Hartmut Holzgraefe d2cae0ccba SHOW ENGINES is only available in PHP 4.1.2 and above (and the output
format slightly changed between 4.1 and 5.0, too),
SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'have_%' is the more portable alternative here
2006-07-10 07:39:23 +00:00

89 lines
2.0 KiB

# PDO test framework utilities
if (getenv('PDOTEST_DSN') === false) {
$common = '';
$append = false;
foreach(file(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']).'/common.phpt') as $line) {
if ($append) {
$common .= $line;
} elseif (trim($line) == '--REDIRECTTEST--') {
$append = true;
$conf = eval($common);
foreach($conf['ENV'] as $n=>$v) putenv("$n=$v");
class PDOTest {
// create an instance of the PDO driver, based on
// the current environment
static function factory($classname = 'PDO') {
$dsn = getenv('PDOTEST_DSN');
$user = getenv('PDOTEST_USER');
$pass = getenv('PDOTEST_PASS');
$attr = getenv('PDOTEST_ATTR');
if (is_string($attr) && strlen($attr)) {
$attr = unserialize($attr);
} else {
$attr = null;
if ($user === false) $user = NULL;
if ($pass === false) $pass = NULL;
$db = new $classname($dsn, $user, $pass, $attr);
if (!$db) {
die("Could not create PDO object (DSN=$dsn, user=$user)\n");
// clean up any crufty test tables we might have left behind
// on a previous run
static $test_tables = array(
foreach ($test_tables as $table) {
$db->exec("DROP TABLE $table");
$db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_CASE, PDO::CASE_LOWER);
$db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES, true);
return $db;
static function skip() {
try {
$db = PDOTest::factory();
} catch (PDOException $e) {
die("skip " . $e->getMessage());
static function detect_transactional_mysql_engine($db) {
foreach ($db->query("show variables like 'have%'") as $row) {
if ($row[1] == 'YES' && ($row[0] == 'have_innodb' || $row[0] == 'have_bdb')) {
return str_replace("have_", "", $row[0]);
return false;
static function test_factory($file) {
$data = file_get_contents($file);
$data = preg_replace('/^.*--REDIRECTTEST--/s', '', $data);
$config = eval($data);
foreach ($config['ENV'] as $k => $v) {
return self::factory();