Arnaud Le Blanc 11accb5cdf
Preferably include from build dir (#13516)
* Include from build dir first

This fixes out of tree builds by ensuring that configure artifacts are included
from the build dir.

Before, out of tree builds would preferably include files from the src dir, as
the include path was defined as follows (ignoring includes from ext/ and sapi/) :


As a result, an out of tree build would include configure artifacts such as
`main/php_config.h` from the src dir.

After this change, the include path is defined as follows:


* Fix extension include path for out of tree builds

* Include config.h with the brackets form

`#include "config.h"` searches in the directory containing the including-file
before any other include path. This can include the wrong config.h when building
out of tree and a config.h exists in the source tree.

Using `#include <config.h>` uses exclusively the include path, and gives
priority to the build dir.
2024-06-26 00:26:43 +02:00

374 lines
15 KiB

| Copyright (c) The PHP Group |
| This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, |
| that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
| available through the world-wide-web at the following url: |
| |
| If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to |
| obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to |
| so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
| Authors: Niels Dossche <> |
#include <config.h>
#include "php.h"
#if defined(HAVE_LIBXML) && defined(HAVE_DOM)
#include "php_dom.h"
#include "html5_serializer.h"
#include "namespace_compat.h"
#include "serialize_common.h"
#include <lexbor/encoding/encoding.h>
/* This file implements the HTML 5 serialization algorithm.
* (Date 2023-12-14)
#define TRY(x) do { if (UNEXPECTED((x) != SUCCESS)) { return FAILURE; } } while (0)
static zend_result dom_html5_serialize_doctype(dom_html5_serialize_context *ctx, const xmlDtd *dtd)
TRY(ctx->write_string_len(ctx->application_data, "<!DOCTYPE ", strlen("<!DOCTYPE ")));
TRY(ctx->write_string(ctx->application_data, (const char *) dtd->name));
return ctx->write_string_len(ctx->application_data, ">", strlen(">"));
static zend_result dom_html5_serialize_comment(dom_html5_serialize_context *ctx, const xmlNode *node)
TRY(ctx->write_string_len(ctx->application_data, "<!--", strlen("<!--")));
TRY(ctx->write_string(ctx->application_data, (const char *) node->content));
return ctx->write_string_len(ctx->application_data, "-->", strlen("-->"));
static zend_result dom_html5_serialize_processing_instruction(dom_html5_serialize_context *ctx, const xmlNode *node)
TRY(ctx->write_string_len(ctx->application_data, "<?", strlen("<?")));
TRY(ctx->write_string(ctx->application_data, (const char *) node->name));
TRY(ctx->write_string_len(ctx->application_data, " ", strlen(" ")));
if (node->content) {
TRY(ctx->write_string(ctx->application_data, (const char *) node->content));
return ctx->write_string_len(ctx->application_data, ">", strlen(">"));
static zend_result dom_html5_serialize_entity_ref(dom_html5_serialize_context *ctx, const xmlNode *node)
TRY(ctx->write_string_len(ctx->application_data, "&", strlen("&")));
TRY(ctx->write_string(ctx->application_data, (const char *) node->name));
return ctx->write_string_len(ctx->application_data, ";", strlen(";"));
/* */
static zend_result dom_html5_escape_string(dom_html5_serialize_context *ctx, const char *content, bool attribute_mode)
const char *last_output = content;
/* Note: uses UTF-8 internally, so <C2 A0> indicates a non-breaking space */
const char *mask = attribute_mode ? "&\xC2\"" : "&\xC2<>";
while (true) {
size_t chunk_length = strcspn(content, mask);
content += chunk_length;
if (*content == '\0') {
switch (*content) {
/* Step 1 */
case '&': {
TRY(ctx->write_string_len(ctx->application_data, last_output, content - last_output));
TRY(ctx->write_string_len(ctx->application_data, "&amp;", strlen("&amp;")));
last_output = content + 1;
/* Step 2 (non-breaking space) (note: uses UTF-8 internally) */
case '\xC2': {
if (content[1] == '\xA0') {
TRY(ctx->write_string_len(ctx->application_data, last_output, content - last_output));
TRY(ctx->write_string_len(ctx->application_data, "&nbsp;", strlen("&nbsp;")));
content++; /* Consume A0 too */
last_output = content + 1;
/* Step 3 */
case '"': {
TRY(ctx->write_string_len(ctx->application_data, last_output, content - last_output));
TRY(ctx->write_string_len(ctx->application_data, "&quot;", strlen("&quot;")));
last_output = content + 1;
/* Step 4 */
case '<': {
TRY(ctx->write_string_len(ctx->application_data, last_output, content - last_output));
TRY(ctx->write_string_len(ctx->application_data, "&lt;", strlen("&lt;")));
last_output = content + 1;
case '>': {
TRY(ctx->write_string_len(ctx->application_data, last_output, content - last_output));
TRY(ctx->write_string_len(ctx->application_data, "&gt;", strlen("&gt;")));
last_output = content + 1;
return ctx->write_string_len(ctx->application_data, last_output, content - last_output);
static zend_result dom_html5_serialize_text_node(dom_html5_serialize_context *ctx, const xmlNode *node)
if (node->parent->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && php_dom_ns_is_fast(node->parent, php_dom_ns_is_html_magic_token)) {
const xmlNode *parent = node->parent;
size_t name_length = strlen((const char *) parent->name);
/* Spec tells us to only emit noscript content as-is if scripting is enabled.
* However, the user agent (PHP) does not support (JS) scripting.
* Furthermore, if actually consumed by a browser then we should err on the safe side and not emit the content as-is. */
if (dom_local_name_compare_ex(parent, "style", strlen("style"), name_length)
|| dom_local_name_compare_ex(parent, "script", strlen("script"), name_length)
|| dom_local_name_compare_ex(parent, "xmp", strlen("xmp"), name_length)
|| dom_local_name_compare_ex(parent, "iframe", strlen("iframe"), name_length)
|| dom_local_name_compare_ex(parent, "noembed", strlen("noembed"), name_length)
|| dom_local_name_compare_ex(parent, "noframes", strlen("noframes"), name_length)
|| dom_local_name_compare_ex(parent, "plaintext", strlen("plaintext"), name_length)) {
return ctx->write_string(ctx->application_data, (const char *) node->content);
return dom_html5_escape_string(ctx, (const char *) node->content, false);
static zend_result dom_html5_serialize_element_tag_name(dom_html5_serialize_context *ctx, const xmlNode *node)
/* Note: it is not the serializer's responsibility to care about uppercase/lowercase (see createElement() note) */
if (node->ns != NULL && node->ns->prefix != NULL
&& !(php_dom_ns_is_fast(node, php_dom_ns_is_html_magic_token) || php_dom_ns_is_fast(node, php_dom_ns_is_mathml_magic_token) || php_dom_ns_is_fast(node, php_dom_ns_is_svg_magic_token))) {
TRY(ctx->write_string(ctx->application_data, (const char *) node->ns->prefix));
TRY(ctx->write_string_len(ctx->application_data, ":", strlen(":")));
return ctx->write_string(ctx->application_data, (const char *) node->name);
static zend_result dom_html5_serialize_element_start(dom_html5_serialize_context *ctx, const xmlNode *node)
TRY(ctx->write_string_len(ctx->application_data, "<", strlen("<")));
TRY(dom_html5_serialize_element_tag_name(ctx, node));
/* We don't support the "is" value during element creation, so no handling here. */
for (const xmlAttr *attr = node->properties; attr; attr = attr->next) {
TRY(ctx->write_string_len(ctx->application_data, " ", strlen(" ")));
if (attr->ns == NULL) {
TRY(ctx->write_string(ctx->application_data, (const char *) attr->name));
} else {
if (php_dom_ns_is_fast((const xmlNode *) attr, php_dom_ns_is_xml_magic_token)) {
TRY(ctx->write_string_len(ctx->application_data, "xml:", strlen("xml:")));
TRY(ctx->write_string(ctx->application_data, (const char *) attr->name));
} else if (php_dom_ns_is_fast((const xmlNode *) attr, php_dom_ns_is_xmlns_magic_token)) {
/* Compatibility for real attributes */
if (strcmp((const char *) attr->name, "xmlns") == 0) {
TRY(ctx->write_string_len(ctx->application_data, "xmlns", strlen("xmlns")));
} else {
TRY(ctx->write_string_len(ctx->application_data, "xmlns:", strlen("xmlns:")));
TRY(ctx->write_string(ctx->application_data, (const char *) attr->name));
} else if (php_dom_ns_is_fast((const xmlNode *) attr, php_dom_ns_is_xlink_magic_token)) {
TRY(ctx->write_string_len(ctx->application_data, "xlink:", strlen("xlink:")));
TRY(ctx->write_string(ctx->application_data, (const char *) attr->name));
} else if (attr->ns->prefix == NULL) {
TRY(ctx->write_string(ctx->application_data, (const char *) attr->name));
} else {
TRY(ctx->write_string(ctx->application_data, (const char *) attr->ns->prefix));
TRY(ctx->write_string_len(ctx->application_data, ":", strlen(":")));
TRY(ctx->write_string(ctx->application_data, (const char *) attr->name));
TRY(ctx->write_string_len(ctx->application_data, "=\"", strlen("=\"")));
for (xmlNodePtr child = attr->children; child != NULL; child = child->next) {
if (child->type == XML_TEXT_NODE) {
if (child->content != NULL) {
TRY(dom_html5_escape_string(ctx, (const char *) child->content, true));
} else if (child->type == XML_ENTITY_REF_NODE) {
TRY(ctx->write_string_len(ctx->application_data, "&", strlen("&")));
TRY(dom_html5_escape_string(ctx, (const char *) child->name, true));
TRY(ctx->write_string_len(ctx->application_data, ";", strlen(";")));
TRY(ctx->write_string_len(ctx->application_data, "\"", strlen("\"")));
return ctx->write_string_len(ctx->application_data, ">", strlen(">"));
/* Note: "continue on to the next child if the element is void" is handled in the iteration and dom_html5_serialize_element_end() */
* */
static bool dom_html5_serializes_as_void(const xmlNode *node)
if (php_dom_ns_is_fast(node, php_dom_ns_is_html_magic_token)) {
size_t name_length = strlen((const char *) node->name);
if (/* These are the void elements from */
dom_local_name_compare_ex(node, "area", strlen("area"), name_length)
|| dom_local_name_compare_ex(node, "base", strlen("base"), name_length)
|| dom_local_name_compare_ex(node, "br", strlen("br"), name_length)
|| dom_local_name_compare_ex(node, "col", strlen("col"), name_length)
|| dom_local_name_compare_ex(node, "embed", strlen("embed"), name_length)
|| dom_local_name_compare_ex(node, "hr", strlen("hr"), name_length)
|| dom_local_name_compare_ex(node, "img", strlen("img"), name_length)
|| dom_local_name_compare_ex(node, "input", strlen("input"), name_length)
|| dom_local_name_compare_ex(node, "link", strlen("link"), name_length)
|| dom_local_name_compare_ex(node, "meta", strlen("meta"), name_length)
|| dom_local_name_compare_ex(node, "source", strlen("source"), name_length)
|| dom_local_name_compare_ex(node, "track", strlen("track"), name_length)
|| dom_local_name_compare_ex(node, "wbr", strlen("wbr"), name_length)
/* These are the additional names from */
|| dom_local_name_compare_ex(node, "basefont", strlen("basefont"), name_length)
|| dom_local_name_compare_ex(node, "bgsound", strlen("bgsound"), name_length)
|| dom_local_name_compare_ex(node, "frame", strlen("frame"), name_length)
|| dom_local_name_compare_ex(node, "keygen", strlen("keygen"), name_length)
|| dom_local_name_compare_ex(node, "param", strlen("param"), name_length)) {
return true;
return false;
static zend_result dom_html5_serialize_element_end(dom_html5_serialize_context *ctx, const xmlNode *node)
if (!dom_html5_serializes_as_void(node)) {
TRY(ctx->write_string_len(ctx->application_data, "</", strlen("</")));
TRY(dom_html5_serialize_element_tag_name(ctx, node));
return ctx->write_string_len(ctx->application_data, ">", strlen(">"));
return SUCCESS;
/* */
static zend_result dom_html5_serialize_node(dom_html5_serialize_context *ctx, const xmlNode *node, const xmlNode *bound)
while (node != NULL) {
switch (node->type) {
case XML_DTD_NODE: {
TRY(dom_html5_serialize_doctype(ctx, (const xmlDtd *) node));
TRY(dom_html5_serialize_text_node(ctx, node));
case XML_PI_NODE: {
TRY(dom_html5_serialize_processing_instruction(ctx, node));
TRY(dom_html5_serialize_comment(ctx, node));
TRY(dom_html5_serialize_element_start(ctx, node));
if (node->children) {
if (!dom_html5_serializes_as_void(node)) {
node = node->children;
} else {
/* Not descended, so wouldn't put the closing tag as it's normally only done when going back upwards. */
TRY(dom_html5_serialize_element_end(ctx, node));
/* Only exists for compatibility with XML and old DOM. */
TRY(dom_html5_serialize_entity_ref(ctx, node));
if (node->next) {
node = node->next;
} else {
/* Go upwards, until we find a parent node with a next sibling, or until we hit the bound. */
do {
node = node->parent;
if (node == bound) {
return SUCCESS;
if (node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
TRY(dom_html5_serialize_element_end(ctx, node));
} while (node->next == NULL);
node = node->next;
return SUCCESS;
/* Note: this serializes the _children_, excluding the node itself! */
zend_result dom_html5_serialize(dom_html5_serialize_context *ctx, const xmlNode *node)
/* Step 1. Note that this algorithm serializes children. Only elements, documents, and fragments can have children. */
if (node->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE
&& node->type != XML_DOCUMENT_FRAG_NODE
&& node->type != XML_DOCUMENT_NODE
&& node->type != XML_HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE) {
return SUCCESS;
if (node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && dom_html5_serializes_as_void(node)) {
return SUCCESS;
/* Step 2 not needed because we're not using a string to store the serialized data */
/* Step 3 not needed because we don't support template contents yet */
/* Step 4 */
return dom_html5_serialize_node(ctx, node->children, node);
/* Variant on the above that is equivalent to the "outer HTML". */
zend_result dom_html5_serialize_outer(dom_html5_serialize_context *ctx, const xmlNode *node)
if (node->type == XML_DOCUMENT_NODE || node->type == XML_HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE || node->type == XML_DOCUMENT_FRAG_NODE) {
node = node->children;
if (!node) {
return SUCCESS;
return dom_html5_serialize_node(ctx, node, node->parent);
} else {
xmlNodePtr old_next = node->next;
((xmlNodePtr) node)->next = NULL;
zend_result result = dom_html5_serialize_node(ctx, node, node->parent);
((xmlNodePtr) node)->next = old_next;
return result;
#endif /* HAVE_LIBXML && HAVE_DOM */