Antony Dovgal 3df94e1112 Updated OCI8 driver
This updated fixes (this list is not complete):
#33915 - crash in _oci_close_session
#26393 - Segfault during request shutdown in _oci_close_session() (oci8.c:2443)

#32741 - hang on ociexecute() with collections (only with 10g, works with 9i)
#32325 - can't retrieve collection using OCI8
#33583 - Apache1.3.33 Segmentation fault with php5 & OCI_New_Collection

#32361 - connection oci_connect stay persist after process the php
#29013 - multiple logins cause handles become invalid
#28944 - OCITypeByName: OCI-21522 with two connections

Fixed by connection handling rewrite.

#32140 - NVARCHAR columns are truncated
#31042 - oci_fetch_* sets field value to false
#27156 - OCIFetchInto returns false as column value when column contains >1 umlaut

Fixed by multiplying buffer size by 3.

#33866 - OCIlogon do not returns conn resource for account with expired paswd
#33365 - logon fails when password expires

Fixed by adding new oci_password_change() call syntax.

#33159 - DB-connect via webserver fails after DB-restart ORA-24327
#30808 - oci8 cannot connect after restarting DB
#30127 - lost oracle connection. need restart apache.
#29902 - oci8 doesn't disconnect sessions, overloads oracle server
#29779 - (the same issue with the Oracle server going offline)
#26829 - Killed Oracle Sessions openned with OCIPLogon()

Fixed by adding oci8.ping_interval option.

#32988ext/oci8: OCI doesn't support DB external authentication

Fixed by adding support of external credentials (turned off by default).

Added new INI options:

See the updated docs for the detailed descriptions.

Major changes:
- connection handling algorithm rewritten. That should add stability and fix all non-reproducible crashes etc;
- extension refactored and divided into several files to improve readability and to make it easier to maintain;
- added support of statement caching;
- added support of privileged connections using external credentials;
- added new INI options to manage persistent connections;
- fixed oci_close() to close connections correctly.
2005-09-06 19:31:59 +00:00

62 lines
2.3 KiB

Installing OCI8
1. Common requirements.
2. Installing as shared extension.
3. Installing as statically compiled extension.
4. Installing from PECL.
1. Common requirements
In case if you use Oracle Instant Client, you don't have to set ORACLE_HOME and
most of the other environment variables to build PHP with OCI8 support.
The only variables you may have to set are:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH - it must include Instant Client libraries dir
NLS_LANG - in case if you want to change the default encoding used during
interaction with Oracle servers
If you use common Oracle Client installation that comes along with the Oracle
server installation, you MUST set at least ORACLE_HOME environment variable
and make it visible for your web-server BEFORE it starts. Most appropriate
places to add ORACLE_HOME definition are:
- /etc/profile
- /etc/profile.local
- /etc/profile.d
and others.
2. Installing as shared extension
To install OCI8 as shared extension (i.e. the one you should put into
your php.ini) use the following configure lines to configure PHP:
a) if you use common Oracle Client installation:
./configure --with-oci8=shared,$ORACLE_HOME
b) with Oracle Instant Client:
./configure --with-oci8=shared,instantclient,/path/to/instant/client/lib
If you use rpm-based installation of Oracle Instant Client, your configure
line will look like this:
./configure --with-oci8=shared,instantclient,/usr/lib/oracle/<OIC version>/client/lib
Follow the usual building procedure after that and you'll get OCI8 shared
extension (i.e. Add it into the php.ini file like this:
and don't forget to specify the right extension_dir for PHP to be able
to find shared extensions correctly.
3. Installing as statically compiled extension
To install OCI8 as statically compiled module use the following configure lines:
a) with common Oracle Client installation
./configure --with-oci8=$ORACLE_HOME
b) with Oracle Instant Client
./configure --with-oci8=instantclient,/path/to/instant/client/lib
After successful compile, you don't have to add to the php.ini, the module will
be usable without any additional actions.
4. Installing from PECL