2008-05-27 09:34:55 +00:00

57 lines
1.9 KiB

Test fopen and fclose() functions - usage variations - "r" mode
fopen() function:
Prototype: resource fopen(string $filename, string $mode
[, bool $use_include_path [, resource $context]] );
Description: Opens file or URL.
fclose() function:
Prototype: bool fclose ( resource $handle );
Description: Closes an open file pointer
/* Test fopen() and fclose(): Opening the file in "r" mode,
checking for the file creation, write & read operations,
checking for the file pointer position,
and fclose function
$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
create_files($file_path, 1, "text_with_new_line", 0755, 20, "w", "007_variation", 1, "bytes");
$file = $file_path."/007_variation1.tmp";
$string = "abcdefghij\nmnopqrst\tuvwxyz\n0123456789";
echo "*** Test fopen() & fclose() functions: with 'r' mode ***\n";
$file_handle = fopen($file, "r"); //opening the file in "r" mode
var_dump($file_handle); //Check for the content of handle
var_dump( get_resource_type($file_handle) ); //Check for the type of resource
var_dump( ftell($file_handle) ); //Initial position of file pointer
var_dump( fread($file_handle, 100) ); //Check for read operation
var_dump( fwrite($file_handle, $string) ); //Check for write operation; fails; expected: 0 bytes
var_dump( fclose($file_handle) ); //Check for close operation on the file handle
var_dump( get_resource_type($file_handle) ); //Check whether resource is lost after close operation
echo "*** Done ***\n";
*** Test fopen() & fclose() functions: with 'r' mode ***
resource(%d) of type (stream)
unicode(6) "stream"
string(20) "line
line of text
Notice: fwrite(): 37 character unicode buffer downcoded for binary stream runtime_encoding in %s on line %d
unicode(7) "Unknown"
*** Done ***