2022-06-13 18:15:21 -04:00

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1. Backward Incompatible Changes
2. New Features
3. Changes in SAPI modules
4. Deprecated Functionality
5. Changed Functions
6. New Functions
7. New Classes and Interfaces
8. Removed Extensions and SAPIs
9. Other Changes to Extensions
10. New Global Constants
11. Changes to INI File Handling
12. Windows Support
13. Other Changes
14. Performance Improvements
1. Backward Incompatible Changes
- Date:
. DateTime::createFromImmutable() now has a tentative return type of static,
previously it was DateTime.
. DateTimeImmutable::createFromMutable() now has a tentative return type of static,
previously it was DateTimeImmutable.
. The ODBC extension now escapes the username and password for the case when
both a connection string and username/password are passed, and the string
must be appended to. Before, user values containing values needing escaping
could have created a malformed connection string, or injected values from
user-provided data. The escaping rules should be identical to the .NET BCL
DbConnectionOptions behaviour.
. The PDO_ODBC extension also escapes the username and password when a
connection string is passed. See the change to the ODBC extension for
further details.
- Standard:
. strtolower() and strtoupper() are no longer locale-sensitive. They now
perform ASCII case conversion, as if the locale were "C". Use
mb_strtolower() if you want localized case conversion. Similarly, stristr,
stripos, strripos, lcfirst, ucfirst, ucwords, str_ireplace,
array_change_key_case and sorting with SORT_FLAG_CASE use ASCII case
- SPL:
. The following methods now enforce their signature:
* SplFileInfo::_bad_state_ex()
* SplFileObject::getCsvControl()
* SplFileObject::fflush()
* SplFileObject::ftell()
* SplFileObject::fgetc()
* SplFileObject::fpassthru()
. SplFileObject::hasChildren() now has a tentative return type of false,
previously it was bool
. SplFileObject::getChildren() now has a tentative return type of null,
previously it was ?RecursiveIterator
2. New Features
- Core:
. Added the #[\SensitiveParameter] attribute to redact sensitive data in
. It is now possible to use null and false as standalone types.
. Added support for readonly classes.
- Curl:
. Added CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_METHOD option and returning the effective
HTTP method in curl_getinfo() return value.
. Exposed multiple new constants from libcurl 7.62 to 7.80.
. Added new function curl_upkeep() to perform any connection upkeep checks.
- OCI8:
. Added an oci8.prefetch_lob_size directive and oci_set_prefetch_lob()
function to tune LOB query performance by reducing the number of
round-trips between PHP and Oracle Database when fetching LOBS. This is
usable with Oracle Database 12.2 or later.
. Added odbc_connection_string_is_quoted, odbc_connection_string_should_quote,
and odbc_connection_string_quote. These are primarily used behind the scenes
in the ODBC and PDO_ODBC extensions, but is exposed to userland for easier
unit testing, and for user applications and libraries to perform quoting
. Added support for the "n" (NO_AUTO_CAPTURE) modifier, which makes simple
`(xyz)` groups non-capturing. Only named groups like `(?<name>xyz)` are
capturing. This only affects which groups are capturing, it is still
possible to use numbered subpattern references, and the matches array will
still contain numbered results.
3. Changes in SAPI modules
4. Deprecated Functionality
- Core:
. Creation of dynamic properties is deprecated, unless the class opts in by
using the #[AllowDynamicProperties] attribute. stdClass allows dynamic
properties. Usage of __get()/__set() is not affected by this change. A
dynamic properties deprecation warning can be addressed by:
- Declaring the property (preferred).
- Adding the #[AllowDynamicProperties] attribute to the class (which also
applies to all child classes).
- Using a WeakMap if you wish to associate additional data with an object
you do not own.
. Callables that are not accepted by the $callable() syntax (but are accepted
by call_user_func) are deprecated. In particular:
["self", "method"]
["parent", "method"]
["static", "method"]
["Foo", "Bar::method"]
[new Foo, "Bar::method"]
This does not affect normal method callables like "A::method" or
["A", "method"]. A deprecation notice is only emitted on call. Both
is_callable() and the callable type will silently accept these callables
until support for them is removed entirely.
. The "${var}" and "${expr}" style string interpolations are deprecated and
will be removed in PHP 9. Use "$var"/"{$var}" or "{${expr}}", respectively.
- Mbstring:
. Use of QPrint, Base64, Uuencode, and HTML-ENTITIES 'text encodings' is
deprecated for all Mbstring functions. Unlike all the other text
encodings supported by Mbstring, these do not encode a sequence of
Unicode codepoints, but rather a sequence of raw bytes. It is not
clear what the correct return values for most Mbstring functions should
be when one of these non-encodings is specified. Further, PHP has
separate, built-in implementations of all of them; for example, UUencoded
data can be handled using convert_uuencode/convert_uudecode.
- SPL:
. The SplFileInfo::_bad_state_ex() internal method has been deprecated.
- Standard:
. utf8_encode() and utf8_decode() have been deprecated.
5. Changed Functions
. dba_open() and dba_popen() now have the following enforced function signature
dba_open(string $path, string $mode, ?string $handler = null, int $permission = 0o644, int $map_size = 0)
. dba_fetch()'s optional skip argument is now at the end in line with
PHP userland semantics its signature now is:
dba_fetch(string|array $key, $dba, int $skip = 0): string|false
The overloaded signature
dba_fetch(string|array $key, $skip, $dba): string|false
is still accepted, but it is recommended to use the new standard variant.
6. New Functions
- Curl:
. curl_upkeep() (libcurl >= 7.62.0)
- Reflection:
. ReflectionFunction::isAnonymous()
. ReflectionMethod::hasPrototype()
- Sodium:
. sodium_crypto_stream_xchacha20_xor_ic()
- Standard:
. The peak memory usage can now be reset to the current usage thanks to
7. New Classes and Interfaces
8. Removed Extensions and SAPIs
9. Other Changes to Extensions
- Date:
. DatePeriod properties are now properly declared.
- Intl:
. IntlBreakIterator, IntlRuleBasedBreakIterator, IntlCodePointBreakIterator,
IntlPartsIterator, IntlCalendar, IntlCalendar, Collator, IntlIterator,
UConverter, IntlDateFormatter, IntlDatePatternGenerator, MessageFormatter,
ResourceBundle, Spoofchecker, IntlTimeZone and Transliterator instances are
no longer serializable. Previously, they could be serialized, but
unserialization yielded unusable objects or failed.
- mysqli:
. The support for libmysql has been removed. It's no longer possible to compile
mysqli with libmysql and all relevant functionality has been removed.
. The reconnect property of mysqli_driver has been removed. It was supported only by libmysql.
. The INI directive mysqli.reconnect has been removed.
- OCI8:
. The minimum Oracle Client library version required is now 11.2.
- SQLite3:
. sqlite3.defensive is now PHP_INI_USER.
- Standard:
. getimagesize() now reports the actual image dimensions, bits and channels
of AVIF images. Previously, the dimensions have been reported as 0x0, and
bits and channels have not been reported at all.
- Tidy:
. tidy properties are now properly declared.
. tidyNode properties are now properly declared as readonly.
- Zip:
. extension updated to 1.20.0 with new methods:
ZipArchive::clearError, getStreamName and getStreamIndex
10. New Global Constants
- Curl:
. CURLALTSVC_H1 (libcurl >= 7.64.1)
. CURLALTSVC_H2 (libcurl >= 7.64.1)
. CURLALTSVC_H3 (libcurl >= 7.64.1)
. CURLALTSVC_READONLYFILE (libcurl >= 7.64.1)
. CURLAUTH_AWS_SIGV4 (libcurl >= 7.75.0)
. CURLE_PROXY (libcurl >= 7.73.0)
. CURLHSTS_ENABLE (libcurl >= 7.74.0)
. CURLHSTS_READONLYFILE (libcurl >= 7.74.0)
. CURLINFO_PROXY_ERROR (libcurl >= 7.73.0)
. CURLINFO_REFERER (libcurl >= 7.76.0)
. CURLINFO_RETRY_AFTER (libcurl >= 7.66.0)
. CURLOPT_ALTSVC_CTRL (libcurl >= 7.64.1)
. CURLOPT_ALTSVC (libcurl >= 7.64.1)
. CURLOPT_AWS_SIGV4 (libcurl >= 7.75.0)
. CURLOPT_CAINFO_BLOB (libcurl >= 7.77.0)
. CURLOPT_DOH_SSL_VERIFYHOST (libcurl >= 7.76.0)
. CURLOPT_DOH_SSL_VERIFYPEER (libcurl >= 7.76.0)
. CURLOPT_DOH_SSL_VERIFYSTATUS (libcurl >= 7.76.0)
. CURLOPT_HSTS_CTRL (libcurl >= 7.74.0)
. CURLOPT_HSTS (libcurl >= 7.74.0)
. CURLOPT_MAXAGE_CONN (libcurl >= 7.65.0)
. CURLOPT_MAXLIFETIME_CONN (libcurl >= 7.80.0)
. CURLOPT_PROXY_CAINFO_BLOB (libcurl >= 7.77.0)
. CURLOPT_SASL_AUTHZID (libcurl >= 7.66.0)
. CURLOPT_SSH_HOST_PUBLIC_KEY_SHA256 (libcurl >= 7.80.0)
. CURLOPT_SSL_EC_CURVES (libcurl >= 7.73.0)
. CURLOPT_UPKEEP_INTERVAL_MS (libcurl >= 7.62.0)
. CURLOPT_UPLOAD_BUFFERSIZE (libcurl >= 7.62.0)
. CURLOPT_XFERINFOFUNCTION (libcurl >= 7.32.0)
. CURLPROTO_MQTT (libcurl >= 7.71.0)
. CURLPX_BAD_ADDRESS_TYPE (libcurl >= 7.73.0)
. CURLPX_BAD_VERSION (libcurl >= 7.73.0)
. CURLPX_CLOSED (libcurl >= 7.73.0)
. CURLPX_GSSAPI (libcurl >= 7.73.0)
. CURLPX_GSSAPI_PERMSG (libcurl >= 7.73.0)
. CURLPX_GSSAPI_PROTECTION (libcurl >= 7.73.0)
. CURLPX_IDENTD_DIFFER (libcurl >= 7.73.0)
. CURLPX_IDENTD (libcurl >= 7.73.0)
. CURLPX_LONG_HOSTNAME (libcurl >= 7.73.0)
. CURLPX_LONG_PASSWD (libcurl >= 7.73.0)
. CURLPX_LONG_USER (libcurl >= 7.73.0)
. CURLPX_NO_AUTH (libcurl >= 7.73.0)
. CURLPX_OK (libcurl >= 7.73.0)
. CURLPX_RECV_ADDRESS (libcurl >= 7.73.0)
. CURLPX_RECV_AUTH (libcurl >= 7.73.0)
. CURLPX_RECV_CONNECT (libcurl >= 7.73.0)
. CURLPX_RECV_REQACK (libcurl >= 7.73.0)
. CURLPX_REPLY_NOT_ALLOWED (libcurl >= 7.73.0)
. CURLPX_REPLY_TTL_EXPIRED (libcurl >= 7.73.0)
. CURLPX_REPLY_UNASSIGNED (libcurl >= 7.73.0)
. CURLPX_REQUEST_FAILED (libcurl >= 7.73.0)
. CURLPX_RESOLVE_HOST (libcurl >= 7.73.0)
. CURLPX_SEND_AUTH (libcurl >= 7.73.0)
. CURLPX_SEND_CONNECT (libcurl >= 7.73.0)
. CURLPX_SEND_REQUEST (libcurl >= 7.73.0)
. CURLPX_UNKNOWN_FAIL (libcurl >= 7.73.0)
. CURLPX_UNKNOWN_MODE (libcurl >= 7.73.0)
. CURLPX_USER_REJECTED (libcurl >= 7.73.0)
. CURLSSLOPT_AUTO_CLIENT_CERT (libcurl >= 7.77.0)
. CURLSSLOPT_NATIVE_CA (libcurl >= 7.71.0)
. CURLSSLOPT_NO_PARTIALCHAIN (libcurl >= 7.68.0)
. CURL_VERSION_GSASL (libcurl >= 7.76.0)
. CURL_VERSION_HSTS (libcurl >= 7.74.0)
. CURL_VERSION_HTTP3 (libcurl >= 7.66.0)
. CURL_VERSION_UNICODE (libcurl >= 7.72.0)
. CURL_VERSION_ZSTD (libcurl >= 7.72.0)
- Sockets:
. TCP_KEEPCNT (Linux, others)
. TCP_KEEPIDLE (Linux, others)
. TCP_KEEPINTVL (Linux, others)
11. Changes to INI File Handling
12. Windows Support
- Core:
. Windows specific error messages are no longer localized, but instead in
English to better match PHP error messages.
- OCI8:
. Since building against Oracle Client 10g is no longer supported anyway,
the configuration option --with-oci8 has been dropped. --with-oci8-11g,
--with-oci8-12c and --with-oci8-19 are still supported.
- Zip:
. The Zip extension is now built as shared library (DLL) by default.
13. Other Changes
- Core:
. The iterable type is now a built-in compile time alias for array|Traversable.
Error messages relating to iterable will therefore now use array|Traversable.
Type Reflection is preserved for single iterable (and ?iterable) to produce
a ReflectionNamedType with name iterable, however usage of iterable in
union types will be converted to array|Traversable
14. Performance Improvements