Sara Golemon a64789a452 Expand stream_context_create() to allow specifying params
as well as options.  Ignore the internal name change of the first arg.
The first arg is still for options, the second arg is for actual params.
2006-03-26 04:40:11 +00:00

52 lines
2.8 KiB

?? ??? ????, PHP 6.0
- Unicode support. (Andrei, Dmitry, et al)
- Disabled dl(). Now it is enabled only when a SAPI layer registers it
explicitly. Only CLI, CGI and EMBED do this. (Dmitry).
- Return "new" by reference now throws an E_STRICT error. (Dmitry)
- Added E_STRICT to E_ALL. (Dmitry)
- Dropped safe_mode support (Ilia, Andi)
- Dropped zend.ze1_compatibility_mode (Dmitry)
- Dropped allow_call_time_pass_reference, added E_STRICT error message. (Dmitry)
- Dropped register_long_arrays (Dmitry)
- Dropped register_globals support (Pierre)
- session_register, session_unregister and session_is_registered removed they
depend on register_globals
- Dropped magic_quotes_gpc, magic_quotes_runtime and magic_quotes_sybase ini
settings (Pierre)
- get_magic_quotes_gpc, get_magic_quotes_runtime are kept but always return
false, set_magic_quotes_runtime raises an E_CORE_ERROR
- Freetype 1.x and GD 1.x support removed (Pierre)
- Cleaned CGI code. Now FastCGI can not be disabled. See sapi/cgi/CHANGES
for more details. (Dmitry)
- Removed support for "continue" and "break" operators with non-constant
operands. (Dmitry)
- Implemented "jump label" operator (limited "goto"). (Dmitry, Sara)
- Changed __toString() behavior to call it in all necessary places
(Marcus, Dmitry)
- Changed "instanceof" and "catch" operators, is_a() and is_subclass_of()
functions to not call __autoload(). (Dmitry)
- Removed global reflection constants. (Johannes)
- Added "allow_url_include" ini directive to be able to turn off remote url
code execution separately from the "allow_url_fopen" setting. (Rasmus)
- Added to cURL extension: (Ilia)
. curl_setopt_array() which allows setting of multiple cURL options.
. CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT constant to facilitate request retrieval.
- Added --rclass and --rextension CLI parameters to reflect internal classes
and loaded extensions. (Johannes)
- Added optional parameter to http_build_query() to allow specification of
string separator. (Ilia)
- Added an optional parameter to parse_url() to allow retrieval of distinct URL
components. (Ilia)
- Added an optional parameter to strstr() and stristr() for retrieval of either
the part of haystack before or after first occurence of needle. (Johannes)
- Added possibility to check in which extension an internal function was
defined using reflection API. (Johannes)
- Added second optional parameter to stream_context_create() to set params
during context creation. (Sara)
- Fixed bug #36840 (Memory leak if cast operator throws an exception that is
caught). (Dmitry)
- Fixed bug #36630 (umask not reset at the end of the request). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #34286 (__toString() behavior is inconsistent). (Marcus)