Peter Kokot 8d3f8ca12a Remove unused Git attributes ident
The $Id$ keywords were used in Subversion where they can be substituted
with filename, last revision number change, last changed date, and last
user who changed it.

In Git this functionality is different and can be done with Git attribute
ident. These need to be defined manually for each file in the
.gitattributes file and are afterwards replaced with 40-character
hexadecimal blob object name which is based only on the particular file

This patch simplifies handling of $Id$ keywords by removing them since
they are not used anymore.
2018-07-25 00:53:25 +02:00

159 lines
6.1 KiB

| PHP Version 7 |
| Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Group |
| This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, |
| that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
| available through the world-wide-web at the following url: |
| |
| If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to |
| obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to |
| so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
| Authors: Marcus Boerger <> |
#include "php.h"
#include "php_spl.h"
extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_SplFileInfo;
extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_DirectoryIterator;
extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_FilesystemIterator;
extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_RecursiveDirectoryIterator;
extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_GlobIterator;
extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_SplFileObject;
extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_SplTempFileObject;
typedef enum {
SPL_FS_INFO, /* must be 0 */
typedef struct _spl_filesystem_object spl_filesystem_object;
typedef void (*spl_foreign_dtor_t)(spl_filesystem_object *object);
typedef void (*spl_foreign_clone_t)(spl_filesystem_object *src, spl_filesystem_object *dst);
PHPAPI char* spl_filesystem_object_get_path(spl_filesystem_object *intern, size_t *len);
typedef struct _spl_other_handler {
spl_foreign_dtor_t dtor;
spl_foreign_clone_t clone;
} spl_other_handler;
/* define an overloaded iterator structure */
typedef struct {
zend_object_iterator intern;
zval current;
void *object;
} spl_filesystem_iterator;
struct _spl_filesystem_object {
void *oth;
const spl_other_handler *oth_handler;
char *_path;
size_t _path_len;
char *orig_path;
char *file_name;
size_t file_name_len;
zend_long flags;
zend_class_entry *file_class;
zend_class_entry *info_class;
union {
struct {
php_stream *dirp;
php_stream_dirent entry;
char *sub_path;
size_t sub_path_len;
int index;
int is_recursive;
zend_function *func_rewind;
zend_function *func_next;
zend_function *func_valid;
} dir;
struct {
php_stream *stream;
php_stream_context *context;
zval *zcontext;
char *open_mode;
size_t open_mode_len;
zval current_zval;
char *current_line;
size_t current_line_len;
size_t max_line_len;
zend_long current_line_num;
zval zresource;
zend_function *func_getCurr;
char delimiter;
char enclosure;
char escape;
} file;
} u;
zend_object std;
static inline spl_filesystem_object *spl_filesystem_from_obj(zend_object *obj) /* {{{ */ {
return (spl_filesystem_object*)((char*)(obj) - XtOffsetOf(spl_filesystem_object, std));
/* }}} */
#define Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(zv) spl_filesystem_from_obj(Z_OBJ_P((zv)))
static inline spl_filesystem_iterator* spl_filesystem_object_to_iterator(spl_filesystem_object *obj)
spl_filesystem_iterator *it;
it = ecalloc(1, sizeof(spl_filesystem_iterator));
it->object = (void *)obj;
return it;
static inline spl_filesystem_object* spl_filesystem_iterator_to_object(spl_filesystem_iterator *it)
return (spl_filesystem_object*)it->object;
#define SPL_FILE_OBJECT_DROP_NEW_LINE 0x00000001 /* drop new lines */
#define SPL_FILE_OBJECT_READ_AHEAD 0x00000002 /* read on rewind/next */
#define SPL_FILE_OBJECT_SKIP_EMPTY 0x00000004 /* skip empty lines */
#define SPL_FILE_OBJECT_READ_CSV 0x00000008 /* read via fgetcsv */
#define SPL_FILE_OBJECT_MASK 0x0000000F /* read via fgetcsv */
#define SPL_FILE_DIR_CURRENT_AS_FILEINFO 0x00000000 /* make RecursiveDirectoryTree::current() return SplFileInfo */
#define SPL_FILE_DIR_CURRENT_AS_SELF 0x00000010 /* make RecursiveDirectoryTree::current() return getSelf() */
#define SPL_FILE_DIR_CURRENT_AS_PATHNAME 0x00000020 /* make RecursiveDirectoryTree::current() return getPathname() */
#define SPL_FILE_DIR_CURRENT_MODE_MASK 0x000000F0 /* mask RecursiveDirectoryTree::current() */
#define SPL_FILE_DIR_CURRENT(intern,mode) ((intern->flags&SPL_FILE_DIR_CURRENT_MODE_MASK)==mode)
#define SPL_FILE_DIR_KEY_AS_PATHNAME 0x00000000 /* make RecursiveDirectoryTree::key() return getPathname() */
#define SPL_FILE_DIR_KEY_AS_FILENAME 0x00000100 /* make RecursiveDirectoryTree::key() return getFilename() */
#define SPL_FILE_DIR_FOLLOW_SYMLINKS 0x00000200 /* make RecursiveDirectoryTree::hasChildren() follow symlinks */
#define SPL_FILE_DIR_KEY_MODE_MASK 0x00000F00 /* mask RecursiveDirectoryTree::key() */
#define SPL_FILE_DIR_KEY(intern,mode) ((intern->flags&SPL_FILE_DIR_KEY_MODE_MASK)==mode)
#define SPL_FILE_DIR_SKIPDOTS 0x00001000 /* Tells whether it should skip dots or not */
#define SPL_FILE_DIR_UNIXPATHS 0x00002000 /* Whether to unixify path separators */
#define SPL_FILE_DIR_OTHERS_MASK 0x00003000 /* mask used for get/setFlags */
#endif /* SPL_DIRECTORY_H */
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