Steph Fox 833f4150a1 - killed off UEXPECT
- could someone please fix var_export2.phpt? NUL is corrupted, can't fix here
2008-05-26 23:36:10 +00:00

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Test natcasesort() function : object functionality - array of objects
/* Prototype : bool natcasesort(array &$array_arg)
* Description: Sort an array using case-insensitive natural sort
* Source code: ext/standard/array.c
* Pass natcasesort() an array of objects to test how it re-orders them
echo "*** Testing natcasesort() : object functionality ***\n";
// class declaration for string objects
class for_string_natcasesort
public $class_value;
// initializing object member value
function __construct($value){
$this->class_value = $value;
// return string value
function __tostring() {
return (string)$this->class_value;
// array of string objects
$unsorted_str_obj = array (
new for_string_natcasesort("axx"), new for_string_natcasesort("t"),
new for_string_natcasesort("w"), new for_string_natcasesort("py"),
new for_string_natcasesort("apple"), new for_string_natcasesort("Orange"),
new for_string_natcasesort("Lemon"), new for_string_natcasesort("aPPle")
echo "\n-- Testing natcasesort() by supplying various object arrays --\n";
// testing natcasesort() function by supplying string object array
var_dump(natcasesort($unsorted_str_obj) );
echo "Done";
*** Testing natcasesort() : object functionality ***
-- Testing natcasesort() by supplying various object arrays --
array(8) {
object(for_string_natcasesort)#%d (1) {
unicode(5) "apple"
object(for_string_natcasesort)#%d (1) {
unicode(5) "aPPle"
object(for_string_natcasesort)#%d (1) {
unicode(3) "axx"
object(for_string_natcasesort)#%d (1) {
unicode(5) "Lemon"
object(for_string_natcasesort)#%d (1) {
unicode(6) "Orange"
object(for_string_natcasesort)#%d (1) {
unicode(2) "py"
object(for_string_natcasesort)#%d (1) {
unicode(1) "t"
object(for_string_natcasesort)#%d (1) {
unicode(1) "w"