Benjamin Eberlei 72c874691b
RFC: Add #[\Deprecated] Attribute (#11293)

Co-authored-by: Tim Düsterhus <>
Co-authored-by: Ilija Tovilo <>
2024-07-02 09:44:25 +02:00

376 lines
10 KiB

* @generate-class-entries static
* @generate-legacy-arginfo 80000
* @undocumentable
namespace {
require "Zend/zend_attributes.stub.php";
* @var int
* @deprecated
/** @var string */
const ZEND_CONSTANT_A = "global";
interface _ZendTestInterface
/** @var int */
/** @genstubs-expose-comment-block
* "Lorem ipsum"
* @see
* @since 8.2
public const DUMMY = 0;
/** @alias _ZendTestClassAlias */
class _ZendTestClass implements _ZendTestInterface {
public const mixed TYPED_CLASS_CONST1 = [];
public const int|array TYPED_CLASS_CONST2 = 42;
* @var int
* @cvalue 1
public const int|string TYPED_CLASS_CONST3 = UNKNOWN;
* @deprecated
public const int ZEND_TEST_DEPRECATED = 42;
#[\Deprecated(message: "custom message")]
public const int ZEND_TEST_DEPRECATED_ATTR = 42;
/** @var mixed */
public static $_StaticProp;
public static int $staticIntProp = 123;
public int $intProp = 123;
public ?stdClass $classProp = null;
public stdClass|Iterator|null $classUnionProp = null;
public Traversable&Countable $classIntersectionProp;
public readonly int $readonlyProp;
public static function is_object(): int {}
/** @deprecated */
public function __toString(): string {}
public function returnsStatic(): static {}
public function returnsThrowable(): Throwable {}
static public function variadicTest(string|Iterator ...$elements) : static {}
public function takesUnionType(stdclass|Iterator $arg): void {}
class _ZendTestMagicCall
public function __call(string $name, array $args): mixed {}
class _ZendTestChildClass extends _ZendTestClass
public function returnsThrowable(): Exception {}
class ZendAttributeTest {
/** @var int */
public const TEST_CONST = 1;
/** @var mixed */
public $testProp;
public function testMethod(): bool {}
trait _ZendTestTrait {
/** @var mixed */
public $testProp;
public Traversable|Countable $classUnionProp;
public function testMethod(): bool {}
final class ZendTestAttribute {
final class ZendTestAttributeWithArguments {
public readonly mixed $arg;
public function __construct(mixed $arg) {}
final class ZendTestRepeatableAttribute {
final class ZendTestParameterAttribute {
public string $parameter;
public function __construct(string $parameter) {}
/** @genstubs-expose-comment-block
* "Lorem ipsum"
* @see
* @since 8.1
final class ZendTestPropertyAttribute {
/** @genstubs-expose-comment-block
* "Lorem ipsum"
* @see
* @since 8.4
public string $parameter;
public function __construct(string $parameter) {}
class ZendTestClassWithMethodWithParameterAttribute {
final public function no_override(
string $parameter
): int {}
public function override(
string $parameter
): int {}
class ZendTestChildClassWithMethodWithParameterAttribute extends ZendTestClassWithMethodWithParameterAttribute {
public function override(
string $parameter
): int {}
class ZendTestClassWithPropertyAttribute {
// this attribute must be added internally in MINIT
public string $attributed;
final class ZendTestForbidDynamicCall {
public function call(): void {}
public static function callStatic(): void {}
enum ZendTestUnitEnum {
case Foo;
case Bar;
enum ZendTestStringEnum: string {
case Foo = "Test1";
case Bar = 'Test2';
case Baz = "Test2\\a";
case FortyTwo = "42";
enum ZendTestIntEnum: int {
case Foo = 1;
case Bar = 3;
case Baz = -1;
function zend_test_array_return(): array {}
/** @genstubs-expose-comment-block
* "Lorem ipsum"
* @see
* @since 8.3
* @internal
* @compile-time-eval
function zend_test_nullable_array_return(): null|array {}
function zend_test_void_return(): void {}
function zend_test_compile_string(string $source_string, string $filename, int $position): void {}
/** @deprecated */
function zend_test_deprecated(mixed $arg = null): void {}
#[\Deprecated(message: "custom message")]
function zend_test_deprecated_attr(): void {}
/** @alias zend_test_void_return */
function zend_test_aliased(): void {}
* @deprecated
* @alias zend_test_void_return
function zend_test_deprecated_aliased(): void {}
function zend_create_unterminated_string(string $str): string {}
function zend_terminate_string(string &$str): void {}
function zend_leak_variable(mixed $variable): void {}
function zend_leak_bytes(int $bytes = 3): void {}
function zend_string_or_object(object|string $param): object|string {}
function zend_string_or_object_or_null(object|string|null $param): object|string|null {}
/** @param stdClass|string $param */
function zend_string_or_stdclass($param): stdClass|string {}
/** @param stdClass|string|null $param */
function zend_string_or_stdclass_or_null($param): stdClass|string|null {}
function zend_number_or_string(string|int|float $param): string|int|float {}
function zend_number_or_string_or_null(string|int|float|null $param): string|int|float|null {}
function zend_iterable(iterable $arg1, ?iterable $arg2 = null): void {}
function zend_weakmap_attach(object $object, mixed $value): bool {}
function zend_weakmap_remove(object $object): bool {}
function zend_weakmap_dump(): array {}
function zend_get_unit_enum(): ZendTestUnitEnum {}
function zend_test_parameter_with_attribute(
string $parameter
): int {}
#[ZendTestAttributeWithArguments(arg: "foo")]
function zend_test_attribute_with_named_argument(): void {}
function zend_get_current_func_name(): string {}
function zend_call_method(object|string $obj_or_class, string $method, mixed $arg1 = UNKNOWN, mixed $arg2 = UNKNOWN): mixed {}
function zend_object_init_with_constructor(string $class, mixed ...$args): mixed {}
function zend_test_zend_ini_parse_quantity(string $str): int {}
function zend_test_zend_ini_parse_uquantity(string $str): int {}
function zend_test_zend_ini_str(): string {}
function zend_test_zend_call_stack_get(): ?array {}
function zend_test_zend_call_stack_use_all(): int {}
function zend_test_is_string_marked_as_valid_utf8(string $string): bool {}
function zend_get_map_ptr_last(): int {}
function zend_test_crash(?string $message = null): void {}
function zend_test_fill_packed_array(array &$array): void {}
/** @return resource */
function zend_test_create_throwing_resource() {}
function get_open_basedir(): ?string {}
#if defined(HAVE_LIBXML) && !defined(PHP_WIN32)
function zend_test_override_libxml_global_state(): void {}
function zend_test_is_pcre_bundled(): bool {}
#if defined(PHP_WIN32)
function zend_test_set_fmode(bool $binary): void {}
/** @param resource $stream */
function zend_test_cast_fread($stream): void {}
function zend_test_is_zend_ptr(int $addr): bool {}
namespace ZendTestNS {
class Foo {
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function method(): int {}
class UnlikelyCompileError {
/* This method signature would create a compile error due to the string
* "ZendTestNS\UnlikelyCompileError" in the generated macro call */
public function method(): ?UnlikelyCompileError {}
class NotUnlikelyCompileError {
/* This method signature would create a compile error due to the string
* "ZendTestNS\NotUnlikelyCompileError" in the generated macro call */
public function method(): ?NotUnlikelyCompileError {}
namespace ZendTestNS2 {
/** @var string */
const ZEND_CONSTANT_A = "namespaced";
class Foo {
public ZendSubNS\Foo $foo;
public function method(): void {}
function namespaced_func(): bool {}
/** @deprecated */
function namespaced_deprecated_func(): void {}
/** @alias zend_test_void_return */
function namespaced_aliased_func(): void {}
* @deprecated
* @alias zend_test_void_return
function namespaced_deprecated_aliased_func(): void {}
namespace ZendTestNS2\ZendSubNS {
/** @var string */
class Foo {
public function method(): void {}
function namespaced_func(): bool {}
/** @deprecated */
function namespaced_deprecated_func(): void {}
/** @alias zend_test_void_return */
function namespaced_aliased_func(): void {}
* @deprecated
* @alias zend_test_void_return
function namespaced_deprecated_aliased_func(): void {}