2020-06-05 15:15:51 +02:00

55 lines
924 B

Constructor promotiong mixed with other properties, parameters and code
class Test {
public string $prop2;
public function __construct(public string $prop1 = "", $param2 = "") {
$this->prop2 = $prop1 . $param2;
var_dump(new Test("Foo", "Bar"));
echo "\n";
echo new ReflectionClass(Test::class), "\n";
object(Test)#1 (2) {
string(6) "FooBar"
string(3) "Foo"
Class [ <user> class Test ] {
@@ %s
- Constants [0] {
- Static properties [0] {
- Static methods [0] {
- Properties [2] {
Property [ public string $prop2 ]
Property [ public string $prop1 ]
- Methods [1] {
Method [ <user, ctor> public method __construct ] {
@@ %s
- Parameters [2] {
Parameter #0 [ <optional> string $prop1 = '' ]
Parameter #1 [ <optional> $param2 = '' ]