Johannes Schlüter be0793d2e7 MFH: Add mysqlnd support for PDO_mysql, fixes at least bug#41997,#42499,
pecl#12794, pecl#12401

# Running the tests:
# (Note: Doesn't work currnetly on HEAD, see:
#    For example: mysql:dbname=test;host=localhost;port=3306
#  PDO_MYSQL_TEST_HOST    - database host
#  PDO_MYSQL_TEST_DB      - database (schema) name
#  PDO_MYSQL_TEST_SOCKET  - database server socket
#  PDO_MYSQL_TEST_ENGINE  - storage engine to use
#  PDO_MYSQL_TEST_USER    - database user
#  PDO_MYSQL_TEST_PASS    - database user password
#  PDO_MYSQL_TEST_CHARSET - database charset
#  part of PDO_MYSQL_TEST_DSN, the values must match. That is, for example,
#  for PDO_MYSQL_TEST_DSN = mysql:dbname=test you MUST set PDO_MYSQL_TEST_DB=test.
2008-07-21 13:09:28 +00:00

169 lines
7.4 KiB

MySQL PDOStatement->bindParam() - SQL column types
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '');
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '');
$db = MySQLPDOTest::factory();
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '');
$db = MySQLPDOTest::factory();
function pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types_do($db, $offset, $native, $sql_type, $value) {
if ($native)
$db->setAttribute(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_DIRECT_QUERY, 0);
$db->setAttribute(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_DIRECT_QUERY, 1);
$db->exec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test');
$sql = sprintf('CREATE TABLE test(id INT, label %s) ENGINE=%s', $sql_type, MySQLPDOTest::getTableEngine());
if ((!$stmt = @$db->prepare($sql)) || (!@$stmt->execute()))
// Server might not support column type - skip it
return true;
$stmt = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO test(id, label) VALUES (1, ?)');
if (!$stmt->bindParam(1, $value)) {
printf("[%03d/%s + 1] %s\n", $offset, ($native) ? 'native' : 'emulated',
var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true));
return false;
if (!$stmt->execute()) {
printf("[%03d/%s + 2] %s\n", $offset, ($native) ? 'native' : 'emulated',
var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true));
return false;
$stmt = $db->query('SELECT id, label FROM test');
$id = $label = null;
if (!$stmt->bindColumn(1, $id)) {
printf("[%03d/%s + 3] %s\n", $offset, ($native) ? 'native' : 'emulated',
var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true));
return false;
if (!$stmt->bindColumn(2, $label)) {
printf("[%03d/%s + 4] %s\n", $offset, ($native) ? 'native' : 'emulated',
var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true));
return false;
if (!$stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOUND)) {
printf("[%03d/%s + 5] %s\n", $offset, ($native) ? 'native' : 'emulated',
var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true));
return false;
if ($label != $value) {
printf("[%03d/%s + 6] Got %s expecting %s - plase check manually\n",
$offset, ($native) ? 'native' : 'emulated',
var_export($label, true), var_export($value, true));
// fall through
$row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if (empty($row)) {
printf("[%03d/%s + 7] %s\n", $offset, ($native) ? 'native' : 'emulated',
var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true));
return false;
if ($row['label'] != $value) {
printf("[%03d/%s + 8] Got %s expecting %s - plase check manually\n",
$offset, ($native) ? 'native' : 'emulated',
var_export($row['label'], true), var_export($value, true));
return false;
if ($row['label'] != $label) {
printf("[%03d/%s + 9] Got %s from FETCH_ASSOC and %s from FETCH_BOUND- plase check manually\n",
$offset, ($native) ? 'native' : 'emulated',
var_export($row['label'], true), var_export($value, true));
return false;
$db->exec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test');
return true;
function pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, $offset, $sql_type, $value) {
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types_do($db, $offset, true, $sql_type, $value);
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types_do($db, $offset, false, $sql_type, $value);
try {
// pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 2, 'BIT(8)', 1);
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 3, 'TINYINT', -127);
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 4, 'TINYINT UNSIGNED', 255);
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 5, 'BOOLEAN', 1);
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 6, 'SMALLINT', -32768);
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 7, 'SMALLINT UNSIGNED', 65535);
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 8, 'MEDIUMINT', -8388608);
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 9, 'MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED', 16777215);
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 10, 'INT', -2147483648);
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 11, 'INT UNSIGNED', 4294967295);
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 12, 'BIGINT', -1000);
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 13, 'BIGINT UNSIGNED', 1000);
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 14, 'REAL', -1000);
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 15, 'REAL UNSIGNED', 1000);
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 16, 'REAL ZEROFILL', '0000000000000000000000');
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 17, 'REAL UNSIGNED ZEROFILL', '0000000000000000000010');
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 18, 'DOUBLE', -1000);
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 19, 'DOUBLE UNSIGNED', 1000);
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 20, 'DOUBLE ZEROFILL', '000000000000');
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 21, 'DOUBLE ZEROFILL UNSIGNED', '000000001000');
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 22, 'FLOAT', -1000);
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 23, 'FLOAT UNSIGNED', 1000);
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 24, 'FLOAT ZEROFILL', '000000000000');
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 25, 'FLOAT ZEROFILL UNSIGNED', '000000001000');
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 26, 'DECIMAL', -1000);
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 27, 'DECIMAL UNSIGNED', 1000);
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 28, 'DECIMAL ZEROFILL', '000000000000');
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 29, 'DECIMAL ZEROFILL UNSIGNED', '000000001000');
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 30, 'NUMERIC', -1000);
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 31, 'NUMERIC UNSIGNED', 1000);
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 32, 'NUMERIC ZEROFILL', '000000000000');
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 33, 'NUMERIC ZEROFILL UNSIGNED', '000000001000');
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 34, 'DATE', '2008-04-23');
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 35, 'TIME', '16:43:12');
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 36, 'TIMESTAMP', '2008-04-23 16:44:53');
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 37, 'DATETIME', '2008-04-23 16:44:53');
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 38, 'YEAR', '2008');
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 39, 'CHAR(1)', 'a');
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 40, 'CHAR(255)', 'abc');
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 41, 'VARCHAR(255)', str_repeat('a', 255));
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 42, 'BINARY(255)', str_repeat('a', 255));
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 43, 'VARBINARY(255)', str_repeat('a', 255));
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 44, 'TINYBLOB', str_repeat('a', 255));
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 45, 'BLOB', str_repeat('b', 300));
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 46, 'MEDIUMBLOB', str_repeat('b', 300));
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 47, 'LONGBLOB', str_repeat('b', 300));
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 48, 'TINYTEXT', str_repeat('c', 255));
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 49, 'TINYTEXT BINARY', str_repeat('c', 255));
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 50, 'TEXT', str_repeat('d', 300));
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 51, 'TEXT BINARY', str_repeat('d', 300));
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 52, 'MEDIUMTEXT', str_repeat('d', 300));
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 53, 'MEDIUMTEXT BINARY', str_repeat('d', 300));
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 54, 'LONGTEXT', str_repeat('d', 300));
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 55, 'LONGTEXT BINARY', str_repeat('d', 300));
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 56, "ENUM('yes', 'no') DEFAULT 'yes'", "no");
pdo_mysql_stmt_bindparam_types($db, 57, "SET('yes', 'no') DEFAULT 'yes'", "no");
} catch (PDOException $e) {
printf("[001] %s [%s] %s\n",
$e->getMessage(), $db->errorCode(), implode(' ', $db->errorInfo()));
$db->exec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test');
print "done!";