2002-06-07 15:07:55 +00:00

97 lines
3.7 KiB

/* Copyright Abandoned 1996 TCX DataKonsult AB & Monty Program KB & Detron HB
This file is public domain and comes with NO WARRANTY of any kind */
/* Error messages for MySQL clients */
/* error messages for the demon is in share/language/errmsg.sys */
#include <global.h>
#include <my_sys.h>
#include "errmsg.h"
#ifdef GERMAN
const char *client_errors[]=
"Unbekannter MySQL Fehler",
"Kann UNIX-Socket nicht anlegen (%d)",
"Keine Verbindung zu lokalem MySQL Server, socket: '%-.64s' (%d)",
"Keine Verbindung zu MySQL Server auf %-.64s (%d)",
"Kann TCP/IP-Socket nicht anlegen (%d)",
"Unbekannter MySQL Server Host (%-.64s) (%d)",
"MySQL Server nicht vorhanden",
"Protokolle ungleich. Server Version = % d Client Version = %d",
"MySQL client got out of memory",
"Wrong host info",
"Localhost via UNIX socket",
"%-.64s via TCP/IP",
"Error in server handshake",
"Lost connection to MySQL server during query",
"Commands out of sync; You can't run this command now",
"Verbindung ueber Named Pipe; Host: %-.64s",
"Kann nicht auf Named Pipe warten. Host: %-.64s pipe: %-.32s (%lu)",
"Kann Named Pipe nicht oeffnen. Host: %-.64s pipe: %-.32s (%lu)",
"Kann den Status der Named Pipe nicht setzen. Host: %-.64s pipe: %-.32s (%lu)",
"Can't initialize character set %-.64s (path: %-.64s)",
"Got packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet'"
/* Start of code added by Roberto M. Serqueira - - 05.24.2001 */
#elif defined PORTUGUESE
const char *client_errors[]=
"Erro desconhecido do MySQL",
"Não pode criar 'UNIX socket' (%d)",
"Não pode se conectar ao servidor MySQL local através do 'socket' '%-.64s' (%d)",
"Não pode se conectar ao servidor MySQL em '%-.64s' (%d)",
"Não pode criar 'socket TCP/IP' (%d)",
"'Host' servidor MySQL '%-.64s' (%d) desconhecido",
"Servidor MySQL desapareceu",
"Incompatibilidade de protocolos. Versão do Servidor: %d - Versão do Cliente: %d",
"Cliente do MySQL com falta de memória",
"Informação inválida de 'host'",
"Localhost via 'UNIX socket'",
"%-.64s via 'TCP/IP'",
"Erro na negociação de acesso ao servidor",
"Conexão perdida com servidor MySQL durante 'query'",
"Comandos fora de sincronismo. Você não pode executar este comando agora",
"%-.64s via 'named pipe'",
"Não pode esperar pelo 'named pipe' para o 'host' %-.64s - 'pipe' %-.32s (%lu)",
"Não pode abrir 'named pipe' para o 'host' %-.64s - 'pipe' %-.32s (%lu)",
"Não pode estabelecer o estado do 'named pipe' para o 'host' %-.64s - 'pipe' %-.32s (%lu)",
"Não pode inicializar conjunto de caracteres %-.64s (caminho %-.64s)",
"Obteve pacote maior do que 'max_allowed_packet'"
#else /* ENGLISH */
const char *client_errors[]=
"Unknown MySQL error",
"Can't create UNIX socket (%d)",
"Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '%-.64s' (%d)",
"Can't connect to MySQL server on '%-.64s' (%d)",
"Can't create TCP/IP socket (%d)",
"Unknown MySQL Server Host '%-.64s' (%d)",
"MySQL server has gone away",
"Protocol mismatch. Server Version = %d Client Version = %d",
"MySQL client run out of memory",
"Wrong host info",
"Localhost via UNIX socket",
"%-.64s via TCP/IP",
"Error in server handshake",
"Lost connection to MySQL server during query",
"Commands out of sync; You can't run this command now",
"%-.64s via named pipe",
"Can't wait for named pipe to host: %-.64s pipe: %-.32s (%lu)",
"Can't open named pipe to host: %-.64s pipe: %-.32s (%lu)",
"Can't set state of named pipe to host: %-.64s pipe: %-.32s (%lu)",
"Can't initialize character set %-.64s (path: %-.64s)",
"Got packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet'"
void init_client_errs(void)
my_errmsg[CLIENT_ERRMAP] = &client_errors[0];