Niels Dossche 94a00e9ecd Merge branch 'PHP-8.1' into PHP-8.2
* PHP-8.1:
  Fix incorrect error handling in dom_zvals_to_fragment()
2023-04-03 21:24:58 +02:00

168 lines
7.1 KiB

?? ??? ????, PHP 8.3.0alpha1
- CLI:
. Added pdeathsig to builtin server to terminate workers when the master
process is killed. (ilutov)
- Core:
. Fixed bug GH-9388 (Improve unset property and __get type incompatibility
error message). (ilutov)
. SA_ONSTACK is now set for signal handlers to be friendlier to other
in-process code such as Go's cgo. (Kévin Dunglas)
. SA_ONSTACK is now set when signals are disabled. (Kévin Dunglas)
. Fix GH-9649: Signal handlers now do a no-op instead of crashing when
executed on threads not managed by TSRM. (Kévin Dunglas)
. Fixed potential NULL pointer dereference Windows shm*() functions. (cmb)
. Added shadow stack support for fibers. (Chen Hu)
. Fix bug GH-9965 (Fix accidental caching of default arguments with side
effects). (ilutov)
. Implement GH-10217 (Use strlen() for determining the class_name length).
(Dennis Buteyn)
. Fix bug GH-8821 (Improve line numbers for errors in constant expressions).
. Fix bug GH-10083 (Allow comments between & and parameter). (ilutov)
. Zend Max Execution Timers is now enabled by default for ZTS builds on
Linux. (Kévin Dunglas)
. Fix bug GH-10469 (Disallow .. in open_basedir paths set at runtime).
- Date:
. Implement More Appropriate Date/Time Exceptions RFC. (Derick)
- Exif:
. Removed unneeded codepaths in exif_process_TIFF_in_JPEG(). (nielsdos)
- Fileinfo:
. Upgrade bundled libmagic to 5.43. (Anatol)
- FPM:
. The status.listen shared pool now uses the same php_values (including
expose_php) and php_admin_value as the pool it is shared with. (dwxh)
- GD:
. Fixed bug #81739: OOB read due to insufficient input validation in
imageloadfont(). (CVE-2022-31630) (cmb)
- Hash:
. Fixed bug #81738: buffer overflow in hash_update() on long parameter.
(CVE-2022-37454) (nicky at mouha dot be)
- Intl:
. Added pattern format error infos for numfmt_set_pattern. (David Carlier)
. Added MIXED_NUMBERS and HIDDEN_OVERLAY constants for
the Spoofchecker's class. (David Carlier)
. Updated datefmt_set_timezone/IntlDateformatter::setTimezone returns type.
(David Carlier).
. Updated IntlBreakInterator::setText return type. (David Carlier)
. Updated IntlChar::enumCharNames return type. (David Carlier)
. Added json_validate(). (Juan Morales)
- MBString:
. mb_detect_encoding is better able to identify the correct encoding for
Turkish text. (Alex Dowad)
. mb_detect_encoding's "non-strict" mode now behaves as described in the
documentation. Previously, it would return false if the very first byte
of the input string was invalid in all candidate encodings. (Alex Dowad)
. mb_strtolower, mb_strtotitle, and mb_convert_case implement conditional
casing rules for the Greek letter sigma. For mb_convert_case, conditional
casing only applies to MB_CASE_LOWER and MB_CASE_TITLE modes, not to
. mb_detect_encoding is better able to identify UTF-8 and UTF-16 strings
with a byte-order mark. (Alex Dowad)
. mb_decode_mimeheader interprets underscores in QPrint-encoded MIME
encoded words as required by RFC 2047; they are converted to spaces.
Underscores must be encoded as "=5F" in such MIME encoded words.
(Alex Dowad)
. mb_encode_mimeheader no longer drops NUL (zero) bytes when
QPrint-encoding the input string. This previously caused strings in
certain text encodings, especially UTF-16 and UTF-32, to be
corrupted by mb_encode_mimeheader. (Alex Dowad)
- mysqli:
. mysqli_fetch_object raises a ValueError instead of an Exception.
(David Carlier)
- Opcache:
. Added start, restart and force restart time to opcache's
phpinfo section. (Mikhail Galanin)
. Fix GH-9139: Allow FFI in opcache.preload when opcache.preload_user=root.
(Arnaud, Kapitan Oczywisty)
. Made opcache.preload_user always optional in the cli and phpdbg SAPIs.
. Allows W/X bits on page creation on FreeBSD despite system settings.
(David Carlier)
. Added memfd api usage, on Linux, for zend_shared_alloc_create_lock()
to create an abstract anonymous file for the opcache's lock. (Max Kellermann)
. SA_ONSTACK is now set for pcntl_signal. (Kévin Dunglas)
. Added SIGINFO constant. (David Carlier)
. pg_fetch_object raises a ValueError instead of an Exception.
(David Carlier)
- Phar:
. Fix memory leak in phar_rename_archive(). (stkeke)
- Posix:
. Added posix_sysconf. (David Carlier)
. Added posix_pathconf. (David Carlier)
. Added posix_fpathconf. (David Carlier)
. Fixed zend_parse_arg_long's bool pointer argument assignment. (Cristian Rodriguez)
. Added posix_eaccess. (David Carlier)
- Random:
. Added Randomizer::getBytesFromString(). (Joshua Rüsweg)
. Added Randomizer::nextFloat(), ::getFloat(), and IntervalBoundary. (timwolla)
. Fix GH-10292 (Made the default value of the first param of srand() and
mt_srand() nullable). (kocsismate)
. Enable getrandom() for NetBSD (from 10.x). (David Carlier)
- Reflection:
. Fix GH-9470 (ReflectionMethod constructor should not find private parent
method). (ilutov)
. Fix GH-10259 (ReflectionClass::getStaticProperties doesn't need null return
type). (kocsismate)
. Fix Segfault when using ReflectionFiber suspended by an internal function.
- Sockets:
. Added SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF socket option, to give tighter control
over socket binding for a cpu core. (David Carlier)
. Added SKF_AD_QUEUE for cbpf filters. (David Carlier)
. Added socket_atmark if send/recv needs using MSG_OOB. (David Carlier)
. Added TCP_QUICKACK constant, to give tigher control over
ACK delays. (David Carlier)
. Added DONTFRAGMENT support for path MTU discovery purpose. (David Carlier)
. Added AF_DIVERT for raw socket for divert ports. (David Carlier)
protocol support. (David Carlier)
. Added SO_RERROR, SO_ZEROIZE and SO_SPLICE netbsd and openbsd constants.
(David Carlier)
. Added TCP_REPAIR for quietly close a connection. (David Carlier)
- Standard:
. E_NOTICEs emitted by unserialize() have been promoted to E_WARNING. (timwolla)
. Make array_pad's $length warning less confusing. (nielsdos)
. E_WARNING emitted by strtok in the caase both arguments are not provided when
starting tokenisation. (David Carlier)
. password_hash() will now chain the original RandomException to the ValueError
on salt generation failure. (timwolla)
. Fix GH-10239 (proc_close after proc_get_status always returns -1). (nielsdos)
. Improve the warning message for unpack() in case not enough values were
provided. (nielsdos)
- Streams:
. Fixed bug #51056: blocking fread() will block even if data is available.
(Jakub Zelenka)
- XSLTProcessor:
. Fixed bug #69168 (DomNode::getNodePath() returns invalid path). (nielsdos)
<<< NOTE: Insert NEWS from last stable release here prior to actual release! >>>