Jouni Ahto b54f915280 - Automatically generate C code to handle arguments passed to a PHP function
based on function proto.
# Very cool! Try yourself, put for example the following line in file funcs:
# bool drawtext(string text, resource font, int x, int y [, resource color])
# and then run ./ext_skel foobar /full/path/to/funcs and then look at
# foobar.c...
2000-06-10 03:53:11 +00:00

138 lines
3.7 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/awk -f
function gobble(s, x)
sub(/^ /, "", line)
match(line, "^" "(" s ")")
x = substr(line, 1, RLENGTH)
line = substr(line, RLENGTH+1)
return x
function convert(t, n)
if (t == "int") x = "convert_to_long_ex(" n ");\n"
else if (t == "double") x = "convert_to_double_ex(" n ");\n"
else if (t == "string") x = "convert_to_string_ex(" n ");\n"
else if (t == "array") x = "convert_to_array_ex(" n ");\n"
else if (t == "resource") {
x = "/* " n ": fetching resources already handled. */\n"
resources = resources "\tZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE(???, ???, " n ", " n "_id, \"???\", ???G());\n"
funcvals = funcvals "\tint " n "_id = -1;\n"
else x = "/* You must write your own code here to handle argument " n ". */\n"
return x
name = "[_A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9]*"
type = "int|double|string|bool|array|object|resource|mixed|void"
num_funcs = 0
args_max = args_min = optional = 0
line = $0
func_type = gobble(type);
func_name = gobble(name);
if (gobble("\\(")) {
if (gobble("\\[")) optional = 1
while (arg_type = gobble(type)) {
arg_name = gobble(name)
argtypes[num_funcs,args_max] = arg_type
argnames[num_funcs,args_max] = arg_name
if (!optional) args_min++
if (gobble("\\[")) optional = 1
funcs[num_funcs] = func_name
types[num_funcs] = func_type
maxargs[num_funcs] = args_max
minargs[num_funcs] = args_min
for (i = 0; i < num_funcs; i++) {
useswitch = maxargs[i] - minargs[i]
funcvals = resources = handleargs = ""
proto = "/* {{{ #proto " types[i] " " funcs[i] "("
if (maxargs[i]) {
zvals = "\tzval "
if (useswitch) {
funcvals = "\tint argc;\n"
fetchargs = "\targc = ZEND_NUM_ARGS();\n\tif (argc < " minargs[i] " || argc > " maxargs[i] " || zend_get_parameters_ex(argc, "
} else {
fetchargs = "\tif (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != " maxargs[i] " || zend_get_parameters_ex(" maxargs[i] ", "
for (j = 0; j < maxargs[i]; j++) {
if (j) {
zvals = zvals ", "
fetchargs = fetchargs ", "
zvals = zvals "**" argnames[i,j]
fetchargs = fetchargs "&" argnames[i,j]
if (j > minargs[i]-1) {
proto = proto "["
closeopts = closeopts "]"
if (j) proto = proto ", "
proto = proto argtypes[i,j] " " argnames[i,j]
if (useswitch) {
if (j > minargs[i]-1) {
handleargs = "\t\tcase " j+1 ";\n\t\t\t" convert(argtypes[i,j], argnames[i,j]) "\t\t\t/* Fall-through. */\n" handleargs
} else if (j >= minargs[i]-1) {
handleargs = "\t\tcase " j+1 ";\n\t\t\t" convert(argtypes[i,j], argnames[i,j]) handleargs
} else {
handleargs = "\t\t\t" convert(argtypes[i,j], argnames[i,j]) handleargs
} else {
handleargs = handleargs "\t" convert(argtypes[i,j], argnames[i,j])
proto = proto closeopts ")\n */\nPHP_FUNCTION(" funcs[i] ")\n{"
if (maxargs[i]) {
zvals = zvals ";"
fetchargs = fetchargs ") == FAILURE) {\n\t\tWRONG_PARAM_COUNT();\n\t}\n"
if (resources ) funcvals = funcvals "\t???LS_FETCH();\n"
if (useswitch) handleargs = "\tswitch (argc) {\n" handleargs "\t\t\tbreak;\n\t}"
print proto > "function_stubs"
if (zvals) print zvals > "function_stubs"
if (funcvals) print funcvals > "function_stubs"
if (fetchargs) print fetchargs > "function_stubs"
if (resources) print resources > "function_stubs"
if (handleargs) print handleargs > "function_stubs"
print "\n\tphp_error(E_WARNING, \"" funcs[i] ": not yet implemented\");" > "function_stubs"
print "}\n/* }}} */\n" > "function_stubs"
print "PHP_FUNCTION(" funcs[i] ");" > "function_declarations"
print "\tPHP_FE(" funcs[i] ",\tNULL)" > "function_entries"
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