2018-09-24 15:59:52 +10:00

228 lines
5.9 KiB

Oracle Database 12c Implicit Result Sets: field tests
if (!extension_loaded('oci8')) die ("skip no oci8 extension");
$target_dbs = array('oracledb' => true, 'timesten' => false); // test runs on these DBs
preg_match('/.*Release ([[:digit:]]+)\.([[:digit:]]+)\.([[:digit:]]+)\.([[:digit:]]+)\.([[:digit:]]+)*/', oci_server_version($c), $matches);
if (!(isset($matches[0]) && $matches[1] >= 12)) {
die("skip expected output only valid when using Oracle Database 12c or greater");
preg_match('/^[[:digit:]]+/', oci_client_version(), $matches);
if (!(isset($matches[0]) && $matches[0] >= 12)) {
die("skip works only with Oracle 12c or greater version of Oracle client libraries");
// Initialization
$stmtarray = array(
"drop table imp_res_field_tab_1",
"create table imp_res_field_tab_1 (c1_number number, c2_varchar210 varchar2(10))",
"insert into imp_res_field_tab_1 values (1111, 'abcde')",
"drop table imp_res_field_tab_2",
"create table imp_res_field_tab_2 (c3_varchar21 varchar2(4))",
"insert into imp_res_field_tab_2 values ('tttt')",
"drop table imp_res_field_tab_3",
"create table imp_res_field_tab_3 (c4_number52 number(5,2))",
"insert into imp_res_field_tab_3 values (33)",
"insert into imp_res_field_tab_3 values (NULL)",
"create or replace procedure imp_res_field_proc as
c1 sys_refcursor;
open c1 for select * from imp_res_field_tab_1 order by 1;
open c1 for select * from imp_res_field_tab_2 order by 1;
open c1 for select * from imp_res_field_tab_3 order by 1;
oci8_test_sql_execute($c, $stmtarray);
function print_fields($s)
echo "num fields : " . oci_num_fields($s) . "\n";
for ($i = 1; $i <= oci_num_fields($s); $i++) {
$is_null = oci_field_is_null($s, $i) ? "T" : "F";
$name = oci_field_name($s, $i);
$precision = oci_field_precision($s, $i);
$scale = oci_field_scale($s, $i);
$size = oci_field_size($s, $i);
$typeraw = oci_field_type_raw($s, $i);
$type = oci_field_type($s, $i);
echo "$name\t: is_null $is_null, precision $precision, scale $scale, size $size, typeraw $typeraw, type $type\n";
// Run Test
echo "Test 1 - can't get IRS fields from parent\n";
$s = oci_parse($c, "begin imp_res_field_proc(); end;");
echo "\nTest 2 - can't get IRS fields from parent when fetching\n";
$s = oci_parse($c, "begin imp_res_field_proc(); end;");
while (($r = oci_fetch_row($s))) {
echo "\nTest 3 - get IRS fields\n";
$s = oci_parse($c, "begin imp_res_field_proc(); end;");
while (($s1 = oci_get_implicit_resultset($s))) {
echo "\nTest 4 - get IRS fields before fetching rows\n";
$s = oci_parse($c, "begin imp_res_field_proc(); end;");
$i = 0;
while (($s1 = oci_get_implicit_resultset($s))) {
echo "===> Result set ".++$i."\n";
while (($r = oci_fetch_row($s1)) !== false) {
echo "\nTest 5 - get IRS fields when fetching rows\n";
$s = oci_parse($c, "begin imp_res_field_proc(); end;");
$i = 0;
while (($s1 = oci_get_implicit_resultset($s))) {
echo "===> Result set ".++$i."\n";
while (($r = oci_fetch_row($s1)) !== false) {
// Clean up
$stmtarray = array(
"drop procedure imp_res_field_proc",
"drop table imp_res_field_tab_1",
"drop table imp_res_field_tab_2",
"drop table imp_res_field_tab_3"
oci8_test_sql_execute($c, $stmtarray);
<?php exit(0); ?>
Test 1 - can't get IRS fields from parent
num fields : 0
Test 2 - can't get IRS fields from parent when fetching
array(2) {
string(4) "1111"
string(5) "abcde"
num fields : 0
array(1) {
string(4) "tttt"
num fields : 0
array(1) {
string(2) "33"
num fields : 0
array(1) {
num fields : 0
Test 3 - get IRS fields
num fields : 2
C1_NUMBER : is_null F, precision 0, scale -127, size 22, typeraw 2, type NUMBER
C2_VARCHAR210 : is_null F, precision 0, scale 0, size 10, typeraw 1, type VARCHAR2
num fields : 1
C3_VARCHAR21 : is_null F, precision 0, scale 0, size 4, typeraw 1, type VARCHAR2
num fields : 1
C4_NUMBER52 : is_null F, precision 5, scale 2, size 22, typeraw 2, type NUMBER
Test 4 - get IRS fields before fetching rows
===> Result set 1
num fields : 2
C1_NUMBER : is_null F, precision 0, scale -127, size 22, typeraw 2, type NUMBER
C2_VARCHAR210 : is_null F, precision 0, scale 0, size 10, typeraw 1, type VARCHAR2
array(2) {
string(4) "1111"
string(5) "abcde"
===> Result set 2
num fields : 1
C3_VARCHAR21 : is_null F, precision 0, scale 0, size 4, typeraw 1, type VARCHAR2
array(1) {
string(4) "tttt"
===> Result set 3
num fields : 1
C4_NUMBER52 : is_null F, precision 5, scale 2, size 22, typeraw 2, type NUMBER
array(1) {
string(2) "33"
array(1) {
Test 5 - get IRS fields when fetching rows
===> Result set 1
array(2) {
string(4) "1111"
string(5) "abcde"
num fields : 2
C1_NUMBER : is_null F, precision 0, scale -127, size 22, typeraw 2, type NUMBER
C2_VARCHAR210 : is_null F, precision 0, scale 0, size 10, typeraw 1, type VARCHAR2
===> Result set 2
array(1) {
string(4) "tttt"
num fields : 1
C3_VARCHAR21 : is_null F, precision 0, scale 0, size 4, typeraw 1, type VARCHAR2
===> Result set 3
array(1) {
string(2) "33"
num fields : 1
C4_NUMBER52 : is_null F, precision 5, scale 2, size 22, typeraw 2, type NUMBER
array(1) {
num fields : 1
C4_NUMBER52 : is_null T, precision 5, scale 2, size 22, typeraw 2, type NUMBER