Wez Furlong a6ed27afe6 rewrite
2003-12-05 17:44:37 +00:00

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The Win32 Build System.
Wez Furlong <>
NB: Please don't mail me asking for help on this, unless
you are a Core PHP developer, or you are prepared to donate
some money via paypal or buy me something from my wishlist.
Thanks :-)
1. How to build PHP under windows
a. Requirements
b. Opening a command prompt
c. Generating configure.js
d. Configuring
e. Building
f. Cleaning up
g. Running the test suite
2. How to write config.w32 files
x. to be written.
1. How to build PHP under windows
a. Requirements
You need:
- Windows Scripting Host (cscript.exe)
- Microsoft Build Tools from either:
Microsoft Visual Studio (VC6) or later
Microsoft Platform SDK
You also need:
- bindlib_w32 []
- win32build []
b. Opening the Build Environment Command Prompt:
- Using Visual Studio (VC6)
1. Install it
2. If you have a VC++ Command Prompt icon on your start menu,
click on it to get a Command Prompt with the env vars
set up correctly.
If not, create a new shortcut and set the Target to:
%comspec% /k "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Bin\vcvars32.bat"
You might also want to set the prompt to start in
a convenient location (such as the root of your
PHP source checkout).
- Using Visual Studio .Net
1. Install it.
2. Under the Visual Studio .Net Tools sub menu of your start
menu, you should have a Visual Studio .Net Command Prompt
icon. If not, create a new shortcut and set the Target to:
%comspec% /k "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Common7\Tools\vsvars32.bat"
You might also want to set the prompt to start in
a convenient location (such as the root of your
PHP source checkout).
- Using the Platform SDK tools
1. Download the Platform SDK:
- You need the Core SDK, which is approx 200MB to download
and requires approx 500MB of disk space.
- The other components of the SDK are not required by PHP
- You might be able to reduce the download size by downloading
the installer control component first and then selecting
only the Build Environment (around 30MB), but I haven't
tried this.
2. Once installed, you will have an icon on your start menu
that will launch the build environment; the latest SDK's
install a number of different versions of this; you probably
want to choose the Windows 2000 Retail build environment.
Clicking on this will open a command prompt with its Path,
Include and Lib env vars set to point to the build tools
and win32 headers.
c. Generating configure
Change directory to where you have your PHP 5 sources.
Run buildconf.bat.
d. Configuring
cscript /nologo configure.js --help
Will give you a list of configuration options; these will
have the form:
--enable-foo or --disable-foo or --with-foo or --without-foo.
--enable-foo will turn something on, and is equivalent to
specifying --enable-foo=yes
--disable-foo will turn something off, and is equivalent to
specifying --enable-foo=no
--enable-foo=shared will attempt to build that feature as
a shared, dynamically loadable module.
Sometimes a configure option needs additional information
about where to find headers and libraries; quite often
you can specify --enable-foo=option where option could be
the path to where to find those files. If you want to
specify a parameter and build it as shared, you can use
this syntax instead: --enable-foo=shared,option
The same rules all apply to --with-foo and --without-foo;
the only difference is the way the options are named;
the convention is that --enable-foo means that you are
switching on something that comes with PHP, whereas
--with-foo means that you want to build in something
external to PHP.
e. Building
Once you have successfully configured your build (make
sure you read the output from the command to make sure
it worked correctly), you can build the code; simply type
"nmake" at the command prompt, and it will build everthing
you asked for.
Once the build has completed, you will find your binaries
in the build dir determined by configure; this is typically
Release_TS for release builds or Debug_TS for debug builds.
If you build a non-thread-safe build, it will use Release
or Debug to store the files. Also in this build dir you
will find sub directories for each module that went into
your PHP build. The files you'll want to keep are the
.exe and .dll files directly in your build dir.
f. Cleaning Up
You can automatically delete everything that was built
by running "nmake clean". This will delete everything
that was put there when you ran nmake, including the
.exe and .dll files.
g. Running the test suite
You can verify that your build is working well by running
the regression test suite. You do this by typing
"nmake test". You can specify the tests you want to run
by defing the TESTS variable - if you wanted to run the
sqlite test suite only, you would type
"nmake /D TESTS=ext/sqlite/tests test"