Rasmus Lerdorf cad60c3760 Add SAPI hook to get the request time if provided by the web server,
otherwise call time(0) on the first call and store it so subsequent
calls will get the same time.  Hook support for Apache1/2 included.
2004-08-10 17:40:00 +00:00

572 lines
30 KiB

?? ??? 2004, PHP 5.1.0
- Add SAPI hook to get the current request time. (Rasmus)
- Fixed bug #29522 (accessing properties without connection) (Georg)
- Fixed bug #29335 (fetch functions now use MYSQLI_BOTH as default) (Georg)
- Fixed bug #29311 (calling parent constructor in mysqli). (Georg)
- Fixed bug #29256 (SOAP HTTP Error when envelop size is more than 24345 bytes)
(Dmitry, Wez)
- Fixed bug #29236 (memory error when wsdl-cache is enabled). (Dmitry)
- Fixed bug #29109 (SoapFault exception: [WSDL] Out of memory). (Dmitry)
- Fixed bug #29061 (soap extension segfaults). (Dmitry)
- Fixed bug #28985 (__getTypes() returning nothing on complex WSDL). (Dmitry)
- Fixed bug #28969 (Wrong data encoding of special characters). (Dmitry)
- PHP will now respect extension dependencies when initializing. (Wez)
- Added new functions:
. array_diff_key() (Andrey)
. array_diff_ukey() (Andrey)
. array_intersect_key() (Christiano Duarte)
. array_intersect_ukey() (Christiano Duarte)
. stream_context_get_default() (Wez)
. stream_socket_enable_crypto() (Wez)
. SimpleXMLElement->registerXPathNamespace() (Christian)
. mysqli->client_info property (Georg)
. inet_pton() (Sara)
. inet_ntop() (Sara)
- Added Cursor support for MySQL 5.0.x in mysqli (Georg)
- Added proxy support to ftp wrapper via http. (Sara)
- Added MDTM support to ftp_url_stat. (Sara)
- Added zlib stream filter support. (Sara)
- Added bz2 stream filter support. (Sara)
- Added support of parameter->value arrays to xsl_xsltprocessor_set_parameter()
- Changed the implementation of TRUE, FALSE, and NULL from constants to
keywords. (Marcus)
- Fixed bug in mysql->client_version (Georg)
- Fixed ZTS destruction. (Marcus)
13 Jul 2004, PHP 5.0.0
- Rewritten UNIX and Windows install help files. (Documentation Team)
- Updated PCRE to provide better error handling in certain cases. (Andrei)
- Changed doc comments to require a single white space after '/**'. (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #29019 (Database not closing). (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #29008 (array_combine() does not handle non-numeric/string keys).
- Fixed bug #28999 (fixed behaviour of exec() to work as it did in 4.X). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #28895 (ReflectionClass::isAbstract always returns false). (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #28868 (Internal filter registry not thread safe). (Sara)
- Fixed bug #28851 (call_user_func_array has typo in error message). (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #28831 (ArrayObject::offsetGet() does the work of offsetUnset()).
- Fixed bug #28822 (ArrayObject::offsetExists() works inverted). (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #28789 (ReflectionProperty getValue() fails on public static
members). (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #28771 (Segfault when using xslt and clone). (Rob)
- Fixed bug #28751 (SoapServer does not call _autoload()). (Dmitry)
- Fixed bug #28739 (array_*diff() and array_*intersect() not clearing the fci
cache before work). (Andrey)
- Fixed bug #28721 (appendChild() and insertBefore() unset DOMText).(Rob)
- Fixed bug #28702 (SOAP does not parse WSDL service address correctly). (Dmitry)
- Fixed bug #28699 (Reflection api bugs). (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #28694 (ReflectionExtension::getFunctions() crashes PHP). (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #28512 (Allocate enough space to store MSSQL data). (Frank)
- Fixed bug #28325 (Circular references not properly serialised). (Moriyoshi)
- Fixed strip_tags() to correctly handle '\0' characters. (Stefan)
7 Jun 2004, PHP 5 Release Candidate 3
- Moved the PDFLib extension to PECL. (Wez)
- Added MySQL 4.1.2-alpha and 4.1.3-beta support to MySQLI extension. (Georg)
- Added support for dumping private/protected properties to var_dump().
- Added count() support for COM arrays. (Wez)
- Added Firebird/InterBase UDF source that allows PHP functions to be called
from SQL (Ard)
- Removed Firebird/Interbase function ibase_timefmt() (Ard)
- Changed user error handler mechanism to relay to built-in error handler if it
returns false. (Andrei)
- Changed class type hints for function parameters to not allow the passing of
NULL values. (Andi)
- Changed tidy_node to tidyNode and removed tidy_exception. (John)
- Fixed ip2long() to return FALSE if an IP address passed to this function
is not valid. (Derick)
- Fixed memory leak in memory manager. (Andi)
- Fixed problem with exceptions returning from include(). (Dmitry)
- Fixed bug #28641 (Instance of Interface). (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #28430 (Extending mysqli class). (Georg)
- Fixed bug #28311 (Transparency detection code is off by 1).
(Ilia, pikeman at pikeman dot sytes dot net)
- Fixed bug #28304 (Missing bounds check inside imagefilter()). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #28300 (Userspace stream/filter names forced to lowercase). (Sara)
- Fixed bug #28287 (stream_*_register() not calling __autoload()). (Sara)
- Fixed bug #28267 (php_image_filter_contrast calls gdImageBrightness). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #28239 (No results returned on SOAP call, no error given). (Dmitry)
- Fixed bug #28205 (num_rows property for statement object). (Georg)
- Fixed bug #28161 (COM: Array style properties could not be accessed). (Wez)
- Fixed bug #28125 (ArrayObject leaks when accessing elements). (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #28100 (NULL parameter support for mysqli_ssl_set). (Georg)
- Fixed bug #28099 (ArrayObject doesn't implement ArrayAccess). (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #27929 (SPL: change visibility of ArrayIterator::__construct).
- Fixed bug #27640 (memory leak of registered_zend_ini_directives). (Dmitry)
- Fixed bug #27063 (SPL: ArrayObject does not handle PPP correctly). (Marcus)
25 Apr 2004, PHP 5 Release Candidate 2
- Implementing an interface/abstract method with the wrong prototype is now
a fatal error. (Zeev)
- Reimplemented zend.ze1_compatibility_mode to have better PHP 4 compliance.
(Dmitry, Andi)
- Under CLI, fclose() on php://stdin, php://stdout and php://stderr will now
close the real stream. Please update your CLI scripts to use STDIN, STDOUT
and STDERR constants instead of fopen()/fclose(). (Wez)
- Moved yaz extension to PECL. (Wez)
- Added pty support to proc_open(). (Wez)
- Added possibility to check in which extension an internal class was defined
in using reflection API. (Marcus)
- Changed tidy error handling to no longer use exceptions and
renamed the "error_buf" property to errorBuffer. (John)
- Changed class and method names to use studlyCaps convention. (Marcus)
- Changed language parser to throw errors when a non-empty signature is used in
a destructor definition. (Marcus)
- Changed HTTP file uploads not to throw E_WARNINGs and E_NOTICEs. The error
value in the $_FILES global should be used for error handling. (Derick)
- Changed __construct() to always take precedence over old style constructor.
- Fixed handling of return values from storred procedures in mssql_execute()
with multiple result sets returned. (Frank)
- Fixed bug #28096 (stream_socket_accept() doesn't work with ssl). (Wez)
- Fixed bug #28007 (compile mssql extension with old versions of FreeTDS
fails). (Frank)
- Fixed bug #27997 (SPL: Crash with getInnerIterator()). (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #27974 (COM doesn't pass array parameters). (Wez)
- Fixed bug #27928 (sqlite incorrectly handles invalid filenames). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug $27923 (in some cases using foreach() to iterate over values
led to a false error message about the key being a reference). (Adam)
- Fixed bug #27865 (STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR are dup()d under CLI). (Wez)
- Fixed bug #27821 (xml_parse() segfaults when xml_set_object() is called from
class method). (Andi, Rob)
- Fixed bug #27742 (WDSL SOAP Parsing Schema bug). (Dmitry)
- Fixed bug #27722 (Segfault on schema without targetNamespace). (Dmitry)
- Fixed bug #27719 (mktime issues on and around DST changeover). (Rasmus)
- Fixed bug #27681 (soap extension fails without HAVE_TM_GMTOFF). (Dmitry)
- Fixed bug #27641 (Object cloning in ze1_compatibility_mode was reimplemented)
(Dmitry, Andi)
- Fixed bug #27628 (Simplify the process of making a POST request via stream
context). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #27619 (filters not applied to pre-buffered stream data). (Sara)
- Fixed bug #27519 (Reflection_Function constructor crashes with non-existant
function's name). (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #27469 (serialize() objects of incomplete class). (Dmitry)
- Fixed bug #27457 (handling of numeric indexes in strtr()). (Dmitry)
- Fixed bug #27397 (debug_backtrace() not showing function arguments). (Zeev)
- Fixed bug #27283 (The last catch statement was sometimes skipped). (Andi)
- Fixed bug #26441 (When __set() returned a value it corrupted it). (Andi)
- Fixed bug #19749 (shouldn't mmap() files larger than memory_limit). (Wez)
18 March 2004, PHP 5 Release Candidate 1
- Fixed numerous bugs with the just-in-time auto-global initialization, that
could cause $_SERVER, $argv/$argc and other variables not to work properly.
- Fixed data corruption with constant assignments to object properties. (Zeev)
- Changed __toString() to be called automatically only with print and echo
statements. (Andi)
- Replaced the exec_finished hook by the zend_post_deactive hook for
extensions. The new hook will be run after the symbol table and destructors
are run. (Derick)
- Fixed possible crash when internal get_method() is not defined. (Andi)
- Fixed calling methods using call_user_func() in conjunction with
the array("Class","Method") syntax to use the scope of the PHP user function.
- Fixed php-cgi to not ignore command-line switches when run in a web context.
This fixes our test cases allowing INI with GET sections to work. (Rasmus)
- Fixed getopt() so it works without $_SERVER. (Rasmus, bfrance)
- Added support for PHP 4 style object comparisons which is enabled in
ze1_compatiblity_mode. (Andi)
- Added support for PHP 4 style object conversion to long, double, and boolean
values which is enabled in ze1_compatibility_mode. (Andi, Stas)
- Allow object oriented extensions to overload comparison functions and other
operations. Solves problems using SimpleXML values. (Andi, Zeev)
- Fixed crash when accessing a class constant with a value which in turn is
also a constant. (Dmitry)
- Fixed object's truth value conversion. It is always true unless
ze1_compatibility_mode is on in which it behaves like in PHP 4. (Stas)
- Improved out of memory handling in new memory manager. (Stas)
- Fixed crash when an object references itself during destructor call. (Andi)
- Fixed crash in foreach() when iterating over object properties or a method's
return values. (Andi)
- Fixed crash when an exception is thrown in a destructor. Such exceptions are
now ignored as destruction happens out of context at no definite time. (Andi)
- Fixed crashes in exception handling. (Dmitry, Andi)
- Changed prototype checks so that they aren't done on constructors. (Andi)
- Changed prototype checks to output an E_STRICT message instead of
- Changed Iterator::has_more() to Iterator::valid(). (Marcus)
- Upgraded bundled oniguruma library to version 2.2.2. (Rui, Moriyoshi)
- Added mb_list_encoding() to return an array with all mbstring supported
encodings. (Derick)
- Added support for more ISO8601 datetime formats in strtotime(). (Moriyoshi)
. Timezone specifier (ex. "20040301T02:00:00+19:00")
. Week specifier (ex. "1997W021")
- Renamed php.ini option "zend2.implicit_clone" to
"zend.ze1_compatibility_mode" as it doesn't only affect implicit cloning.
(Andi, Zeev)
- Methods that override parent methods are now subject to prototype checking,
and have to be compatible with the method they're overriding - this check is
disabled in compatibility mode. (Andi, Zeev)
- Fixed crash in php_ini_scanned_files() when no additional INI files were
actually parsed. (Jon)
- Fixed bug in gdImageFilledRectangle in the bundled GD library, that required
x1 < x2 and y1 < y2 for coordinates. (Derick)
- Fixed crash with foreach() and temporary objects($obj->method()->a ...) where
method returns a non-referenced object. (Andi, Zeev)
- Fixed problem preventing startup errors from being displayed. (Marcus)
- Fixed start-up problem if both SPL and SimpleXML were enabled. The double
initialization of apache 1.3 was causing problems here. (Marcus, Derick)
- Fixed bug #27606 (Expression must be a modifiable lvalue compiler error).
- Fixed bug #27597 (pg_fetch_array not returning false). (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #27586 (ArrayObject::getIterator crashes with [] assignment).
- Fixed bug #27537 (Objects pointing to each other segfaults). (Dmitry)
- Fixed bug #27535 (Problem with object freeing mechanism). (Dmitry)
- Fixed bug #27504 (Visibility bugs in call_user_function()). (Dmitry)
- Fixed bug #27338 (memory leak inside tsrm_virtual_cwd.c on win32). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #27291 (get_browser matches browscap.ini patterns incorrectly).
- Fixed bug #27287 (wddx segfaults during deserialization). (Moriyoshi)
- Fixed bug #27263 (session extension crashes when unserializing referenced
values / objects). (Moriyoshi)
- Fixed bug #27237 (Working with simplexml crashes apache2). (Rob)
- Fixed bug #27227 (Mixed case class names causes Fatal Error in Constructor
call). (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #27125 (strval() doesn't work for objects with __toString()).
- Fixed bug #27123 (Fix crash caused by bug in get_object_vars()). (Andi)
- Fixed bug #26677 (mbstring compile errors with IRIX compiler).
(K.Kosako <kosako at sofnec dot co dot jp>, Rui, Moriyoshi)
- Fixed bug #26206 (register_long_arrays breaks superglobals). (Zeev)
- Fixed bug #25724 (argv and argc not defined). (Zeev)
12 Feb 2004, PHP 5 Beta 4
- Changed exceptions so that they must now inherit from the built-in Exception
class. This allows for a general catch(Exception $e) statement to catch all
exceptions. (Andi, Zeev)
- Added SPL extension. (Marcus, Derick)
- Added checks for invalid characters in a cookie name and cookie data
into set[raw]cookie(). (Brian)
- Added support for ++ and += (and similar) to SimpleXML. (Andi, Zeev)
- Added infrastructure for ++ and += (and similar) to object overloading
modules. (Andi, Zeev)
- Added error message when trying to re-assign to $this variable. (Zeev, Andi)
- Added support for an interface to extend another interface. (Zeev)
- Added new pspell functions: (Brian)
. pspell_config_dict_dir()
. pspell_config_data_dir()
- Added new Interbase functions: (Ard)
. ibase_service_attach() and ibase_service_detach().
. ibase_backup() and ibase_restore().
. ibase_maintain_db(), ibase_db_info() and ibase_server_info().
- Added context option "http"/"request_fulluri" to send entire URI in request
which is required format for some proxies. (Sara)
- Added optional third parameter 'strict' to array_keys(). (Andrey)
- Added stream_lock() method to userspace streams interface. (Hartmut, Wez)
- Added xsltprocessor->registerPHPFunctions(). (Christian)
- Readded support for using classes before they are declared according to
the behavior in PHP 4. This won't work with classes who are using PHP 5
features such as interfaces. (Zeev, Andi)
- Completely overhauled SimpleXML extension. (Marcus, Rob, Sterling)
- Upgraded bundled SQLite library to version 2.8.11. (Ilia, Wez)
- Improved destructor implementation to always call destructors on clean
shutdown. An order of destruction is not guaranteed. (Zeev, Andi)
- Redesigned exception support. This fixes many bugs in the previous design
such as nested try's and problems with overloaded extensions. (Zeev, Andi)
- Redesigned clone by adding a clone keyword (clone $obj) and copying all
properties before __clone() is called. Also allows calling parent __clone
function by using parent::__clone(). (Zeev, Andi)
- Fixed interfaces to check for function return-by-reference equality when
inheriting and implementing interfaces. (Andi, Zeev)
- Fixed foreach() to respect property visibility. (Marcus)
- Fixed problem with parse error in include() file not stopping PHP's
execution. (Ilia)
- Fixed var_export() to show public, protected and private modifiers properly.
- Fixed problems with longlong values in mysqli. (Georg)
- Fixed class name case preserving of user defined classes. (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #27145 (Unmangle private/protected property names before printing
them inside error messages). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #27103 (preg_split('//u') incorrectly splits UTF-8 strings into
octets). (Moriyoshi)
- Fixed bug #27042 (SPL: SeekableIterator seek() broken). (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #27008 (Every class method can be called as static). (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #26938 (exec() has problems reading long lines).
(Ilia, runekl[at]opoint[dot]com
- Fixed bug #26947 (ext/dom: Crash when using DomDocument::getElementById()).
- Fixed bug #26911 (crash in sqlite extension when fetching data from empty
queries). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #26844 (ext/mime_magic: magic file validation broken). (Jani)
- Fixed bug #26819 (http_build_query() crashes on NULL output). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #26817 (http_build_query() does not handle private & protected
object properties correctly). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #26815 (foreach of (DOM) childnodes crashes when Xinclude is used).
- Fixed bug #26796 (SQLite causes crashes with other extensions *connect()
calls). (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #26762 (unserialize() produces lowercase classnames). (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #26743 (getElementsByTagName doesn't work properly). (Rob)
- Fixed bug #26736 (__autoload not invoked for parent classes). (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #26723 (domNode::appendChild() changes child node namespace). (Rob)
- Fixed bug #26697 (calling class_exists() on a nonexistent class in __autoload
results in segfault). (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #26696 (string index in a switch() crashes with multiple matches).
- Fixed bug #26695 (Reflection API does not recognize mixed-case class hints).
- Fixed bug #26690 (make xsltProcessor->transformToUri use streams wrappers).
- Fixed bug #26680 (Added version check in mysqli_report_index). (Georg)
- Fixed bug #26675 (Segfault on ArrayAccess use). (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #26640 (__autoload() not invoked by Reflection classes). (Jani)
- Fixed bug #26543 (call_user_func() broken for self, parent). (Stanislav)
- Fixed bug #26077 (memory leak when new() result is not assigned and no
constructor is defined). (Stanislav)
- Fixed bug #26065 (Crash when nesting classes). (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #25816 (disallow arrays in class constants). (Stanislav)
- Fixed bug #25329 (sqlite_create_function with method and reference to $this).
- Fixed bug #25038 (call_user_func() issues a warning if function throws an
exception). (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #24608 (__set not triggered when overloading with array).
- Fixed bug #24243 (enabling browscap causes segfault). (Wez)
21 Dec 2003, PHP 5 Beta 3
- Bundled new tidy extension (John, Wez)
- Upgraded PCRE library to version 4.5. (Andrei)
- Dropped Windows 95 support. (Andi)
- Moved extensions to PECL:
. ext/crack (Jani, Derick)
. ext/db (Jani, Derick)
. ext/mcal (Jani, Derick)
. ext/qtdom (Jani, Derick)
. ext/notes (Wez)
- Added 'c' modifier to date() which returns the date in the ISO 8601 format.
(Derick, Manuzhai)
- Added an optional parameter to microtime() to get the time as float. (Andrey)
- Added MacRoman encoding support to htmlentities(). (Derick, Marcus Bointon)
- Added possibility to call PHP functions as XSLT-functions. (Christian)
- Added possibility to prevent PHP from registering variables when input filter
support is used. (Derick)
- Added iconv stream filter (convert.iconv.*). (Moriyoshi)
- Added EXSLT support in ext/xsl. (Christian)
- Added qdbm handler for dba extension. (mg at iceni dot pl, Marcus)
- Added new functions:
. dba_key_split() to split inifile keys in an array. (Marcus)
. time_nanosleep() signal safe sleep (Magnus, Ilia)
. headers_list(). (Sara)
. php_strip_whitespace(). strip whitespace & comments from a script. (Ilia)
. php_check_syntax(). check php script for parse errors. (Ilia)
. image_type_to_extension(). return extension based on image type. (Ilia)
. stream_socket_sendto() and stream_socket_recvfrom(). (Wez)
. iconv_mime_decode_headers(). (Moriyoshi)
. get_declared_interfaces(). (Andrey, Marcus)
. sqlite_fetch_column_types(). (Ilia)
- Added proxy support to http:// wrapper. (Sara)
- Added rename(), rmdir() and mkdir() support to userstreams. (Sara)
- Added rename(), rmdir() and mkdir() support to ftp:// wrapper. (Sara)
- Changed rename(), rmdir() and mkdir() to be routed via streams API. (Sara)
- Changed stat() and family to be routed via streams API. (Sara)
- Fixed include_once() / require_once() on Windows to honor case-insensitivity
of files. (Andi)
- Fixed get_declared_classes() to return only classes. (Andrey, Marcus)
- Fixed __autoload() to preserve case of the passed class name. (Andi)
- Fixed bug #26615 () (runekl at opoint dot com, Derick)
- Fixed bug #26591 ("__autoload threw an exception" during an uncaught).
- Fixed bug #26534 (stream_get_meta_data() -> Access Violation). (Wez)
- Fixed bug #26528 (HTML entities are not being decoded by
xml_parse()/xml_parse_into_struct()). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #26182 (Object properties created redundantly). (Andi)
- Fixed bug #26156 (REPLACE_ZVAL_VALUE works on uninit stack-based zvals).
- Fixed bug #26083 (Non-working write support in ext/dom). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #26072 (--disable-libxml does not work). (Jani)
- Fixed bug #26001 (serialize crashes when accessing an overloaded object that
has no properties (NULL hashtable)). (Wez)
- Fixed bug #25664 (COM crashes when calling a Delphi implementations of
ITypeInfo). (Wez)
- Fixed bug #24837 (Incorrect behaviour of PPP using foreach). (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #24693 (Allow session.use_trans_sid to be enabled/disabled from
inside the script). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #24394 (Serializing cross-referenced objects causes segfault).
30 Oct 2003, PHP 5 Beta 2
- Lots and lots of changes in the Zend Engine 2 since beta 1:
. Added Iterators
. Improved memory manager
. Added Reflection API
. Removed the not so working namespaces support
. Removed support for expressions within constant declarations.
. You can read about most changes in ZEND_CHANGES under the Zend directory.
- Improved the DBX extension: (Marc)
. Added DBX_RESULT_UNBUFFERED flag for dbx_query().
. Added dbx_fetch_row()
. Added SQLite support.
- Improved the Interbase extension: (Ard Biesheuvel)
. Added support for multiple databases into ibase_trans()
statements into ibase_query()
. Added ability to bind PHP arrays to native Interbase arrays
. Added ibase_commit_ret() and ibase_rollback_ret()
. Added ibase_drop_db()
. Added ibase_gen_id()
. Added ibase_name_result()
. Added ibase_errcode()
. Added ibase_affected_rows() and ibase_num_params()
. Added ibase_param_info()
. Added ibase_wait_event()
. Added ibase_set_event_handler() and ibase_free_event_handler()
- Added new COM extension with integrated .Net support. (Wez)
- Added new functions:
. setrawcookie(). (Brian)
. pg_version(). (Marcus)
. dbase_get_header_info(). (Zak)
. snmp_read_mib(). (Jani)
. http_build_query(). (Sara)
. ftp_alloc(). (Sara)
. array_udiff(). (Andrey)
. array_udiff_assoc(). (Andrey)
. array_udiff_uassoc(). (Andrey)
. array_diff_uassoc(). (Andrey)
. convert_uuencode(). (Ilia)
. convert_uudecode(). (Ilia)
. substr_compare(). (Ilia)
. pcntl_wait(). (GeorgeS)
- Added "resume_pos" context option to "ftp://" wrapper. (Sara)
- Added optional parameter to OCIWriteTemporaryLob() to specify the type of LOB
(Patch by Novicky Marek <>). (Thies)
- Added reflection API. (Andrei, George, Timm)
- Changed length parameter in fgetcsv() to be optional. (Moriyoshi)
- Fixed IPv6 support in MacOSX Panther. (Dan, Marko)
- Fixed fgetcsv() to correctly handle international (non-ascii) characters.
- Fixed support for <![CDATA[]]> fields within XML documents in ext/xml.
- Fixed visibility of __construct and __clone. (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #25756 (SimpleXML's validate_schema_file() broken). (Moriyoshi)
- Fixed bug #25581 (getimagesize() returns incorrect values on bitmap (os2)
files). (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #25494 (array_merge*() allows non-arrays as argument). (Jay)
- Fixed bug #24766 (strange result array from unpack()). (Moriyoshi)
- Fixed bug #24729 ($obj = new $className; causes crash when $className is not
set). (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #24565 (cannot read array elements received via $_REQUEST). (Zeev)
- Fixed bug #24445 (get_parent_class() returns different values).
(Sterling, Stanislav)
- Fixed bug #24403 (preg_replace() problem: Using $this when not in object
context). (Zeev)
- Fixed bug #24399 (PEAR DB isError crash [instanceof_function fault?]).
(Sterling, Marcus)
- Fixed bug #24396 (foreach ($k=>$v), the key $k is missing). (Zeev)
- Fixed bug #24279 (__get() crash when no value is returned). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #22367 (undefined variable has a value). (Zeev)
- Fixed bug #19859 (allow fast_call_user_function to support __call).
- Fixed bug #17997 (Warning when switch() and reference are combined). (Zeev)
- Fixed bug #17988 (strtotime failed to parse postgresql timestamp). (Derick)
29 Jun 2003, PHP 5 Beta 1
- Removed the bundled MySQL client library. (Sterling)
- Switched to Zend Engine 2, which includes numerous engine level improvements.
A full list is available at
- Added SQLite ( extension: (Wez, Marcus, Tal)
. Includes bundled SQLite library
. Enabled by default
- Completely Overhauled XML support:
. New simplexml extension. (Sterling)
. New DOM extension. (Rob, Chregu, Marcus)
. New XSL extension. (Chregu, Rob)
. Moved the old DOM-XML and XSLT extensions to PECL. (James, Sterling)
. ext/xml can now use either libxml2 or expat to parse XML. (Sterling)
. Removed bundled expat library. (Jani)
- New php.ini options:
. "session.hash_function" and "session.hash_bits_per_character". (Sascha)
. "mail.force_extra_paramaters". (Derick)
. "register_long_arrays". (Zeev)
- Improved the speed of internal functions that use callbacks by 40% due to a
new internal fast_call_user_function() function. (Sterling)
- Improved the streams support: (Wez)
. Improved performance of readfile(), fpassthru() and some internal streams
operations under Win32.
. stream_socket_client() - similar to fsockopen(), but more powerful.
. stream_socket_server() - Creates a server socket.
. stream_socket_accept() - Accept a client connection.
. stream_socket_get_name() - Get local or remote name of socket.
. stream_copy_to_stream()
. stream_get_line() - Reads either the specified number of bytes or until
the ending string is found. (Ilia)
. Added context property to userspace streams object. (Sara)
. Added generic crypto interface for streams.
(supports dynamic loading of OpenSSL)
. Added lightweight streaming input abstraction to the Zend Engine scanners
to provide uniform support for include()'ing data from PHP streams across
all platforms.
. Added 'string.base64' stream filter. (Moriyoshi)
. Renamed stream_register_wrapper() to stream_wrapper_register(). (Derick)
- Improved the GD extension: (Pierre-Alain Joye, Ilia)
. imagefilter() - Apply different filters to image.
(Only available with bundled GD library)
. Antialiased drawing support:
o imageantialias() - (de)active antialias
o imageline() and imagepolygon() antialias support
- Changed the length parameter in fgetss() to be optional. (Moriyoshi)
- Changed ini parser to allow for handling of quoted multi-line values. (Ilia)
- Changed get_extension_funcs() to return list of the built-in Zend Engine
functions if "zend" is specified as the module name. (Ilia)
- Changed array_search() to accept also objects as a needle. (Moriyoshi)
- Changed ext/mcrypt to require libmcrypt version 2.5.6 or greater. (Derick)
- Changed uniqid() parameters to be optional and allow any prefix length.
- Added new iconv functions. (Moriyoshi)
. iconv_strlen()
. iconv_substr()
. iconv_strpos()
. iconv_strrpos()
. iconv_mime_decode()
. iconv_mime_encode()
- Added misc. new functions:
. ldap_sasl_bind(). (, Jani)
. imap_getacl(). (Dan, Holger Burbach)
. file_put_contents(). (Sterling)
. proc_nice() - Changes priority of the current process. (Ilia)
. pcntl_getpriority() and pcntl_setpriority(). (Ilia)
. idate(), date_sunrise() and date_sunset(). (Moshe Doron)
. strpbrk() - Searches a string for a list of characters. (Ilia)
. get_headers() - Returns headers sent by the server of the specified URL.
. str_split() - Breaks down a string into an array of elements based on
length. (Ilia)
. array_walk_recursive(). (Ilia)
. array_combine(). (Andrey)
- Added optional parameter to get_browser() to make it return an array. (Jay)
- Added optional parameter to openssl_sign() to specify the hashing algorithm.
(, Derick)
- Added optional parameter to sha1(), sha1_file(), md5() and md5_file() which
makes them return the digest as binary data. (Michael Bretterklieber, Derick)
- Added optional parameter to mkdir() to make directory creation recursive.
- Added optional parameter to file() which makes the result array not contain
the line endings and to skip empty lines. (Ilia)
- Added new range() functionality:
. Support for float modifier. (Ilia)
. Detection of numeric values inside strings passed as high & low. (Ilia)
. Proper handle the situations where high == low. (Ilia)
. Added an optional step parameter. (Jon)
- Added encoding detection feature for expat XML parser.
(Adam Dickmeiss, Moriyoshi)
- Added missing multibyte (unicode) support and numeric entity support to
html_entity_decode(). (Moriyoshi)
- Added IPv6 support to ext/sockets. (Sara)
- Added "ftp://" wrapper support to opendir(), stat() and unlink(). (Sara)
- Added context options 'method', 'header' and 'content' for "http://" fopen
wrapper. (Sara)
- Added input filter support. See README.input_filter for more info. (Rasmus)
- Added a replace count for str_[i]replace(), see bug #8218. (Sara)
- Fixed is_executable() to be available also on Windows. (Shane)
- Fixed dirname() and strip_tags() to be binary-safe. (Moriyoshi)
- Fixed bug #24098 (crash in pathinfo()). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #21985 and #22064 (various mb_send_mail() issues). (Moriyoshi)
- Fixed bug #21600 (Assign by reference function call changes variable
contents). (Zeev)