Eliot Lear 8583b8a9bf Add support for Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS)
It add CMS (RFC 5652) support, which is an update to PKCS7.  The functions
are analogous BUT NOT IDENTICAL to openssl_pkcs7*.  In particular, support for
different encodings (PEM, DER, SMIME) is now available.
2020-06-07 16:58:34 +01:00

220 lines
8.1 KiB

/** @generate-function-entries */
function openssl_x509_export_to_file($x509, string $outfilename, bool $notext = true): bool {}
function openssl_x509_export($x509 , &$out, bool $notext = true): bool {}
function openssl_x509_fingerprint($x509, string $method = 'sha1', bool $raw_output = false): string|false {}
function openssl_x509_check_private_key($cert, $key): bool {}
function openssl_x509_verify($cert, $key): int {}
function openssl_x509_parse($x509, bool $shortname = true): array|false {}
function openssl_x509_checkpurpose($x509cert, int $purpose, ?array $cainfo = [], string $untrustedfile = UNKNOWN): bool|int {}
/** @return resource|false */
function openssl_x509_read($cert) {}
function openssl_x509_free($x509): ?bool {}
* @param resource|string $x509cert
* @param resource|string|array $priv_key
function openssl_pkcs12_export_to_file($x509cert, string $filename, $priv_key, string $pass, array $args = UNKNOWN): bool {}
* @param resource|string $x509
* @param resource|string|array $priv_key
function openssl_pkcs12_export($x509 , &$out, $priv_key, string $pass, array $args = UNKNOWN): bool {}
function openssl_pkcs12_read(string $pkcs12, &$certs, string $pass): bool {}
/** @param resource $csr */
function openssl_csr_export_to_file($csr, string $outfilename, bool $notext = true): bool {}
/** @param resource $csr */
function openssl_csr_export($csr, &$out, bool $notext = true): bool {}
* @param resource|string $csr
* @param resource|string $cacert
* @param resource|string|array $priv_key
* @return resource|false
function openssl_csr_sign($csr, $cacert = null, $priv_key, int $days, ?array $config_args = null, int $serial = 0) {}
/** @return resource|false */
function openssl_csr_new(array $dn, &$privkey, ?array $configargs = null, ?array $extraattribs = null) {}
/** @param resource|string $csr */
function openssl_csr_get_subject($csr, bool $use_shortnames = true): array|false {}
* @param resource|string $csr
* @return resource|false
function openssl_csr_get_public_key($csr, bool $use_shortnames = true) {}
/** @return resource|false */
function openssl_pkey_new(?array $configargs = null) {}
/** @param resource|string|array $key */
function openssl_pkey_export_to_file($key, string $outfilename, ?string $passphrase = null, ?array $configargs = null): bool {}
/** @param resource|string|array $key */
function openssl_pkey_export($key, &$out, ?string $passphrase = null, ?array $configargs = null): bool {}
* @param resource|string|array $cert
* @return resource|false
function openssl_pkey_get_public($cert) {}
* @param resource|string|array $cert
* @return resource|false
* @alias openssl_pkey_get_public
function openssl_get_publickey($cert) {}
/** @param resource $key */
function openssl_pkey_free($key): void {}
* @param resource $key
* @alias openssl_pkey_free
function openssl_free_key($key): void {}
* @param resource|string|array $key
* @return resource|false
function openssl_pkey_get_private($key, string $passphrase = UNKNOWN) {}
* @param resource|string|array $key
* @return resource|false
* @alias openssl_pkey_get_private
function openssl_get_privatekey($key, string $passphrase = UNKNOWN) {}
/** @param resource $key */
function openssl_pkey_get_details($key): array|false {}
function openssl_pbkdf2(string $password, string $salt, int $key_length, int $iterations, string $digest_algorithm = 'sha1'): string|false {}
function openssl_pkcs7_verify(string $filename, int $flags, string $signerscerts = UNKNOWN, array $cainfo = UNKNOWN, string $extracerts = UNKNOWN, string $content = UNKNOWN, string $pk7 = UNKNOWN): bool|int {}
/** @param resource|string|array $recipcerts */
function openssl_pkcs7_encrypt(string $infile, string $outfile, $recipcerts, ?array $headers, int $flags = 0, int $cipher = OPENSSL_CIPHER_RC2_40): bool {}
* @param resource|string $signcert
* @param resource|string|array $signkey
function openssl_pkcs7_sign(string $infile, string $outfile, $signcert, $signkey, ?array $headers, int $flags = PKCS7_DETACHED, ?string $extracertsfilename = null): bool {}
* @param resource|string $recipcert
* @param resource|string|array $recipkey
function openssl_pkcs7_decrypt(string $infilename, string $outfilename, $recipcert, $recipkey = UNKNOWN): bool {}
function openssl_pkcs7_read(string $infilename, &$certs): bool {}
function openssl_cms_verify(string $filename, int $flags = 0, ?string $signerscerts = null, ?array $cainfo = null, ?string $extracerts = null, ?string $content = null, ?string $pk7 = null, ?string $sigfile = null, $encoding = OPENSSL_ENCODING_SMIME): bool {}
/** @param resource|string|array $recipcerts */
function openssl_cms_encrypt(string $infile, string $outfile, $recipcerts, ?array $headers, int $flags = 0, int $encoding = OPENSSL_ENCODING_SMIME, int $cipher = OPENSSL_CIPHER_RC2_40): bool {}
* @param resource|string $signcert
* @param resource|string|array $signkey
function openssl_cms_sign(string $infile, string $outfile, $signcert, $signkey, ?array $headers, int $flags = 0, int $encoding = OPENSSL_ENCODING_SMIME, ?string $extracertsfilename = null): bool {}
* @param resource|string $recipcert
* @param resource|string|array $recipkey
function openssl_cms_decrypt(string $infilename, string $outfilename, $recipcert, $recipkey, int $encoding = OPENSSL_ENCODING_SMIME): bool {}
function openssl_cms_read(string $infilename, &$certs): bool {}
/** @param resource|string|array $key */
function openssl_private_encrypt(string $data, &$crypted, $key, int $padding = OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING): bool {}
/** @param resource|string|array $key */
function openssl_private_decrypt(string $data, &$crypted, $key, int $padding = OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING): bool {}
/** @param resource|string|array $key */
function openssl_public_encrypt(string $data, &$crypted, $key, int $padding = OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING): bool {}
/** @param resource|string|array $key */
function openssl_public_decrypt(string $data, &$crypted, $key, int $padding = OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING): bool {}
function openssl_error_string(): string|false {}
* @param resource|string|array $key
* @param int|string $method
function openssl_sign(string $data, &$signature, $key, $method = OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1): bool {}
* @param resource|string|array $key
* @param int|string $method
function openssl_verify(string $data, string $signature, $key, $method = OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1): int|false {}
function openssl_seal(string $data, &$sealdata, &$ekeys, array $pubkeys, string $method = UNKNOWN, &$iv = UNKNOWN): int|false {}
/** @param resource|string|array $privkey */
function openssl_open(string $data, &$opendata, string $ekey, $privkey, string $method = UNKNOWN, string $iv = UNKNOWN): bool {}
function openssl_get_md_methods($aliases = false): array {}
function openssl_get_cipher_methods($aliases = false): array {}
function openssl_get_curve_names(): array|false {}
function openssl_digest(string $data, string $method, bool $raw_output = false): string|false {}
function openssl_encrypt(string $data, string $method, string $password, int $options = 0, string $iv = '', &$tag = UNKNOWN, string $aad = '', int $tag_length = 16): string|false {}
function openssl_decrypt(string $data, string $method, string $password, int $options = 0, string $iv = '', string $tag = UNKNOWN, string $aad = ''): string|false {}
function openssl_cipher_iv_length(string $method): int|false {}
/** @param resource $dh_key */
function openssl_dh_compute_key(string $pub_key, $dh_key): string|false {}
* @param resource|string|array $peer_pub_key
* @param resource|string|array $priv_key
function openssl_pkey_derive($peer_pub_key, $priv_key, int $keylen = 0): string|false {}
function openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(int $length, &$result_is_strong = UNKNOWN): string {}
/** @param resource $privkey */
function openssl_spki_new($privkey, string $challenge, int $algo = OPENSSL_ALGO_MD5): string|false {}
function openssl_spki_verify(string $spki): bool {}
function openssl_spki_export(string $spki): string|false {}
function openssl_spki_export_challenge(string $spki): string|false {}
function openssl_get_cert_locations(): array {}