2007-12-11 10:45:50 +00:00

124 lines
2.4 KiB

Test array_walk_recursive() function : usage variations - 'input' array with different values
/* Prototype : bool array_walk_recursive(array $input, string $funcname [, mixed $userdata])
* Description: Apply a user function to every member of an array
* Source code: ext/standard/array.c
* Testing array_walk_recursive() with following types of 'input' arrays:
* integer, float, string, bool, null, empty & mixed
// callback function
* Prototype : print_value(mixed $value, int $key, int $count)
* Parameters : $value - array entries(values)
* $key - keys in given input array
* $count - extra parameter used as an index
* Description : prints the array values with keys and count value
function print_value($value, $key, $count)
echo $count." : ".$key." ".$value."\n";
echo "*** Testing array_walk_recursive() : 'input' array with different values***\n";
// different arrays as input
$input_values = array(
// integer values
/*1*/ array(array(1, 0, -10), array(023, -041), array(0x5A, 0X1F, -0x6E)),
// float value
array(array(3.4, 0.8, -2.9), array(6.25e2, 8.20E-3)),
// string values
array('Mango', array("Apple", 'Orange', "Lemon")),
// bool values
/*4*/ array( array(true, false), array(TRUE, FALSE)),
// null values
array( array(null), array(NULL)),
// empty array
// binary array
// mixed array
/*8*/ array(16, 8.345, array("Fruits"), array(true, null), array(FALSE), array(-98, 0.005, 'banana'))
for($count = 0; $count < count($input_values); $count++) {
echo "\n-- Iteration ".($count + 1)." --\n";
var_dump( array_walk_recursive($input_values[$count], "print_value", $count+1));
echo "Done"
*** Testing array_walk_recursive() : 'input' array with different values***
-- Iteration 1 --
1 : 0 1
1 : 1 0
1 : 2 -10
1 : 0 19
1 : 1 -33
1 : 0 90
1 : 1 31
1 : 2 -110
-- Iteration 2 --
2 : 0 3.4
2 : 1 0.8
2 : 2 -2.9
2 : 0 625
2 : 1 0.0082
-- Iteration 3 --
3 : 0 Mango
3 : 0 Apple
3 : 1 Orange
3 : 2 Lemon
-- Iteration 4 --
4 : 0 1
4 : 1
4 : 0 1
4 : 1
-- Iteration 5 --
5 : 0
5 : 0
-- Iteration 6 --
-- Iteration 7 --
7 : 0 binary
-- Iteration 8 --
8 : 0 16
8 : 1 8.345
8 : 0 Fruits
8 : 0 1
8 : 1
8 : 0
8 : 0 -98
8 : 1 0.005
8 : 2 banana