "));
$parentReference = self::getClassSynopsisReference($parent);
$includeElement = $this->createIncludeElement(
"xmlns(db= xpointer(id('$parentReference')/db:partintro/db:section/db:classsynopsis/db:fieldsynopsis[preceding-sibling::db:classsynopsisinfo[1][@role='comment' and text()='$label']]))"
class FileInfo {
/** @var string[] */
public array $dependencies = [];
/** @var ConstInfo[] */
public array $constInfos = [];
/** @var FuncInfo[] */
public array $funcInfos = [];
/** @var ClassInfo[] */
public array $classInfos = [];
public bool $generateFunctionEntries = false;
public string $declarationPrefix = "";
public bool $generateClassEntries = false;
public bool $isUndocumentable = false;
public bool $legacyArginfoGeneration = false;
private ?int $minimumPhpVersionIdCompatibility = null;
* @return iterable<FuncInfo>
public function getAllFuncInfos(): iterable {
yield from $this->funcInfos;
foreach ($this->classInfos as $classInfo) {
yield from $classInfo->funcInfos;
/** @return array<string, ConstInfo> */
public function getAllConstInfos(): array {
$result = [];
foreach ($this->constInfos as $constInfo) {
$result[$constInfo->name->__toString()] = $constInfo;
foreach ($this->classInfos as $classInfo) {
foreach ($classInfo->constInfos as $constInfo) {
$result[$constInfo->name->__toString()] = $constInfo;
return $result;
* @return iterable<ClassInfo>
public function getAllClassInfos(): iterable {
foreach ($this->classInfos as $classInfo) {
yield $classInfo;
public function __clone()
foreach ($this->constInfos as $key => $constInfo) {
$this->constInfos[$key] = clone $constInfo;
foreach ($this->funcInfos as $key => $funcInfo) {
$this->funcInfos[$key] = clone $funcInfo;
foreach ($this->classInfos as $key => $classInfo) {
$this->classInfos[$key] = clone $classInfo;
public function setMinimumPhpVersionIdCompatibility(?int $minimumPhpVersionIdCompatibility) {
$this->minimumPhpVersionIdCompatibility = $minimumPhpVersionIdCompatibility;
public function getMinimumPhpVersionIdCompatibility(): ?int {
// Non-legacy arginfo files are always PHP 8.0+ compatible
if (!$this->legacyArginfoGeneration &&
$this->minimumPhpVersionIdCompatibility !== null &&
$this->minimumPhpVersionIdCompatibility < PHP_80_VERSION_ID
) {
return PHP_80_VERSION_ID;
return $this->minimumPhpVersionIdCompatibility;
public function shouldGenerateLegacyArginfo(): bool {
return $this->minimumPhpVersionIdCompatibility !== null && $this->minimumPhpVersionIdCompatibility < PHP_80_VERSION_ID;
class DocCommentTag {
public string $name;
public ?string $value;
public function __construct(string $name, ?string $value) {
$this->name = $name;
$this->value = $value;
public function getValue(): string {
if ($this->value === null) {
throw new Exception("@$this->name does not have a value");
return $this->value;
public function getType(): string {
$value = $this->getValue();
$matches = [];
if ($this->name === "param") {
preg_match('/^\s*([\w\|\\\\\[\]<>, ]+)\s*(?:[{(]|\$\w+).*$/', $value, $matches);
} elseif ($this->name === "return" || $this->name === "var") {
preg_match('/^\s*([\w\|\\\\\[\]<>, ]+)/', $value, $matches);
if (!isset($matches[1])) {
throw new Exception("@$this->name doesn't contain a type or has an invalid format \"$value\"");
return trim($matches[1]);
public function getVariableName(): string {
$value = $this->value;
if ($value === null || strlen($value) === 0) {
throw new Exception("@$this->name doesn't have any value");
$matches = [];
if ($this->name === "param") {
// Allow for parsing extended types like callable(string):mixed in docblocks
preg_match('/^\s*(?<type>[\w\|\\\\]+(?<parens>\((?<inparens>(?:(?&parens)|[^(){}[\]]*+))++\)|\{(?&inparens)\}|\[(?&inparens)\])*+(?::(?&type))?)\s*\$(?<name>\w+).*$/', $value, $matches);
} elseif ($this->name === "prefer-ref") {
preg_match('/^\s*\$(?<name>\w+).*$/', $value, $matches);
if (!isset($matches["name"])) {
throw new Exception("@$this->name doesn't contain a variable name or has an invalid format \"$value\"");
return $matches["name"];
class ExposedDocComment {
private string $docComment;
public function __construct(string $docComment) {
$this->docComment = $docComment;
public function escape(): string {
return str_replace("\n", '\n', addslashes($this->docComment));
public function getLength(): int {
return strlen($this->docComment);
/** @return DocCommentTag[] */
function parseDocComments(array $comments): array {
$tags = [];
foreach ($comments as $comment) {
if ($comment instanceof DocComment) {
$tags = array_merge($tags, parseDocComment($comment));
return $tags;
/** @return DocCommentTag[] */
function parseDocComment(DocComment $comment): array {
$commentText = substr($comment->getText(), 2, -2);
$tags = [];
foreach (explode("\n", $commentText) as $commentLine) {
$regex = '/^\*\s*@([a-z-]+)(?:\s+(.+))?$/';
if (preg_match($regex, trim($commentLine), $matches)) {
$tags[] = new DocCommentTag($matches[1], $matches[2] ?? null);
return $tags;
class FramelessFunctionInfo {
public int $arity;
function parseFramelessFunctionInfo(string $json): FramelessFunctionInfo {
// FIXME: Should have some validation
$json = json_decode($json, true);
$framelessFunctionInfo = new FramelessFunctionInfo();
$framelessFunctionInfo->arity = $json["arity"];
return $framelessFunctionInfo;
function parseFunctionLike(
PrettyPrinterAbstract $prettyPrinter,
FunctionOrMethodName $name,
int $classFlags,
int $flags,
Node\FunctionLike $func,
?string $cond,
bool $isUndocumentable,
?int $minimumPhpVersionIdCompatibility
): FuncInfo {
try {
$comments = $func->getComments();
$paramMeta = [];
$aliasType = null;
$alias = null;
$isDeprecated = false;
$supportsCompileTimeEval = false;
$verify = true;
$docReturnType = null;
$tentativeReturnType = false;
$docParamTypes = [];
$refcount = null;
$framelessFunctionInfos = [];
if ($comments) {
$tags = parseDocComments($comments);
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
switch ($tag->name) {
case 'alias':
case 'implementation-alias':
$aliasType = $tag->name;
$aliasParts = explode("::", $tag->getValue());
if (count($aliasParts) === 1) {
$alias = new FunctionName(new Name($aliasParts[0]));
} else {
$alias = new MethodName(new Name($aliasParts[0]), $aliasParts[1]);
case 'deprecated':
$isDeprecated = true;
case 'no-verify':
$verify = false;
case 'tentative-return-type':
$tentativeReturnType = true;
case 'return':
$docReturnType = $tag->getType();
case 'param':
$docParamTypes[$tag->getVariableName()] = $tag->getType();
case 'refcount':
$refcount = $tag->getValue();
case 'compile-time-eval':
$supportsCompileTimeEval = true;
case 'prefer-ref':
$varName = $tag->getVariableName();
if (!isset($paramMeta[$varName])) {
$paramMeta[$varName] = [];
$paramMeta[$varName][$tag->name] = true;
case 'undocumentable':
$isUndocumentable = true;
case 'frameless-function':
$framelessFunctionInfos[] = parseFramelessFunctionInfo($tag->getValue());
$varNameSet = [];
$args = [];
$numRequiredArgs = 0;
$foundVariadic = false;
foreach ($func->getParams() as $i => $param) {
if ($param->isPromoted()) {
throw new Exception("Promoted properties are not supported");
$varName = $param->var->name;
$preferRef = !empty($paramMeta[$varName]['prefer-ref']);
if (isset($varNameSet[$varName])) {
throw new Exception("Duplicate parameter name $varName");
$varNameSet[$varName] = true;
if ($preferRef) {
$sendBy = ArgInfo::SEND_PREFER_REF;
} else if ($param->byRef) {
$sendBy = ArgInfo::SEND_BY_REF;
} else {
$sendBy = ArgInfo::SEND_BY_VAL;
if ($foundVariadic) {
throw new Exception("Only the last parameter can be variadic");
$type = $param->type ? Type::fromNode($param->type) : null;
if ($type === null && !isset($docParamTypes[$varName])) {
throw new Exception("Missing parameter type");
if ($param->default instanceof Expr\ConstFetch &&
$param->default->name->toLowerString() === "null" &&
$type && !$type->isNullable()
) {
$simpleType = $type->tryToSimpleType();
if ($simpleType === null || !$simpleType->isMixed()) {
throw new Exception("Parameter $varName has null default, but is not nullable");
if ($param->default instanceof Expr\ClassConstFetch && $param->default->class->toLowerString() === "self") {
throw new Exception('The exact class name must be used instead of "self"');
$foundVariadic = $param->variadic;
$args[] = new ArgInfo(
isset($docParamTypes[$varName]) ? Type::fromString($docParamTypes[$varName]) : null,
$param->default ? $prettyPrinter->prettyPrintExpr($param->default) : null,
if (!$param->default && !$param->variadic) {
$numRequiredArgs = $i + 1;
foreach (array_keys($paramMeta) as $var) {
throw new Exception("Found metadata for invalid param $var");
$returnType = $func->getReturnType();
if ($returnType === null && $docReturnType === null && !$name->isConstructor() && !$name->isDestructor()) {
throw new Exception("Missing return type");
$return = new ReturnInfo(
$returnType ? Type::fromNode($returnType) : null,
$docReturnType ? Type::fromString($docReturnType) : null,
return new FuncInfo(
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new Exception($name . "(): " .$e->getMessage());
* @param array<int, array<int, AttributeGroup> $attributes
function parseConstLike(
PrettyPrinterAbstract $prettyPrinter,
ConstOrClassConstName $name,
Node\Const_ $const,
int $flags,
?Node $type,
array $comments,
?string $cond,
bool $isUndocumentable,
?int $phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility,
array $attributes
): ConstInfo {
$phpDocType = null;
$deprecated = false;
$cValue = null;
$link = null;
$isFileCacheAllowed = true;
if ($comments) {
$tags = parseDocComments($comments);
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
if ($tag->name === 'var') {
$phpDocType = $tag->getType();
} elseif ($tag->name === 'deprecated') {
$deprecated = true;
} elseif ($tag->name === 'cvalue') {
$cValue = $tag->value;
} elseif ($tag->name === 'undocumentable') {
$isUndocumentable = true;
} elseif ($tag->name === 'link') {
$link = $tag->value;
} elseif ($tag->name === 'no-file-cache') {
$isFileCacheAllowed = false;
if ($type === null && $phpDocType === null) {
throw new Exception("Missing type for constant " . $name->__toString());
$constType = $type ? Type::fromNode($type) : null;
$constPhpDocType = $phpDocType ? Type::fromString($phpDocType) : null;
if ($const->value instanceof Expr\ConstFetch &&
$const->value->name->toLowerString() === "null" &&
$constType && !$constType->isNullable()
) {
$simpleType = $constType->tryToSimpleType();
if ($simpleType === null || !$simpleType->isMixed()) {
throw new Exception("Constant " . $name->__toString() . " has null value, but is not nullable");
return new ConstInfo(
* @param array<int, array<int, AttributeGroup> $attributes
function parseProperty(
Name $class,
int $classFlags,
int $flags,
Stmt\PropertyProperty $property,
?Node $type,
array $comments,
PrettyPrinterAbstract $prettyPrinter,
?int $phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility,
array $attributes
): PropertyInfo {
$phpDocType = null;
$isDocReadonly = false;
$isVirtual = false;
$link = null;
if ($comments) {
$tags = parseDocComments($comments);
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
if ($tag->name === 'var') {
$phpDocType = $tag->getType();
} elseif ($tag->name === 'readonly') {
$isDocReadonly = true;
} elseif ($tag->name === 'link') {
$link = $tag->value;
} elseif ($tag->name === 'virtual') {
$isVirtual = true;
$propertyType = $type ? Type::fromNode($type) : null;
if ($propertyType === null && !$phpDocType) {
throw new Exception("Missing type for property $class::\$$property->name");
if ($property->default instanceof Expr\ConstFetch &&
$property->default->name->toLowerString() === "null" &&
$propertyType && !$propertyType->isNullable()
) {
$simpleType = $propertyType->tryToSimpleType();
if ($simpleType === null || !$simpleType->isMixed()) {
throw new Exception("Property $class::\$$property->name has null default, but is not nullable");
return new PropertyInfo(
new PropertyName($class, $property->name->__toString()),
$phpDocType ? Type::fromString($phpDocType) : null,
$property->default ? $prettyPrinter->prettyPrintExpr($property->default) : null,
* @param ConstInfo[] $consts
* @param PropertyInfo[] $properties
* @param FuncInfo[] $methods
* @param EnumCaseInfo[] $enumCases
function parseClass(
Name $name,
Stmt\ClassLike $class,
array $consts,
array $properties,
array $methods,
array $enumCases,
?string $cond,
?int $minimumPhpVersionIdCompatibility,
bool $isUndocumentable
): ClassInfo {
$flags = $class instanceof Class_ ? $class->flags : 0;
$comments = $class->getComments();
$alias = null;
$isDeprecated = false;
$isStrictProperties = false;
$isNotSerializable = false;
$allowsDynamicProperties = false;
$attributes = [];
if ($comments) {
$tags = parseDocComments($comments);
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
if ($tag->name === 'alias') {
$alias = $tag->getValue();
} else if ($tag->name === 'deprecated') {
$isDeprecated = true;
} else if ($tag->name === 'strict-properties') {
$isStrictProperties = true;
} else if ($tag->name === 'not-serializable') {
$isNotSerializable = true;
} else if ($tag->name === 'undocumentable') {
$isUndocumentable = true;
$attributes = createAttributes($class->attrGroups);
foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
switch ($attribute->class) {
case 'AllowDynamicProperties':
$allowsDynamicProperties = true;
break 2;
if ($isStrictProperties && $allowsDynamicProperties) {
throw new Exception("A class may not have '@strict-properties' and '#[\\AllowDynamicProperties]' at the same time.");
$extends = [];
$implements = [];
if ($class instanceof Class_) {
$classKind = "class";
if ($class->extends) {
$extends[] = $class->extends;
$implements = $class->implements;
} elseif ($class instanceof Interface_) {
$classKind = "interface";
$extends = $class->extends;
} else if ($class instanceof Trait_) {
$classKind = "trait";
} else if ($class instanceof Enum_) {
$classKind = "enum";
$implements = $class->implements;
} else {
throw new Exception("Unknown class kind " . get_class($class));
if ($isUndocumentable) {
foreach ($methods as $method) {
$method->isUndocumentable = true;
return new ClassInfo(
$class instanceof Enum_ && $class->scalarType !== null
? SimpleType::fromNode($class->scalarType) : null,
* @param array<int, array<int, AttributeGroup>> $attributeGroups
* @return Attribute[]
function createAttributes(array $attributeGroups): array {
$attributes = [];
foreach ($attributeGroups as $attrGroup) {
foreach ($attrGroup->attrs as $attr) {
$attributes[] = new AttributeInfo($attr->name->toString(), $attr->args);
return $attributes;
/** @param array<int, DocComment> $comments */
function createExposedDocComment(array $comments): ?ExposedDocComment {
$exposedDocComment = null;
foreach ($comments as $comment) {
$text = $comment->getText();
$matches = [];
$pattern = "#^(\s*\/\*\*)(\s*@genstubs-expose-comment-block)(\s*)$#m";
if (preg_match($pattern, $text, $matches) !== 1) {
if ($exposedDocComment !== null) {
throw new Exception("Only one PHPDoc comment block can be exposed");
$exposedDocComment = preg_replace($pattern, '$1$3', $text);
return $exposedDocComment ? new ExposedDocComment($exposedDocComment) : null;
function handlePreprocessorConditions(array &$conds, Stmt $stmt): ?string {
foreach ($stmt->getComments() as $comment) {
$text = trim($comment->getText());
if (preg_match('/^#\s*if\s+(.+)$/', $text, $matches)) {
$conds[] = $matches[1];
} else if (preg_match('/^#\s*ifdef\s+(.+)$/', $text, $matches)) {
$conds[] = "defined($matches[1])";
} else if (preg_match('/^#\s*ifndef\s+(.+)$/', $text, $matches)) {
$conds[] = "!defined($matches[1])";
} else if (preg_match('/^#\s*else$/', $text)) {
if (empty($conds)) {
throw new Exception("Encountered else without corresponding #if");
$cond = array_pop($conds);
$conds[] = "!($cond)";
} else if (preg_match('/^#\s*endif$/', $text)) {
if (empty($conds)) {
throw new Exception("Encountered #endif without corresponding #if");
} else if ($text[0] === '#') {
throw new Exception("Unrecognized preprocessor directive \"$text\"");
return empty($conds) ? null : implode(' && ', $conds);
/** @return DocComment[] */
function getFileDocComments(array $stmts): array {
if (empty($stmts)) {
return [];
$comments = $stmts[0]->getComments();
$result = [];
foreach ($comments as $comment) {
if ($comment instanceof DocComment) {
$result[] = $comment;
return $result;
function handleStatements(FileInfo $fileInfo, array $stmts, PrettyPrinterAbstract $prettyPrinter) {
$conds = [];
foreach ($stmts as $stmt) {
$cond = handlePreprocessorConditions($conds, $stmt);
if ($stmt instanceof Stmt\Nop) {
if ($stmt instanceof Stmt\Namespace_) {
handleStatements($fileInfo, $stmt->stmts, $prettyPrinter);
if ($stmt instanceof Stmt\Const_) {
foreach ($stmt->consts as $const) {
$fileInfo->constInfos[] = parseConstLike(
new ConstName($const->namespacedName, $const->name->toString()),
if ($stmt instanceof Stmt\Function_) {
$fileInfo->funcInfos[] = parseFunctionLike(
new FunctionName($stmt->namespacedName),
if ($stmt instanceof Stmt\ClassLike) {
$className = $stmt->namespacedName;
$constInfos = [];
$propertyInfos = [];
$methodInfos = [];
$enumCaseInfos = [];
foreach ($stmt->stmts as $classStmt) {
$cond = handlePreprocessorConditions($conds, $classStmt);
if ($classStmt instanceof Stmt\Nop) {
$classFlags = $stmt instanceof Class_ ? $stmt->flags : 0;
$abstractFlag = $stmt instanceof Stmt\Interface_ ? Modifiers::ABSTRACT : 0;
if ($classStmt instanceof Stmt\ClassConst) {
foreach ($classStmt->consts as $const) {
$constInfos[] = parseConstLike(
new ClassConstName($className, $const->name->toString()),
} else if ($classStmt instanceof Stmt\Property) {
if (!($classStmt->flags & Class_::VISIBILITY_MODIFIER_MASK)) {
throw new Exception("Visibility modifier is required");
foreach ($classStmt->props as $property) {
$propertyInfos[] = parseProperty(
} else if ($classStmt instanceof Stmt\ClassMethod) {
if (!($classStmt->flags & Class_::VISIBILITY_MODIFIER_MASK)) {
throw new Exception("Visibility modifier is required");
$methodInfos[] = parseFunctionLike(
new MethodName($className, $classStmt->name->toString()),
$classStmt->flags | $abstractFlag,
} else if ($classStmt instanceof Stmt\EnumCase) {
$enumCaseInfos[] = new EnumCaseInfo(
$classStmt->name->toString(), $classStmt->expr);
} else {
throw new Exception("Not implemented {$classStmt->getType()}");
$fileInfo->classInfos[] = parseClass(
$className, $stmt, $constInfos, $propertyInfos, $methodInfos, $enumCaseInfos, $cond, $fileInfo->getMinimumPhpVersionIdCompatibility(), $fileInfo->isUndocumentable
if ($stmt instanceof Stmt\Expression) {
$expr = $stmt->expr;
if ($expr instanceof Expr\Include_) {
$fileInfo->dependencies[] = (string)EvaluatedValue::createFromExpression($expr->expr, null, null, [])->value;
throw new Exception("Unexpected node {$stmt->getType()}");
if (!empty($conds)) {
throw new Exception("Unterminated preprocessor conditions");
function parseStubFile(string $code): FileInfo {
$lexer = new PhpParser\Lexer\Emulative();
$parser = new PhpParser\Parser\Php7($lexer);
$nodeTraverser = new PhpParser\NodeTraverser;
$nodeTraverser->addVisitor(new PhpParser\NodeVisitor\NameResolver);
$prettyPrinter = new class extends Standard {
protected function pName_FullyQualified(Name\FullyQualified $node): string {
return implode('\\', $node->getParts());
$stmts = $parser->parse($code);
$fileInfo = new FileInfo;
$fileDocComments = getFileDocComments($stmts);
if ($fileDocComments !== []) {
$fileTags = parseDocComments($fileDocComments);
foreach ($fileTags as $tag) {
if ($tag->name === 'generate-function-entries') {
$fileInfo->generateFunctionEntries = true;
$fileInfo->declarationPrefix = $tag->value ? $tag->value . " " : "";
} else if ($tag->name === 'generate-legacy-arginfo') {
if ($tag->value && !in_array((int) $tag->value, ALL_PHP_VERSION_IDS, true)) {
throw new Exception(
"Legacy PHP version must be one of: \"" . PHP_70_VERSION_ID . "\" (PHP 7.0), \"" . PHP_80_VERSION_ID . "\" (PHP 8.0), " .
"\"" . PHP_81_VERSION_ID . "\" (PHP 8.1), \"" . PHP_82_VERSION_ID . "\" (PHP 8.2), \"" . PHP_83_VERSION_ID . "\" (PHP 8.3), " .
"\"" . PHP_84_VERSION_ID . "\" (PHP 8.4), \"" . $tag->value . "\" provided"
$fileInfo->setMinimumPhpVersionIdCompatibility($tag->value ? (int) $tag->value : PHP_70_VERSION_ID);
} else if ($tag->name === 'generate-class-entries') {
$fileInfo->generateClassEntries = true;
$fileInfo->declarationPrefix = $tag->value ? $tag->value . " " : "";
} else if ($tag->name === 'undocumentable') {
$fileInfo->isUndocumentable = true;
// Generating class entries require generating function/method entries
if ($fileInfo->generateClassEntries && !$fileInfo->generateFunctionEntries) {
$fileInfo->generateFunctionEntries = true;
handleStatements($fileInfo, $stmts, $prettyPrinter);
return $fileInfo;
function funcInfoToCode(FileInfo $fileInfo, FuncInfo $funcInfo): string {
$code = '';
$returnType = $funcInfo->return->type;
$isTentativeReturnType = $funcInfo->return->tentativeReturnType;
$php81MinimumCompatibility = $fileInfo->getMinimumPhpVersionIdCompatibility() === null || $fileInfo->getMinimumPhpVersionIdCompatibility() >= PHP_81_VERSION_ID;
if ($returnType !== null) {
if ($isTentativeReturnType && !$php81MinimumCompatibility) {
$code .= "#if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= " . PHP_81_VERSION_ID . ")\n";
if (null !== $simpleReturnType = $returnType->tryToSimpleType()) {
if ($simpleReturnType->isBuiltin) {
$code .= sprintf(
"%s(%s, %d, %d, %s, %d)\n",
$funcInfo->getArgInfoName(), $funcInfo->return->byRef,
$simpleReturnType->toTypeCode(), $returnType->isNullable()
} else {
$code .= sprintf(
"%s(%s, %d, %d, %s, %d)\n",
$funcInfo->getArgInfoName(), $funcInfo->return->byRef,
$simpleReturnType->toEscapedName(), $returnType->isNullable()
} else {
$arginfoType = $returnType->toArginfoType();
if ($arginfoType->hasClassType()) {
$code .= sprintf(
"%s(%s, %d, %d, %s, %s)\n",
$funcInfo->getArgInfoName(), $funcInfo->return->byRef,
$arginfoType->toClassTypeString(), $arginfoType->toTypeMask()
} else {
$code .= sprintf(
"%s(%s, %d, %d, %s)\n",
$funcInfo->getArgInfoName(), $funcInfo->return->byRef,
if ($isTentativeReturnType && !$php81MinimumCompatibility) {
$code .= sprintf(
"#else\nZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(%s, 0, %d, %d)\n#endif\n",
$funcInfo->getArgInfoName(), $funcInfo->return->byRef, $funcInfo->numRequiredArgs
} else {
$code .= sprintf(
"ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(%s, 0, %d, %d)\n",
$funcInfo->getArgInfoName(), $funcInfo->return->byRef, $funcInfo->numRequiredArgs
foreach ($funcInfo->args as $argInfo) {
$argKind = $argInfo->isVariadic ? "ARG_VARIADIC" : "ARG";
$argDefaultKind = $argInfo->hasProperDefaultValue() ? "_WITH_DEFAULT_VALUE" : "";
$argType = $argInfo->type;
if ($argType !== null) {
if (null !== $simpleArgType = $argType->tryToSimpleType()) {
if ($simpleArgType->isBuiltin) {
$code .= sprintf(
"\tZEND_%s_TYPE_INFO%s(%s, %s, %s, %d%s)\n",
$argKind, $argDefaultKind, $argInfo->getSendByString(), $argInfo->name,
$simpleArgType->toTypeCode(), $argType->isNullable(),
$argInfo->hasProperDefaultValue() ? ", " . $argInfo->getDefaultValueAsArginfoString() : ""
} else {
$code .= sprintf(
"\tZEND_%s_OBJ_INFO%s(%s, %s, %s, %d%s)\n",
$argKind,$argDefaultKind, $argInfo->getSendByString(), $argInfo->name,
$simpleArgType->toEscapedName(), $argType->isNullable(),
$argInfo->hasProperDefaultValue() ? ", " . $argInfo->getDefaultValueAsArginfoString() : ""
} else {
$arginfoType = $argType->toArginfoType();
if ($arginfoType->hasClassType()) {
$code .= sprintf(
"\tZEND_%s_OBJ_TYPE_MASK(%s, %s, %s, %s%s)\n",
$argKind, $argInfo->getSendByString(), $argInfo->name,
$arginfoType->toClassTypeString(), $arginfoType->toTypeMask(),
!$argInfo->isVariadic ? ", " . $argInfo->getDefaultValueAsArginfoString() : ""
} else {
$code .= sprintf(
"\tZEND_%s_TYPE_MASK(%s, %s, %s, %s)\n",
$argKind, $argInfo->getSendByString(), $argInfo->name,
} else {
$code .= sprintf(
"\tZEND_%s_INFO%s(%s, %s%s)\n",
$argKind, $argDefaultKind, $argInfo->getSendByString(), $argInfo->name,
$argInfo->hasProperDefaultValue() ? ", " . $argInfo->getDefaultValueAsArginfoString() : ""
$code .= "ZEND_END_ARG_INFO()";
return $code . "\n";
/** @param FuncInfo[] $generatedFuncInfos */
function findEquivalentFuncInfo(array $generatedFuncInfos, FuncInfo $funcInfo): ?FuncInfo {
foreach ($generatedFuncInfos as $generatedFuncInfo) {
if ($generatedFuncInfo->equalsApartFromNameAndRefcount($funcInfo)) {
return $generatedFuncInfo;
return null;
* @template T
* @param iterable<T> $infos
* @param Closure(T): string|null $codeGenerator
* @param ?string $parentCond
function generateCodeWithConditions(
iterable $infos, string $separator, Closure $codeGenerator, ?string $parentCond = null): string {
$code = "";
// For combining the conditional blocks of the infos with the same condition
$openCondition = null;
foreach ($infos as $info) {
$infoCode = $codeGenerator($info);
if ($infoCode === null) {
if ($info->cond && $info->cond !== $parentCond) {
if ($openCondition !== null
&& $info->cond !== $openCondition
) {
// Changing condition, end old
$code .= "#endif\n";
$code .= $separator;
$code .= "#if {$info->cond}\n";
$openCondition = $info->cond;
} elseif ($openCondition === null) {
// New condition with no existing one
$code .= $separator;
$code .= "#if {$info->cond}\n";
$openCondition = $info->cond;
} else {
// Staying in the same condition
$code .= $separator;
$code .= $infoCode;
} else {
if ($openCondition !== null) {
// Ending the condition
$code .= "#endif\n";
$openCondition = null;
$code .= $separator;
$code .= $infoCode;
// The last info might have been in a conditional block
if ($openCondition !== null) {
$code .= "#endif\n";
return $code;
* @param array<string, ConstInfo> $allConstInfos
function generateArgInfoCode(
string $stubFilenameWithoutExtension,
FileInfo $fileInfo,
array $allConstInfos,
string $stubHash
): string {
$code = "/* This is a generated file, edit the .stub.php file instead.\n"
. " * Stub hash: $stubHash */\n";
$generatedFuncInfos = [];
$argInfoCode = generateCodeWithConditions(
$fileInfo->getAllFuncInfos(), "\n",
static function (FuncInfo $funcInfo) use (&$generatedFuncInfos, $fileInfo) {
/* If there already is an equivalent arginfo structure, only emit a #define */
if ($generatedFuncInfo = findEquivalentFuncInfo($generatedFuncInfos, $funcInfo)) {
$code = sprintf(
"#define %s %s\n",
$funcInfo->getArgInfoName(), $generatedFuncInfo->getArgInfoName()
} else {
$code = funcInfoToCode($fileInfo, $funcInfo);
$generatedFuncInfos[] = $funcInfo;
return $code;
if ($argInfoCode !== "") {
$code .= "$argInfoCode\n";
if ($fileInfo->generateFunctionEntries) {
$framelessFunctionCode = generateCodeWithConditions(
$fileInfo->getAllFuncInfos(), "\n",
static function (FuncInfo $funcInfo) {
$code = $funcInfo->getFramelessDeclaration($funcInfo);
return $code;
if ($framelessFunctionCode !== "") {
$code .= "$framelessFunctionCode\n";
$generatedFunctionDeclarations = [];
$code .= generateCodeWithConditions(
$fileInfo->getAllFuncInfos(), "",
static function (FuncInfo $funcInfo) use ($fileInfo, &$generatedFunctionDeclarations) {
$key = $funcInfo->getDeclarationKey();
if (isset($generatedFunctionDeclarations[$key])) {
return null;
$generatedFunctionDeclarations[$key] = true;
return $fileInfo->declarationPrefix . $funcInfo->getDeclaration();
$code .= generateFunctionEntries(null, $fileInfo->funcInfos);
foreach ($fileInfo->classInfos as $classInfo) {
$code .= generateFunctionEntries($classInfo->name, $classInfo->funcInfos, $classInfo->cond);
$php80MinimumCompatibility = $fileInfo->getMinimumPhpVersionIdCompatibility() === null || $fileInfo->getMinimumPhpVersionIdCompatibility() >= PHP_80_VERSION_ID;
if ($fileInfo->generateClassEntries) {
if ($attributeInitializationCode = generateFunctionAttributeInitialization($fileInfo->funcInfos, $allConstInfos, $fileInfo->getMinimumPhpVersionIdCompatibility(), null)) {
if (!$php80MinimumCompatibility) {
$attributeInitializationCode = "\n#if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= " . PHP_80_VERSION_ID . ")" . $attributeInitializationCode . "#endif\n";
if ($attributeInitializationCode !== "" || !empty($fileInfo->constInfos)) {
$code .= "\nstatic void register_{$stubFilenameWithoutExtension}_symbols(int module_number)\n";
$code .= "{\n";
foreach ($fileInfo->constInfos as $constInfo) {
$code .= $constInfo->getDeclaration($allConstInfos);
if ($attributeInitializationCode !== "" && $fileInfo->constInfos) {
$code .= "\n";
$code .= $attributeInitializationCode;
$code .= "}\n";
$code .= generateClassEntryCode($fileInfo, $allConstInfos);
return $code;
/** @param array<string, ConstInfo> $allConstInfos */
function generateClassEntryCode(FileInfo $fileInfo, array $allConstInfos): string {
$code = "";
foreach ($fileInfo->classInfos as $class) {
$code .= "\n" . $class->getRegistration($allConstInfos);
return $code;
/** @param FuncInfo[] $funcInfos */
function generateFunctionEntries(?Name $className, array $funcInfos, ?string $cond = null): string {
// No need to add anything if there are no function entries
if ($funcInfos === []) {
return '';
$code = "\n";
if ($cond) {
$code .= "#if {$cond}\n";
$functionEntryName = "ext_functions";
if ($className) {
$underscoreName = implode("_", $className->getParts());
$functionEntryName = "class_{$underscoreName}_methods";
$code .= "static const zend_function_entry {$functionEntryName}[] = {\n";
$code .= generateCodeWithConditions($funcInfos, "", static function (FuncInfo $funcInfo) {
return $funcInfo->getFunctionEntry();
}, $cond);
$code .= "\tZEND_FE_END\n";
$code .= "};\n";
if ($cond) {
$code .= "#endif\n";
return $code;
/** @param iterable<FuncInfo> $funcInfos */
function generateFunctionAttributeInitialization(iterable $funcInfos, array $allConstInfos, ?int $phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility, ?string $parentCond = null): string {
return generateCodeWithConditions(
static function (FuncInfo $funcInfo) use ($allConstInfos, $phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility) {
$code = null;
if ($funcInfo->name instanceof MethodName) {
$functionTable = "&class_entry->function_table";
} else {
$functionTable = "CG(function_table)";
foreach ($funcInfo->attributes as $key => $attribute) {
$code .= $attribute->generateCode(
"zend_add_function_attribute(zend_hash_str_find_ptr($functionTable, \"" . $funcInfo->name->getNameForAttributes() . "\", sizeof(\"" . $funcInfo->name->getNameForAttributes() . "\") - 1)",
"func_" . $funcInfo->name->getNameForAttributes() . "_$key",
foreach ($funcInfo->args as $index => $arg) {
foreach ($arg->attributes as $key => $attribute) {
$code .= $attribute->generateCode(
"zend_add_parameter_attribute(zend_hash_str_find_ptr($functionTable, \"" . $funcInfo->name->getNameForAttributes() . "\", sizeof(\"" . $funcInfo->name->getNameForAttributes() . "\") - 1), $index",
return $code;
* @param iterable<ConstInfo> $constInfos
* @param array<string, ConstInfo> $allConstInfos
function generateConstantAttributeInitialization(
iterable $constInfos,
array $allConstInfos,
?int $phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility,
?string $parentCond = null
): string {
return generateCodeWithConditions(
static function (ConstInfo $constInfo) use ($allConstInfos, $phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility) {
$code = null;
foreach ($constInfo->attributes as $key => $attribute) {
$code .= $attribute->generateCode(
"zend_add_class_constant_attribute(class_entry, const_" . $constInfo->name->getDeclarationName(),
"const_" . $constInfo->name->getDeclarationName() . "_$key",
return $code;
* @param iterable<PropertyInfo> $propertyInfos
* @param array<string, ConstInfo> $allConstInfos
function generatePropertyAttributeInitialization(
iterable $propertyInfos,
array $allConstInfos,
?int $phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility
): string {
$code = "";
foreach ($propertyInfos as $propertyInfo) {
foreach ($propertyInfo->attributes as $key => $attribute) {
$code .= $attribute->generateCode(
"zend_add_property_attribute(class_entry, property_" . $propertyInfo->name->getDeclarationName(),
"property_" . $propertyInfo->name->getDeclarationName() . "_" . $key,
return $code;
/** @param array<string, FuncInfo> $funcMap */
function generateOptimizerInfo(array $funcMap): string {
$code = "/* This is a generated file, edit the .stub.php files instead. */\n\n";
$code .= "static const func_info_t func_infos[] = {\n";
$code .= generateCodeWithConditions($funcMap, "", static function (FuncInfo $funcInfo) {
return $funcInfo->getOptimizerInfo();
$code .= "};\n";
return $code;
* @param array<int, string[]> $flagsByPhpVersions
* @return string[]
function generateVersionDependentFlagCode(string $codeTemplate, array $flagsByPhpVersions, ?int $phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility): array
$phpVersions = ALL_PHP_VERSION_IDS;
$currentPhpVersion = end($phpVersions);
// No version compatibility is needed
if ($phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility === null) {
if (empty($flagsByPhpVersions[$currentPhpVersion])) {
return [];
return [sprintf($codeTemplate, implode("|", $flagsByPhpVersions[$currentPhpVersion]))];
// Remove flags which depend on a PHP version below the minimally supported one
$index = array_search($phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility, array_keys($flagsByPhpVersions));
if ($index === false) {
throw new Exception("Missing version dependent flags for PHP version ID \"$phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility\"");
$flagsByPhpVersions = array_slice($flagsByPhpVersions, $index, null, true);
// Remove empty version-specific flags
$flagsByPhpVersions = array_filter(
static function (array $value): bool {
return !empty($value);
// There are no version-specific flags
if (empty($flagsByPhpVersions)) {
return [];
// Remove version-specific flags which don't differ from the previous one
$previousVersionId = null;
foreach ($flagsByPhpVersions as $versionId => $versionFlags) {
if ($previousVersionId !== null && $flagsByPhpVersions[$previousVersionId] === $versionFlags) {
} else {
$previousVersionId = $versionId;
$flagCount = count($flagsByPhpVersions);
// Do not add a condition unnecessarily when the only version is the same as the minimally supported one
if ($flagCount === 1) {
$firstVersion = key($flagsByPhpVersions);
if ($firstVersion === $phpVersionIdMinimumCompatibility) {
return [sprintf($codeTemplate, implode("|", reset($flagsByPhpVersions)))];
// Add the necessary conditions around the code using the version-specific flags
$result = [];
$i = 0;
foreach (array_reverse($flagsByPhpVersions, true) as $version => $versionFlags) {
$code = "";
$if = $i === 0 ? "#if" : "#elif";
$endif = $i === $flagCount - 1 ? "#endif\n" : "";
$code .= "$if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= $version)\n";
$code .= sprintf($codeTemplate, implode("|", $versionFlags));
$code .= $endif;
$result[] = $code;
return $result;
* @param array<string, ConstInfo> $constMap
* @param array<string, ConstInfo> $undocumentedConstMap
* @return array<string, string|null>
function replacePredefinedConstants(string $targetDirectory, array $constMap, array &$undocumentedConstMap): array {
/** @var array<string, string> $documentedConstMap */
$documentedConstMap = [];
/** @var array<string, string> $predefinedConstants */
$predefinedConstants = [];
$it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($targetDirectory),
foreach ($it as $file) {
$pathName = $file->getPathName();
if (!preg_match('/(?:[\w\.]*constants[\w\._]*|tokens).xml$/i', basename($pathName))) {
$xml = file_get_contents($pathName);
if ($xml === false) {
if (stripos($xml, "<appendix") === false && stripos($xml, "<sect2") === false &&
stripos($xml, "<chapter") === false && stripos($xml, 'role="constant_list"') === false
) {
$replacedXml = getReplacedSynopsisXml($xml);
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$doc->formatOutput = false;
$doc->preserveWhiteSpace = true;
$doc->validateOnParse = true;
$success = $doc->loadXML($replacedXml);
if (!$success) {
echo "Failed opening $pathName\n";
$updated = false;
foreach ($doc->getElementsByTagName("varlistentry") as $entry) {
if (!$entry instanceof DOMElement) {
foreach ($entry->getElementsByTagName("term") as $manualTermElement) {
$manualConstantElement = $manualTermElement->getElementsByTagName("constant")->item(0);
if (!$manualConstantElement instanceof DOMElement) {
$manualConstantName = $manualConstantElement->textContent;
$stubConstant = $constMap[$manualConstantName] ?? null;
if ($stubConstant === null) {
$documentedConstMap[$manualConstantName] = $manualConstantName;
if ($entry->firstChild instanceof DOMText) {
$indentationLevel = strlen(str_replace("\n", "", $entry->firstChild->textContent));
} else {
$indentationLevel = 3;
$newTermElement = $stubConstant->getPredefinedConstantTerm($doc, $indentationLevel);
if ($manualTermElement->textContent === $newTermElement->textContent) {
$manualTermElement->parentNode->replaceChild($newTermElement, $manualTermElement);
$updated = true;
foreach ($doc->getElementsByTagName("row") as $row) {
if (!$row instanceof DOMElement) {
$entry = $row->getElementsByTagName("entry")->item(0);
if (!$entry instanceof DOMElement) {
foreach ($entry->getElementsByTagName("constant") as $manualConstantElement) {
if (!$manualConstantElement instanceof DOMElement) {
$manualConstantName = $manualConstantElement->textContent;
$stubConstant = $constMap[$manualConstantName] ?? null;
if ($stubConstant === null) {
$documentedConstMap[$manualConstantName] = $manualConstantName;
if ($row->firstChild instanceof DOMText) {
$indentationLevel = strlen(str_replace("\n", "", $row->firstChild->textContent));
} else {
$indentationLevel = 3;
$newEntryElement = $stubConstant->getPredefinedConstantEntry($doc, $indentationLevel);
if ($entry->textContent === $newEntryElement->textContent) {
$entry->parentNode->replaceChild($newEntryElement, $entry);
$updated = true;
if ($updated) {
$replacedXml = $doc->saveXML();
$replacedXml = preg_replace(
"<appendix xml:id=\"$2\" xmlns=\"$1\">",
"<appendix xml:id=\"$3\" xmlns=\"$1\" xmlns:xlink=\"$2\">",
"<sect2 xml:id=\"$2\" xmlns=\"$1\">",
"<sect2 xml:id=\"$3\" xmlns=\"$1\" xmlns:xlink=\"$2\">",
"<chapter xml:id=\"$2\" xmlns=\"$1\">",
"<chapter xml:id=\"$3\" xmlns=\"$1\" xmlns:xlink=\"$2\">",
$predefinedConstants[$pathName] = $replacedXml;
$undocumentedConstMap = array_diff_key($constMap, $documentedConstMap);
return $predefinedConstants;
* @param array<string, ClassInfo> $classMap
* @param array<string, ConstInfo> $allConstInfos
* @return array<string, string>
function generateClassSynopses(array $classMap, array $allConstInfos): array {
$result = [];
foreach ($classMap as $classInfo) {
$classSynopsis = $classInfo->getClassSynopsisDocument($classMap, $allConstInfos);
if ($classSynopsis !== null) {
$result[ClassInfo::getClassSynopsisFilename($classInfo->name) . ".xml"] = $classSynopsis;
return $result;
* @param array<string, ClassInfo> $classMap
* @param array<string, ConstInfo> $allConstInfos
* @param array<string, ClassInfo> $undocumentedClassMap
* @return array<string, string>
function replaceClassSynopses(
string $targetDirectory,
array $classMap,
array $allConstInfos,
array &$undocumentedClassMap
): array {
/** @var array<string, string> $documentedClassMap */
$documentedClassMap = [];
/** @var array<string, string> $classSynopses */
$classSynopses = [];
$it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($targetDirectory),
foreach ($it as $file) {
$pathName = $file->getPathName();
if (!preg_match('/\.xml$/i', $pathName)) {
$xml = file_get_contents($pathName);
if ($xml === false) {
if (stripos($xml, "<classsynopsis") === false) {
$replacedXml = getReplacedSynopsisXml($xml);
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$doc->formatOutput = false;
$doc->preserveWhiteSpace = true;
$doc->validateOnParse = true;
$success = $doc->loadXML($replacedXml);
if (!$success) {
echo "Failed opening $pathName\n";
$classSynopsisElements = [];
foreach ($doc->getElementsByTagName("classsynopsis") as $element) {
$classSynopsisElements[] = $element;
foreach ($classSynopsisElements as $classSynopsis) {
if (!$classSynopsis instanceof DOMElement) {
$child = $classSynopsis->firstElementChild;
if ($child === null) {
$child = $child->lastElementChild;
if ($child === null) {
$className = $child->textContent;
if (!isset($classMap[$className])) {
$documentedClassMap[$className] = $className;
$classInfo = $classMap[$className];
$newClassSynopsis = $classInfo->getClassSynopsisElement($doc, $classMap, $allConstInfos);
if ($newClassSynopsis === null) {
// Check if there is any change - short circuit if there is not any.
if (replaceAndCompareXmls($doc, $classSynopsis, $newClassSynopsis)) {
// Return the updated XML
$replacedXml = $doc->saveXML();
$replacedXml = preg_replace(
"<reference xml:id=\"$3\" role=\"$1\" xmlns=\"$2\">",
"<reference xml:id=\"$4\" role=\"$1\" xmlns=\"$2\" xmlns:xi=\"$3\">",
"<reference xml:id=\"$5\" role=\"$1\" xmlns=\"$2\" xmlns:xlink=\"$3\" xmlns:xi=\"$4\">",
"<reference xml:id=\"$5\" role=\"$1\" xmlns=\"$4\" xmlns:xlink=\"$2\" xmlns:xi=\"$2\">",
"<reference xml:id=\"$5\" role=\"$4\" xmlns=\"$1\" xmlns:xlink=\"$2\" xmlns:xi=\"$3\">",
"<reference xml:id=\"$4\" role=\"$5\" xmlns=\"$1\" xmlns:xlink=\"$2\" xmlns:xi=\"$3\">",
$classSynopses[$pathName] = $replacedXml;
$undocumentedClassMap = array_diff_key($classMap, $documentedClassMap);
return $classSynopses;
function getReplacedSynopsisXml(string $xml): string
return preg_replace(
* @param array<string, FuncInfo> $funcMap
* @param array<string, FuncInfo> $aliasMap
* @return array<string, string>
function generateMethodSynopses(array $funcMap, array $aliasMap): array {
$result = [];
foreach ($funcMap as $funcInfo) {
$methodSynopsis = $funcInfo->getMethodSynopsisDocument($funcMap, $aliasMap);
if ($methodSynopsis !== null) {
$result[$funcInfo->name->getMethodSynopsisFilename() . ".xml"] = $methodSynopsis;
return $result;
* @param array<string, FuncInfo> $funcMap
* @param array<string, FuncInfo> $aliasMap
* @param array<int, string> $methodSynopsisWarnings
* @param array<string, FuncInfo> $undocumentedFuncMap
* @return array<string, string>
function replaceMethodSynopses(
string $targetDirectory,
array $funcMap,
array $aliasMap,
bool $isVerifyManual,
array &$methodSynopsisWarnings,
array &$undocumentedFuncMap
): array {
/** @var array<string, string> $documentedFuncMap */
$documentedFuncMap = [];
/** @var array<string, string> $methodSynopses */
$methodSynopses = [];
$it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($targetDirectory),
foreach ($it as $file) {
$pathName = $file->getPathName();
if (!preg_match('/\.xml$/i', $pathName)) {
$xml = file_get_contents($pathName);
if ($xml === false) {
if ($isVerifyManual) {
$matches = [];
preg_match("/<refname>\s*([\w:]+)\s*<\/refname>\s*<refpurpose>\s*&Alias;\s*<(?:function|methodname)>\s*([\w:]+)\s*<\/(?:function|methodname)>\s*<\/refpurpose>/i", $xml, $matches);
$aliasName = $matches[1] ?? null;
$alias = $funcMap[$aliasName] ?? null;
$funcName = $matches[2] ?? null;
$func = $funcMap[$funcName] ?? null;
if ($alias &&
!$alias->isUndocumentable &&
($func === null || $func->alias === null || $func->alias->__toString() !== $aliasName) &&
($alias->alias === null || $alias->alias->__toString() !== $funcName)
) {
$methodSynopsisWarnings[] = "$aliasName()" . ($alias->alias ? " is an alias of " . $alias->alias->__toString() . "(), but it" : "") . " is incorrectly documented as an alias for $funcName()";
$matches = [];
preg_match("/<(?:para|simpara)>\s*(?:&info.function.alias;|&info.method.alias;|&Alias;)\s+<(?:function|methodname)>\s*([\w:]+)\s*<\/(?:function|methodname)>/i", $xml, $matches);
$descriptionFuncName = $matches[1] ?? null;
$descriptionFunc = $funcMap[$descriptionFuncName] ?? null;
if ($descriptionFunc && $funcName !== $descriptionFuncName) {
$methodSynopsisWarnings[] = "Alias in the method synopsis description of $pathName doesn't match the alias in the <refpurpose>";
if ($aliasName) {
$documentedFuncMap[$aliasName] = $aliasName;
if (stripos($xml, "<methodsynopsis") === false && stripos($xml, "<constructorsynopsis") === false && stripos($xml, "<destructorsynopsis") === false) {
$replacedXml = getReplacedSynopsisXml($xml);
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$doc->formatOutput = false;
$doc->preserveWhiteSpace = true;
$doc->validateOnParse = true;
$success = $doc->loadXML($replacedXml);
if (!$success) {
echo "Failed opening $pathName\n";
$methodSynopsisElements = [];
foreach ($doc->getElementsByTagName("constructorsynopsis") as $element) {
$methodSynopsisElements[] = $element;
foreach ($doc->getElementsByTagName("destructorsynopsis") as $element) {
$methodSynopsisElements[] = $element;
foreach ($doc->getElementsByTagName("methodsynopsis") as $element) {
$methodSynopsisElements[] = $element;
foreach ($methodSynopsisElements as $methodSynopsis) {
if (!$methodSynopsis instanceof DOMElement) {
$item = $methodSynopsis->getElementsByTagName("methodname")->item(0);
if (!$item instanceof DOMElement) {
$funcName = $item->textContent;
if (!isset($funcMap[$funcName])) {
$funcInfo = $funcMap[$funcName];
$documentedFuncMap[$funcInfo->name->__toString()] = $funcInfo->name->__toString();
$newMethodSynopsis = $funcInfo->getMethodSynopsisElement($funcMap, $aliasMap, $doc);
if ($newMethodSynopsis === null) {
// Retrieve current signature
$params = [];
$list = $methodSynopsis->getElementsByTagName("methodparam");
foreach ($list as $i => $item) {
if (!$item instanceof DOMElement) {
$paramList = $item->getElementsByTagName("parameter");
if ($paramList->count() !== 1) {
$paramName = $paramList->item(0)->textContent;
$paramTypes = [];
$paramList = $item->getElementsByTagName("type");
foreach ($paramList as $type) {
if (!$type instanceof DOMElement) {
$paramTypes[] = $type->textContent;
$params[$paramName] = ["index" => $i, "type" => $paramTypes];
// Check if there is any change - short circuit if there is not any.
if (replaceAndCompareXmls($doc, $methodSynopsis, $newMethodSynopsis)) {
// Update parameter references
$paramList = $doc->getElementsByTagName("parameter");
/** @var DOMElement $paramElement */
foreach ($paramList as $paramElement) {
if ($paramElement->parentNode && $paramElement->parentNode->nodeName === "methodparam") {
$name = $paramElement->textContent;
if (!isset($params[$name])) {
$index = $params[$name]["index"];
if (!isset($funcInfo->args[$index])) {
$paramElement->textContent = $funcInfo->args[$index]->name;
// Return the updated XML
$replacedXml = $doc->saveXML();
$replacedXml = preg_replace(
"<refentry xml:id=\"$2\" xmlns=\"$1\">",
"<refentry xml:id=\"$3\" xmlns=\"$1\" xmlns:xlink=\"$2\">",
$methodSynopses[$pathName] = $replacedXml;
$undocumentedFuncMap = array_diff_key($funcMap, $documentedFuncMap);
return $methodSynopses;
function replaceAndCompareXmls(DOMDocument $doc, DOMElement $originalSynopsis, DOMElement $newSynopsis): bool
$docComparator = new DOMDocument();
$docComparator->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$docComparator->formatOutput = true;
$xml1 = $doc->saveXML($originalSynopsis);
$xml1 = getReplacedSynopsisXml($xml1);
$xml1 = $docComparator->saveXML();
$originalSynopsis->parentNode->replaceChild($newSynopsis, $originalSynopsis);
$xml2 = $doc->saveXML($newSynopsis);
$xml2 = getReplacedSynopsisXml($xml2);
$xml2 = $docComparator->saveXML();
return $xml1 === $xml2;
function installPhpParser(string $version, string $phpParserDir) {
$lockFile = __DIR__ . "/PHP-Parser-install-lock";
$lockFd = fopen($lockFile, 'w+');
if (!flock($lockFd, LOCK_EX)) {
throw new Exception("Failed to acquire installation lock");
try {
// Check whether a parallel process has already installed PHP-Parser.
if (is_dir($phpParserDir)) {
$cwd = getcwd();
$tarName = "v$version.tar.gz";
passthru("wget$tarName", $exit);
if ($exit !== 0) {
passthru("curl -LO$tarName", $exit);
if ($exit !== 0) {
throw new Exception("Failed to download PHP-Parser tarball");
if (!mkdir($phpParserDir)) {
throw new Exception("Failed to create directory $phpParserDir");
passthru("tar xvzf $tarName -C PHP-Parser-$version --strip-components 1", $exit);
if ($exit !== 0) {
throw new Exception("Failed to extract PHP-Parser tarball");
unlink(__DIR__ . "/$tarName");
} finally {
flock($lockFd, LOCK_UN);
function initPhpParser() {
static $isInitialized = false;
if ($isInitialized) {
if (!extension_loaded("tokenizer")) {
throw new Exception("The \"tokenizer\" extension is not available");
$isInitialized = true;
$version = "5.0.0";
$phpParserDir = __DIR__ . "/PHP-Parser-$version";
if (!is_dir($phpParserDir)) {
installPhpParser($version, $phpParserDir);
spl_autoload_register(static function(string $class) use ($phpParserDir) {
if (strpos($class, "PhpParser\\") === 0) {
$fileName = $phpParserDir . "/lib/" . str_replace("\\", "/", $class) . ".php";
require $fileName;
$optind = null;
$options = getopt(
"force-regeneration", "parameter-stats", "help", "verify", "verify-manual", "replace-predefined-constants",
"generate-classsynopses", "replace-classsynopses", "generate-methodsynopses", "replace-methodsynopses",
$context = new Context;
$printParameterStats = isset($options["parameter-stats"]);
$verify = isset($options["verify"]);
$verifyManual = isset($options["verify-manual"]);
$replacePredefinedConstants = isset($options["replace-predefined-constants"]);
$generateClassSynopses = isset($options["generate-classsynopses"]);
$replaceClassSynopses = isset($options["replace-classsynopses"]);
$generateMethodSynopses = isset($options["generate-methodsynopses"]);
$replaceMethodSynopses = isset($options["replace-methodsynopses"]);
$generateOptimizerInfo = isset($options["generate-optimizer-info"]);
$context->forceRegeneration = isset($options["f"]) || isset($options["force-regeneration"]);
$context->forceParse = $context->forceRegeneration || $printParameterStats || $verify || $verifyManual || $replacePredefinedConstants || $generateClassSynopses || $generateOptimizerInfo || $replaceClassSynopses || $generateMethodSynopses || $replaceMethodSynopses;
if (isset($options["h"]) || isset($options["help"])) {
die("\nUsage: gen_stub.php [ -f | --force-regeneration ] [ --replace-predefined-constants ] [ --generate-classsynopses ] [ --replace-classsynopses ] [ --generate-methodsynopses ] [ --replace-methodsynopses ] [ --parameter-stats ] [ --verify ] [ --verify-manual ] [ --generate-optimizer-info ] [ -h | --help ] [ name.stub.php | directory ] [ directory ]\n\n");
$locations = array_slice($argv, $optind);
$locationCount = count($locations);
if ($replacePredefinedConstants && $locationCount < 2) {
die("At least one source stub path and a target manual directory has to be provided:\n./build/gen_stub.php --replace-predefined-constants ./ ../doc-en/\n");
if ($replaceClassSynopses && $locationCount < 2) {
die("At least one source stub path and a target manual directory has to be provided:\n./build/gen_stub.php --replace-classsynopses ./ ../doc-en/\n");
if ($generateMethodSynopses && $locationCount < 2) {
die("At least one source stub path and a target manual directory has to be provided:\n./build/gen_stub.php --generate-methodsynopses ./ ../doc-en/\n");
if ($replaceMethodSynopses && $locationCount < 2) {
die("At least one source stub path and a target manual directory has to be provided:\n./build/gen_stub.php --replace-methodsynopses ./ ../doc-en/\n");
if ($verifyManual && $locationCount < 2) {
die("At least one source stub path and a target manual directory has to be provided:\n./build/gen_stub.php --verify-manual ./ ../doc-en/\n");
$manualTarget = null;
if ($replacePredefinedConstants || $replaceClassSynopses || $generateMethodSynopses || $replaceMethodSynopses || $verifyManual) {
$manualTarget = array_pop($locations);
if ($locations === []) {
$locations = ['.'];
$fileInfos = [];
foreach (array_unique($locations) as $location) {
if (is_file($location)) {
// Generate single file.
$fileInfo = processStubFile($location, $context);
if ($fileInfo) {
$fileInfos[] = $fileInfo;
} else if (is_dir($location)) {
array_push($fileInfos, ...processDirectory($location, $context));
} else {
echo "$location is neither a file nor a directory.\n";
if ($printParameterStats) {
$parameterStats = [];
foreach ($fileInfos as $fileInfo) {
foreach ($fileInfo->getAllFuncInfos() as $funcInfo) {
foreach ($funcInfo->args as $argInfo) {
if (!isset($parameterStats[$argInfo->name])) {
$parameterStats[$argInfo->name] = 0;
echo json_encode($parameterStats, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), "\n";
/** @var array<string, ClassInfo> $classMap */
$classMap = [];
/** @var array<string, FuncInfo> $funcMap */
$funcMap = [];
/** @var array<string, FuncInfo> $aliasMap */
$aliasMap = [];
/** @var array<string, ConstInfo> $undocumentedConstMap */
$undocumentedConstMap = [];
/** @var array<string, ClassInfo> $undocumentedClassMap */
$undocumentedClassMap = [];
/** @var array<string, FuncInfo> $undocumentedFuncMap */
$undocumentedFuncMap = [];
/** @var array<int, string> $methodSynopsisWarnings */
$methodSynopsisWarnings = [];
foreach ($fileInfos as $fileInfo) {
foreach ($fileInfo->getAllFuncInfos() as $funcInfo) {
$funcMap[$funcInfo->name->__toString()] = $funcInfo;
// TODO: Don't use aliasMap for methodsynopsis?
if ($funcInfo->aliasType === "alias") {
$aliasMap[$funcInfo->alias->__toString()] = $funcInfo;
foreach ($fileInfo->classInfos as $classInfo) {
$classMap[$classInfo->name->__toString()] = $classInfo;
if ($classInfo->alias !== null) {
$classMap[$classInfo->alias] = $classInfo;
if ($verify) {
$errors = [];
foreach ($funcMap as $aliasFunc) {
if (!$aliasFunc->alias || $aliasFunc->aliasType !== "alias") {
if (!isset($funcMap[$aliasFunc->alias->__toString()])) {
$errors[] = "Aliased function {$aliasFunc->alias}() cannot be found";
if (!$aliasFunc->verify) {
$aliasedFunc = $funcMap[$aliasFunc->alias->__toString()];
$aliasedArgs = $aliasedFunc->args;
$aliasArgs = $aliasFunc->args;
if ($aliasFunc->isInstanceMethod() !== $aliasedFunc->isInstanceMethod()) {
if ($aliasFunc->isInstanceMethod()) {
$aliasedArgs = array_slice($aliasedArgs, 1);
if ($aliasedFunc->isInstanceMethod()) {
$aliasArgs = array_slice($aliasArgs, 1);
function(?ArgInfo $aliasArg, ?ArgInfo $aliasedArg) use ($aliasFunc, $aliasedFunc, &$errors) {
if ($aliasArg === null) {
assert($aliasedArg !== null);
$errors[] = "{$aliasFunc->name}(): Argument \$$aliasedArg->name of aliased function {$aliasedFunc->name}() is missing";
return null;
if ($aliasedArg === null) {
$errors[] = "{$aliasedFunc->name}(): Argument \$$aliasArg->name of alias function {$aliasFunc->name}() is missing";
return null;
if ($aliasArg->name !== $aliasedArg->name) {
$errors[] = "{$aliasFunc->name}(): Argument \$$aliasArg->name and argument \$$aliasedArg->name of aliased function {$aliasedFunc->name}() must have the same name";
return null;
if ($aliasArg->type != $aliasedArg->type) {
$errors[] = "{$aliasFunc->name}(): Argument \$$aliasArg->name and argument \$$aliasedArg->name of aliased function {$aliasedFunc->name}() must have the same type";
if ($aliasArg->defaultValue !== $aliasedArg->defaultValue) {
$errors[] = "{$aliasFunc->name}(): Argument \$$aliasArg->name and argument \$$aliasedArg->name of aliased function {$aliasedFunc->name}() must have the same default value";
$aliasArgs, $aliasedArgs
$aliasedReturn = $aliasedFunc->return;
$aliasReturn = $aliasFunc->return;
if (!$aliasedFunc->name->isConstructor() && !$aliasFunc->name->isConstructor()) {
$aliasedReturnType = $aliasedReturn->type ?? $aliasedReturn->phpDocType;
$aliasReturnType = $aliasReturn->type ?? $aliasReturn->phpDocType;
if ($aliasReturnType != $aliasedReturnType) {
$errors[] = "{$aliasFunc->name}() and {$aliasedFunc->name}() must have the same return type";
$aliasedPhpDocReturnType = $aliasedReturn->phpDocType;
$aliasPhpDocReturnType = $aliasReturn->phpDocType;
if ($aliasedPhpDocReturnType != $aliasPhpDocReturnType && $aliasedPhpDocReturnType != $aliasReturn->type && $aliasPhpDocReturnType != $aliasedReturn->type) {
$errors[] = "{$aliasFunc->name}() and {$aliasedFunc->name}() must have the same PHPDoc return type";
echo implode("\n", $errors);
if (!empty($errors)) {
echo "\n";
if ($replacePredefinedConstants || $verifyManual) {
$predefinedConstants = replacePredefinedConstants($manualTarget, $context->allConstInfos, $undocumentedConstMap);
if ($replacePredefinedConstants) {
foreach ($predefinedConstants as $filename => $content) {
if (file_put_contents($filename, $content)) {
echo "Saved $filename\n";
if ($generateClassSynopses) {
$classSynopsesDirectory = getcwd() . "/classsynopses";
$classSynopses = generateClassSynopses($classMap, $context->allConstInfos);
if (!empty($classSynopses)) {
if (!file_exists($classSynopsesDirectory)) {
foreach ($classSynopses as $filename => $content) {
if (file_put_contents("$classSynopsesDirectory/$filename", $content)) {
echo "Saved $filename\n";
if ($replaceClassSynopses || $verifyManual) {
$classSynopses = replaceClassSynopses($manualTarget, $classMap, $context->allConstInfos, $undocumentedClassMap);
if ($replaceClassSynopses) {
foreach ($classSynopses as $filename => $content) {
if (file_put_contents($filename, $content)) {
echo "Saved $filename\n";
if ($generateMethodSynopses) {
$methodSynopses = generateMethodSynopses($funcMap, $aliasMap);
if (!file_exists($manualTarget)) {
foreach ($methodSynopses as $filename => $content) {
if (!file_exists("$manualTarget/$filename")) {
if (file_put_contents("$manualTarget/$filename", $content)) {
echo "Saved $filename\n";
if ($replaceMethodSynopses || $verifyManual) {
$methodSynopses = replaceMethodSynopses($manualTarget, $funcMap, $aliasMap, $verifyManual, $methodSynopsisWarnings, $undocumentedFuncMap);
if ($replaceMethodSynopses) {
foreach ($methodSynopses as $filename => $content) {
if (file_put_contents($filename, $content)) {
echo "Saved $filename\n";
if ($generateOptimizerInfo) {
$filename = dirname(__FILE__, 2) . "/Zend/Optimizer/zend_func_infos.h";
$optimizerInfo = generateOptimizerInfo($funcMap);
if (file_put_contents($filename, $optimizerInfo)) {
echo "Saved $filename\n";
if ($verifyManual) {
foreach ($undocumentedConstMap as $constName => $info) {
if ($info->name->isClassConst() || $info->isUndocumentable) {
echo "Warning: Missing predefined constant for $constName\n";
foreach ($methodSynopsisWarnings as $warning) {
echo "Warning: $warning\n";
foreach ($undocumentedClassMap as $className => $info) {
if (!$info->isUndocumentable) {
echo "Warning: Missing class synopsis for $className\n";
foreach ($undocumentedFuncMap as $functionName => $info) {
if (!$info->isUndocumentable) {
echo "Warning: Missing method synopsis for $functionName()\n";