Christopher Jones 08eaa56798 MFH
  - Do scope-end release for oci_pconnect (oci8.old_oci_close_semantics=1 gives old behavior)
  - Fix session reuse with 10.2 client libs
  - Fix the Ping macro version check for 10.2
  - Add type check associated with zend_list_find
  - Code connection re-organized for reuse
  - Format comments
  - WS changes
  - Prepare for new PECL release
  - Add new tests
  - Rationalize password tests
  - Revert use of __DIR__ so tests will work with PHP 5.2
  - Update some skipifs to make tests more portable
2008-04-18 00:05:27 +00:00

304 lines
5.9 KiB

Bug #43497 (OCI8 XML/getClobVal aka temporary LOBs leak UGA memory)
if (!extension_loaded('oci8')) die ("skip no oci8 extension");
$phpinfo = ob_get_clean();
$ov = preg_match('/Oracle Version => 9/', $phpinfo);
if ($ov === 1) {
die ("skip expected output only valid for Oracle clients from 10g onwards");
require dirname(__FILE__).'/';
function sessionid($c) // determines and returns current session ID
$query = "select sid from v\$session where audsid = userenv('sessionid')";
$stmt = oci_parse($c, $query);
if (oci_execute($stmt, OCI_DEFAULT)) {
$row = oci_fetch($stmt);
return oci_result($stmt, 1);
return null;
function templobs($c, $sid) // returns number of temporary LOBs
$query = "select abstract_lobs from v\$temporary_lobs where sid = " . $sid;
$stmt = oci_parse($c, $query);
if (oci_execute($stmt, OCI_DEFAULT)) {
$row = oci_fetch($stmt);
$val = oci_result($stmt, 1);
return $val;
return null;
// Read all XML data using explicit LOB locator
function readxmltab_ex($c)
$stmt = oci_parse($c, "select extract(xml, '/').getclobval() from bug43497_tab");
$cntchk = 0;
if (oci_execute($stmt)) {
while ($result = oci_fetch_array($stmt, OCI_NUM)) {
$result[0]->free(); // cleanup properly
echo "Loop count check = $cntchk\n";
// Read all XML data using explicit LOB locator but without freeing the temp lobs
function readxmltab_ex_nofree($c)
$stmt = oci_parse($c, "select extract(xml, '/').getclobval() from bug43497_tab");
$cntchk = 0;
if (oci_execute($stmt)) {
while ($result = oci_fetch_array($stmt, OCI_NUM)) {
echo "Loop count check = $cntchk\n";
// Read all XML data using implicit LOB locator
function readxmltab_im($c)
$stmt = oci_parse($c, "select extract(xml, '/').getclobval() from bug43497_tab");
$cntchk = 0;
if (oci_execute($stmt)) {
while ($result = oci_fetch_array($stmt, OCI_NUM+OCI_RETURN_LOBS)) {
echo "Loop count check = $cntchk\n";
function createxmltab($c) // create table w/ field of XML type
$stmt = oci_parse($c, "create table bug43497_tab (id number primary key, xml xmltype)");
function dropxmltab($c) // delete table
$stmt = oci_parse($c, "drop table bug43497_tab");
function fillxmltab($c)
for ($id = 1; $id <= 100; $id++) {
// create an XML element string with random data
$s = "<data>";
for ($j = 0; $j < 128; $j++) {
$s .= rand();
$s .= "</data>\n";
for ($j = 0; $j < 4; $j++) {
$s .= $s;
$data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><records>" . $s . "</records>";
// insert XML data into database
$stmt = oci_parse($c, "insert into bug43497_tab(id, xml) values (:id, sys.xmltype.createxml(:xml))");
oci_bind_by_name($stmt, ":id", $id);
$clob = oci_new_descriptor($c, OCI_D_LOB);
oci_bind_by_name($stmt, ":xml", $clob, -1, OCI_B_CLOB);
// Initialize
// Run Test
$sid = sessionid($c);
echo "Explicit LOB use\n";
for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
echo "\nRun = " . $i . "\n";
echo "Temporary LOBs = " . templobs($c, $sid) . "\n";
echo "\nImplicit LOB use\n";
for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
echo "\nRun = " . $i . "\n";
echo "Temporary LOBs = " . templobs($c, $sid) . "\n";
echo "\nExplicit LOB with no free (i.e. a temp lob leak)\n";
for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
echo "\nRun = " . $i . "\n";
echo "Temporary LOBs = " . templobs($c, $sid) . "\n";
// Cleanup
echo "Done\n";
Explicit LOB use
Run = 1
Temporary LOBs = 0
Loop count check = 100
Run = 2
Temporary LOBs = 0
Loop count check = 100
Run = 3
Temporary LOBs = 0
Loop count check = 100
Run = 4
Temporary LOBs = 0
Loop count check = 100
Run = 5
Temporary LOBs = 0
Loop count check = 100
Run = 6
Temporary LOBs = 0
Loop count check = 100
Run = 7
Temporary LOBs = 0
Loop count check = 100
Run = 8
Temporary LOBs = 0
Loop count check = 100
Run = 9
Temporary LOBs = 0
Loop count check = 100
Run = 10
Temporary LOBs = 0
Loop count check = 100
Implicit LOB use
Run = 1
Temporary LOBs = 0
Loop count check = 100
Run = 2
Temporary LOBs = 0
Loop count check = 100
Run = 3
Temporary LOBs = 0
Loop count check = 100
Run = 4
Temporary LOBs = 0
Loop count check = 100
Run = 5
Temporary LOBs = 0
Loop count check = 100
Run = 6
Temporary LOBs = 0
Loop count check = 100
Run = 7
Temporary LOBs = 0
Loop count check = 100
Run = 8
Temporary LOBs = 0
Loop count check = 100
Run = 9
Temporary LOBs = 0
Loop count check = 100
Run = 10
Temporary LOBs = 0
Loop count check = 100
Explicit LOB with no free (i.e. a temp lob leak)
Run = 1
Temporary LOBs = 0
Loop count check = 100
Run = 2
Temporary LOBs = 99
Loop count check = 100
Run = 3
Temporary LOBs = 198
Loop count check = 100
Run = 4
Temporary LOBs = 297
Loop count check = 100
Run = 5
Temporary LOBs = 396
Loop count check = 100
Run = 6
Temporary LOBs = 495
Loop count check = 100
Run = 7
Temporary LOBs = 594
Loop count check = 100
Run = 8
Temporary LOBs = 693
Loop count check = 100
Run = 9
Temporary LOBs = 792
Loop count check = 100
Run = 10
Temporary LOBs = 891
Loop count check = 100