Andrei Zmievski 4c818aec33 @- Added third argument to in_array(). If it's true, then in_array()
@  will use strict comparison instead of the default one. (Andrei)

Fixes bug #4753
2000-06-01 13:52:08 +00:00

122 lines
4.2 KiB

Things to do or at least think about doing in the future. Name in
parenthesis means that person has taken on this project.
* allow foreach ($array as $k => &$val) syntax. right now we cannot
traverse an array without copying each element.
* look at replacing c-lib call tolower().
* sort ini entries so that phpinfo() show them in some nice order.
* make everything on the language-level independent of your locale setings.
* allow methods to be called as callbacks. eg: array_walk($myarray,"this->print()");
* always build the standalone executable as well as the chosen SAPI
* make sure all source files have the "right" copyright.
* the following modules still use PHP3_TLS_*() macros (and thereby don't
work in ZTS mode): ext/dav/dav.c, ext/db/db.c, ext/gd/gd.c, ext/ldap/ldap.c
* make sure that all ZTS globals get destructed. Most ts_allocate_id()
calls should have a dtor entry.
* activate all extensions by default that don't rely on external
dependices. (eg ftp)
* --enable-all in configure. (--enable-shared=max ...)
* make configure print out a summary when it's done (like XEmacs)
* replace standard functions which work on static data with
reentrancy-safe functions.
* on some platforms unimplemented function will just do nothing (e.g. symlink)
they should print a warning or not even be defined!
* implement javadoc based function docs template system.
* use thread-safe resolver functions (either require BIND 8 or adns).
* provide optional IPv6 support.
* make SAPI conform to CGI/1.1. Currently, all SAPI modules
define REMOTE_ADDR etc. themselves and reach only various level
of compliance.
* find a better way to implement script timeouts. SIGVTALRM is used
by some POSIX threads implementations (i.e. OpenBSD) and is not
available in ZTS mode.
* add aliases to functions to conform to new naming conventions, e.g.
* add remarks in the documentation which functions are not implemented on win32.
* add remarks in the documentation which functions are not binary-safe.
* rewrite.
* port to mcrypt-2.6 or later
* all OCIFetch*() functions should return 0 for no more data and false on error.
* have a flag that trims trailing spaces from CHAR fields on retrieval.
* have a non-greedy option for preg_replace().
* have an option for preg_grep() to return keys as well.
* update the online docs from version 3.1 man page
* implement a call to set a session read-only to overcome
the need to serialize frame-loads.
* maybe implement finer-grained session variables that could be
locked individually.
* add a version number to data serialized via serialize().
* array_add(), array_uniq(). (Andrei)
* implement pathinfo()
$a = pathinfo("/some/file.bla");
=> array("dirname" => "/some/",
"basename" => "file.bla",
"extension" => "bla");
We could also make it return just one part as a sting if used
like this:
$a = pathinfo("/some/file.bla", PATHINFO_BASENAME);
* possibly modify parsing of GPC data to automatically create arrays if
variable name is seen more than once.
* implement regex-cache for url-functions.
* strpad(). (Andrei)
* strcase_replace(). (Andrei)
* comparing arrays semantically (like Python). (Andrei)
* move socket related functions to fsock.c.
* get_defined_funcs(), get_defined_vars().
* NOT binary safe:
* implement __sleep() and __wakeup() the way serialize()/unserialize() do.
* See if we can support the remaining datatypes:
* implement wddx_packet_as_javascript(). (Andrei)
other cool stuff
* PVM extension