Kalle Sommer Nielsen caf1a0686b Fix tests
2009-03-08 06:19:40 +00:00

528 lines
10 KiB

Test explode() function
/* Prototype: array explode ( string $delimiter, string $string [, int $limit] );
Description: Returns an array of strings, each of which is a substring of string
formed by splitting it on boundaries formed by the string delimiter.
If limit is set, the returned array will contain a maximum of limit
elements with the last element containing the rest of string.
echo "*** Testing explode() for basic operations ***\n";
$delimiters = array (
"", // len=0
"abcd", // string
0, // zero
TRUE, // boolean value
-1, // negative integer
-11.23, // double
4, // positive integer
$string = "1234NULL23abcd00000TRUEFALSE-11.234444true-11.24%PHP%ZEND";
/* loop prints an array of strings, each of which is a substring of $string
formed by splitting it on boundaries formed by the string $delimiter.
$counter = 1;
foreach($delimiters as $delimiter) {
echo "-- Iteration $counter --\n";
var_dump( explode($delimiter, $string, -1) );
var_dump( explode($delimiter, $string, 0) );
var_dump( explode($delimiter, $string, 1) );
var_dump( explode($delimiter, $string, 2) );
echo "\n*** Testing explode() with miscelleneous input arguments ***\n";
echo "\n-- Passing positive values of Limit to explode() --\n";
/* LIMIT=2 */
var_dump( explode("::", "mon::tues::wed::thurs::fri::sat::sun", 2) );
/* checking for LIMIT =0,1 */
echo "\n-- Passing limit values 0 and 1 to explode() --\n";
var_dump( explode(":", "Name:Phone:Address:City:State", 0) );
var_dump( explode(":", "Name:Phone:Address:City:State", 1) );
/* to check the maximum limit of string that can be given with limit<=0,
default size is 50 but increases dynamically */
echo "\n*** Testing explode() for maximum limit of string with Limit = -1 ***\n";
var_dump( explode(":", "1:2:3:4:5:6:7:7:5:6:7:3:4:5:2:8:9:0:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:55:5:5:5%:%:%:%:5:5:5:%:%:5:5:5:5:5%:%:%:55:1:1", -1) );
echo "\n*** Testing explode() with string variations as input argument ***\n";
/* String with escape characters */
echo "\n-- Testing string with escape characters --\n";
var_dump( explode("\t\n", "1234\t\n5678\n\t9100") );
var_dump( explode("\r", "1234\rabcd\r5678\rrstu") );
/* String with embedded NULL */
echo "\n-- Testing string with embedded NULL --\n";
var_dump( explode("\x00", "abcd\x0n1234\x0005678\x0000efgh\xijkl") );
var_dump( explode("\0", "abcd\0efgh\0ijkl\x00mnop\x000qrst\00uvwx\000yz") );
/* Checking OBJECTS type */
echo "\n*** Testing explode() with objects ***\n";
class string1 {
public function __toString() {
return "Object";
$obj = new string1;
var_dump( explode("b", $obj) );
echo "\n*** Testing error conditions ***\n";
/* checking for arguments <2 and >3 */
var_dump( explode(":", "array1:array2:array3", -1, -33) );
var_dump( explode(":") );
echo "Done\n";
*** Testing explode() for basic operations ***
-- Iteration 1 --
Warning: explode(): Empty delimiter in %s on line %d
Warning: explode(): Empty delimiter in %s on line %d
Warning: explode(): Empty delimiter in %s on line %d
Warning: explode(): Empty delimiter in %s on line %d
-- Iteration 2 --
Warning: explode(): Empty delimiter in %s on line %d
Warning: explode(): Empty delimiter in %s on line %d
Warning: explode(): Empty delimiter in %s on line %d
Warning: explode(): Empty delimiter in %s on line %d
-- Iteration 3 --
array(2) {
unicode(10) "1234NULL23"
unicode(43) "00000TRUEFALSE-11.234444true-11.24%PHP%ZEND"
array(1) {
unicode(57) "1234NULL23abcd00000TRUEFALSE-11.234444true-11.24%PHP%ZEND"
array(1) {
unicode(57) "1234NULL23abcd00000TRUEFALSE-11.234444true-11.24%PHP%ZEND"
array(2) {
unicode(10) "1234NULL23"
unicode(43) "00000TRUEFALSE-11.234444true-11.24%PHP%ZEND"
-- Iteration 4 --
array(6) {
unicode(14) "1234NULL23abcd"
unicode(0) ""
unicode(0) ""
unicode(0) ""
unicode(0) ""
unicode(38) "TRUEFALSE-11.234444true-11.24%PHP%ZEND"
array(1) {
unicode(57) "1234NULL23abcd00000TRUEFALSE-11.234444true-11.24%PHP%ZEND"
array(1) {
unicode(57) "1234NULL23abcd00000TRUEFALSE-11.234444true-11.24%PHP%ZEND"
array(2) {
unicode(14) "1234NULL23abcd"
unicode(42) "0000TRUEFALSE-11.234444true-11.24%PHP%ZEND"
-- Iteration 5 --
array(6) {
unicode(14) "1234NULL23abcd"
unicode(0) ""
unicode(0) ""
unicode(0) ""
unicode(0) ""
unicode(38) "TRUEFALSE-11.234444true-11.24%PHP%ZEND"
array(1) {
unicode(57) "1234NULL23abcd00000TRUEFALSE-11.234444true-11.24%PHP%ZEND"
array(1) {
unicode(57) "1234NULL23abcd00000TRUEFALSE-11.234444true-11.24%PHP%ZEND"
array(2) {
unicode(14) "1234NULL23abcd"
unicode(42) "0000TRUEFALSE-11.234444true-11.24%PHP%ZEND"
-- Iteration 6 --
array(6) {
unicode(0) ""
unicode(28) "234NULL23abcd00000TRUEFALSE-"
unicode(0) ""
unicode(12) ".234444true-"
unicode(0) ""
unicode(12) ".24%PHP%ZEND"
array(1) {
unicode(57) "1234NULL23abcd00000TRUEFALSE-11.234444true-11.24%PHP%ZEND"
array(1) {
unicode(57) "1234NULL23abcd00000TRUEFALSE-11.234444true-11.24%PHP%ZEND"
array(2) {
unicode(0) ""
unicode(56) "234NULL23abcd00000TRUEFALSE-11.234444true-11.24%PHP%ZEND"
-- Iteration 7 --
Warning: explode(): Empty delimiter in %s on line %d
Warning: explode(): Empty delimiter in %s on line %d
Warning: explode(): Empty delimiter in %s on line %d
Warning: explode(): Empty delimiter in %s on line %d
-- Iteration 8 --
array(3) {
unicode(28) "1234NULL23abcd00000TRUEFALSE"
unicode(12) "1.234444true"
unicode(13) "1.24%PHP%ZEND"
array(1) {
unicode(57) "1234NULL23abcd00000TRUEFALSE-11.234444true-11.24%PHP%ZEND"
array(1) {
unicode(57) "1234NULL23abcd00000TRUEFALSE-11.234444true-11.24%PHP%ZEND"
array(2) {
unicode(28) "1234NULL23abcd00000TRUEFALSE"
unicode(27) "1.234444true-11.24%PHP%ZEND"
-- Iteration 9 --
array(2) {
unicode(28) "1234NULL23abcd00000TRUEFALSE"
unicode(23) "4444true-11.24%PHP%ZEND"
array(1) {
unicode(57) "1234NULL23abcd00000TRUEFALSE-11.234444true-11.24%PHP%ZEND"
array(1) {
unicode(57) "1234NULL23abcd00000TRUEFALSE-11.234444true-11.24%PHP%ZEND"
array(2) {
unicode(28) "1234NULL23abcd00000TRUEFALSE"
unicode(23) "4444true-11.24%PHP%ZEND"
-- Iteration 10 --
array(7) {
unicode(3) "123"
unicode(30) "NULL23abcd00000TRUEFALSE-11.23"
unicode(0) ""
unicode(0) ""
unicode(0) ""
unicode(9) "true-11.2"
unicode(9) "%PHP%ZEND"
array(1) {
unicode(57) "1234NULL23abcd00000TRUEFALSE-11.234444true-11.24%PHP%ZEND"
array(1) {
unicode(57) "1234NULL23abcd00000TRUEFALSE-11.234444true-11.24%PHP%ZEND"
array(2) {
unicode(3) "123"
unicode(53) "NULL23abcd00000TRUEFALSE-11.234444true-11.24%PHP%ZEND"
-- Iteration 11 --
array(3) {
unicode(48) "1234NULL23abcd00000TRUEFALSE-11.234444true-11.24"
unicode(3) "PHP"
unicode(4) "ZEND"
array(1) {
unicode(57) "1234NULL23abcd00000TRUEFALSE-11.234444true-11.24%PHP%ZEND"
array(1) {
unicode(57) "1234NULL23abcd00000TRUEFALSE-11.234444true-11.24%PHP%ZEND"
array(2) {
unicode(48) "1234NULL23abcd00000TRUEFALSE-11.234444true-11.24"
unicode(8) "PHP%ZEND"
*** Testing explode() with miscelleneous input arguments ***
-- Passing positive values of Limit to explode() --
array(2) {
unicode(3) "mon"
unicode(31) "tues::wed::thurs::fri::sat::sun"
-- Passing limit values 0 and 1 to explode() --
array(1) {
unicode(29) "Name:Phone:Address:City:State"
array(1) {
unicode(29) "Name:Phone:Address:City:State"
*** Testing explode() for maximum limit of string with Limit = -1 ***
array(52) {
unicode(1) "1"
unicode(1) "2"
unicode(1) "3"
unicode(1) "4"
unicode(1) "5"
unicode(1) "6"
unicode(1) "7"
unicode(1) "7"
unicode(1) "5"
unicode(1) "6"
unicode(1) "7"
unicode(1) "3"
unicode(1) "4"
unicode(1) "5"
unicode(1) "2"
unicode(1) "8"
unicode(1) "9"
unicode(1) "0"
unicode(1) "5"
unicode(1) "5"
unicode(1) "5"
unicode(1) "5"
unicode(1) "5"
unicode(1) "5"
unicode(1) "5"
unicode(1) "5"
unicode(1) "5"
unicode(1) "5"
unicode(1) "5"
unicode(1) "5"
unicode(2) "55"
unicode(1) "5"
unicode(1) "5"
unicode(2) "5%"
unicode(1) "%"
unicode(1) "%"
unicode(1) "%"
unicode(1) "5"
unicode(1) "5"
unicode(1) "5"
unicode(1) "%"
unicode(1) "%"
unicode(1) "5"
unicode(1) "5"
unicode(1) "5"
unicode(1) "5"
unicode(2) "5%"
unicode(1) "%"
unicode(1) "%"
unicode(2) "55"
unicode(1) "1"
unicode(1) "1"
*** Testing explode() with string variations as input argument ***
-- Testing string with escape characters --
array(2) {
unicode(4) "1234"
unicode(10) "5678
array(4) {
unicode(4) "1234"
unicode(4) "abcd"
unicode(4) "5678"
unicode(4) "rstu"
-- Testing string with embedded NULL --
array(4) {
unicode(4) "abcd"
unicode(5) "n1234"
unicode(5) "05678"
unicode(12) "00efgh\xijkl"
array(7) {
unicode(4) "abcd"
unicode(4) "efgh"
unicode(4) "ijkl"
unicode(4) "mnop"
unicode(5) "0qrst"
unicode(4) "uvwx"
unicode(2) "yz"
*** Testing explode() with objects ***
array(2) {
unicode(1) "O"
unicode(4) "ject"
*** Testing error conditions ***
Warning: explode() expects at most 3 parameters, 4 given in %s on line %d
Warning: explode() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given in %s on line %d